Terra US History Framework DRAFT—5-21-08

US History Framework: Illuminate History with American Art, Poems and Songs, Primary Sources

Developed by John Curtin

Draft sequence of quarter-by-quarter content/chronology

The following outlines are preliminary and have been prepared to align with the new Social Science framework that is in development by CPS. It is an example of a way to relate American art and American history to the documents and literature of different time periods.


▪ There is one general Theme: American Identities

▪ Teachers will identify their own Theme for each quarter or unit within the quarter.

▪ Teachers will design lesson plans to develop that Theme.

American Art

▪ Use works of art identified through the Terra Teacher Lab for the time period you are teaching.

Relevant Resources

▪ Primary sources include: letters, speeches, other documents—from American Memory and other sources.

▪ Resources, including poems and songs, have been collected as examples. Teachers will expand the resource lists.

▪ The framework includes links to websites that teachers can use to collect additional relevant sources.

Resource Connections

▪ Art Institute of Chicago,

▪ History Matters,

▪ Library of Congress, American Memory,

▪ Terra Foundation for American Art,

This grid is posted in the Terra Teacher Lab materials section on


7th grade

|First quarter |Second quarter |Third quarter |Fourth quarter |

|Pre-Columbian and Encounter |Settlement, Colonies, |The New Nation and Westward |The Civil War |

| |Independence |Expansion | |

|Your Theme |Your Theme |Your Theme |Your Theme |

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|American Art |American Art |American Art |American Art |

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| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Primary Sources |Primary Sources |Primary Sources |Primary Sources |

| | | | |

|The Magna Carta |Declaration of Independence |Louisiana Purchase Map, 1804 |Band Music |

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|Columbus’s Journal, 1492 |Benedict Arnold’s Letter to the|List of purchases made by |Letter from John Boston, runaway slave|

| |Inhabitants of America |Meriwether Lewis in preparation for| |

|Columbus’s Letter to the King and | |expedition to the West |Gettysburg Address |

|Queen of Spain, 1494 |Adams Family Papers | | |

| | |John C. Fremont Rocky Mountain |Diary of Confederate Belle Edmondson, |

| | |Exploration Report excerpts |January - November, 1864 |

| | | | |

| | |Sojourner Truth’s “Ain't I a Woman”|Private Jefferson Moses’s Civil War |

| | |Speech (1851) |Diary |

| | | | |

| | | |Letters home from an Iowa soldier |

|Poems and Song |Poems and Songs |Poems and Songs |Poems and Songs |

| | | | |

|"The Thanksgivings" |The Liberty Song |"I Hear America Singing" |"When Johnny Comes Marching Home" |

| | | | |

|"The Song of the Lenape Warriors" |“Paul Revere’s Ride” |"The Pony Express" |"Oh Captain! My Captain!" |

| | |"XLIII" | |

|"Medicine Song of an Indian Lover" | | |“Bury Me in a Free Land” |

| | | | |

|"The Pumpkin" | | |"John Brown's Body" |

8th grade

|First quarter |Second quarter |Third quarter |Fourth quarter |

|An Expanding Nation |Cities and Industrialization |Wars and Economic Challenges |Civil Rights and Political |

| | | |Developments |

|Your Theme |Your Theme |Your Theme |Your Theme |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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|American Art |American Art |American Art |American Art |

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|Primary Sources |Primary Sources |Primary Sources |Primary Sources |

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|Susan B. Anthony at the voting |Design Sketch of Telephone and |Roosevelt’s “Day of Infamy” |Full program of Chicago Freedom |

|polls |History |address |Movement (July 1966) |

| | | | |

|Broadsides—several images from the|Thomas Edison Patent/Drawing for |Diary of Theodore Joslin, |Dr. Martin Luther King’s Letter |

|emergence of advertising |Incandescent Light Bulb |Secretary to President Herbert |from Birmingham Jail |

| | |Hoover | |

|California as I First Saw It |Letter from Upton Sinclair to | | |

| |Roosevelt (1906) |Posters from WWII | |

|Poems and Songs |Poems and Songs |Poems and Songs |Poems and Songs |

| | | | |

|The Oxen Song |"Mannhatta” |"The Bean Eaters" |"American History" |

| | | | |

|Bound for the Promised Land |“They Will Say” |“Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?” |"I, Too, Sing America" |

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| |“Chicago” | |"I’ve Known Rivers" |

| | | | |

| | | |"Lift Every Voice and Sing" |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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