Beginning Scheduling Part 91

[Pages:30]Beginning Scheduling Part 91

Wednesday, February 4th, 2015| 1:00 pm ? 2:30 pm

PRESENTED BY: Phil Wolff - Tenet Healthcare Brande Mann - Glazer's Distributors

Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference | San Jose, CA | February 3 ? 6, 2015

Beginning Scheduling Part 91

Introduction to Part 91 Scheduling

? Scheduler vs. Dispatcher ? Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR)

? Part 91 ? Part 121 ? Part 135

? Aviation Acronyms vs. Laymen Terms

? 12 Hr. Clock vs. 24 hr. Clock (9:00 pm vs. 21:00L) ? Local Time vs. Zulu Time (0900L vs. 0900Z)


Desired Skills of a Scheduler

Flexible Schedule Multi-task Fast Paced Information Flow Team Player Diplomatic Polished Demeanor Flexible Attitude Self-confident

Customer Service Oriented Self Motivated Excellent Verbal Communication Skills Attention To Detail Effective Problem Solver Trouble Shooting Skills Ability To Remain Calm In Stressful Situations Outgoing Personality Sensitive To Corporate Climate


Preparing to become a Scheduler

? Attend a Corporate Scheduler/Dispatcher Initial Course ? Attend a S & D Conference

? Take advantage of the SPDP and PDP courses offered by NBAA

? Network with fellow schedulers

? Job shadow and visit other flight departments

? Familiarize yourself with your company ops manual

? Know your company's emergency response plan

? Know your crew duty time limitations ? Familiarize yourself with your aircraft



? Who?

? Who will you be interacting with daily? ? Pilots, Maintenance, EAs (Executive Assistants), FBOs, Ground Transportation, Handlers, Security, Caterers etc...

? What?

? Is expected of you? ? Scheduling only or additional admin. duties? ? Can you do to help your department, passengers and aviation

professionals you interact with? ? Are the service level expectations?

? Satisfy request no matter what the expense or Cost-effective



? When?

? When do I ask for help? ANY TIME!

? Where?

? Learn YOUR flight department. Where are your frequent destinations, do you travel only Domestic or International?

? Why?

? Learn "WHY" certain procedures are in place. Can you improve a report or process? Ask Questions!


The "Hub" of the Flight Department

? Information is gathered, processed and then distributed through the Scheduler to many different groups.


Relationships with Various Groups

Communication skills and functional understanding of each role

? Understand how each group does their part and what they may require from you.

? Get to know the Administrative Assistants who send you the flight requests

? Get to know what your maintenance department will need ? Visit vendors (i.e., ground transportation, catering, maintenance) ? Visit Fixed Base Operators (FBO)



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