8th Grade U.S. History

1. Go to Ms. Conway’s website, Link to Ellis Island Statistics

2. Scroll down and click on Home Page.

3. In the drop down menu, go to Ellis Island, Immigration Timeline.

Scroll down to 1820 to 1880.

1. Look at the chart. What 2 European groups had the most immigrants in America? How many?

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2. Why did immigrants come to America in this time period?

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3. Why did the Irish immigrants come to America?

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4. Why did many European peasants and artisans (skilled workers) come to the US?

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5. Why did some, like the “Know Nothing” party not like immigrants?

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Scroll down to 1880 to 1930

1. Look at the chart. What 2 European countries sent the most immigrants to America between 1880 and 1930?

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2. After 1892, where did almost all immigrants come through?

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3. What was the immigrant experience like for Asians?

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4. For what groups did America provide a refuge (safe place)? Note pogrom is an anti-Jewish riot.

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5. Between 1880 and 1930, how many total immigrants came to the USA? How many came through Ellis Island?

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6. After WWI, how did attitudes toward immigrants begin to change?

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Scroll down to 1930 to 1965

1. Go to the last paragraph

2. What was the name of the 1965 law that changed immigration from favoring Europe to offering hope to immigrants from all over the world?

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Scroll down to 1965 to 2000

1. Look at the graph. What are the top 3 countries sending immigrants to the USA from the 1960s to 2000s?

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2. What type of immigrant was favored in this time period?

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3. Why is California the crossroads of American immigration today?

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4. The last paragraph asks questions about immigration today. What do you think? Try to answer the questions – give your opinion.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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