Lakeshore Collegiate Institute Mr. Brech's Class Site

Review Sheet for UNIT TEST #2 CGC 1P1/1D1Power Points 5 to 9, The Rock Cycle, 10, 11, 12Time Zones – Chapter 3 in Making ConnectionsPPT #5Time Zones:How many are there in the world? In Canada? Why do we need them?Know the Time Zones of CanadaIf given a question be able to figure out a time from one time zone to another if you have a map of the time zonesLand and Water Features and Topographic Maps PPT #6, 7Names of Land and Water FeaturesTopographic Maps – what is it?What is a contour line?What are the 4 important characteristics of contour lines?Given a section of a topographic map, can you use a piece of paper to create a side view or profile of the ground? Plate Tectonics – Chapter 10 in Making Connections PPT #8, 9Who was Alfred Wegner? What is the theory of Continental Drift?What is Pangaea? When was it formed? What evidence supported it (4 proofs)?Who was J. Tuzo Wilson? What theory did he come up with?What are the layers of the earth? Lithosphere/Crust, Mantle, Core… Why do plates move? What happens when plates interact? Hint… Convection currentsCan you explain the difference between Magma and Lava? Hint… inside/outsideWhat is a Subduction Zone? Hint – ‘sub’ means to go underCanada’s Geologic History – Chapter 10 in Making Connections PPT #10Approximately how old is the earth?What are the 4 major Eras, when did they happen, and what are some important things that happened in each one? Hint – Time Line! Know how Canada developed during each oneThe ROCK CYCLE – Chapter 10 p.95-97 in Making Connections PPT # 9a THE ROCK CYCLEKnow your rocks… SEDIMENTARY – break it down… then lay it down METAMORPHIC – lot’s of heat and/or pressure faced by them6367463635004519295508000IGNEOUS – from Magma or Lava – the hot stuff cools Know the cycle – use your chart! Canada’s Landform Regions – Chapter 11 in Making Connections PPT #11What are landforms?Know the oldest landform region in Canada – Hint - the big slab of igneous rockYou should have an idea of the landform regions across Canada (hint… 8 of them)Have a general idea of what is important about each one. Which one do you live in???Canadian Ecozones – Chapter 14 in Making Connections PPT #12What is an Ecozone? How many are there in Canada?Which ecozone do you live in? Pick a few (4-5) ecozones that you like and be sure to know some things about them that you found interesting… perhaps you used them in your “Great Canadian Race” assignment. Focus on the vegetation, the animals, physical features/general landforms, basic climate (warm/cold, wet/dry), population (lots of people or not many, why?), and 22860038995000perhaps the major occupations there ................

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