Northern Highlands Regional High School

Study GuideTest 2 of 1st SemesterExploring Language1. The 2nd Test of 1st Semester will be held on Dec 11.2. The test will have the following question types: Multiple choices; Yes/No question, Answer short questions, Fill-ins3. Please study the following content for the test. Zodiac Animals: What is your zodiac sign?Please find your zodiac sign based on your class notes.How many zodiac animals are in the cycle? Can you name some of them? (at least five)12 Mouse, cow, tiger, dragon, sheep, rooster, rabbit, horse, snake, pig, monkey, dogIs the cat in the cycle?noKnow the story behind the how the zodiac animals came about.The god decided to have a race for the year of cycle, so 13 animalsraced for the competition. Rat pushed cat to the river, so the cat was left behind. The 12 zodiac animals are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.Sample Questions: 1) Which animal is not in the cycle of zodiac animals? Ca) dog b) cow c) cat2) How many animals in the cycle of Chinese zodiac animals? Ba) 10 b) 12 c) 8Chinese naming system?Each native Chinese name has a particular meaning which usually expresses what parents or grandparents wish the name owner to be or to do. That is naming culture in China.?There is no middle name in Chinese naming system.?It is considered bad form to name a child after a famous person.Similarly, owing to the traditional naming taboos, it is very uncommon in China to name a child directly after a relative.?Siblings' names are frequently related.?It is the norm that a married woman keeps her name unchanged, without adopting her husband's surname.Sample Questions:True or false:1) Like American people, Chinese people also have middle names. F2) Chinese people like to name their children after some famous people or relatives. F3) Chinese people put their last names before their first names. TChinese New YearKnow what the color red symbolizes.Good luck.Know when is Chinese New Year based on a lunar calendar and the Gregorian calendar?Lunar calendar: Jan 1-15Gregorian calendar: generally between the end of Jan and beginning of FeburaryKnow the story of Nian Monster. What is Nian Monster scared of?Nian was a monster that came out during New Year Eve, it ate people at thattime. So, later people found the three things can scare it away:a.Fireworks b. Loud Noises c. The color of red.What activities do people do during Chinese New Year?Family reunion, wearing in red, dragon dance, lion dance, house cleaning, giving Hongbao as gifts, eat dumping and fishWhat are the rituals for house work? Why is it important?People keep their trash at home for five days during New Year. Then they canmaintain their household prosperity.What are the foods eaten on that day and why? “Dumplings”- prosperity; “Fish” – Keep prosperity for the rest of the year; What gift do people give to young children? Why?Hongbao: red envelope which has money insideTo project kids from sicknessSample Questions:1) Whom do people give the red envelope to? Why? Hongbao: red envelope which has money insideTo project kids from sickness2) What special food do Chinese people eat during Chinese New Year? Why?“Dumplings”- prosperity; “Fish” – Keep prosperity for the rest of the year; 3) Why people wear in red in Chinese New Year?To have good luck.Please name the following activities which Chinese people do in Chinese New Year.Family reunion, wearing in red, dragon dance, lion dance, house cleaning, giving Hongbao as gifts, eat dumping and fishCities of ChinaKnow some important cities of China and their location.Beijing: NortheastShanghai: EastHong Kong: SouthXi’an: MiddleKnow some neighboring countries of China.Japan, Korea, Russia, Mongolia, Vietnam, Thailand, India Know some famous tourist places in the following cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an, Hong Kong.Beijing: Forbidden City, Bird’s nest, Great Wall, Tiananmen SquareShanghai: The Bund, Oriental Pearl TowerHong Kong: Victoria HarborXi’an: Terracotta WarriorsHow long is Great Wall?4000 milesHow many years did people spend on building up Great Wall?2000 yearWhich emperor started to build up Great Wall?Qin Shi HuangWhat is the symbol of Shanghai?Oriental Pearl TowerWhat is the name of Olympic stadium of Beijing?Bird’s NestWhat is the fastest train in the world?Maglev trainWhat were Terracotta Warriors used for?To ready to serve the emperor in the afterlife. Which country was Hong Kong ceded to ?U.K.When did Hong Kong return to China?1997Sample questions: True or false?1) Beijing is the biggest city of China. F2) Terracotta Warriors were found in Beijing. F3) Hong Kong was ceded to U.K. TPlease name the tourist sites associated with the following pictures. Vitoria Harbor Terracotta Warriors Oriental Pearl Tower ................

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