Take my time

Question 1DOGPet – animalLoyal (always guarding in front of my friend house)DomesticEntertaining and fun (children can play with dogs safely)Supportive and helpful- blind-guideCaring and soothingSwimmingSport – free time – leisure time – activity you enjoy – Healthy (visit a doctor because of sever obesity)Keep body in shapeIncrease blood circulationBuild musclesLose weightRelax and release tension don’t think about daily problems (stressful job)Meet up with friendRelease stress and tensionPassed the university exam Achievement – scholastic achievement – goal in your life – proud of yourself - attend college or university - The most challenging experience in your life? - What is the most memorable challenge you faced and how did you overcome that challenge? - An important accomplishment in your life? Why was it important how did you achieve it? What was the result? - What is the most challenging thing that you have faced in your life? - describe a memorable event that you had attended and explain why it is memorable to you.Attending university (the most crucial interest, studying in my favorite field in a well-known university)Increase my knowledgePreparing for my future careerExperience new thingsMade my parents proud of me (hold a big party and invited all the relatives to celebrate my achievement)Reached my goalEfforts have paid offIt was my long lasting dreamChanged my personality in a positive waynew experiences → new friends or roommates, living on-campus (living in dormitory with other students) , giving a lecture or seminars, taking part in different clubs and activities career preparation→ put our studies into practice, attending workshops, getting familiar with different laboratory techniques and tools, work in environment similar to a private laboratory, increased knowledge→ broaden their mind, know a lot more about our major and field of study, ask questions from professors, attend congresses, go on scientific trips, using text booksPop musicMusic you like – favorite music type – lyrics – musician you like (one of the reason is that she is a pop singer) Make me relaxed and releases me from daily tension (lawyer, stressful job)It's soothingSpend my free timeGives me energy (am usually so tired after doing daily job, pay attention to family)Release tensionexcitingIncrease green environmentChange in university/neighborhood/city/country/government policy/your environment - if you become a chairman/president/in power – should government do – advertising if you became a candidate - Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live -physical education should be required in school? (Agree/disagree?)lefttopUniversity isn't only about studying – human is not only a brain (and it should provide an enjoyable place for our children)It should also provide a fun and enjoying place for studentsFresh airMore oxygen production (trees absorb harmful gases such as carbon dioxide and release oxygen which is the most crucial gas for human). beingsMakes students cheerful ( healthy for them like summing reasons)Helps them relax and release tensionGood place for walking and exercisingSpend our free time and breakBecome friendly with nature (green environment Helps people to relax and release from daily tension. So they would be thankful to trees and respect them)Take photos with friends and gathering aroundEmission of different harmful gasses into the atmosphere Produced different types of harmful materials that not only affect humans but also affect other animals – causes cancer Physical exercise help student remain healthy : blood circulation ( healthy for them like summing reasons)Provide base for prone students to become successful in other field in their life such as sport My teacher - My family membersMemorable/important/unforgettable/influential/inspiring person/teacher/friend in your life/school/childhood - person who influenced your future/personality/life - valuable treasure in your life / who you ask for advice / Parents are the best teachers - Who had the most important influence in your life? - Describe a teacher who has positively impacted your life. How has he or she influenced you? / Who helped you most in your lifeTaught me important lessonsIncreased my knowledge (I dare say he thought me everything I know, because his comments were always so informative for me and instructed me the way to have a scientific view toward subjects)Changed my personalityHelped me improve my social skills (I used to be very shy, he involved me in social activities such as group meetings and encouraged me to speak in front of the other people)They were friendly and kind towards meGave me advice and guided me through my studies – how to improve my scores Helped me solve my academic problemsSupported me financially (he always save his money and ignore his financial problems to make me happy and successful. I remember sometimes he gave me all his salary).They are my first teachers since I was bornThey taught me to have a strong sense of morality( had a large impact on my moral development)- such as doing right deeds and avoiding wrongsShape our personalityI have a close relationship with themHuge influence on my decisions and behaviorEncourage me in my studiesSupport me emotionally and financially Help me stand up when I failHelp me succeed and reach my goalsSpend most of our life with them→ we start learning our social skills and good behavior from them since we were born and live with them day and night and try to imitate their actions, life style They care a lot for us→ since they are our parents and they care much about their off springs, they put more effort to teach us the way of living and are more sensitive and affectionate towards us. They are mature → they are old enough and well experienced to teach us moral right and wrongs, they know what is best for us and make logical and rational decisions for our futureThe first teachers we have →teach us to walk, to speak and to have good manners before we go to schoolChildren strongly believe in their parents→ they listen to whatever they say and obey them in many waysIdeal life-marriage-timeDescribe your idea of the perfect job/life/marriage/time - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only movies that can teach us something about real life is worth watching: disagreeHave peaceBe healthyBe wealthySucceed in every areaBe cheerful all the timeHave good friends (I think good friends can give you all the requirements of an ideal life. They are always available to help you with your financial, health, social and lots of other problems. 3 years ago I had a bad accident and one of my best friends took a very big risk in his life. He refused a profitable opportunity from a company just to stay in the hospital and take care of me in that time)Be able to help peopleGood colleagues : helpful – understand our problems - … Good boos : help us to improve Good condition : high salary – good work place – good social prestige - some increase imagination science fiction + other planets - some can entertain us and make us far from our hectic life- some can teach us cultural issuesCrime novels/thrillerType of films/books/novel/theater/shows/performance like to read/watch/write (if be a writer) – genre I like a little excitement once in a while (to be scared and frightened) give energy, have fun , more entertaining than other genreUsually they are based on true factsThey increase our knowledgeMake us aware of the possible dangersLearn about police responsibilitiesLearn how to defend ourselves (these novels/… presents various types of crimes which can be found in society. So, we can be well equipped to defense ourselves against crimes by being aware of them. For example, one of this movies thought me to never trust on the similarity of ones appearance to police and always ask the identification card)BeachHoliday resort – place like to go in summer/winter/spring/fall – go on holiday – place like to visit – place you recommend foreigners/your friend/tourist visits in your country – your favorite place in your country/hometown/vacations - What is your favorite place in your city? - How do you like to spend your leisure time? - What place or landmark in your country do you recommend that other people visit?Sun bathing: (good for health by receiving and absorbing vitamin D which is the an important element for preventing from severe skin problems)Make me relaxed and releases me from daily tension (stressful job, lawyer)Observing the sea and the nature Is soothing and calmingRelease stress and tensionReceiving and absorbing vitamin D( good for health)Swimming in the water and improving my swimming skills and help me be more healthy ( good for health)Enjoying my leisure timeMaking sand castles – soccer – volleyball - HonestyMost important quality of a friend/boss/girlfriend/partner/wife/husband/teacher/coworker/collegue – which make a marriage/friendship/relationship successfulBuild a stronger relationship with each other and become more intimateBe able to trust in my friend (and I think honesty is the first step for a friend to be trustworthy)Rely on her in sharing my secrets and personal stories with her (a dishonest friend is always waiting for an appropriate time to disclose your important secrets)Honesty is the best policyAsk her for help while I cannot say others the situationIf we be honest to each other we will be able to understand each other better and it can help us build a close relationship Recognize each other personality better and it will help our relation shipSay our problems which we need help for solving them but don’t want others to know about themCharacteristics/qualities of a good teacher/boss/friend/partner…Characteristics of good teacher/boos/friend/partner/coworker – the qualities of a good neighbor - qualities of a good supervisor (boss) - important characteristics of a co-worker? - Important qualities of a good roommateHave respect (Be considerate) → don't turn up the music, don’t hold parties at night till late, don't disturb us, don't throw rubbish in front of the building, respect our religionBe supportive → lend money, give a lift by car, if we are sick pay a visit, make food Politeness→ be nice, kind and friendly. Say hello.Not to be intrusive→ respect our privacy and don't put their nose in our lifeDisciplined→ come on time, wear formal clothing, be neat, set some rulesBe considerate→ not make them work beyond the usual hours, let them have vacations, Be polite → treat them well and with respect, say hell, have good mannersBe courageous and strongth →must have enough power to make important decisions, He must overcome his personal interest, He should consider all possible outcomes before making strategic plansbe talentedHave respect→ respect my ideas and opinions, my religionResponsible→ finish his own part of work and help ours finish too, do his job on timeSupportive→ give aid, motivate ,encourage, lend money, give solutions and adviceHonesty – trustworthy Be considerate→ being understanding. Do not disturb, do not turn up the music, do not stay up late at night and leave the lights on, provide peace, respect our privacy, not making noises or inviting guests overnightSociable and fun→ outgoing and extraverted, having sense of humorTrustworthy → we can confide in them, use our stuff with permissionHelpful (supportive) → lend money, solve problems in critical situations, give a lift by car, help in studying the materials, lend textbooks, give hand in cleaning the room or doing the assignmentsHealthy → not using drugs or alcoholBe supportive → providing their needs. Give financial aid, prepare clothing, food. Afford school fees. Give useful advices and guide their children in any aspects of their life, help them in doing homework, solve their problems consideration → take care, understand their child better, provide peace and comfort at homeBe a good teacher→ teaching how to speak and walk. Teach us good manners and morals. Be patient Spend enough time with their children: have a good communication and relationship, Creates strong bonds between children and parents, be a good listener. Teach social skillshonesty → keep their promises, children confide in themBig good facilities like internet access library laboratory – cheap pay attention to students physical education as well– have good experienced teacher Win moneyWin money in a lottery – inherit – have to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future: enjoy – you have received a gift of money. The money is enough to buy either a piece of jewelry you like or tickets to a concert you want to attend. Which would you buy: Concert ticket - You have extra amount of money. Would you save it or spend it?Spend it on valuable items – like buying a better car, roomy house..travel to other countries- France, Italyvisit new places and attractionsHelp the poor- buy them clothes and warm food (this way clearly contribute to a better society and we can practice to be more efficient in our social life rather than just take care of our personal interests) continue my studies abroad- get my master's degreebuild school- provide every single person with educationhave convenience → clothing, eating, good car, big househigher education → afford university fees, buy text books to gain knowledgeEnjoy life → travel→ visit other countries on vacations and relax our mindEntertainment→ go to theatre, theme parks, zoo, and museum. Otherwise we have a dull life and experience boredom all the timeHelp to relax→ after a stressful business week. Spend leisure time. I could go out to a concert with friends or colleagues. Change of the daily routine from day-to-day life. A concert would also help me to forget my difficulties. Communicate → Opportunity to spend time and gather around with friends and family. Make new friends, socialize with different people, talk, share interests Memorable experience→ See my favorite singer, take photos and films, drink, sing along, and dance. PhysicianFavorite Job/occupation/work – the person you want to be – job you want to be when you were child – study in university – most admire job in society – Talk about an interesting career or a job you want. - If you can get any job, what would it be?Helping someone through a difficult illnessI can cure the ill people (I had an interest in helping people since my childhood. I think there is no greater happiness than treating a little child which her parent are waiting to see her healthy. My own parents lost their first child and always motivate me to prevent from occurring this tragedy in our future society)Discovering the human body – find new methods that have not found yet to cure fatal illnessesI had the honor of being trusted to give adviceEarned a lot of moneyI had an interest in helping people since my childhoodIt has changed my personality I became caring towards people My knowledge has increased Person you admirePerson you admire in your family – famous person in your country/ in the world – celebrities – you like to become like him – who helped you most in your life – you want to visit in your life – teacher you admireAnswer: my father – a football player in my country – an actress - Anthony "Tony" Robbins is an American life coach, self-help author and motivational speaker. He became well known through his infomercials and self-help books, Unlimited PowerHe has persistence in his workTakes risksTries hard to reach his goalsVery kind and helpfulSupportive – gives financial aid gives me useful adviceencourages me to continue my studieshe always encouraged me in my studiesgave me high self-confidence to reach my goalsmade me feel important and build a good self-image of myselfhe is always available for me and we studied togetherhe is supportive in many ways –emotional and financialdidn't let me give up whenever I failedhe is the writer of a book named Unlimited Power his books are very inspiring and motivatinghe taught me how to be grateful for anything God has given meI learned from him how to put negative feelings awayLearned to be positive and have an optimistic view toward life (his/ her life have been filled with lots of various problems but he/she was never disappointed. I know, he/she suffered severe financial problems and for some times a loaf of bread was considered as the main meal for a whole day, but finally he did not give up and impressed all our family by his achievements)found out how to reach my long lasting dreamshe totally changed my personality- I became caring towards peoplehe had a great impact on me and my way of thinking Human BiologyBook you like – gift: a book about human biology – favorite major in university/school/childhood/ you want to study in university - you want to teach - book changed your life - gift changed your life - What subject/class that you took in high school paid you back? - Describe an object that is very special in your life. Explain why this object is important to you. Include details and examples in your explanation.( gift human biology book )increased my biological science and knowledgemade me familiar with human anatomydiscovered the functions of various organsbecame aware of common causes of diseases and their symptomslearned about the latest medical treatments and diagnosisfound out how to prevent contagious diseasesChange my way in life – change my major from chemistry to biology and attend a university which is the most famous in this field. After reading the book, it was clear for me that just by studying in biology I can follow my interest which was improving the latest medical treatments and diagnosis methodsBecome doctor can cure some strange illnesses no other cannot only become one of the most famous doctors in my city but also one of the richest personAge should a person be allowed to drive/drink21 yearspeople aged 18 are still teenagers and not mature enoughthey easily become emotional they are not responsible for their actionsPay less attention and get distracted easily (I think a drunk person can't handle the responsibility of driving and can simply endanger other drivers. It is proved by scientific papers that alcohol decrease our consciousness and our brain cannot determine the exact position and distance of the objects)they can't handle the responsibility of drivingthey party and drink alcohol and get drunkthey take risks and drive with a high speedthey don't know about the consequences of bad driving/becoming drunkthey like to impress their friends with the risky actions they takeChristmas dayFavorite day/time of year – life - the day which you enjoy and celebrate well - What is your favorite time of the year, what happens and why? - Describe an event such as a holiday or other occasion that you enjoy celebrating – best day of your lifereceive great gifts from my friends and loved onesdecorating the house and my own Christmas treeMeet up and gather around with close friends and relatives: (long holidays of Christmas are a very appropriate chance for busy members of family to return to home, because most of the universities and offices are closed. For example, since last four years, my grandfather has visited one of my brothers who is a lawyer just during these holidays)going on holidayplaying Christmas songs and singing alongreminds me of my childhoodcelebrating the birth of Jesus Christmemorable day- take photos, share memories, bake Christmas cookies and cakesmaking a snow man on the pavementgot married with my GF and we build a fantastic life together and had a big wedding ceremony Why do you think people visit museums?Place recommend to a foreigner – visiting Paris: louver museum -What place or landmark in your country do you recommend that other people visit? -When some people travel to new areas, they like to visit educational places like museums. Others prefer to spend time at more entertaining places like amusement parks. Which do you prefer and why?Improve general knowledge: (Collect information about new places, history, ancient times, fossils and lots of other things. So, this visit can be fast and very time efficient. For example, last year I travelled to India and instead of going everywhere for knowing about that country and collecting data I just visited the national museum to learn about the customs exist in this broad country)learn about their culture and lifestyle → arts, musical instruments, clothing, traditional ceremonies and festivalsImprove professional skills→ information about different parts of science. Many scientist visit this museums to improve their professional knowledge, experts go there as wellSpend leisure time → spend time with family and friends. Take photos. e.g.: at Madam Tussaud's museumTransportation vehicles Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people’s live: ? automobiles ? bicycles ? airplanesAirplaneSuper-fast vehicle: in the past it took several days to travel by using ship or train. Now just within hours we can travel in great distances from one continent to another safely by preventing problems such as time consuming traffic and tragic accidents. So, I believe that airplanes revolved the transportation industry.Help curing people during disasters : like earthquake – provide and transport source of water, food etc. to help victims / transport wounded people to a safe place - hospital Question 2Children should always obey their parents Children obey parents/teachers – workers obey bossYes, they should always obeyParents/bosses know what's good and what's bad for their children/ workers. (they are so experienced that can be more aware of future and make logical decisions. I personally owe lots of my achievements to them because of their constructive suggestions during ……….)parents care the most for their childchildren are inexperienced and immature can't make good decisions on their own children sometimes play risky games or go to dangerous places – they shouldn't disobeyBoss knows about long lasting plans of companyMake decisions quickly or to take your time making decisions.Think before act/ get advice - Do you plan everything for your free time or don't plan anything. What do you prefer? - Some people plan every detail of their vacation in advance. Others prefer to leave most details flexible or open to chance. Which do you think is better, why? - Do you agree or disagree with the following Statement: Being creative, rather than planning carefully, helps people come up with the best solution to a problem.: disagree - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Successful leaders should make others part of the decision-making process: agreeTake my timeweigh the advantages and disadvantagesMake better decisions (fair decisions) because our decisions influence ourselves and other people. I think quick decisions lack considering the all possible solutions and simply lead to regretful ideas. Lots of my friends are not interested in their jobs because of their inconclusive and emotional decisions about their fields.)find out about the consequences and side effectsConsider all possible solutions and find the best solutionask other's opinion on it as well- asking those who have gone through similar experiencessee the situation from different perspective get prepare for possible problems save time/energy- organized, focus better- less stressImplant respect, people more connected to each otherThere may be encouraged to make new and instructive ideasIt help them to be more responsible and considerateLearn about the news from newspapers or from television Some people like to watch the news on television. Other people prefer to read the news in a newspaper. Still others use their computers to get the news. How do you prefer to be informed about the news, why? - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country: disagreeNewspaperyou can read it whenever you wish toeasy accesslow costimprove reading skills you can only choose titles and sections which you are interested inIt is a waste of time sitting behind the TV for hours and can distract you from your favorite news. Instead, by Learn about the news from newspapers you can only choose titles and sections which you are interested in. you shouldn't wait till the news timenot being afraid of missing the important news on TVyou can read your favorite and important articles as much as you wantyou can even keep some of the interesting pages in your drawer Coverage, Accessible, Convenient (search by keywords), economical, up to dateBetter to get up early in the morning or sleep until laterSome students like to take classes early in the morning. Others prefer having classes later in the day. Which time of day is better for you and why?Get up early in the morningfeel healthiermore energeticexercise at morningfeel more cheerfulbody functions better- good cardiovascular functioninghave more time to finish our daily choresdon't feel weary (drowsy) and lazy all daylearn our lessons in school betterfresh mind (based on my personal experience, I defiantly substantiate that doing anything which needs mental focus in the morning is much more effective than other time. When I went to school, I used to wake up early morning at about 5 o’clock and study all my lessons in less than 2 hours.Prefer to go to a big party or a small gathering with friendsBig/large party/class/company/city – be alone or be with your friends – go out or stay at home on holidays/weekends – eat/watch at home or out at restaurant/cinema/theater – shopping alone or with others – write a paper/an assignment/a class activity with a group or alone - eat at food stands or restaurants or home - better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a bigcity - Attending a live performance (for example, a play, concert, or sporting event) is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television - In which company would you like to work, bigger or smaller? Why? - Living with roommate or alone -which one do you prefer. - Some teachers encourage competitions among their students. Other help students learn how to collaborate and study in groups. Which approach do you think is better for learning do you think so? - some people like to eat most of their meals with other people. Others prefer eating most of their meals alone. Which do you prefer and why? - Some people like taking their vacation in a city - Some students attend lecture classes in which only the teacher speaks. Other students have discussion classes in which everyone speaks - Some students live in dormitories on campus. Other students live in apartments off campusGo to a big party/citySocialize and make more friends by go to busy parks, attend dance classes, play group games and lots of other available social activities in a big city. Big cities are always more equipped than smaller ones and provide us more enjoyable lifeexperience more funexpand your social skills and abilitiesplay group gamesmore excitingmemorable-share interestsgroup dancinglisten to music, drink, eat meals get help from others -use their ideas and choose the bestimprove my social skillsuse their point of view- see things with a different perspectiveI can do less work and share it with themSave time- I can have more free timeI feel less stressedit is more fun to do a group workI can learn how to work in a group consulting with experienced people in the relevant field and making more friends is freely available by …….., personally speaking, I have found lots of my friends and life opportunities in these social associations.improve my social skillshave more fun with my class matesstudy in different groupsmore enjoyableplay class games chat with more childrenprevent boredom in classlow cost -economical even with the money paid for transportation like taximore comfortable- no need to by ingredients, cooking, save time more career opportunities more facilities and technology development big universitiesbig shopping centersbetter and safer environmentbetter culture- high classed people- educated peopleinternational affairs and exhibitionsmore entertainments -parks, cinemas, sport centersmore access to the latest electronic deviceshave more focus on the materialscan share my studying time with othersBig universitiesBig shopping centers more leisure sites→ sports center(tennis courts, swimming pool, museum, theatre, theme parks, restaurantsmore career options→ good job with good salarymore convenient → there are a lot of transportation services such as trains, subway, buses and taxiHealthy → nutritious ingredients, diet food, low fat foods, be assured of cleanliness standards, more hygiene, halal meat for Muslims , vegetable food for vegetariansLow cost → cheaper materials, no service tip, no parking cost,Comfortable → wear informal clothes and pajamas, eat in your own room, sit anywhere, watch TV, having peaceSave time→ not held up in the heavy traffic, not wasting time Learning cooking→ learn a new skill No transportation needed→ less air pollution, less waste of petroleumHigher education→ best universitiesDevelopment of technology →easy access to internet, television and mobile phones. Broaden their mind and get familiar with technology developments and electrical devices, get acquainted with the most newWide range of schools→ prestigious schoolsMore entertainment→ spend leisure time going to theatre, museum, theme park, zoo, restaurant instead of just going to the farm and playing with the animalsVariety of subject areas or single subject areaStudy one field/major or different – be specialist in one field or know about different things Focus on a single subject areaBecome professional and expert in one single subject. Using this attitude can help us to gain deeper knowledge in one special field. Between my friends whom selected to be specialist have been much more successful comparing to whom just had a superficial knowledge in lots of subjects.gain deeper knowledgehelps in my career development pass some special courses and laboratory help them become familiar more successful in their job provides a brighter future for students and motivates them to succeed in their studies.Better to marry before the age of 30Marry – study in university – start living alone – have childrenYes it is better to marry before the age of 30 more flexible personality at a younger age and build a stronger relationship have more motivation for marriageAt a younger age, partners have more sexual desire and needhave someone every day and night along with them and share the same experiences together share feelings with your loved one happy dayshave more emotion and more passionboth partners have strong healththeir child can be born with complete physical and mental healthfeel more cheerful-Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Improve life?agreeLife is easier – high technology helps people live easier/better/healthier – people live longer – robots improve life quality - people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon - All human inventions are good for mankind. Do you agree or disagree? - Do you agree or disagree with the statement? People will spend less time cooking and preparing food in twenty years: agree Development of technology→ modern home facilities such as ovens, microwaves and fridges, electrical machines for chopping, grounding, mixing raw materials. Storing food in freezers and eat it whenever they want. Use microwave to warm the food.Spend less time for cooking→ using microwaves and cook the food in just a few minutes. More restaurants and fast foods Pre-packaged meals→ already cleaned, washed, cut meat and vegetables in hygienic vacuumed packagesFree delivery and convenient transportation systemsTechnology development→ Effective medical treatments, building new pharmaceutical companies, drug development, new diagnosing methods and tools, advanced laboratory devices for diagnosis and preventing from diseases. E.g. Microscope…Eradication of fatal diseases→ Through the invention of vaccines Polio, Plague Paying more attention to personal hygiene→ Eating more healthy→ Purified water , healthy food, bathing, washing, visiting the doctor for monthly check-upsIncreased careers in the healthcare→ physicians and nurses nutritionist denstistIncreased general knowledge by watching media advertisements, read newspapers, listening to the radio, being taught at school More Sports centers→ exercise, fitness…technology will improve, cooking facilities and enhancements, many prepared food,preserving foods.Not everything that is learned is contained in booksAGREEWe can learn everything with books – no need to go to school and read book by ourselves – going school is enough to learn everything - students should be required to attend classes or should be optional for students - learn better by themselves than with a teacher - Attending classes and learning from school is better than getting information outside the class. Do you agree or disagree - Do you agree or disagree the statement "We learn important things in classroom?"Sth like personal experience cannot be learned from books – self-esteem – should get experience from their teacher knowledge – learn how to work with other people – like working as a team on a university project – social interaction – can learn from others – make friends – get help from others in the case of needTo summarize, the requisition to understand ideas and concepts exceeds that of learning facts because it helps students be a successful person in the future and improve their personal lives. It is highly time we stopped focusing on facts which are absolutely trivial and pay attention to values which can revolutionize a person's life.( disagree : Increase Scientific knowledge→ e.g. encyclopedia, broaden our mind. Scientists from centuries ago have studied and summarized much knowledge for hundreds of years so we can trust the information. Books help us to cultivate the specialized knowledge. Learn new skills→ cooking ( new dishes, foreign food), taking care of baby, health careLearn about different cultures →If we are interested in culture in other parts around the world, we don't travel to others, by reading books, we have much understanding of belief, customs and habits of those who don't belong to our countryDevelop moral senses→ Bible, Quran, psychology books. Know what is right or wrong. Teach us good manners. Books on ethics are important to us because they sharpen human personality.)Build a large factory near your communityDisagreeLive in large city/place – crowded city – large shopping center/high school/university/Movie Theater/ factory/ restaurant may be built in your neighborhood/community/city/townNoisy Air pollution →heavy machines and cars producing smokeTraffic → clerks' and boss cars crowded areaMovies or television/PC/… influence people’s behaviorAgreeHow TV influence life? – does it have effect? – TV change people life? – TV effects life in many ways? - Television has destroyed communication among friends and family – TV/PC/internet/technology/modern communication - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. - there have been many inventions in technology in the 20th century. Mention one invention which is most important for you. Give examples and details. - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Telephone has greater influence on people’s lives than television has. : disagree Easily gain extensive knowledge in all areas →get information about anything around the world- being a student and want to be well prepared for the coming entrance exam to the university→switch to educational channel learn many practical skills to communicate with each other → TV programs show similar cases happening in all aspects of real life →people learn lessons how to behave in certain cases → apply them in real life to solve their own issuesSource of entertainment→ making life more enjoyable- watching interesting films such as horror, romance, comedy, actionCause serious problems→ health issues- obesity in well developed countries-laziness- physical and mental problems- young criminals imitate the violent scenesStop using our own imagination→ when we see things acted out for us→ Mental laziness becomes physical laziness→ we'd rather watch sports on TV than play sports ourselves. We'd rather visit the characters on "Friends" than go chatting with our own neighbors.spend the majority of their time watching television → people are neglecting time that could have been spent talking with both friends and family, could lead to the breakdown of relationships between family members and lost friendshipsmakes you less sociable →not going out with friends→ People prefer to watch their favorite programs on TV rather than to play with their friends outside, a lot of different channels and programs, Get addicted to TVUnhealthy → being a sedentary person ,produce different diseases such as obesity and heart diseasesLearn bad attitude→ being selfish, speaking bad words, cheating, being rude with other people-entertainment, relieve stress, hectic life-learning about cultures, belief, costumes, etc.-educational training programs like documentaries to gain knowledge-being informed about latest news and what goes on all over the world-become familiar with products and merchandise through adsCulturalUp to date info, useful, entertain moreAdvertisementchildren's curiosity about technology enables them to discover new thingstechnology increases children's penchant for being successfulControversy exists over whether the advent of the Internet has negatively influenced people's lives. I believe, however, access to the precious information offered by the Internet does more goods than harms since it broadens people's perspectives and provides endless hours of entertainment for them.When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with successagreeHard working is more important – with hard working can make up for lack of talent – anything is possible to achieve with hard working – successful people are hardworking - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most businesspeople are motivated only by the desire for more money : disagreeAchieve higher education→ No pain, no gain’ an old proverb says. It is a well known fact there is no success without a hard work, study books, write, read,…Earn money→ put effortLearning new skills→ being a good chief, becoming a good driver, good painterGet promotions at work→ high performance, responsibility, work hard- other motivations : social condition-fame- gaining experience for their carrier- Internal satisfaction- Patriotic beliefUniversities should give the same amount of money to their students’ sports activities as they give to their university librariesDisagreeMoney for education and environment – money for sport/external activity/ cultural activity - spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should governments spend more money on improving public transportation (buses, trains, subways)? - Some people drive their own car to school or work. Others ride a bus, train or other form of public transportation - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should spend more money on improving access to the Internet than on public transportation. : agree - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend money on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds: sport/artDisagree - Public transportationexpensive text books → it is very pricey for students to buy text books with their own expensenecessary for best education →students have to get access to all the library research tools as much as possiblerequire up- to-date bookskeep libraries open all night costs money→ electricity, heat, staff, internet , reconstructing their buildingless accidentsless trafficless air pollutionlower pricecommunicate with others- save time and energy- preventing lots of physical and mental problems such as stress nervous pollution- facilitate life more accessibleSport:-physically-mentally-successArt:-culture-tourism-unemployment Controversy exists over whether the amount of financial support that is given to sports and social activities by universities and colleges should be equivalent to that of classes and libraries. I believe, however, sports and social activities are by far more important than classes and libraries since they help students enhance their personal lives, develop social skills, and make progress in their academic studies.People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doingAgreeStudy/have a job you don’t like – go to school although we don’t wantway of learning new things (build new skills) → it's part of life → studying, home works at school, household chores such as washing the dishes and taking out the garbage, necessary for earning money→ as a clerk at work do hard or uninteresting jobs (Boredom is inherent in any kind of work)Sometimes vital for us→ going to the dentist or doctor. Doing a surgery. Giving blood or donating bloodRequired for being healthy→ doing exercise in the morning, keep in shape, prevent obesity and other diseases Like and dislike about living in your town or city?A person you know is planning to move to your town or city. What do you think this person would Like and dislike about living in your town or city? – good and bad feature of your country/town/city/work palace/school/universityTeenagers have jobs while they are still studentsTeenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? - working beside studying – have job while attending school/university - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should try several different jobs before they take a long term career: agree - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take part-time jobs while they are studying in universities: agree/disagree - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should only study or play and don’t have to do household chores: disagree-gain experience, challenge, problem solving, critical thinking, organizational skills-be in touch with new technologies, projects, be more updated.-make solid background for their long term job. Be familiar with experts, well knownbusinessmen, managers, companiesagree: more time and energy, more concentration, have less stress, participate in group talks and volunteer projects.disagree: afford their living costs, explore different aspects of their majors, gainexperience beside studying for future carrier-responsible-independent-skillsStaying in one place or moving in search of another placeSome people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place?Employees for their entire livesBusinesses should hire employees for their entire lives. Do you agree or disagree?: disagreeNo competition→ no competition with other co-workers for getting promotions, little motivation and less overall productivityDecreased performance→ staff soon gets boring with their stable job in such a long time, they will not work efficiently, The same-old-same-old environment soon makes them depressed, take them days and months to complete a taskIncrease in unemployment → No job for young graduated students, not allowing them to explore their potential young people who graduate from universities and colleges would not get any jobs in the industry until the current employees retire or resign from their jobs. These young and educated people will suffer as they would not get a chance to work and experience the things that they have learned during their education. If these new and young talents would not get an employment they would not be able to earn and support their families.Progress is always good?Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good?Academic courses over the InternetMany universities now offer academic courses over the Internet. However, some people still prefer learning in traditional classrooms. Which do you think is better? Explain why.Students who keep their rooms neat and organized will be more likely to succeed than students who do not.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students who keep their rooms neat and organized will be more likely to succeed than students who do not.Agree:-makes stress, nervous-learn to be organized and disciplinedDisagree:-other reasons are more important like perseverance, have time schedule, ect.Sports teach people lessons about life.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sports teach people lessons about life.Agree:-real condition of life, making decision, skills: critical thinking, problem solving-competitions teach to be respectful, cooperative, and supportive-helps to be ambitious, perseverance, making effort-socialize making friends with interests in common, share the same kind of habitsImproving schools is the most important factor in the successful development of a country.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Improving schools is the most important factor in the successful development of a country.Agree:-latest technologies, advanced devices and facilities, be up to date gain knowledgeexperience-learn communicational skills, developing one’s personality for future society example:projects group talks …-educate them about cultural, historical background of the country, they can make moreuseful decisions for their societyAdvertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.Disagree:-time-money-cultural, school, family backgrounds tempt them to eatA job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation timeDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose: disagreeRelaxation (hectic life) recovers and overcome stress, entertains, socialize making friends, spend time with family, having adventure and see other places.-private business-more dynamic, try to establishjob inspires people to struggle and boosts their self esteem.To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving successDo you agree or disagree with the following statemet? To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success Agree:raise self steam, more confident, motivation, shortcut to goals.Disagree:gain experience, do not loose self confidence, persevere.The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is to increase teachers’ salaries.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is to increase teachers’ salaries.Agree:more motivated more energetic, more responsible, healthier,Disagree:other ways are more effective( lab. facilities, planning projects, educational system,workshop certificate).Professional athletes, such as football and basketball players, do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Professional athletes, such as football and basketball players, do not deserve the high salaries that they are paid.disagree:motivation, become retired sooner, experience lots of stress tolerate hard parctices, have less leisure timeYounger school children (ages five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, science, history and language.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Younger school children (ages five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, science, history and language.Agree:discover different aspects, find their talents and abilities, they have more time, they are more flexible, they will entertain their school time better.Movies and TV programs made in one’s own country are more interesting than those made in other countriesDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and TV programs made in one’s own country are more interesting than those made in other countriesAgree: culture, languageIf you do not make sure other people (especially influential people or your employers) know about your strengths and accomplishments, you will never get successful in lifeDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? If you do not make sure other people (especially influential people or your employers) know about your strengths and accomplishments, you will never get successful in lifeAgree- get good position- get promotion in a little time - get good incomeParents should allow children to make their own choices rather than determine their children’s future for them.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should allow children to make their own choices rather than determine their children’s future for them.Agree:- responsible- self confident- find abilitiesIn the busy and crowded world today, we should not expect people to be polite to each other.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the busy and crowded world today, we should not expect people to be polite to each other. - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the modern world, we should never be impolite to another person: disagreeDisagree:-communication better-help and assistanceProfessional statusCultural valuesGet along with others, cooperateIt was easier to achieve success in the past than it is todayDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? It was easier to achieve success in the past than it is todayAgree:-less competitive-more position-good economyDisagree:-technology-communication-global worldMovies and televisions should always show audience that good people are rewarded and bad people are punished.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and televisions should always show audience that good people are rewarded and bad people are punished.Agree:-justice-ambitious for doing good things-consequences of bad worksJuvenile delinquency decreasesObey rulesRespect each otherParents do not understand their children as well as parents did 50 years agoDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents do not understand their children as well as parents did 50 years agoagree-technology,web surfing, video games, social network-classes and online courses and internet instead of asking problems from parents-children in current society own their private room sharing their happiness and annoyance with the peers.People would be happier with fewer possessions.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People would be happier with fewer possessions.agreeAfford requirement, facilitate life, no stress and tensionEnjoy his time have fun, socializePeople who move out of their native villages or towns are more successful and happier than people who stay in their native villages or townsDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who move out of their native villages or towns are more successful and happier than people who stay in their native villages or townsNew people , with different cultures religionsNew place, adventure, universityThe government should support scientific research even if there’s no practical useDo you agree with the following statement? The government should support scientific research even if there’s no practical useagreeMay be utilized in futureEncourage scientistSome other practical may be based on this impracticalThe environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual.DisagreeSociety is made up of individualsTransfer as a custom to next generationIn order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else?Do you agree with the following statement? In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else?DisagreeUniqeProfessionalTake risksIn a team, those who do not accept others’ criticism cannot succeedDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? In a team, those who do not accept others’ criticism cannot succeed: agree - Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People holding different views cannot achieve success as a team: agreeStubborn-strict-maintain flaws and mistakes-cause problemsOthers may be bothered and could not get along withAre not cooperativeThere is the possibility that one give up in the middle of the project processDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? All school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge. AgreeProvide students with new information - Utilize new procedures for teaching-have profound impactDo you agree with the following statement? All high school students should take a course in basic economics: agreeStart career, how to make moneySave money, control budgetDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should only play sports for fun, not in competitions or contests: disagreePersevere to reach their goalsCooperative, future group projectsIt is an incentive to increase their abilitiesDo you agree or disagree with the following statement. Nowadays more and more people spend too much money on their pets(dogs, cats and others), although there are better uses for this money.More separated, isolatedSpend in healthier waysDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? People care more about public recognition than about money. Even if no more money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder. AgreeInfluenceMake use of their situation in other to gain moneyImprove the societyDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Colleges or Universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the future before they start working.DisagreeAffordableUse their time in better ways, gain a lot of experiencesDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the pastagreeConsult with their friends and their professorsThey attend universities in other cities and even other countriesSo they learn how to do their jobs and affairs themselvesThey learn how to make money and afford their requirementIncreasing the salary of professorsAgreeViews differ when it comes to the issue of whether increasing university professors' salaries can lead to an improvement in the quality of education. Being paid a more salary provides an incentive for professors and releases their stress and pressure.152400-219075No They may do well in college because they more mature – have new opportunity to try in order to access to their goal in life – Adulthood – more responsibilities for other peoples life : your family/ work , duties , less leisure timeAgreeThey have enough money so they can help them – improve their self-esteem when help others because the humanity – poor can leave better so less society disorder like crime – government cannot support all poor peopleSwim in beach near my home – good for health, relax, fun with my friends, relax, release tension, blood circulation, good shapeClasses – help learn different skills like computer, painting, photograph not only good for our own experience but also for future job in addition can help to uor academic studies – only time we have enough free time to get such classes during the university we have to focus on or lessonDisagreeThe main purpose is that we want student to learn sth new – they may had problems that they cannot did it well - it is better to pay attention the quality of their job rather than the time they give it to themAgreeIn today’s world most of people have university degree – competition between people we have to have university degree – specific knowledge is required in todays world which can only obtain In academic studies like computer studiesMain character of a film named god father – actor was perfect he played naturally and played his role perfect – his role was the main role of the film and it was related ???????????????sherlok holms, written by sir artur hanan doil...[12:10:55 PM] shima karami: mysterious and wise character,[12:11:18 PM] shima karami: facing chalengable cases to solve[12:11:50 PM] shima karami: struggleing against guilt and crimes[12:12:14 PM] shima karami: the style of his clothing My own rom – it has a perfect view – you can see the beach from its window and I have sun shine light in to my room every morning – huge and with good facilities like bed, table, closetBig mall near my house – find any kind of clothes you want casual or formal clothes – with reasonable price – most of the famous brand are available – sellers are helpful and kind and give you good advice to buy thing that is really suits youIf a foreign comes to your country, what kind of food do you want to recommend and why?Pizza – it is a traditional food which made in Italy for the first time – it is really delicious and if it is made from good ingredients it is healthy too – you can find some types of pizza exclusively in Italy which taste wonderful – it is cheap and affordable for students – they can have it as their main meal in the university for lunchRecently I am reading a book named sherlook holmes – it is wonderful – thriller book – I learn a lot about crime and investigation methods police use – fill my leisure time with exciting story –Objective question – it is easier to prepare for exam especially when you don’t have so much time to do it – may be you can read faster for the exam and save time – one of the potions is definitely the answer so you can find it whit rejecting incorrect objects or by your general knowledge about the subject or even by chanceAgreeThey are exposed to many different new information about their field because of the development in the which occurred in science so they have to cover a lot more information that is need more time and effort – if they want to search for an issue they have to check internet and a lot of different books and magazine in the library and which take more time but in the past students use only 1-2 books in order to do their researchGovernment have built a lot of universities during past 20 years – improve the science and technology in my country- advanced in our industry because of scientific support from universities - provide more jobs for people how have degrees in any field – students can learn higher education in our country but in the past they have to go abroad – better education qualitySelina Gomez – she is one of the most famous musician in the US – she is also an actor – her songs are wonderful and full of energy - give a lot of positive energy – she use meaningful lyrics in her songs – she is pretty and she is successful although she is young and it is encourage me to try hard in my life to do soFootball- I really enjoyed it and I was good at it – go to our neighborhood stadium and play every evening – gradually I progressed in football and play in my school team – we won the cop of a competition between schools in my country – and that was memorable and goodNew – young usually – so we can contact each other better – he is full of energy and we can do different new project together – he is new so he is familiar with the last development in technology and have access to latest topics in the world through internet – learned the latest method of teaching in his university studiesLearn new culture –learn how to live independent so prepare for his future life better – make new friend from different countries – obtain a lot of experience through his new life in a foreign countryDrive a car – in order to get my driving license because I wanted to buy a car for myself – it was hard for me because I never had driven a car before – I attended in driving classes – my instructor was perfect and eventually I got my driving license lefttopOne job – concentrate better – do it better because you don’t have to pay attention to different things at the same time – it is time efficient to do one thing and then go to the next one because multitask will reduce performance of brain and body and you will get tired sooner The invention of light bulb by Edison – it was one of the most important event in human history – learn how to think differently and innovatively – help me to learn how to persist on my dream and try to reach my goal in my lifelefttopAgreeHow they attention their appearance – how much respect other people they visit during the day – some who don’t respect others for example wear casual clothes in a formal interview in a work place – the way of thinking directly affect people’s appearance - for example a rock musician always wear casual but a university professor always wear formal cloths – and both of them think that their appearance is appropriateGo to a beach near my home – swimming – have a lot of fun – had barbecue on the beach – we played game like volley ball or football there – sun bathing – ?Making sand castles – soccer – volleyball - Early in the morning – have a lot of energy – have more time before go to bed to finish it – have more access to different sources like your professor in university or maybe library which are accessible during the day. Because university is closed in the afternoonNew – last edition – latest data in my field – science and it is important to have last data – I can sell them to some book stores because I usually keep them neat and clean – they paid me good for themYes – learn about important things about these field in general – fill their leisure time with valuable activity which not only enjoyable but also sth that they can learn from it – children will like to study their lessons more and will attract to different field and find their interest easilyAs soon as possible – I will face stress if it late until last moment – so I can’t concentrate properly and maybe do some mistake that affect the result – I have enough time to review it and add more detail or may be ask for advice from someone else Near school – do not need to wake up early to reach there- can access to its facilities more easily like internet access or library - do not need to pay money on transportation like car fuel or maybe public transportation and because I am near I can save time – do not waste my time on my way to school Audio books – can have them with myself everywhere because they don’t occupy any space – listen to them on my way – just upload them to my mobile - they don’t need any light – so I can listen to them when I am walking on the street at night or even when I lie on my bed before sleep – they are cheaper Good – faster production and cheaper equipment are produced now – the production process is more accurate with the exactness of robot jobs - more people have access to them – help people to suffer less physical pressure during hand worksDisagreeWear what they want – more comfortable in their work place – can concentrate on their tasks better – feel better about their work place and love its atmosphere so they become more enthusiastic to go there –Science – can learn about different phenomena and help me to understand my the universe better like physics or astronomy – and help me to improve my view in dealing with different situation like help me improve my relations when I know about social science Telephone – accessible everywhere and every time – with cell phone – fast – they may not be online right the moment you need them but they always have their cell phone with them- in emergency situation you can access to them properly Sister – he is not social person like me - too shy have few friends – do not like to attend university and she started to work when she finished high school – she do not pay attention to sports but I am a professional athlete – Agree – teacher can refer them to internet sources – they can do their research in their school – they can use their time more efficient by not taking notes during the class and just have the presentation file which their teacher use on their monitorsIntelligence – help solve my problem in my studies – help to improve my knowledge – encourage them to work harder to achieve their goal – start job together and become successful because I was the manager of the jobMy own – I have enough knowledge about it – and I have equipment which is needed- it is cheaper – faster – when someone else do it for you it takes log time until they take it and bring it backAgreeIf they want they can – they need just more effort – they are more experienced so they can perform better – they AgreeThe biggest part of your day you do job – give you stress you cannot forget them – do not want to do that you will do it badly so you may earn less money and it will affect your life quality – you wont promote in your job because you do not do it wellWhen I meet my friends after 1 year – the restaurant was prefect good food quality - music – we had fun – and they held a birthday party there for me – and give a gift for my birthday since that was a week before What you miss most about your home when you are awayAcademic courses : online or traditional classA place you enjoy go there when you were a childMore important to study math and science than art and literature A memorable photograph or paintingHave one career in your life or different careerCity you suggest visitLearn online or traditional classTime when someone helped you in the past – how did he do it – why importantTake risk or avoid danger?Important experience you hadFamily most have most influence or friends ?Time when you accomplished sth you think you could not do – what ? why you think you could not ?Children should learn second languageInteresting book you have readChildren should be allowed to watch TV program they want or controlled by parents ?The most efficient type of transportation in your countryLearn musical instrument ? in education A game / sport / group activity in your countryUse internet or hard copy for research ?Your favorite type of books ?Best way to learn is making mistake ? A/DWhat is a good way to make friend ?It is important to learn from past ? A/DTPO :1-1-Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer. 1-2-Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on society. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.2-1- Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important. Please include specific details in your explanation.2-2-Some college students choose to take courses in a variety of subject areas in order to get a broad education. Others choose to focus on a single subject area in order to have a deeper understanding of that area. Which approach to course selection do you think is better for students and why?3-1-What characteristics do you think make someone a good parent? Explain why these characteristics are important to you.3-2-Some students prefer to work on class assignments by themselves. Others believe it is better to work in a group. Which do you prefer? Explain why.Socialize – make friends –prepare for future life – learn work as a team and share different responsibilities Different perspective – share knowledge – learn from each other – solve their problems 4-1-What do you miss most about your home when you are away? Use specific details in your explanation.4-2-Many universities now offer academic courses over the Internet. However, some people still prefer learning in traditional classrooms. Which do you think is better? Explain why.5-1- talk about a place you enjoyed going when you were a child.5-2- study math is more important than study art and literature ?Disagree : Help people develop their mind – broaden their feeling – understand each other better and communicate their families and friends better because understand each other’s feelings Help improve society – eliminate social disorders – less crime and people help each other more6-1 Talk about a photograph or painting you have seen that was memorable. Explain what you liked or disliked about it.Photograph in my grand mothers house – thought it had been lost – got really surprised and pleased – oldest one which all of us were there – I was just 2 month6-2-Some people have one career throughout their lives. Other people do different kinds of work at different points in their lives Which do you think is better? Explain why.Get deeper knowledgeMore informationExpert SuccessfulMore experience – find new ways – become rich and more reliable in public view – be more innovative in our field7-1- If friends from another country were going to spend time in your country, what city or place would you suggest they visit? Using details and examples, explain why.7-2-State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons, using specific details in your explanation. Learning through online courses is more effective than learning in the traditional classroom setting.8-1-Describe about a time a friend or a family member helped you in the past. Describe how the person helped you then explain why this was important to you.8-2-Some people enjoy taking risk and trying new things, others are not adventurous, they are cautious and try to avoid danger. Which behavior do you think is better? Explain why.9-1-Talk about an important experience that you recently had. Describe what happened and explain why it was important to you.9-2-Some people think that family members are the most important influence on young adults, others believe that friends are the most important influence. Which do you agree with? Explain why.10-1-Talk about a time when you accomplished something you did not think you could do. What did you accomplish? Why did you think you could not do it?10-2-Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use details and examples to explain your answer. All children should be required to learn a second language in school.Learn new culture – broaden their mind – know more about the world they live in – become more successful when they grow upImprove self-esteem because it seems to be hard to learn second language11-1-Talk about an interesting book you have read. Explain why you thought the book was interesting. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.11-2-Some people think that children should be allowed to watch whatever television programs they choose to. Others think that parents should exercise control over the television programs their children watch. Which do you agree with? Explain why.12-1-What is the most efficient type of transportation in your country? Explain why you think it is efficient. Include specific reasons or examples.12-2-Some people believe it's essential for a person's education to learn to play a musical instrument. Others don't believe music education is important. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.Necessary Learn to release emotion – without harm others – angry or happy – release by different music Broaden they mind – learn to concentrate on instrument and what they are playing – exercise for mind 13-1-Talk about a game, sport or other group activity that is played in your country. Explain why you think the activity is enjoyable.13-2-When looking for information for a research project, some students prefer to get their information mainly from the Internet. Others prefer to mainly use printed materials such as books and academic journals. Which do you prefer, and why?14-1-People enjoy reading many different types of books such as mystery, biography, romance, etc. Of all the different types of books that there are, what type do you most enjoy? Explain why.14-2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?One of the best ways to learn is by making mistakes.Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.AgreeLearn concepts deeper – understand more what we have not learned because we will somehow feel themIf we believe it we will become more courage to make things that seems hard or impossible and if we failed we learn about our decisions and become more responsible ................

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