Alcohol Commercial Project Sheet

Alcohol Commercial Project Sheet

Health- Grade 7


Each individual will be responsible for creating a television commercial that advocates the Non-Use of Alcohol. Advocacy can mean showing you feel strongly about actions that are healthy and encouraging others to make healthy choices as well. For this project students will spend time outside of class to fulfill the project requirements. Each student is for creating a script for their assignment. If you would also like to create a slide show or power point along with your script that would be acceptable as a video as well.

Project Guidelines:

Individuals must create, direct, and write a script for a commercial. Commercials should be appropriate for school use (no foul language, weapons, violence, etc.). They should also incorporate factual information and benefits that go along with choosing not to use an alcoholic product. Students should select a specific product and a target audience. Students should also utilize fun and creative methods while developing their commercials. This can include creating slogans, catch phrases, or even mascots to be used along with the product. After writing a script, students must then act out the commercial using props, costumes, signs, slogans, etc. ABSOLUTELY no WEAPONS or ALCOHOL PRODUCTS may be used.

Grading Rubric: Alcohol Commercial

3 2 1 0

|Creativity |Utilize a variety of 3 or more |Utilize two different types of |Only used one prop for the |Did not utilize any type of |

| |props for the commercial. All |props. Both were pre-approved and|commercial. Prop was |prop for the commercial. |

| |props were pre-approved and |appropriate for class. |pre-approved and appropriate | |

| |appropriate for class. | |for class. | |

|Factual Information |Implemented 3 or more |Implemented 2 facts/benefits while|Implemented 1 fact or benefit |Did not utilize any facts or |

| |facts/benefits while advocating|advocating the non-use of |while advocating the non-use of|benefits. Did not do a good |

| |the non-use of alcoholic |alcoholic products. |alcoholic products. |job of advocating the non-use|

| |products. | | |of alcoholic products. |

|Slogans & Catch Phrases |Created a slogan and/or catch |Created a slogan and/or catch |Created a slogan and/or catch |Did not create a slogan or |

| |phrase that was used 3 or more |phrase that was used 2 times |phrase that was used 1 time |catch phrase to be used |

| |times throughout the course of |throughout the course of the |throughout the course of the |during the commercial. |

| |the commercial. |commercial. |commercial. | |

|Group Involvement |N/A |N/A |N/A |N/A |


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