Your task is to find the average speed for a journey (preferably your holiday journey) over the holidays.

You need to start the clock when you leave the house (or when you start your journey and stop the clock when you arrive. (Don’t change your clock if you go into another time zone). Record this time (see below for an example).

Find the total mileage for your journey (ask, or look on-line or research this using maps) If you don’t know the exact distance estimate it.

RECORD all of your results (when you set out, when you arrived, how long it took and how far you travelled)

Use the formula [pic] to find the average speed for your journey.

Your speed can be in metres per second, or easier in miles per hour. There are 1609m in one mile, or 1.609km in one mile.

If you are doing many legs to your journey, you might want to take one leg.

You might want to find out your INSTANTANEOUS speed at any point too and compare this to your AVERAGE SPEED, especially if you are flying.

If you aren’t going on holiday maybe you might want to go for a bike ride or a healthy walk

Make a poster of your journey with your results (an example is enclosed)


By J Hargreaves

Travelled from:

Curdridge, Near Southampton

To: Moffat

Depart: House @ 12:15

Arrive Moffat @ 21:00

Total travelling time: 8 hour 45 minutes or 8.75 hours

(Use your calculator to change this using the DoM oS o button and DEG()

For example8DoM oS o 45 DoM oS o= DEG(=comes out at 8.75hours

(car, then train, then wait, then train, then car, then sleep!)

Total distance (direct): 385 miles



By J Hargreaves

Travelled from: Moffat

To: Curdridge, Near Southampton

Depart: House @ 8:20, Arrive: Curdridge @ 16:00

Total travelling time: 7 hour 40 minutes or 7.67 hours (Use your calculator to change this using the DoM oS o button and DEG()

For example 7 DoM oS o40 DoM oS o= DEG(=comes out at 7.66666hours

(car, then train, then car,) Total distance (direct): 385 miles



1. Where are you travelling from?

2. Where are you going?

3. How are you travelling?

4. When did you leave?

5. When did you arrive?

6. Important times in between

7. How long was your journey?

8. Did you make any stops on your journey?

9. Do you know the average aircraft speed?

10. Can the stewards tell you how distance the plane will travel?

11. How long were you in the aeroplane?



Figure 2: My siblings

Figure 2 My Siblings


Figure 3: My sister's house





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