Enlisted Promotions and Reductions - United States …

Army Regulation 600?8?19


Enlisted Promotions and Reductions

Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 16 May 2019



AR 600?8?19 Enlisted Promotions and Reductions

This administrative revision, dated 3 June 2019--

o Corrects an effective date for certain Soldiers to take the Master Leader Course (para 1?29a(8)(b)).

This major revision, dated 16 May 2019--

o Establishes exception authority to the Director of Military Personnel Management as appropriate (para 1?4a(10)).

o Incorporates (from AR 600?20) date of rank policies upon enlistment, subsequent enlistment/reenlistment, and call/ordered to active duty or active duty for training (paras 1?13a through 1?13c).

o Incorporates policy from AD 2015?31 (paras 1?29a(2) through (8), para 1?33d(1), and para 1?33d(1)(a)).

o Adds graduation of the Master Leaders Course as a promotion requirement to master sergeant (para 1?29a(8)).

o Establishes a temporary promotion authority under certain conditions (para 1?36).

o Revises intent, purpose, and concepts of the semi-centralized promotion system (para 3?1a).

o Incorporates Army Directive 2017?23, hereby superseded (para 3?5c).

o Establishes a Headquarters, Department of the Army bar to continued service when Soldiers fail to qualify themselves for promotion board appearance (para 3?11b(1)(b)l).

o Requires commanders who reduce a Soldier for inefficiency from the grade of staff sergeant or sergeant, who meets the criteria for mandatory list integration, be required to initiate a bar to continued service against that Soldier (para 3 ? 24).

o Removes service remaining requirements for some Army Reserve promotions to sergeant and staff sergeant (para 3 ? 33).

o Incorporates Army Directive 2017?28 (throughout).

o Changes noncommissioned officer education system to noncommissioned officer professional development system (throughout).

o Incorporates the Distributed Leader Course (throughout).

o Provides clarifying language (throughout).

o Changes regional support commands to readiness divisions (throughout).

o Updates numerous other policies (throughout).

Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 16 May 2019

*Army Regulation 600?8?19

Effective 16 June 2019 Personnel-General

Enlisted Promotions and Reductions

Applicability. This regulation applies to the Regular Army, the Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless otherwise stated.

Army internal control process. This regulation contains internal control provisions in accordance with AR 11?2 and identifies key internal controls that must be evaluated (see appendix B).

History. This publication is a major revision.

Summary. This regulation prescribes policies and procedures governing promotions and reductions of Army enlisted personnel. This regulation includes policy statements, operating tasks, rules in support of operating tasks, and sequential steps of each operating task. It implements Section 1563, Title 10, United States Code.

Proponent and exception authority. The proponent of this regulation is the Deputy Chief of Staff, G?1. The proponent has the authority to approve exceptions or waivers to this regulation that are consistent with controlling laws and regulations. The proponent may delegate this approval authority, in writing, to a division chief within the proponent agency or its direct reporting unit or field operating agency, in the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent. Activities may request a waiver to this regulation by providing justification that includes a full analysis of the expected benefits and must include formal review by the activity's senior legal officer. All waiver requests will be endorsed by the commander or senior leader of the requesting activity and forwarded through their higher headquarters to the policy proponent. Refer to AR 25?30 for specific guidance.

Supplementation. Supplementation of this regulation and establishment of command and local forms are prohibited without prior approval from the Deputy Chief of Staff, G?1 (DAPE?MP), 300 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310?0300.

Suggested improvements. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to the Deputy Chief of Staff, G?1 (DAPE?MP), 300 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310?0300.

Distribution. This regulation is available in electronic media only and is intended for the Regular Army, the Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve.

Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

Chapter 1 Introduction, page 1

Section I Overview, page 1 Purpose ? 1?1, page 1 References ? 1?2, page 1 Explanation of abbreviations and terms ? 1?3, page 1 Responsibilities ? 1?4, page 1 Records management (recordkeeping) requirements ? 1?5, page 2 Objectives ? 1?6, page 2 Levels of work ? 1?7, page 3

Section II Principles and Standards, page 4 Principles of support ? 1?8, page 4 Standards of service ? 1?9, page 4

*This regulation supersedes AD 2017-23, dated 14 September 2017 and AR 600?8?19, dated 25 April 2017.

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Section III Policy, page 5 Promotion authorities ? 1?9, page 5 Non-promotable status ? 1?10, page 5 Suspension of favorable personnel actions for Soldiers on a Headquarters, Department of the Army centralized promo-

tion list (promotion to sergeant first class and above) ? 1?11, page 7 Precedence of relative rank ? 1?12, page 7 Date of rank and effective date ? 1?13, page 7 Computing time in grade and service ? 1?14, page 10 Security clearance requirements ? 1?15, page 10 Erroneous promotions and de facto status ? 1?16, page 10 Students ? 1?17, page 11 Soldiers categorized as missing ? 1?18, page 11 Promotion of terminally ill Soldiers ? 1?19, page 11 Promotion of Soldiers in the Disability Evaluation System ? 1?20, page 12 Soldiers returning for duty from the temporary disability retired list ? 1?21, page 13 Posthumous promotion ? 1?22, page 14 Consideration of proposals for posthumous and honorary promotions and appointments under provision of 10 USC

1563 ? 1?23, page 15 Promotion ceremonies and certificates ? 1?24, page 15 Declination of promotion ? 1?25, page 15 Electronic military personnel office and/or Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System transactions ? 1?26, page 16 Counseling of Soldiers not recommended for promotion ? 1?27, page 16 Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development System requirement for promotion and conditional promo-

tion ? 1?28, page 16 Suspension of favorable personnel action ? 1?29, page 17 Pay inquiries ? 1?30, page 17 Active duty for operational support ? 1?31, page 18 Promotion eligibility during reclassification ? 1?32, page 18 Physical profiles resulting from combat-related operations ? 1?33, page 19 Special military occupational specialty alignment promotion ? 1?34, page 20 Temporary promotion ? 1?35, page 20

Chapter 2 Decentralized Promotions, page 21

Section I Managing Decentralized Promotions, page 21 Overview ? 2?1, page 21 General ? 2?2, page 21

Section II Processing Enlisted Promotions to Private E?2, Private First Class, and Specialist, page 21 Rules ? 2?3, page 21

Section III Computing Waiver Allocations, page 23 Steps ? 2?4, page 23 Rules (specialist and below) ? 2?5, page 23 Steps (Regular Army only) ? 2?6, page 24

Section IV Correcting Erroneous Promotions (Specialist and Below), page 25 Rules ? 2?7, page 25 Steps ? 2?8, page 25


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Chapter 3 Semi-centralized Promotions (Sergeant and Staff Sergeant), page 26

Section I Managing Semi-Centralized Promotions, page 26 Promotion system ? 3?1, page 26 Delay of promotion (sergeant and staff sergeant) ? 3?2, page 28 Waiver authority ? 3?3, page 28 Promotion packet ? 3?4, page 28 Special promotion categories ? 3?5, page 30 Soldiers hospitalized because of service-incurred disease, wound, or injury ? 3?6, page 33 Geographical separation from the promotion authority ? 3?7, page 34 Vacancy calculation ? 3?8, page 34

Section II Promotion Eligibility Criteria, page 34 Eligibility criteria for recommendation and promotion ? 3?9, page 34 Reason codes (Regular Army only) ? 3?10, page 37

Section III Unit Level Promotion Procedures, page 38 Identifying Soldiers for promotion to sergeant and staff sergeant ? 3?11, page 38 Conducting promotion boards ? 3?12, page 41 Processing results of the promotion board ? 3?13, page 43 Convening authority responsibilities (U.S. Army Reserve troop program units, Army Reserve elements, and multi-com-

ponent units) ? 3?14, page 43

Section IV Promotion Points, page 45 Computation of promotion points ? 3?15, page 45 Military training (weapons qualification, and Army Physical Fitness Test) ? 3?16, page 45 Awards, decorations, and achievements (permanent awards) ? 3?17, page 50 Military education ? 3?18, page 53 Civilian education ? 3?19, page 54

Section V The Promotion Recommended List, page 55 Rules ? 3?20, page 55 Format of the permanent promotion recommended list U.S. Army Reserve (troop program units, Army Reserve ele-

ments, and multi-component units) ? 3?21, page 56

Section VI Selecting Soldiers for Promotion, page 56 Rules ? 3?22, page 56 Department of the Army command list integration to sergeant and staff sergeant (U.S. Army Reserve troop program

units, Army Reserve elements, multicomponent commands or units only) ? 3?23, page 57 Mandatory List Integration (Regular Army and U.S. Army Reserve (Active Guard Reserve)) only ? 3?24, page 58 Processing promotion point re-evaluations (U.S. Army Reserve only) ? 3?25, page 59 Re-computation of promotion points (U.S. Army Reserve only) ? 3?26, page 59 Promotion point adjustment (U.S. Army Reserve only) ? 3?27, page 59

Section VII Recommended List Maintenance, page 60 Removal from recommended list ? 3?28, page 60 Rules for conducting a removal board for Soldiers on recommended list ? 3?29, page 61 Steps ? 3?30, page 61 Rules for reinstating Soldiers to recommended list ? 3?31, page 62

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Section VIII Processing Promotions, page 62 Rules for Headquarters, Department of the Army promotion point cutoff scores (Regular Army and United States Army

Reserve Active Guard Reserve only) ? 3?32, page 62 Rules for processing service remaining requirements ? 3?33, page 63 Rules for processing promotions upon arrival at gaining organization (in-processing) ? 3?34, page 63 Rules for processing administrative records correction (Regular Army and U.S. Army Reserve (Active Guard Re-

serve)) ? 3?35, page 63

Chapter 4 Centralized Promotions (Sergeant First Class, Master Sergeant, and Sergeant Major), page 64

Section I Managing Centralized Promotions, page 64 Overview ? 4?1, page 64 Eligibility criteria ? 4?2, page 65 Selection boards ? 4?3, page 65 Information provided to boards ? 4?4, page 65 Personal appearance and written communication ? 4?5, page 65 Board results ? 4?6, page 66 Monthly promotions ? 4?7, page 66 Service remaining requirement ? 4?8, page 66

Section II Preboard Processing for Noncommissioned Officers in Zone of Consideration, page 67 Rules ? 4?9, page 67 Steps ? 4?10, page 67

Section III Processing Selection List Results and Orders, page 67 Rules ? 4?11, page 67 Steps ? 4?12, page 68

Section IV Processing Request for Standby Advisory Board Consideration, page 69 Rules ? 4?13, page 69 Steps ? 4?14, page 70

Section V Processing Removal from a Centralized Selection List, page 70 Rules ? 4?15, page 70 Steps ? 4?16, page 71 Removals from a centralized selection list by Headquarters, Department of the Army ? 4?17, page 72 Appeals of removal from a centralized promotion list ? 4?18, page 73

Chapter 5 Centralized promotions (sergeant first class, master sergeant, and sergeant major) for United States

Army Reserve Soldiers assigned to troop program units, Army Reserve elements, or multi-component commands or units, page 73

Section I Introduction, page 73 Scope ? 5?1, page 73 Authority to promote ? 5?2, page 73 Consolidated selection, promotion authority, and procedures ? 5?3, page 74 Vacancy determination ? 5?4, page 74


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Section II Promotion to Sergeant First Class, Master Sergeant, and Sergeant Major, page 74 General ? 5?5, page 74 Announcements by the promotion authority ? 5?6, page 75 Eligibility criteria for selection board consideration ? 5?7, page 75 Review of promotion files ? 5?8, page 76 Declination of promotion consideration or Noncommissioned Officers Professional Development System course selec-

tion ? 5?9, page 76 Enlisted promotion selection boards ? 5?10, page 76 Selections ? 5?11, page 77 Reporting selection board results ? 5?12, page 77 Convening authority responsibilities ? 5?13, page 78 Publication of the selection lists ? 5?14, page 80 Longevity of selection lists ? 5?15, page 80 Announcement of promotions ? 5?16, page 80 Accepting promotion to sergeant first class and above ? 5?17, page 80 Enlisted standby advisory board ? 5?18, page 80 Removal from a selection list ? 5?19, page 81 Reinstatement to promotion selection list ? 5?20, page 83 Reassignment prior to promotion ? 5?21, page 83

Section III Special Promotions, page 83 Military technicians ? 5?22, page 83 Drill sergeants and Total Army School System instructors ? 5?23, page 84

Chapter 6 Promotion of Individual Ready Reserve, Individual Mobilization Augmentee, and Standby Reserve (Ac-

tive Status List) Soldiers, page 84 Scope ? 6?1, page 84 Promotion authority ? 6?2, page 84 Eligibility ? 6?3, page 85 Specified individual mobilization augmentee duty positions requiring a nomination and selection process prescribed by a

command directive ? 6?4, page 86 Administration ? 6?5, page 86 Waivers ? 6?6, page 86 Selection boards ? 6?7, page 87 The recommended promotion list ? 6?8, page 87 Promotion to sergeant first class, master sergeant, or sergeant major ? 6?9, page 87 Acceptance of individual mobilization augmentee promotions ? 6?10, page 87 Removal from recommended list ? 6?11, page 88 Individual Ready Reserve, individual mobilization augmentee, and Standby Reserve (active status list) enlisted standby

advisory board ? 6?12, page 88

Chapter 7 Enlisted Promotion of Army National Guard Personnel, page 90

Section I General, page 90 Scope ? 7?1, page 90 Special terms ? 7?2, page 90 Convening and promotion authorities ? 7?3, page 91

Section II Policy, page 92 Non-promotable status ? 7?4, page 92

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Delay of promotion due to suspension of favorable personnel actions ? 7?5, page 93 Establishment of retroactive effective dates ? 7?6, page 93 Computation of time in grade, time in service, and cumulative enlisted service ? 7?7, page 93 Service remaining obligation ? 7?8, page 94 Acting noncommissioned officers ? 7?9, page 94 Frocking ? 7?10, page 94 Lateral appointments ? 7?11, page 94 Promotion instruments ? 7?12, page 95 Promotion ceremonies and certificates ? 7?13, page 95

Section III Special Advancements and Promotions, page 96 General ? 7?14, page 96 Promotion to enter training programs ? 7?15, page 96 Advancement and promotion as a part of training programs ? 7?16, page 97 Promotion based on stripes for skills ? 7?17, page 97 Promotion based on Civilian Acquired Skills Program ? 7?18, page 98 Promotion based on stripes for buddies ? 7?19, page 98

Section IV Promotion to Sergeant Through Sergeant Major, page 98 Criteria ? 7?20, page 98 Military occupational specialty conversion ? 7?21, page 101 Promotion actions ? 7?22, page 101 Noncommissioned Officers Professional Development System requirements for promotion ? 7?23, page 102 Courses creditable for the Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development System ? 7?24, page 104 Availability of Noncommissioned Officers Professional Development System phase II or subsequent resident

courses ? 7?25, page 105 Constructive credit for Noncommissioned Officers Professional Development System ? 7?26, page 105

Section V Promotion Process Overview, page 106 Overview ? 7?27, page 106 Promotion process ? 7?28, page 106 Announcement of promotion consideration boards ? 7?29, page 106

Section VI Processing Soldiers for Promotion Consideration, page 110 Consideration for promotion ? 7?30, page 110 Individual Soldier actions ? 7?31, page 111 Correspondence with the board ? 7?32, page 112 Denying Soldiers consideration for promotion ? 7?33, page 112

Section VII The Evaluation Process, page 113 General ? 7?34, page 113 Evaluating Soldiers for promotion ? 7?35, page 114

Section VIII Approving and Publishing Promotion Lists, page 115 Promotion lists approval ? 7?36, page 115 Determining selection objective ? 7?37, page 115 Publishing promotion lists ? 7?38, page 116

Section IX Select Soldiers from Promotion Lists, page 116 General ? 7?39, page 116


AR 600?8?19 ? 16 May 2019


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