Period Review Activities Portfolio

Period Review Activities Portfolio

For each of the AP World History Time periods, complete ONE the following:

1. Illustrated PP that illustrates the Key Concepts

2. Illustrated PP that illustrates the Key PEOPLE and their contribution to the time period

3. Illustrated PP that highlights the THEMES within the time period

4. Illustrated Jeopardy game (themes)

5. Illustrated Response to 6 FR Essays

6. Create an illustrated timeline that includes significant dates (and their significance) Use the themes as a guide (can be a poster)

7. Create and explain an alternative periodization for the world; Think about using Asian civilizations rather than European.

8. Create a test with 30 questions/5 answers for each that assess broad and important concepts of the period.

9. Create a board game that reviews the key concepts and ideas from the period

10. Create a PPT that profiles important women of the time period: where, why, when, significance; about 12

11. Create a PPT that illustrates important revolutions of the time period; where, why, when, ignorance, causes, effects; about 12

12. For Period 1, you may create a student DBQ

13. Song


Use the AP Central Course Guide

The Test will be LESS THAN 30% Western; so should your review packet

Use the Themes of the Course

Use Crunch (specifics: people, dates, events, ideas, and concepts)

Do your BEST work; not your worst; in the words of Frau David, “show me how MUCH you know, not how LITTLE”

Periods 1, 2 and 3, will be due BEFORE January 13th.

Periods 4, 5 and 6, will be due BEFORE May 4th


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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