Monthly Time and Effort Certification for Federal Grants

Monthly Time and Effort Certification for Federal GrantsFact Sheet for School and Central Program StaffWhat is “Time and Effort Certification?”Federal law requires that all staff partially funded with federal funding certify the amount of time they spend working on the federal grant's objectives to demonstrate that the amount budgeted and claimed in that program is accurate. Title I, II, III, IV, IDEA, VATEA, and ARRA funds are the major federal grant funds sources received by the DOE to fund school programs, however, other fund sources and competitive grants may also be federal dollars, and will require monthly certifications by staff. If you have received this information sheet, it means that you are required by law to complete this certification each month, due to the way your position is funded in your school’s budget. The funding sources and the percentage of your position charged to each source is based on how the principal scheduled the schools’ allocation in Galaxy, and will be pre-populated on the monthly certification form provided to you by your immediate supervisor. How are the allocations for my position created on the monthly certification? The allocations on your monthly certification are pre-determined based on the allocations in your school’s budget. The principal is responsible for developing the school-based budget, after consulting with the School Leadership Team (SLT), and ensuring that the services and funding used for those services is aligned with the Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP). Principals describe in the CEP the fiscal and human resources that will be used to achieve the school’s goals, referencing specific budget categories (i.e., Title I, Fair Student Funding, Title IIA, Title III, etc.) that will support the actions, strategies, and activities described in this action plan. Principals must maximize resources, and may piece together funding to pay for a position or service through several different allocations that allow for that service.Example: A teacher may provide one service (such as pull-out services for reading) and might be split-funded; i.e.75% from Title I and 25% from tax levy Fair Student Funding; since this position has one responsibility and is funded by only one of the relevant federal funding streams, it is a “single cost-objective” position and does not require a monthly certification. In this case the principal or central program manager certifies time and effort semi-annually.?Who must complete monthly certifications? Staff members whose positions are split-funded (i.e. funded by more than one federal grant) and have multiple responsibilities shall complete monthly certifications. A position that is split-funded and has multiple responsibilities will receive a monthly certification identifying what percentage of time is attributed to each funding stream. The following are examples of staff who may be split-funded and have multiple responsibilities: A guidance counselor providing mandated counseling services based on the child’s IEP and counseling services as an intervention to at-risk learners. IDEA funding can be used to pay for the portion of time the guidance counselor provides mandated services based on the child’s IEP (two periods a day, or 40%), and another funding, such as Title I, which can pay for the time served counseling services to at-risk learners (three periods a day, or 60%). The monthly certification will reflect 40% funded by IDEA and 60% funded by Title I. (Examples continued on next page.)A teacher functioning as a general education classroom teacher for three days per week and a staff developer for two days per week. The monthly certification will reflect 60% funded by Tax levy Fair Student Funding and 40% Title IIA, as two different functions are being performed.A paraprofessional serving as an IEP paraprofessional four periods per day (80%) and as the AIS (academic intervention services) paraprofessional to at risk learners for one period per day. The monthly certification will reflect 80% funded by IDEA and 20% funded by Title I. ?Are there any exemptions from the monthly certification requirement?Yes. There are two: Title I School Wide Project (SWP): Schools are considered to be “conceptually consolidated” for Title I, II, and III; and therefore, monthly certifications are not required for staff partially funded by these grants. Monthly certifications are needed only for staff partially charged to fund sources that are not conceptually consolidated, such as IDEA and VATEA. Staff that work in Title I Targeted Assistance (TA) or Non-Title I schools, or staff that work in programs administered by central offices, are not eligible for “conceptual consolidation” in any fund source; therefore, monthly certifications are required for all staff partially funded by any federal fund source. Single Cost-Objective: Staff may be exempted from the monthly certification process if they have only one responsibility, even if the position is supported by several funding sources if all of the funding sources allow for that activity. This is as performing a “single cost-objective.” For example, a guidance counselor providing only mandated counseling services based on IEPs is providing a “single cost” objective. Staff providing services under a “single cost-objective” do not need to provide monthly certifications. Your principal or centrally administered program manager can indicate single cost-objective in Galaxy, and no further monthly reports will be required. NotesSigned Time and Effort Certifications must be maintained on file by the principal at the schoolTime and Effort Certifications are required as per federal OMB Circular A-87/2CFR Part 225.If you have any questions regarding your monthly certification, or this process, please consult your immediate supervisor. ................

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