Date 6/8/16? PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINESYesterday's Prophecies - Today's HeadlinesHEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH?TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY and Putin meet as Russia calls for new Israeli-Palestinian talks Putin backs 'just' solution to Israeli-Palestinian conflictPutin: 'Relations with Israel are deep'Israel's Netanyahu frequents Russia as U.S. influence in Mideast recedesIn Russian media blitz, PM warns Israel won't let Iran open Golan frontRice promises Israel 'largest military aid package in history'Erekat blasts Rivlin for visiting 'illegal settlements'Minister: Empty West Bank Area C of Palestinians, annex itIsraeli Electric Corporation to up supply to Gaza to avoid pollutionReport: Israeli Air Force attacked Syrian weapons facility over weekend US effectively siding with Al-Qaeda in desire to get rid of Assad - former UK ambassador to Syria Defiant Bashar al-Assad Vows to Retake 'Every Inch' of SyriaUN says Syria blocking food aid; seeks airlift approvalISIS burns 19 Yazidi women alive in a cage11 killed, 36 injured in bomb attack on police vehicle in Istanbul - governor Turkey's Erdogan says fight against terrorists to continue to the endEgyptAir flight lands in Uzbekistan after bomb threatPastor's Wife Stabbed to Death in Nigeria for Allegedly Insulting Prophet Muhammad'Since I became a Christian I fear no one': Refugee explains mass conversions from Islam UK Gov't Has No Problem Bringing In Refugees - As Long As They Aren't ChristianChristians In Italy Told To 'Pray In Silence... Don't Disturb The Migrants'Migrants linked to 69,000 would-be or actual crimes in Germany in first three months of 2016: policeIllegal immigrants kidnapping children to sneak into U.S. as 'family units,' feds sayMexican security forces committed crimes against humanity Disenchantment with E.U. Grows, Poll FindsThe Web's Creator Looks to Reinvent ItWorld's wealthiest people just got 5.2% wealthier Nearly half of DC employers said they have laid off workers, reduced hours due to minimum wage hikesTarget shares plunge as sales fall, outlook spooks StreetVenezuelans pick through trash for food to eat or sellMonkey knocks out Kenya's entire power grid after 'falling onto transformer at electricity plant' North Korea restarts plutonium production for nuclear bombs - U.S. officialU.S.: Chinese jet makes 'unsafe' intercept of Air Force planeRussia deploys troops westward as standoff with NATO deepensRussia's tensions with the West 'are a distraction from efforts to prevent a dirty bomb attack,' say nuclear experts Russia says will resume selling gas to Ukraine6.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Kota Ternate, Indonesia6.2 magnitude earthquake hits near San Patricio, Mexico5.5 magnitude earthquake hits near San Patricio, Mexico5.5 magnitude earthquake hits South of the Fiji Islands 5.1 magnitude earthquake hits near Shikotan, RussiaKerinci volcano in Indonesia erupts to 14,000ftSinabung volcano in Indonesia erupts to 11,000ftIndia's Crippling Heat Wave Continues With Temperatures Over 116FSnow in June? It's Forecast for the AdirondacksSea lice popping up along Florida beachesGreg Rutherford freezes sperm over Olympics Zika fears Thailand becomes first Asian nation to wipe out mother-to-child HIV spreadChinese scientists change sheep color by gene editingGov. Fallin signs 'Humanity of the Unborn Child Act' into law'Christian Rocker' Left Wife, Children After Embracing Homosexuality Solution in search of a problem: Critics say rise of transgender rights driven by politicsObama says he's not to blame for transgender bathroom issueNYC spends $265G to urge people to use restroom of their choiceA man tried to kidnap a 13-year-old girl - "He truly intended to abduct this child right in front of everyone in the store."Attacks On Albinos Grow In Malawi As Body Parts Are Sold For WitchcraftPROPHECY UPDATE NEWSLETTERSTAY INFORMED, GET EQUIPPED, BE ENCOURAGEDPre-Millennium - Pre-Tribulation - PrePARED*If you missed an issue or did not receive your daily copy - All Newsletters are archived at:?? TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...?Featured Article: The Coming Cashless Society: Big Brother & the Mark of the Beast??Putin to Netanyahu: Israel, Russia 'unconditional allies' in war against terror??IDF working 24/7 to shore up "insufficient" defenses on Lebanese border?ISIS launches Ramadan with terror strike in Jordan?Nearing Midnight: The Rapture Barrier??Is Hillary Clinton the Athaliah of Our Generation? Just Check Out What One Eyewitness Is Saying...??Daily Jot: The American Christian and the war against faith?Daily Devotion: A Powerful Testimony to a Watching World?The Coming Cashless Society: Big Brother & the Mark of the Beast - By Paul McGuire - is the first nation in the world to embrace a cashless society, where according to the central bank, Riksbank, cash transactions made up only 2% of the value of all payments last year. Swedish economists believe that by 2020 cash transactions will be only 0.5%.?Various apps like Swish and the Danish app, MobilePay, are being used to make purchases from various street vendor sales and even to give church donations. According a Guardian article, "Sweden leads race to become cashless society," by Jon Henley dated June 4, 2016, "Swedes are blazing the trail in Europe, with banks, buses, street vendors and even churches expecting plastic or virtual payment." ?Promoters of a cashless society point out that there are countless benefits, such as control, tracking, and identification of criminals, along with the ability to block deposits, purchases, and withdrawals. In 2014, Cass Sunstein, the "regulatory czar," former head of the office of Information and Regulatory Affair (OIRA), promoted the idea that a cashless society would reduce street crime. Sunstein believed that there was a relationship between (EBT) Electronic Benefit Transfer system for welfare benefits and a drop in crime. Although there has been no proof that Sunstein's theory is true, in the spring of 2014, the Department of Justice came under fire for "Operation Choke Point," which was designed to shut down payday lenders and other merchant activities that were labeled "high-risk."??Sunstein appears to believe that society should be run by something resembling Plato's Philosopher King System, controlled by "elites" such as himself. In effect, our world already is ruled by a class of wealthy and powerful people who view themselves as the philosopher or god-kings described by the Greek Philosopher Plato, who had studied the legendary super-civilization of Atlantis. I outline the historical progression of this in A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016-2017.??Although Sunstein would not call himself a Marxist, his ideological beliefs are totalitarian in nature, such as the belief that people should be prevented from being exposed to different belief systems on the Internet. So it is no wonder that Cass Sunstein wrote an op-ed advocating a cashless society.?WATCH: ?According to an article written in the Atlantic magazine on April 8, 2016, "How a Cashless Society Could Embolden Big Brother," by Sarah Jeong, a bare list of bullet points put out by the FDIC include some of the following merchant categories associated with high-risk activity.?"Ammunition sales, Dating Services, Get Rich Products, Government Grants, Life-Time Memberships, Pharmaceutical Sales, Pornography, Pyramid-Type Sales, Surveillance Equipment, Travel Clubs, etc.?One major bank shut down the personal accounts of hundreds of "adult entertainers," which caused them to lose access to medical treatment, food and rent money.?Sarah Jeong wrote, ?"A cashless society promises a world of limitation, control, and surveillance, which the poorest American already have in abundance."?According to Jeong, EBT and the cashless society targets the most vulnerable people in our society. ?Interestingly, one of the most widely read books in human history, the Book Of Revelation, deals specifically with a global cashless society where no individual can buy or sell without receiving what is called "the mark of the beast," which appears to predict some kind of microchip implant with a computer-brain interface. This "mark of the beast" technology will only be distributed to individuals who have the required religious and political beliefs, making it an all-powerful global control system.?Despite the intellectual bias against the Book of Revelation even being looked at, the reality is that it brings up the themes of a cashless society and some kind of microchip over 2,000 years ago. The other thing that is interesting is that in order to receive this chip and participate in the economic system and be able to buy or sell, you must have specific beliefs. The specific condition is that you must choose to worship the charismatic world leader the Bible calls the Antichrist.?No matter what your previous religious beliefs were, you must renounce them and declare your worship of the Antichrist as God. This appears to specifically target Christians, in that they must renounce their belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and openly state that they will worship the Antichrist.? ?Over a century ago readers of this passage from Revelation Chapter 13 had a difficult time understanding exactly what the Mark of the Beast would be and how it would work. But now, in a world where nano-chip implants and computer-brain interfaces are evolving every day, it is easy to see how such a system could be put into place. Already a host of secular writers are warning of the Orwellian control that is coming through a cashless society. Could it be we are near the point where our political or religious belief system will determine whether or not we will be allowed to participate in the economic system? It is not too difficult to believe that in just a few short years microchip implants could be distributed on the basis of our political belief systems.?The microscopic chips are already being manufactured. The technology is already in place; all it would take is a legal order, either national or global. In order for that to happen, all it would take is some kind of national disaster, terrorist attack, or economic collapse. I explore the realities of how soon this could be coming in my book, "A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016 - 2017."Putin to Netanyahu: Israel, Russia 'unconditional allies' in war against terror - welcomes Turkey reconciliation efforts, pledges to work to end Israeli-Palestinian conflict.?Israel and Russia agreed to strengthen their regional military cooperation, when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin met face-to-face in the Kremlin on Tuesday.?The two leaders agreed to tightened their cooperation in the fight against terrorism and stressed the importance of ending regional violence such as in Syria. They also reiterated the importance of Israel ending its short-term conflict with Turkey and its long-standing one with the Palestinians.?"We discussed the continued coordination between our two militaries in the region, which already works quite well," Netanyahu told reporters at a joint press conference in the Kremlin with Putin after their meeting. ?It is their fourth meeting in the last year, and their third in Moscow. Both countries have air forces that are reportedly operational around the Syria region, and tight coordination is needed to ensure de-confliction. "We want to avoid conflict and make sure we are operating against those same entities that endanger everyone," Netanyahu said.?"We talked about the challenges to all civilized countries such as terrorism and radical Islam," Netanyahu added.?According to an English translation of Putin's words by the Tass News Agency, the Russian leader stated: "We spoke about the necessity to pool efforts to counter international terrorism. Israel knows only too well what it means and it is fighting against terrorism. In this sense, we are unconditional allies." ?The meetings are also a sign of the warming ties between Moscow and Jerusalem, as the two countries celebrate 25 years of diplomatic relations.?"Israel's doors are open to Russia and Russia's doors are open to Israel," Netanyahu told reporters earlier in the day.?He and Putin were photographed greeting each other warmly and shaking hands. There were no reports of the kind of tensions that have marked Netanyahu's meeting with US President Barack Obama.?Although the US remains Israel's chief military ally, it is not as active as Russia in the region and Netanyahu has had only one face-to-face meeting with Obama this year.?At their joint press conference Putin welcomed news that Israel and Turkey could be ready to re-establish full diplomatic ties after almost six years. He also spoke of the importance of creating a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.?Russia, which is a member of the Quartet and also holds one of five permanent seats on the UN Security Council, is actively involved in attempts to revive the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations which have been frozen for over two years.?But all past peace processes have been led by the US. There is some speculation that Israel could be open to increased Russian involvement on the Palestinian track in addition to its work with the Quartet.?"We speak for overwhelming and just settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict," Putin said. "Active joint efforts, including in the framework of the Middle East Quartet, are in demand now.?"Russia is ready to take part in that work," he added according to Tass.?On Wednesday Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov plans to meet with Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riad al-Malki, who will also be visiting Moscow, just as Netanyahu gets ready to fly back to Jerusalem.?Regional conflicts, however, were not the only item on Netanyahu and Putin's agenda. They also discussed increased energy cooperation, with Netanyahu assuring Putin that no legal limitations would be placed on Russian firms wanting to participate in Israeli energy projects.?But the two countries remain at odds over Moscow's ties with Tehran including the shipment of sophisticated weaponry to Iran, a country which has pledged to annihilate the Jewish state. Israel is particularly concerned that Iran is gaining a foothold in Syria.?In an interview with the Russian news agency Interfax, Netanyahu said, "We have made a point of staying out of the Syrian conflict, with two exceptions: treating wounded Syrians on a humanitarian basis and preventing Iran from using Syria to attack Israel or to transfer sophisticated weapons to Hezbollah. We don't know what will come of Syria, but in any arrangement, it cannot be an Iranian base for terrorism and aggression." ?Earlier in the day Netanyahu laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Lone Soldier and helped inaugurate an exhibit at Moscow's main Manege exhibition hall, "Open a Door to Israel," on innovation and technology.?Among those presenting made-in Israel products is a settler delegation organized by the Council of Jewish Communities of Judea and Samaria. Settlers have turned increasingly to Russia as an alternative friendly market for their products in response to the increasingly hostile climate toward them in Europe.?Netanyahu spoke in general of the warming Russian-Israeli ties at the exhibit.?"We are marking 25 years since the resumption of relations between us, and not only in culture and technology, but in so many other fields as well," he said, as he referenced the role that Russian immigrants play as a bridge between the two countries.?"There is also a human bridge of over one million Russian-speakers who are our bone and our flesh, but who also come as goodwill ambassadors of a deep sympathy, Israeli citizens who emigrated from the former USSR. "Those who were born and raised in the country absorbed much Russian culture and music," Netanyahu said . "There are bonds of sympathy and empathy between Israel and Russia, with a common past that has tragic chapters for both peoples, but also a very strong willingness to grasp and develop the future and move forward in creating a better future." ?When Putin first greeted Netanyahu he said, "We attach great importance to our contacts with Israel, not only because Israel is one of the key countries on the situation in the Middle East, but also due to historical relations between our countries," Putin said.?IDF working 24/7 to shore up 'insufficient' defenses on Lebanese border - By Judah Ari Gross - engineers put up walls, fences and create cliffs to protect Israeli communities from Hezbollah attacks?Within the next two years, Israel's border with Lebanon will be near unrecognizable from how it appears today, with reinforced security measures around the country's northern-most communities including changes to the topography itself, a senior military official said. ?"What we've had until today has been a barrier that is insufficient," the officer told The Times of Israel on Tuesday. "We need a serious barrier that will prevent someone from infiltrating and breaking into our communities and our territory."? ?The project to bolster the existing border fence will continue for several years to come in order to secure the area effectively, though most of the work will be completed within the next two years, according to the officer from the Israel Defense Forces' Northern Command.?The new border protection is designed to prevent Hezbollah or another terror group from infiltrating Israel to carry out attacks on civilians and soldiers.?"We are taking the statements being made by our enemies seriously. Hezbollah's [leader Hassan] Nasrallah regularly tells the press, 'We'll conquer the Galilee,' and things like that. We take that seriously," he said in the Northern Command's Safed headquarters.?Due to the sensitivity of his position, the officer asked not to be named.?"In the past, we looked at the Golan Heights and saw the Syrian army and the Assad regime so we built a 'glorious' barrier, with trenches and minefields. But on the Lebanese front, we didn't," he said.?The decision to change that situation was made after the 2006 Second Lebanon War with Hezbollah. It was not the result of any particular incident during the conflict, the officer stressed, but of a general change in mindset that brought the threats from Lebanon into greater focus within the IDF.?This effort to shore up the border, which came into full swing approximately two years ago, is part of a larger Combat Engineering Corps program with the straightforward name, "Organization of the Region for War," which is comprised of both the construction of these physical obstacles and training for any future conflict in Lebanon, the official said.?The border has been relatively quiet over the past year. In January, after Hezbollah terrorist Samir Kuntar was allegedly killed by Israel, the group detonated an IED near an Israeli army vehicle, which caused some damage, but did not injure any soldiers.?"We don't have any other plans other than maintaining quiet, and I hope that everyone understands that well, including our neighbors," Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said about the northern border on Tuesday.?"In any case, I don't recommend that anyone test us," he added.?So far, the combat engineering team has completed "dozens of kilometers of fences, kilometers of walls that were built, kilometers of cliffs that were hewn [from mountains]," he said, but there is still "a long way to go."?'There are some locations where they are working 24/7 - days, nights and weekends'?"Today, there are about 100 engineering vehicles on the border that are working at any given time. That's an insane amount, something we haven't seen in years," he said.?"We have a saying: No bulldozer stands idle," the official said. "There are some locations where they are working 24/7 - days, nights and weekends."?As the construction is taking place close to the Blue Line, the still contentious but mostly agreed upon border between Israel and Lebanon, the IDF coordinates its efforts with the United Nation's Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), which is supposed to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts between the two militaries.?That does not always work. In 2010, Lt. Col. Dov Harari was killed by a Lebanese army sniper as he led a team of soldiers to do some maintenance work on the Israeli side of the border.?"On the one hand, everything is coordinated. But we don't see UNIFIL as something that's designed to protect us. We know how to protect ourselves quite well," the officer said.?The goal of this long-term project is to eventually provide improved security all along the approximately 60 mile (100km) border, from "the sea to the mountain," the officer said, from Rosh Hanikra on the coast to the Golan Heights.?This overhaul is expected to ultimately cost approximately one billion shekels and is being completed with both military and civilian engineering teams, the official said.?"If we could do it with all military [teams], we would," he said. "But it's an issue of availability. The IDF is dealing with a few other fronts, you know."?The high cost, he explained, comes from the difficulty in operating on the rocky, mountainous terrain of the northern border.?"There's a difference between putting up a fence somewhere flat and putting up a fence where there are mountains, boulders, forests. It's a difficult piece of engineering. It takes a long time. And it takes money," he said.?"A fence in a flat area costs X; a fence in a mountainous area costs X multiplied by four. Those are more or less the real numbers," he said.?The project is not being conducted from east to west, but rather in order of vulnerability.?"We looked at the area and asked, 'Where are the weak spots?'" he said. "First and foremost, it's the communities next to the border, next to Lebanon. So we take care of them and then the rest of the area."?The Northern Command's combat engineers assessed each spot along the border and devised a security blueprint designed for its specific landscape features, the officer said.?For instance, Metulla, which is located directly adjacent the border fence and sits in a fairly open plain, is already protected by a more than 20-foot tall concrete wall, which will be further reinforced.?"But there are communities that are in mountainous areas, where the solution is [man-made] cliffs and clearing fields," he said.?The IDF is literally changing the landscape - lobbing off sections of mountains to create steep, unpassable cliffs so terrorists cannot enter Israel or clearing forests so that infiltrators have no place to hide.?"I was saying the other day, from space you can see the Great Wall of China, well you can already see what we're doing in Google Earth," the officer said.??ISIS launches Ramadan with terror strike in Jordan - all the possible places braced for ISIS terror attacks when Ramadan began, the first attack on the first day of the month-long fast was launched Monday, June 6, in Jordan. Five armed men, in two cars, attacked the Jordanian General Intelligence Command in the Baqaa Palestinian camp, near the capital Amman.??Three armed men left their car, while two remained at the wheel. The three entered the command building and opened fire, killing five intelligence personnel. They then retreated to their cars and drove away.??No organization took responsibility for the attack.?debkafile sources on terrorism report that this ranked as a classical terrorist operation, in which the killers appear suddenly, kill their prey and disappear without leaving traces.??For a country with advanced intelligence and counter terror agencies, which posts armed security personnel at every city corner and junction, backed by the presence of American special forces trained to fight terror targets, this attack was a grave warning.?How did they all come to be caught unawares???But this was not just a warning for Jordan but for Israel as well.??If armed groups, consisting of Palestinians who joined ISIS, are able to move freely around Jordan, without the local intelligence and security forces catching on, there is no guarantee that killer-squads will not cross the Jordanian-Israeli security fence or infiltrate Israel through the southern Arava border for terror attacks in Israel.??Even though Jordan tries to keep its war against ISIS low profile, the kingdom tops the jihadists' hit list, ahead even of the Euro-2016 games.??There are several reasons for this:?*The Jordanian intelligence' undercover units behind the front lines of the wars in Iraq and Syria feed the Americans on-site information on ISIS. Data of this high quality is unavailable from any other source.?*These units mark targets for US air strikes.?*Jordanian intelligence officers engage Sunni tribal chiefs across Iraqi and Syrian borders to persuade them to fight against ISIS. These Jordanian officers have joined the Sunni fighters in the battle for Fallujah in Iraq.?*Jordan, with US assistance, is now building one of the longest security fences, 442km, and the most advanced in the Middle East along all its borders with Iraq and Syria.?*The westernmost segment of this Jordanian border wall will also serve Israel. It will block off corridors running through the Syria-Jordan-Israel border junction and so hold back ISIS from infiltrating the Golan and the Sea of Galilee region.?*Jordan is the only Arab nation to send its air force against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq.?Just three months ago, on March, the Jordanian security forces raided the Irbid Palestinian refugee camp in northern Jordan, and tackled an ISIS cell set up in the camp, killing seven.??The recent terror attack shows that, while Jordanian intelligence and its special forces are deeply involved in the war against ISIS beyond Jordan's borders, the terror organization is gaining strength and abilities inside the kingdom, especially among the Palestinian population.We are not endorsing extreme prepping, but we do believe that we should always be prepared! We believe that the Bible teaches that the Church will be removed before the Tribulation begins! We also believe that until that day, we are not exempt from difficult times, and will experience times of trials and tribulations. We never know when our lives might be disrupted by an earthquake, flood, tornado, hurricane, power outage, or any other number of natural disasters, or even in these times, an act of terror!??As an Eagle Scout and a former scoutmaster, the Boy Scout motto of "Be Prepared," has never been more important than in these times in which we live. We believe that every family should be prepared, and have at least a good first-aid kit, food and water for three or four weeks, and other basic supplies necessary for any emergency or disruption that we might incur. We have affiliated ourselves with some of the biggest vendors in the industry to provide you the best preparedness supplies. Please use the link below, thank you!!!?BE PREPARED - CLICK HERE? The Rapture is in the Air - PreviewNew DVD - Coming Soon! -?The Rapture is in the Air?This exciting new DVD covers why, we believe that the Rapture will happen before the Tribulation and that the Church will not go through the Tribulation. Never before has the pre-trib Rapture view been under such attack as it has been in the last few years. Attackers and naysayers of the pre-trib Rapture have become downright hateful in their attempt to mock and disavow the pre-trib Rapture. Surprisingly much of this hatred, is coming from within the Church itself! ?In this DVD, we will show why we believe that the Bible teaches that the Tribulation cannot even start until the Church has been removed. We will also explain what God's wrath is and to whom it is directed at, who's who in the Tribulation, the identity of the Restrainer, and the doctrine of Imminence. All this, and much, much, more! ?"The Rapture is in the Air," is based on the recent article written by Pete Garcia of the Omega Letter - ??Pete was kind and generous enough to give us permission to do a DVD based on his article. This DVD will be released on 6/10/16* (*subject to change). You can pre-order this exciting new DVD right now, when you pre-order one of our DVD's not only are you making sure that you get your copy when it is first released, you are also helping us to finance the production and off-set some of the expenses that are involved in bringing the DVD to completion.?To pre-order your copy or copies, please visit our store, thank you!?CLICK HERENearing Midnight: The Rapture Barrier - Todd Strandberg - granddaddy of all questions related to Bible prophecy is this: "When is Jesus coming back for the Church?" Thousands of people have wasted their lives trying to calculate the unknown date. Hardly a day goes by that I don't receive an email from someone who claims to know the date for the Rapture. ?Jesus told His disciples that they would not know the hour of His return. Because the Lord repeated himself four times in the space of a few verses and added the story about the 10 virgins to illustrate the point, there can be no doubt the Rapture will be a surprise event. ?"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only" (Matthew 24:36). ?"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come" (Matthew 24:42). ?"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh" (Matthew 24:44). ?"Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh" (Matthew 25:13). ?As we get closer to the Tribulation, it is likely that events related to Bible prophecy will be preempted by the Rapture. We know from (2 Thessalonians 2:4-7) that some type of removal needs to take place before the Antichrist can be revealed-so we won't see him on the world stage talking about his idea for peace between Israel and the Muslims. ?If all the world's central banks laid out a plan for an economic system that would based on microchip implantation, Christians with the most basic understanding of the mark of the beast would know it's time to start packing their bags. ?The "think not" factor is the only explanation I can come up with to explain why so many situations around the world are now locked in a holding pattern. Here are five examples: ?1. The Nation Debt Crisis ?Most Western nations have a huge problem with deficit spending. Because it is so easy to spend now and pay later-the world is drowning in a sea of IOU debt. Japan has a debt bubble that has no historical comparison. The debt-to-GDP ratio is a mind-blowing 330 percent. At the moment, the Bank of Japan owns 35 percent of Japan's government debt and at the current pace of buying it will hit 63.3 percent at the end of 2020. ?The pattern set by 100 other nations, should have already caused Japan to experience hyper-inflation, causing the value of the Yen to plummet on currency markets. But for years now, the opposite has happened. Just last week, Japan announced it was unable to generate inflation. This financial miracle seems to have allowed the Japanese to endlessly print money without any consequences. ?2. Third world Countries in Freefall ?For the past several years, Venezuela has been in a continuous economic downturn. Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does. Right now, riots have become commonplace, and government food stores are empty of basic goods. A group of army members were so hungry that they stole several goats and butchered them for food. With people starving, you would think there would be a revolution. Brazil is another nation locked in a meltdown mode. ?3. The Nationalist Parties Are Spinning Their Wheels ?Another festering problem in Europe is the growth of nationalist political parties. Despite having frustration with illegal immigration as a natural ally-time and time again, these right-wing parties fail to grab power. The election occurs; yet they always come up short at the ballot box. Austria just had an election where Alexander Van der Bellen of the Green party defeated the Freedom Party. Van der Bellen had previously stated that he hates Austria. On two occasions, he compared the nation and patriotic citizens to fecal matter, and yet, he still won. ?4. America's Major Hurricane Drought ?One odd holding pattern involves the tropical storms of the Atlantic. For some unknown reason strong hurricanes have stopped hitting the continental United States. This month marks a record 127 months since a major hurricane has made landfall in the U.S., according to (NOAA), which keeps data on all the hurricanes that have struck the U.S. since 1851. ?The last major hurricane (defined as a Category 3 or above) to hit the U.S. mainland was Hurricane Wilma, which made landfall in Florida on Oct. 24, 2005. We set this record two seasons ago. What makes this calm even more mysterious is that during the last year records for worse ever hurricanes was set in four other regions of the world. ?5. The Preservation of Key Christian Leaders ?You can even get the sense of this holding pattern in the longevity of our top Christian leaders. Billy Graham's daughter, Anne Graham Lotz, recently told a gathering of pastors that her father-the 97-year-old legendary evangelist's vital signs are great, and there must be a reason why God is keeping him alive. ?Lotz, who has previously said that she believes the Rapture will occur during her lifetime, reasoned that the fact that her father is still alive might have something to do with the return of Christ. This statement may be viewed as wishful thinking until you consider that the top names in prophecy such as Hal Lindsey, Jack Van Impe, and Tim LaHaye. They are each advanced in years and have all been at death's door at some point in the last couple of years. A pattern of preservation, it seems to me, emerges. ?This log jam of world events might just turn out to be a fluke. If, however, it is related to the Rapture, a resolution-that great Harpazoevent, almost certainly must be in the near future. We are already at the point where people are starting to wonder about the strange development of individual events that they see taking place. Any longer of a delay should make folks understand that it is the hand of God at work. ?"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).?Is Hillary Clinton the Athaliah of Our Generation? Just Check Out What One Eyewitness Is Saying... - By Michael Snyder - is amazing to me that the American people would willingly choose an exceedingly wicked woman such as Hillary Clinton to lead them.? Perhaps this is just more evidence of how incredibly far we have fallen as a nation.? There are many out there that are comparing Hillary Clinton to Queen Jezebel from ancient Israel, but to me there is another figure in the Bible that is much more appropriate.? Somewhere around 2800 years ago, King Jehoram of Judah was married to a very wicked woman named Athaliah.? When Jehoram unexpectedly died, his son Ahaziah became king of Judah for about a year, but then he died too.? At that point Athaliah seized power and tried to kill off all male descendants that might pose a threat to her reign.? Fortunately, one very young male descendant did survive, and Athaliah was finally deposed after six horrible years.? If you take a close look at the careers of Hillary Clinton and Athaliah, there are definitely some striking parallels between the two...?-They were both initially married to the ruler of the nation.?-They both had very prominent roles while their husbands ruled.?-They both had an extraordinary lust for power.?-They both exhibited extreme paranoia and dealt ruthlessly with anyone that was a potential threat to their hold on power.?-Athaliah greatly promoted the worship of Baal in ancient Judah, and one of the key elements of Baal worship was child sacrifice.? Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, more than 58 million babies have been murdered in the United States, and Hillary Clinton has spent her entire career telling women that they have "a right to choose" to kill their children.?It would take an entire set of encyclopedias to document all of the evil things that we already know that Hillary Clinton has done, but now disturbing new evidence is coming forward.?Former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne is a 29 year veteran of the military and federal law enforcement, and his new book entitled "Crisis of Character" has been the topic of the top headline on the Drudge Report for two days in a row.? According to Byrne, Hillary Clinton was so angry and so violent while the Clintons were living in the White House that Secret Service agents and White House staff constantly "lived in terror of her next tirade"...?"What I saw in the 1990s sickened me," he writes in the intro of the book, "Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses his Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate."?The book claims she repeatedly screamed obscenities at her husband, Secret Service personnel and White House staffers - all of whom lived in terror of her next tirade.?In recent years, the media has been absolutely brutal on celebrities that have committed domestic violence, and rightfully so.?But why does Hillary Clinton get away with it??According to Byrne, one particularly violent encounter with Hillary resulted in Bill Clinton having a "real, live, put-a-steak-on-it black eye"...?A former Secret Service officer who helped protect Hillary Clinton while she was in the White House charges in a new tell-all book that the former first lady had a 'volcanic' temper and occasionally got violent with her husband - and that a loud 1995 fight left the president with a black eye.?In the book, 'Crisis of Character,' former agency officer Gary Bryne, details arriving at work after a 1995 shouting-match that left a light blue vase 'smashed to bits' and Bill sporting a 'real, live, put-a-steak-on-it black eye.'?Things got so bad that Secret Service agents had discussions about the possibility they might have to protect the president from his wife's physical attacks, the New York Post reported in advance excerpts of the book.?Now let me ask you a question...?What should be done to a violent husband that gives his wife a black eye??Of course the answer is obvious.?So why wouldn't we treat Hillary Clinton exactly the same way as a society??There are many other extremely interesting details in Byrne's new book, including the fact that he once interrupted Bill Clinton making out with a woman that was not his wife...?Byrne - who was subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury that investigated Bill Clinton's affair with intern Monica Lewinsky - claims in the book that he interrupted the president's sexual shenanigans in the White House.?Byrne says he walked into a room where the president was "involved inappropriately with a woman" who was neither his wife nor Lewinsky.?These are the people that we want to put back into the White House??Are we completely nuts??There are even more shocking details from the book that I cannot share with you because they are so sordid that they are not appropriate for many of the family friendly websites this article will be appearing on.?In the end, I am so glad that Byrne has decided to come forward, because the American people deserve to know the truth about Hillary Clinton.? As a former Secret Service agent, he says that there is no way that the Clintons should ever be allowed back into the White House...?"Hillary Clinton is now poised to become the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, but she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office. From the bottom of my soul I know this to be true. So I must speak out.?I had no animosity toward the Clintons. Out of a sense of loyalty to our First Family I even secretly disposed of sordid physical evidence that might later have been used to convict the president. The blue dress wasn't the only evidence of his misdeeds. But I could not keep from asking myself how our nation's leaders could be so reckless, so volatile, and so dangerous to themselves and to our nation. And yes, to me and my family.?I want you to hear my story. It's about the men and women risking their lives to protect this nation. And more important, it's about how the Clintons must never again be allowed to put them or you and your children-at risk."?Of course what Byrne is saying meshes very well with what other Secret Service agents have said in the past.? Investigative journalist Ron Kessler interviewed many of them for his book entitled "The First Family Detail", and he revealed in that book that many agents consider it to be "a form of punishment" when they are assigned to Hillary Clinton...?However, Hillary is exposed as being the complete opposite of her husband and daughter, and instead is reportedly very rude and acted nasty toward a number of agents.?'Hillary was very rude to agents, and she didn't appear to like law enforcement or the military,' former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman recalled to Kessler.?'She wouldn't go over and meet military people or police officers, as most protectees do.?'She was just really rude to almost everybody. She'd act like she didn't want you around, like you were beneath her.'?If we are not going to believe Secret Service agents, who are we going to believe??Over the years, literally dozens of insiders have come forward to tell the truth about the Clintons, and yet the American people continue to embrace them.?In the end, we get the leaders that we deserve, and the people that we send to Washington are a reflection of who we are as a nation.?So if we send this generation's version of Athaliah to the White House in November, what will that say about us??Perhaps that is something that we all should be thinking about in the months ahead...Daily Jot: The American Christian and the war against faith - Bill Wilson - ?Now that the primary election season has drawn to a close and the nominees for President are all but locked in, we as prophetic Christians have some considerations before us. Christians have been engaged in a war against our faith for over a generation. And for the most part, we have been witnesses--not witnesses as in standing in the gap for righteousness, but rather witnesses in the sense of watching our once Godly nation blessed by the true Liberty of the Lord dissolve into the bondage of sin in the name of humanist freedom. We have seemed too content to overlook this painful truth, and listen to the song of that sinful siren as she transforms our nation and citizens from light into darkness.?Galatians 5:1 says, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." The bondage spoken herein is the bondage of satanic-driven sin from which Christ's death and resurrection freed all believers. Yet, in the name of freedom, it is the humanist sin that threatens to wrap itself around the very existence of this nation and squeeze its lifeblood. Is this the lot of Christians, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for the Liberty of Christ? Are we disposed to be among the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern our salvation and the eternal life of others? ?Have we become a nation where the grace of God in His perfect Liberty is laid down as an excuse to become enslaved in humanistic bondage because what God judges as unrighteous, man judges as righteous? Have we become a silent kingdom of God's people, betraying our Father in Heaven with tolerance of human correctness? Are we to remain with a mouth to speak, but our words are empty and powerless because we fear man rather than God? The doctrines of men are the deceptions to freedom and the chains of bondage. If you have ears to hear, and know the truth of that Liberty which frees all, to keep silent upon it is nothing less than treason.?The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." We should understand that the millions of Christians, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of us as a people and of the nations, and who will raise up forces to assist us in this battle. You see, the battle is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. In the months ahead, our light needs to be strong, and powerful and fearless and courageous. Pray, yes, but also act.Daily Devotion: A Powerful Testimony to a Watching World - Greg Laurie - ?But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. -Acts 16:25?I think the worst thing that ever happened in history, the greatest travesty, the greatest injustice, was when Jesus Christ Himself was crucified. What could have been worse than that? What could have been worse than for God the Father to look down from Heaven and see His Son who He loved with all His heart suffering and dying for the sins of the world? How could God allow that? It was so awful.?Yet the Bible says, "It pleased the Lord to bruise Him" (Isaiah 53:10). Does this mean God was pleased in watching His Son suffer? Absolutely not. But God the Father was pleased in knowing this suffering would produce something wonderful called salvation for you and for me. As awful as it was, it accomplished God's purpose. Out of the greatest bad came the greatest good. That is how God showed His love for us. As John tells us, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).?In the same way, when hardship comes and you are still praising the Lord, that blows the mind of the nonbeliever. Remember the story of Paul and Silas when they were thrown into prison for preaching the gospel? We read in Acts that "at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them" (16:25).?Maybe you are going through a hard time right now. Maybe you're asking, "Why, God?"?God has a purpose. He has allowed it. God has either done it or He has allowed it. Deal with it the best that you can and seek to bring Him glory. That is a powerful testimony to a world that doesn't know God.FROM THE HEART??IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY,?TRULY,?THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT??Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks!??If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now!What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake?"Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!""Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack.2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others.3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update.I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. 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