Mesa Public Schools - Mesa, Arizona

Editors’ and Approvers’ Guide to TimeClock Plus (TCP)Accessing TimeClock Plus Manager and Using the TimeclockAccessing TCP Manager PortalOpen your internet browser and go to this web address: sure to bookmark the link in your web browser for faster reference in the future.Enter your Active Directory log in External IDEnter your LDAP Password Click “Log On” or hit Enter*This will bring you to your “Dashboard” where you can view a summary of information that may need your attention. (Missed Punches, Required Approvals, Approaching OT, etc)Types of Time clocks1. Wall Clock176212566548000The Wall Clock is used to record punches, request time off, as well as to approve “sign” timesheets. Employees can either swipe there badge or enter their 7 digit badge number (including the leading zeros).2. Web ClockThe Web Clock is to be used by employees who use a designated District computer, i.e. Secretary or office staff. It provides the same functions as the wall clock but the employee enters their 7 digit badge number (including the leading zeros). 190500066294000Open your internet browser and go to this web address: . Manager and Supervisor Roles in TCPTimeClock Manager provides several tools to allow users to view and approve information as soon as they log in through Dashboard Widgets. Users can create several widgets across unique workspaces, each with their filter. For example, a director that oversees both the Maintenance and Cafeteria departments could create workspaces that let him see hour exceptions and approaching overtime for each department.1. Dashboard22479051181000The Dashboard will look similar to the below screenshot. It shows items that may need your attention. Types of Widgets The Approaching Overtime widget shows the employees within a certain threshold of hitting overtime, along with how many minutes until they are in overtime. The Pending Time Off Request widget displays employees who have upcoming time-off requests still requiring approval from the user. The user can approve or deny requests within the widget with a single click.The Missed Punches widget displays employees who have missed punches still requiring edits. Editing Time Editing Punches (person by person)Select the Hours Tab Select Individual Hours (for one employee) or Group Hours (multiple)Use the search bar on the left to type in your employee’s name92011547180500The employee’s time will appear in the Hours tab (you will also see View Schedule and Accruals tabs).Select the segment you wish to edit by clicking the box on the far left The Manage Segments box will highlight on the top of the screen. 33718503498850012382534861500Click Manage Segments, then click Edit. There is a note field near the bottom of the screen to add any necessary information for auditing purposes. Once completed, then click save. Summary will appear on the next screen.Click SAVE to accept.2. Adding Segments314325031877000-25717531877000To add missed punches, click on the green box that says Add Segment. Add the date and time for the missed punches you are editing. Make sure you put in a note and click Save. Verify that the hours are rounding correctly. Reviewing Group Hours (more than one person’s time). 1. Navigate to Hours – Group Hoursa. Select the arrow in the “Sort by: ID” field and decide to filter by 396240036195022860036195000Department or Name, select “Sort”3. Student Activities1009650200723501609725128333500An employee working a Student Activity position must be assigned a job code to work a Student Activity position. To select the Student Activity function, the editor will need to edit the time worked and select the appropriate Cost Code information. The Cost Codes are comprised of the site number as well as the function number. The Cost Code information will be used by the Student Activities department to assign the proper funding in Infinite Visions.4146550223012000208637734383100Posting Absences1. Request Manager108585071818500When using the Request Manager, you can approve or deny all requests for your employees in one spot. From your Dashboard, go to the Tools tab, then click on the Request Manager. That will open up the calendar for you to see all requests during that month. Go to the date and the employee and right click your mouse. 108585063563500At this point you can Add, Delete, Approve or Deny the request. After your selection it will open a window for you to verify the appropriate selection, then click OK to accept.Manual Absence EntriesManual Entries can be made for all employees that didn’t make a request through the Request Manager. You can insert the absences as a timecard entry from your Manager log in. Navigate to the Hours tab and then Individual hours tab. Select the employee from the left search barClick on the Green “Add Segment” button Select Time sheet Entry, then enter the date, time, amount of hours and the accrual that you are wanting to use. Click Save. *The accrual is now showing the employee’s time for the week.Running ReportsReports can be run out of TCP and can be saved to run at any time. Since the time records are now electronically signed there isn’t a need for a timesheet. However, if you still need to print one out or just run it to verify that the hours were correct you will be able to do that. Period ReportsNavigate to Hours - Period Reports. This will open up a selection screen with categories and report options. To view and/or print timesheets, select Payroll and then Payroll Detail. 83439050228500Select the Print button on the right and it will generate your report in a PDF format. You can view it on the screen, or continue to print. Verifying/Approving TimeEmployee ApprovalEmployees need to ensure they are verifying their time every day. They can do this at the Timeclock or at the WebClock by clicking each box underneath the E column. Employees also have the option of selecting the whole week by clicking on the E at the top of the column. NOTE: All time must be approved before Payroll can close the pay week and complete the payroll cycle.Manager VerificationAs the Manager/Editor of the time for your employees, you will need to verify that everything has been approved by the employees, all edits have been made and saved before the Supervisor/Director approves the time. After the Supervisor/Director approval, the time can no longer be edited.Supervisor Approval-200025131000500After everything has been approved by the employee and verified by the Manager/Editor, you will need to approve the time records. This can be done all at once by clicking on the M on the top of the column or by clicking each segment individually. Once you have approved the record it can no longer be edited. NOTE: All time must be approved before Payroll can close the pay week and complete the payroll cycle.Attachments and FormsClock InstructionsThere will be a poster by each new clock instructing employees how to manage their time and time off requests.RoundingAll hours must be entered to the quarter hour, not the actual time. The only exception will be when entering a missed lunch punch.How to Transfer JobsALL hourly employees who work more than one job will be required to go to the clock (web or wall) to transfer jobs. To transfer from one job to another, the employee will clock in as usual and select from the list shown on the screen the job they are transferring to, then continue to complete the operation. This will clock the employee out of their current job and move them into the next job. Certified Hourly ReportingFrom the WebClock :Log in to the Dashboard using your seven digit badge/EIN number. Press Enter or click on Log On To Dashboard. On the banner at the top of the screen, click on Manage Time Sheets. The current pay week will show on the screen. If needed, you can click the box Display Weekend to record time worked on a Saturday or Sunday, or for hours not entered within the current pay week.To enter time worked, click the Add button on the date you worked. The job code number and short description will show just above the Add button. If the job code number/description showing is NOT the job worked, click on Edit. This will open up a ‘pop-up window’ titled Edit Segment. Change the date, time, hours worked, job code, and also leave a note (Notes must be used if entering hours from a previous pay week to document the actual date worked.) Click Save to exit the Edit Segment screen.NOTE: The amount of time worked needs to be entered to the nearest quarter hour. There are two ways to record the time worked. For example, one hour and fifteen minutes can be entered as: 1) 1.25 (decimal point with hundredths) OR 2) 1:15 (hours and minutes). Either way will record the time properly within TCP.e. Click on the Approve button at the top of the box. *Alternatively, if you have multiple days to add time for (time should NEVER be added together and entered on one day, nor are future hours acceptable to enter). Click on Approve Week at the top left side of the pay week. f. When you have finished adding time for the pay week, click Accept on the top left of the screen. This action is equal to signing a paper time sheet. You can review the total number of hours for the pay week on the top right side of the screen. Time is reflected in hours and minutes. ................

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