Simple Satellite Tracker 2003

Simple Satellite Tracker 2003

Software Design Descriptions (SDD)

By: Owen Chastain

Penney Fagan

Brent Evans

Jan-Erik Hustrulid

Akata Patel

For: Dr. Janusz Zalewski

ISM 4331

Date: October 20, 2003

Table of Contents


1. Introduction 3

2. Decomposition Description 3

3. Dependency Description 4

4. Interface Description 5

5. Detailed Design 5

1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to make a detailed design of a satellite tracking system.

The purpose of this software is to track satellites.

Database: A file that contains the specific coordinates of the satellite unit of time.

RS-232-C: Hardware specification for PC serial ports

Satellite: Objects that we can track with our telescope application[1]

Telescope: The Meade LX200 model telescope[1]

[1] Meade Instruments Corporation, Meade LX200 Electronic Manual, Meade Corporation, Irvine, California, September 21, 2003,

[2] The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications (IEEE Std 830-1998), The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York, NY, June 25, 1998

2. Decomposition description

Module decomposition

RS232 class module will provide a communication interface between the telescope and the application via RS-232-C.

Solicitation class module will ask for coordinates from the user and will validate them

Tracking class module will access the RS232 class module and the database class module and report coordinates from the telescope to the database module over a predefined amount of time.

Database class module will receive information from the tracking class module and will create a new comma-delimited file with coordinates.

Concurrent process decomposition

There are no concurrent processes

Data Decomposition

Solicitation class module consists of six attributes and one method. The attributes, which are all of type short int, are latitude_degrees, latitude_minutes, latitude_seconds, longitude_degrees, longitude_minutes, and longitude_seconds. The method is validate.

Tracking class module consists of two attributes and four methods. The attributes, which are all of type string, are send_data and receive_data. The methods are send_data, receive_data, record_data, and report_data.

Database class module consists of an attribute and a method. The attribute, which is of type string, is line. The method is write.

3. Dependency Description

The dependency of modules upon other modules can be deducted from the class diagram shown in figure 1.


Class Diagram

Figure 1

4. Interface description

Module interface

A GUI form that accepts coordinates from the user

A GUI form that displays coordinates as they are received from the telescope.

Process Interface


Sequence Diagram

Figure 2

5. Detailed Design

Solicitation (){

Read coordinates;

Validate coordinates;

If Valid

Call Tracking(lat,long);


Prompt for more coordinates


Tracking (lat,long){

Do until exit{

Send coordinates to telescope;

If object found

Call Database(telelat,telelong)


Call Solicitation();



Write to file telelat;

Write to file telelong;

Display “telelat, telelong”;



State Diagram

Figure 3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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