Keeping Tenses in the Same Time Frame

Keeping Tenses in the Same Time Frame

In general, we choose a particular time frame and then choose from among the tenses within that time frame in order to describe events.

|Examples |Explanations |

| | |

|My roommate had a dance party last Friday night. I was working|Use past tenses to describe things that happened at a specific |

|that night, so I didn’t get home until 10:00, and everyone had |time in the past. |

|already started dancing. | |

| | |

|My roommate has a dance party every Friday night. I work on |Use present tense to describe things that are happening now, |

|Friday nights, so I don’t get home until 10:00, and everyone |are related to now, or happen again and again. |

|has already started dancing. | |

| | |

|c) My roommate is going to have a dance party next |Use future tenses to describe events that are going to happen |

|Friday night. I will be working next Friday night, so I won’t |in the future. |

|get home until 10:00, and everyone will already have started | |

|dancing. | |

| | |

(Taken from Grammar Dimensions 3)

Time and Tense with Verbs

What is the time frame (present, past, future) for each of the passages below?

1. a) Mac had a terrible headache. b) His tongue was dry, and his eyes were burning. c) He had been sneezing constantly for nearly an hour. d) He hated spring time. e) For most people spring meant flowers and sunshine, but for Mac it meant allergies.

Time Frame _________________________

Name of verb(s) in each sentence:

A. simple past

B. _______________________

C. _______________________

D. _______________________

E. _______________________, _______________________

2. a) I really don’t know what to do for vacation. b) My vacation starts in three weeks, and c) I’m trying to decide what to do. d) I’ve been to Hawaii and New York. e) It’s too early in the year to go camping in the mountains. f) I’ve been working hard at the office and a really need a break. g) I’ve saved enough money to have a really nice trip. h) I just can’t decide where to go or what to do.

Time Frame ______________________________

Name of verb(s) in each sentence:

A. __________________________

B. __________________________

C. __________________________

D. __________________________

E. __________________________

F. __________________________, ________________________

G. __________________________

H. __________________________


(modified from Grammar Dimensions 3)

Practice with Time Frames

Decide what time frame each of these passages should be written in, and then write the appropriate verb form in the blanks.

1. I hear we (a) __________________________________ (be) playing games at

Charley’s house next week. I hope there (b) __________________________(be)

dancing as well! I (c) _____________________________________ (have

completed) my dance class by then.

2. Jeff (a) ______________________ (have) an interesting experience yesterday

afternoon. As he (b) ____________________ (be walking) from his house to the

grocery store, he (c) ________________________ (see) someone he (d)

_______________________ (have gone) to high school with.

3. Matt (a) _________________________ (have) a terrible time getting to work

every day. When he (b) _______________________ (be driving) to work, he

often (c) ___________________________ (get) caught in terrible traffic jams.

Even though he only (d) _______________________ (live) a few miles from the

office, it sometimes (e) __________________________ (take) nearly an hour to

get to work.

(Taken from Grammar Dimensions 3)

Changing the Time Frame within a Passage

Although the time frame often stays the same within a passage, an author sometimes changes the time frame.

|Examples |Explanations |

| | |

|History shows us that when a country increases its military power, the |To move from a general statement to a specific |

|standard of living for the population sometimes declines. For example, Rome|example. |

|was unable to feed both its army and its population. As Great Britain | |

|became a global power, its economic position declined. | |

| | |

|One hundred years ago the life expectancy in the United States was about 65 |To show a contrast between one time and another. |

|years. Nowadays, it has increased by an average of 10 years. Now people | |

|live an average of 75 years. | |

| | |

|Yesterday I watched the solar eclipse of the moon. The solar eclipse |To make a general statement of truth. |

|happens about once every three years. I was really lucky because the moon | |

|was full and the sky was clear. | |

(Taken from Grammar Dimensions 3)

Practice With Time Frame Changes

Mark the following passages with a slanted line (/) to show where the time frame changes. The first one has been done for you as an example.

1. My brother called me up yesterday. / I always know he needs to borrow

money when he calls because I never hear from him at any other time. / We spoke about this and that for a few minutes. He asked about my job and my family. We talked about his problems with his boss. / These are typical topics before he finally asks for a loan. / This phone call was no exception. He needed fifty dollars “until pay day.” / Somehow, when payday comes he never remembers to pay back the loan.

2. I’ll be really happy when the summer is over. I don’t like the hot weather, and I can’t stand mosquitoes. There’s a lot of both of these things in the summer. Last summer I tried to escape the heat by going on a trip to Alaska. The heat wasn’t bad, but the mosquitoes were terrible! Next year, I’ll take a vacation in Antarctica. I understand it’s really cold there in July.

3. For more than fifty years scientists around the world have all used a single system to measure the strength (or “magnitude”) of earthquakes. The Richter Scale was developed by Charles Richter in 1935. It was designed so scientists could compare the strength of earthquakes in different parts of the world. It was not designed to measure damage in earthquakes, but only intensity. This is because a less powerful earthquake in a heavily populated area can cause more damage than a stronger earthquake in an unpopulated area.

Time Frames and Verb Tense Consistency

When we use verbs in writing, we stay within the same time frame in a single paragraph unless there is a clear reason to move out of the time frame. If there is a reason, we need to make sure the reason is clear for our reader.

Below are some examples of paragraphs from your classmates. Let’s look at the time frames they have for their paragraphs and whether or not they have stayed within a single time frame or whether they jump between past, present and future without a clear reason.

First – A thank you to the students whose paragraphs we are discussing. When we look at and talk about our writing, it provides a wonderful learning opportunity for all of us.

For each paragraph, do the following:

1. Decide what the time frame is.

2. Look at the verbs in each sentence. Are the verbs within the time frame?

3. If the student has shifted time frames, is there a clear reason?

4. Do you have any suggestions for changing any of the verb tenses the student has used?

Example One

They only working experience that I have had in my life was the one when I was a part-time worker of a famous department store. The grocery store is in the basement of a famous department store. The name of the department store is Breeze Center, and the grocery store was named Breeze Super. Although it is a distinguished department store, most people do not want to work there because it is much harder than other jobs. I felt that everything could happen in that tiny place.

Example Two

The first week was like a month. It was the first time for me to try to go on a diet. I can proudly say that it was the most difficult experience I ever had. All I could think about is food. I thought of quitting, but I remembered my family. What will they think of me if I quit? Then I made up my mind and decided that I am not a quitter. After three weeks, it became easier and my willingness to continue had increased.

Example Three

My motivation to join soccer team was an accident. When I was young, I used to play soccer that is just pick up game. I don’t know how to play soccer. One day, I heard about World Cup. Every four years, they world turns its attention to the soccer. I think the 2002 FIFA World Cup stands out as probably the most surprising world cup of all time. This is the first time South Korea has qualified for the semifinal. It was an unbelievable result that was really attracting me. After that, I want to become a soccer player and asked my parents to get permission.

Example Four

Thesis: The most difficult but valuable experience that I have had in my life was the one when I volunteered in Vietnam for two years.

For two years I worried and cried a lot. I thought about what I want to do, why I want to do that, what is the best way for my co-workers. I did (this) with trial and error. I’m not sure that the way I chosen was good for them or not. I didn’t feel that they changed a lot. I couldn’t evaluate about that. To change something needs a long time because it has effects from culture, history, custom, religion and all of their background.


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