Coral Springs Charter School

4404360-83820Chapter 8 Motion and Forces Study Guide*A speed-time graph that slants shows changing speed*If a ball is thrown horizontally, what causes it to continueto move in that direction?*If you push downward on Earth to jump, does Earth exertthe same amount of force on your legs/feet?*What do you need in order to determine an object’s location?*What does knowing somethings position require?*What must change in order for velocity to change? Does it have tobe both things changing or can it only be one thing that changes?*Can acceleration be positive? Can it be negative? Can it be constant?*What does it mean if an object has negative acceleration?*When graphing acceleration, where does the time go? Where does the speed go?*How would a graph of constant speed look?*A speed-time graph of a car increasing its speed would show what kind of line?*What kind of force is gravity an example of?*You need to know all about gravitation al force*Balanced vs unbalanced forces and numerical examples of each (dog pulling me at150N and me pulling on her at 100N is an example of what kind of force?)*What is motion produced by?*How do you describe velocity? What do you need to know?*Where do you put the time and distance when graphing the motion of an object*What is acceleration a change in?*A horizontal line on a speed-time graph shows the change in speed as being?*What is inertia?*The formula for calculating the average speed of something*What is it called when forces are equal in size but in opposite directions?*A feather falling through the air more slowly than a brick is b/c of air resistance*The type of graph that would be used to compare how far twocars traveled in the same amount of time*Gravitational force differs based on what two things?*Definition of force*Identify examples of Newton’s Laws of Motion-A fish swimming forward by pushing the water backwards, a book resting on a deskAnd the fact that the harder you push a toy car, the faster it will go*If you are driving in a car going 10mph and a car passes you going the opposite direction at 10mph, do the two cars have the same velocity? Why or why not?00Chapter 8 Motion and Forces Study Guide*A speed-time graph that slants shows changing speed*If a ball is thrown horizontally, what causes it to continueto move in that direction?*If you push downward on Earth to jump, does Earth exertthe same amount of force on your legs/feet?*What do you need in order to determine an object’s location?*What does knowing somethings position require?*What must change in order for velocity to change? Does it have tobe both things changing or can it only be one thing that changes?*Can acceleration be positive? Can it be negative? Can it be constant?*What does it mean if an object has negative acceleration?*When graphing acceleration, where does the time go? Where does the speed go?*How would a graph of constant speed look?*A speed-time graph of a car increasing its speed would show what kind of line?*What kind of force is gravity an example of?*You need to know all about gravitation al force*Balanced vs unbalanced forces and numerical examples of each (dog pulling me at150N and me pulling on her at 100N is an example of what kind of force?)*What is motion produced by?*How do you describe velocity? What do you need to know?*Where do you put the time and distance when graphing the motion of an object*What is acceleration a change in?*A horizontal line on a speed-time graph shows the change in speed as being?*What is inertia?*The formula for calculating the average speed of something*What is it called when forces are equal in size but in opposite directions?*A feather falling through the air more slowly than a brick is b/c of air resistance*The type of graph that would be used to compare how far twocars traveled in the same amount of time*Gravitational force differs based on what two things?*Definition of force*Identify examples of Newton’s Laws of Motion-A fish swimming forward by pushing the water backwards, a book resting on a deskAnd the fact that the harder you push a toy car, the faster it will go*If you are driving in a car going 10mph and a car passes you going the opposite direction at 10mph, do the two cars have the same velocity? Why or why not?Chapter 8 Motion and Forces Study Guide*A speed-time graph that slants shows changing speed*If a ball is thrown horizontally, what causes it to continueto move in that direction?*If you push downward on Earth to jump, does Earth exertthe same amount of force on your legs/feet?*What do you need in order to determine an object’s location?*What does knowing somethings position require?*What must change in order for velocity to change? Does it have tobe both things changing or can it only be one thing that changes?*Can acceleration be positive? Can it be negative? Can it be constant?*What does it mean if an object has negative acceleration?*When graphing acceleration, where does the time go? Where does the speed go?*How would a graph of constant speed look?*A speed-time graph of a car increasing its speed would show what kind of line?*What kind of force is gravity an example of?*You need to know all about gravitation al force*Balanced vs unbalanced forces and numerical examples of each (dog pulling me at150N and me pulling on her at 100N is an example of what kind of force?)*What is motion produced by?*How do you describe velocity? What do you need to know?*Where do you put the time and distance when graphing the motion of an object*What is acceleration a change in?*A horizontal line on a speed-time graph shows the change in speed as being?*What is inertia?*The formula for calculating the average speed of something*What is it called when forces are equal in size but in opposite directions?*A feather falling through the air more slowly than a brick is b/c of air resistance*The type of graph that would be used to compare how far twocars traveled in the same amount of time*Gravitational force differs based on what two things?*Definition of force*Identify examples of Newton’s Laws of Motion-A fish swimming forward by pushing the water backwards, a book resting on a deskAnd the fact that the harder you push a toy car, the faster it will go*If you are driving in a car going 10mph and a car passes you going the opposite direction at 10mph, do the two cars have the same velocity? Why or why not? ................

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