Demonstration Speech Guidelines

Instructive Speech Guidelines


1. Prepare a speech demonstrating a process (how to do something or how to make something). When choosing your topic, consider your time frame, your personal skills and abilities, and your audience. You may decide to only demonstrate part of a process in order to adjust to the time limits (e.g., how to putt instead of how to golf, or how to decorate a cake instead of how to make an entire cake). If showing only a portion of the process, it would be wise to bring in an example of the ‘finished product’ for your audience to see.


2. This speech requires a visual aid. Remember all of the different types of visual aids so that you might use them more creatively. You can show charts or graphs that show the popularity of your topic, images that show various ways to make it, props used in the process/activity, etc.

3. Speech must be within a 5-6 minute time frame. Over or under this time frame will result in a penalty.

4. You may use both sides of two 3 x 5 index cards as an aid in giving your speech. You may not write out the entire speech word for word on these cards; doing so will result in failure.

5. Written Component of Speech: Along with verbally delivering your speech, you will submit a typed outline/step-by-step instruction sheet. This is NOT a script of your speech, but a formally written outline that includes the set of directions that go along with whatever it is that you are demonstrating. For example, if you are demonstrating how to make the perfect PB & J sandwich, you will submit an outline with introduction, written recipe listing all necessary ingredients and step-by-step directions for making the sandwich, and conclusion. Directions should be clear and easy to follow. Essentially, any person who views your speech and has the written directions should easily be able to go home and complete the task you have presented. (20 points)

6. Make sure your speech has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Missing any one of these components will result in a severe point deduction on your speech. **See rubric**



The trick to this speech is preparing ‘speaking time’ during the spaces in your process that might be tedious. For instance, notice how speakers offer interesting information related to the audience on cooking shows or sports shows. You need to come up with something to say, for example, when you are stirring a mix. This is one reason you will need to practice with your visual aids: how will you know how much speaking time to prepare if you haven’t practiced with the visual aids. Practice will also ensure that you are comfortable using the visual aids and that you fall within the appropriate time limits.

This speech requires a high degree of creativity, so take chances with it and give it some thought. Talk about something you know about and satisfy the needs of your audience.

1. Find a topic that is closely related to your hobbies, skills, favorite sports, or interests. Organize your rough ideas on good speech topics. Make a list of the things you love to do or make.

2. Now develop your demonstration speech topic. The easiest way is to show how to do something, how something is done, how to make something, or how something works. Start with one of these example phrases. Fill in the informative topic of your choice:

a. How to make…

b. How to fix…

c. How to use…

d. How to do…

e. How ... works

f. How ... is done, produced or made

Speech Rubric – Instructive

Speaker’s name: _______________________ Evaluator: __________________________

|Criterion |Rating |Rating |Rating |Rating |Score |

| |Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Needs Improvement | |

|  |Points 10-9 |Points 9-8 |Points 8-7 |Points 7-6 |  |

|Introduction |(1) Gets attention   |Meets any three of the |Meets any two of the |Meets only one of the |  |

| |(2) Clearly identifies |four criteria |four criteria |four criteria | |

| |topic | | | | |

| |(3) Establishes | | | | |

| |credibility  | | | | |

| |(4) Previews the main | | | | |

| |points | | | | |

|Body |Main points are clear, |Main points are |Main points |Main points | |

| |well supported, and |somewhat clear, |need clarity |are not clear | |

| |sources are documented |some support, and |and support |and have no support | |

| | |some documentation |lack of |and no sources or | |

| | | |sources and |documentation | |

| | | |documentation | | |

|Conclusion |(1) Reviews main points |Reviews main points , |Brings closure |Does not bring closure; |  |

| |(2) Brings closure |brings | |the audience is left | |

| |(3) Memorable |closure | |hanging | |

|Eye Contact |Eye contact with |Eye contact with |Eye contact with |Little or no eye contact|  |

| |audience virtually all |audience less than 80% |audience less than 75% | | |

| |the time (except for |of the time |of the time | | |

| |brief glances at notes) | | | | |

|Use of Language |Use of language |Use of language does not|Use of language causes |Use of language is |  |

| |contributes to |have negative impact, |potential confusion, |inappropriate | |

| |effectiveness of the |and vocalized pauses |and/or vocalized pauses | | |

| |speech, and vocalized |(um uh er etc.) |(um uh er etc.) | | |

| |pauses |not distracting |are distracting | | |

| |(um uh er etc.) | | | | |

| |not distracting | | | | |

|Body language |Body language, gestures,|Body language, |Body language, |Body language, gestures,|  |

| |and facial expressions |gestures, and facial |facial expressions and |and | |

| |adds greatly to the |expressions compliment |gestures |facial expressions are | |

| |message |message |lack variety and |lacking or inappropriate| |

| | | |spontaneity | | |

|Clarity |Speaks clearly and |Speaks clearly and |Speaks clearly and |Often mumbles or cannot |  |

| |distinctly all the time |distinctly nearly all |distinctly most of the |be understood with more | |

| |with no mispronounced |the time with no more |time with no more than |than three mispronounced| |

| |words |than one mispronounced |two mispronounced words |words | |

| | |word | | | |

|Topic is specific, |Topic is specific, |Topic is clear |Topic lacks clarity |No specific | |

|follows assignment |appropriate and |appropriate and |and focus |purpose--inappropriate | |

|Adapted to audience |adapted |somewhat adapted |needs adapting to |for | |

|(5 pts) | | |audience |audience or | |

| | | | |occasion | |

|Visual Aids |Visual aids well chosen |Minor problems with |Significant problems |No visual aids |  |

|(5 pts) |and presented |visual aids |with visual aids | | |

|Time |Within allotted time |Within 10% of allotted |Within 20% of allotted |Not within 20% of |  |

| | |time |time |allotted time | |


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