18 Knowledge Objectives



Failure Analysis and Analytical



Knowledge Objectives

? Describe the methods that are available to assist in the analysis of a fire incident.

? Document information collected during the incident.


Skills Objectives

? Organize information into a rational and logical format.

? Use models to analyze fire incident data.



? Investigator is often faced with multitude of data and facts

? Needs to organize and analyze the information

? In order to formulate a hypothesis

? Several analytical tools are available.



? Graphic or narrative representation of events related to fire incident

? Arranged in chronological order

? Value of timeline depends on accuracy of information included


Hard Times (1 of 2)

? Also called actual times ? Incidents that are related to known exact

times ? Used as benchmarks in developing timeline




Hard Times (2 of 2)


Soft Times

? Estimated times ? Relative and generally provided by witnesses ? Relative time can be subjective and varies with

witness ? Estimated time is approximation based on

information or calculations


Benchmark Events

? Particularly valuable as foundation for timeline

? Have significant relation to fire cause, spread, detection, or extinguishment

? Important to synchronize times from different hard time sources


Multiple Timelines (1 of 2)

? May be required to effectively document sequence of events

? Macro evaluation can cover months or years ? Micro evaluation looks at small segments of

macro timeline in detail


Multiple Timelines (2 of 2)

? Parallel timelines look at multiple events that occur simultaneously.

? Graphic timelines and approaches involving matrices may be helpful.

? Scaled timelines show time of events and elapsed time between them.


System Analysis

? An analytical approach ? Takes into account characteristics, behavior,

and performance of various elements

? Including human activities and mechanical features of equipment

? Integrates these to provide as complete a picture of incident as possible



Fault Trees (1 of 2)

? Also called decision trees ? Illustrate series of events and decisions

necessary to specific outcome ? Sometimes makes solution readily apparent ? Investigator uses deductive reasoning ? Same principle used as for "and" and "or"

gates in computer programming



Fault Trees (2 of 2)


Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

? Another graphical method used to determine causes and effects of event leading to fire

? Table used with column headings such as:

? Item or action being analyzed ? Basic fault (failure) or error that created hazard ? Consequence of failure


Mathematical/Engineering Modeling

(1 of 4)

? Hand calculations to evaluate specific issues ? Computer-aided analysis to examine more

complex fire dynamics and fire progression ? Engineering models are sometimes used that


? Known and approximated properties of materials ? Specific features and components of incident ? Physical property estimates


Mathematical/Engineering Modeling

(2 of 4)

? Engineering models are sometimes used that incorporate:

? Known and approximated properties of materials and systems

? Specific features and components of incident ? Physical property estimates defined to a stated

degree of certainty


Mathematical/Engineering Modeling

(3 of 4)

? Fire growth curves are an example of mathematical modeling.




Mathematical/Engineering Modeling

(4 of 4)

? Caveats include:

? Not the only tools used to test hypothesis ? Do not necessarily provide definitive solution ? Results should be considered in light of all data ? Fire model may be useful in understanding fire

damage or injury ? Services of an expert may be needed


Limitations of Mathematical Modeling

? Can never be used as sole basis to determine origin and cause

? Uncertainties surround inputs, generic fire science data used in models, and results.

? Investigator should retain original input and output files for other parties to examine

? Some analyses may require advanced training and experience.


Heat Transfer Analysis

? Heat transfer models

? Allow investigator to determine how heat was transferred from source to target

? Can be used to:

? Test hypotheses of ignition source ? Explain damage to adjacent buildings ? Explain ignition of secondary fuel items ? Follow heat transmission through building



Flammable Gas Concentrations

? Investigator determines concentration of gas within given space

? Can support or disprove involvement of flammable gas in the incident


Hydraulic Analysis

? Performed when fire is not controlled by sprinkler system

? Did sprinkler system function as intended? ? Was design adequate? ? Did system and water supply match the hazard

they were protecting?


Thermodynamic Chemical Equilibrium Analysis (1 of 2)

? For fires/explosions believed caused by chemical reactions

? Useful in evaluating hypothesis about:

? Chemical reactions ? Role of contamination ? Role of ambient conditions ? Potential of overheating ? Other related scenarios




Thermodynamic Chemical Equilibrium Analysis (2 of 2)

? Computer programs can be used.

? The analysis may show that the reaction of certain chemicals was either thermodynamically favored, or not.


Structural Analysis

? Can provide clues on why building failed by collapse during fire

? Helps determine when fire had most significant impact on building strength


Egress Analysis

? Determines reason why a fire victim did not escape from fire

? Causes may be design features, maintenance issues

? Computer-based Consolidated Model of Fire and Smoke Transport (CFAST) can be used


Fire Dynamics Analysis (1 of 2)

? Hand calculations ? Computer models

? Zone models ? Field computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models

? Assist investigator in determining fire growth and development


Fire Dynamics Analysis (2 of 2)

? Uncertainties can influence results:

? Fire load characteristics ? Ventilation openings ? HVAC flow rates ? Heat release rates


Specialized Fire Dynamics Routines

? Simplified procedures that require minimal data to run a computer model

? Can often answer narrowly focused questions, such as:

? Time to flashover ? Heat release rate ? Flame height




Computer Fire Models (1 of 2)

? Allow for complex, detailed analysis of fire growth and behavior

? Zone models divide compartment into two zones: hot upper zone and cooler lower zone

? Can be run on personal computers ? Generally well accepted and validated by peer



Computer Fire Models (2 of 2)

? CFD (computational fluid dynamics) models divide compartment into many small cells

? Numerous calculations occur in each cell. ? Activity in one cell affects surrounding cells. ? Require high level of expertise ? Often require large capacity computer



Graphic Representations

? Drawings ? Physical models ? Computer animations

? Used to:

? Understand an incident location better ? Assist in interviewing witnesses ? Define and identify better materials and systems and

their involvement


Fire Testing (1 of 3)

? Can help check data collected or test hypotheses

? Can be conducted in field and/or controlled environment

? Caveats:

? Impossible to re-create all conditions ? Following established practices will help ensure

credibility of results.


Fire Testing (2 of 3)


Fire Testing (3 of 3)

Fire testing uses fire endurance testing techniques.




Data Required for Modeling and Testing

? The "garbage in, garbage out" concept applies.

? Results are only as valid as the data from which they were derived and the care taken to develop them.

? Important information to obtain:

? Structural information ? Materials and contents ? Ventilation information


Summary (1 of 7)

? Understanding the timeline of any incident is key to creating the failure analysis because it assists the investigator in determining the sequence of events that occurred.

? When developing a timeline, incidents that can be related to a known exact time are generally referred to as hard times.


Summary (2 of 7)

? Soft time is either estimated or relative and is generally provided by witnesses.

? Benchmark events are particularly valuable as a foundation for the timeline or may have significant relation to the cause, spread, detection, or extinguishment of a fire.


Summary (3 of 7)

? A scaled timeline will show the time of each event with the spacing between the time events being scaled in a manner that would show the elapsed time between each event.


Summary (4 of 7)

? Analytical approaches involving systems analysis take into account characteristics, behavior, and performance--including human activities and mechanical features of equipment--and integrate these to provide as complete a picture of events surrounding an incident as possible.


Summary (5 of 7)

? Models commonly used to analyze fire incidents are generally of two types: mathematical/engineering models and graphic models.

? Mathematical models simulate or predict events using established scientific principles and empirical data.

? Graphic models include drawings of all sorts, physical models, and computer animations.




Summary (6 of 7)

? Fire testing can help check data collected or test a specific hypothesis. It can be conducted in the field and/or in a controlled environment and may range from bench tests to full-size recreations of the event.


Summary (7 of 7)

? A meaningful analysis of a fire requires understanding of the heat release rate, the fire growth rate, and total heat released.



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