
Heritage Studies 6, 4th EditionLesson Plan OverviewChapter 1: In the BeginningLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives12–52–51Defend the Bible as a reliable source that records the true origin of mankindExplain the Bible’s teaching about inspirationSummarize evolutionary thinking about prehistory26–86–82, 7–10List three reasons for studying ancient historyIdentify three sources historians useDistinguish between primary and secondary sourcesExplain how an author’s viewpoint affects his historical accountEvaluate the viewpoints, strengths, and weaknesses of historical sources39–1111Apply an understanding of essay vocabularyWrite an effective answer to an essay question4–511Practice interview skillsRecord the history of a personParticipate in creating a class history61212Demonstrate the process used by archaeologists to draw conclusions about ancient civilizations713–159–113–4, 13Define the image of God in man and the Creation MandateRecount the event of the FallRelate the image of God in man and the Creation Mandate to historical studyRelate the Fall to its effects on the unfolding of historyExplain how Genesis 3:15 provides the thesis for human history816–1812–145, 14, 16Illustrate the possible geography of the pre-Flood worldExplain how the Flood may have altered the earth’s geographyOrganize the Table of Nations geographicallyDefend the supposition that humans formed cities both before and after the Flood919–2215–196, 15Outline the arts and sciences that arose in the pre-Flood and early post-Flood erasDeduce the job specializations that would have occurred at this timeHypothesize how world religions devolved from original monotheism102316–17Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 11123Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 1 by taking the testChapter 2: MesopotamiaLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives1224–2720–2319–20Identify key features that make the Fertile Crescent an ideal location for a civilization to flourishDescribe the role of an archaeologist and how an archaeological site is excavatedAnalyze the importance of the work done by Sir Leonard Woolley1328–3024–2621Compare effects of geography on ancient Mesopotamia with its effects on modern-day IraqExplain some advances in farming and irrigation developed by the SumeriansTrace the development of Sumer from farming settlements to city-states with centralized governments1431–3327–2922–24Categorize the names and significance of the social classes of the Sumerian civilizationAnalyze the importance of trade in SumerExplain the importance of the scribe and his toolsDiscriminate between the various roles of artisans and buyers in SumerIdentify the development of early arts and crafts, stemming from the availability of the materials at hand1534–3730–3325Identify the characteristics of daily life in Sumer including school, family, and clothing1638–3934–3525–27Identify the role religion played in the lives of SumeriansCompare and contrast biblical truth with the polytheism of SumerTrace the development of Sumerian kings and their impact on the city-states17–1840–4136–3728Describe the tools, materials, and skills needed to keep records in SumerTrace the development of written language in MesopotamiaExplain the mathematical and scientific advancements made by the SumeriansExperiment with writing cuneiformDemonstrate cuneiform and Sumerian record keeping by creating a cylinder seal19–204229Research a Sumerian inventionCollaborate to present the Sumerian invention via the construction of a book jacket2143–4438–3928, 30Identify examples of arts attributed to the MesopotamiansCompare and contrast details of the Epic of Gilgamesh to the Flood account in Genesis 6–8Construct a biblical explanation for the large differences between the two accounts2245–4840–4331Summarize the decline and fall of the Sumerian civilizationDescribe the achievements of the Akkadian Empire and its most influential rulerAssociate the Babylonian Empire with the Amorite civilizationExplain the different systems used to number yearsExplain the importance of HammurabiCompare and contrast Hammurabi’s Code with the Mosaic lawConstruct a biblical explanation for the large differences between the two law codes2349–5044–4531Describe the Hittite Empire and how it relates to the later Mesopotamian empiresIdentify the capital city and major characteristics of the Assyrian Empire2451–5246–4731Identify the significant achievements of the Chaldean Empire, its most notable ruler, and its significance in the ancient worldIdentify the date, source, and historical context of Nebuchadnezzar’s letter in DanielSummarize the contents of Nebuchadnezzar’s letterExplain the theme of Nebuchadnezzar’s letterRelate the theme of the letter to Genesis 3:15255332–34Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 22653Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 2 by taking the testChapter 3: Ancient EgyptLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives2754–5648–5035Explain how the Nile affected the survival, growth, and success of the Egyptian civilizationIdentify natural barriers that discouraged invasions from other civilizationsLocate Egypt, the Mediterranean Sea, the Nile, and the Sahara on a map2857–6051–5436–37Compare geographic effects on ancient Egypt with those on modern-day EgyptAnalyze how God used Joseph to help the Egyptians and the IsraelitesCompare and contrast how taxes were assessed in ancient Egypt with how American taxes are assessed2961–6355–5739Explain the naming of Upper and Lower EgyptExplain the purpose of the pyramids in GizaExplain how Egyptians used papyrus and why much of it has survived until todayAnalyze the significance of the Rosetta stone30–3164–6558–5939, 41–42Sequence the mummification processAttribute the Egyptians’ significant understanding of anatomy to the mummification processDecipher hieroglyphicsDesign a cartouche3266Research an Egyptian artifact or pharaohCollaborate to present the Egyptian artifact or pharaoh by creating a poster3367–6960–6243, 45, 47Identify the characteristics of the three kingdoms of ancient EgyptExplain the significance of Moses to Egyptian historyIdentify the important rulers of the New Kingdom and their significanceCompare the importance of Howard Carter’s archaeological contribution in Egypt to the importance of Leonard Woolley’s in Sumer34–3570–7163–6448Categorize the social classes of the Egyptian civilizationSummarize the characteristics of Egyptian culture in daily lifeCreate a model of an Egyptian wig based on information about Egyptians’ daily lives36–3772–7565–6848–51Infer the significance of religion to Egyptians based on the examples of religious symbols, art, and rituals in daily lifeCompare and contrast Egyptian religious beliefs with biblical truthAnalyze a selection of text from an inscription on a pyramid387652Construct a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the geography, climate, governmental structure, social structure, occupations, religion, and advancements of ancient Sumer with those of ancient Egypt3977–8069–7353Compare the Kushite civilization with the Egyptian civilizationDescribe the two forms of written language developed by the KushitesSummarize the rise and fall of Kushite wealthCompare effects of geography on ancient Kush with its effects on modern-day SudanLocate Kush and Lake Nasser on a mapEvaluate effects of the Aswan High Dam408155–56Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 34181Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 3 by taking the testChapter 4: Ancient IsraelLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives4282–8674–7857Identify Abraham as the father of the nation of IsraelAnalyze the Abrahamic CovenantIdentify Egypt as the location where Israel grew from a family into a nationRelate the event of the Exodus to the cultural ideas and practices of ancient Israel4387–8879–8158–59Analyze the Mosaic CovenantOutline Israel’s religious beliefs and practices44–45898160Present a team research projectCreate a model of and report the purpose for the tabernacle’s furnishings46–4790–9382–8561–64Summarize the developments that occurred when the Israelites entered the Promised LandCompare the effects of geography on ancient Israel with its effects on modern-day Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, and SyriaRelate the Davidic Covenant to the Abrahamic CovenantIdentify costs and benefits of decisionsApply costs and benefits analysis to personal decision making4894–9586–8765–66Trace Israel’s history from the division of the kingdom through the Babylonian exileSummarize the message of the prophets to Israel and JudahContrast the impact of the exile on the culture of the northern tribes and the culture of JudahAnalyze the ramifications of the New Covenant on its beneficiaries49–5096–10188–9267–69Explain the role of geography in Israel’s conflicts with other nationsTrace Israel’s history from the return from exile to Roman occupationAnalyze the impact that Greek culture had on IsraelEvaluate a passage from 2 Maccabees based on authorship, intended audience, and purpose51102–493–9570–71Explain how Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled the Messianic promises in the Old Testament covenantsExplain how archaeological evidence supports Pontius Pilate’s role as prefect in JudeaContrast Judaism to the biblical account of religion of the Old Testament52105–696–9772Analyze the impact of Roman rule on the nation of IsraelTrace the history of the Jewish people from the end of the Maccabean Revolt to the fall of Masada5310773–74Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 454107Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 4 by taking the testChapter 5: Ancient IndiaLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives55108–1398–10375–76Explain how archaeologists discovered Harappa and Mohenjo-DaroAnalyze the significance of the discovery of Harappa and Mohenjo-DaroList the main achievements of the Harappan civilizationRelate the geographic features of India to the development of its civilizationInfer possible causes for the disappearance of the Harappan civilizationAttribute the accomplishments of the Harappan civilization to the image of God in all humans5611477–78Catalog an artifact, recording details about its appearance and location57–58115–16104–579–81Summarize the history of the Aryan civilizationList the major cultural accomplishments of the AryansRelate the geography of India to the development of Aryan cultureEvaluate justice, power, citizenship, and environment in the Aryan civilizationRelate Sanskrit’s influence on English by completing an activity59117–22106–1182Explain how Hinduism developed in the Aryan cultureList the major tenets of HinduismAnalyze the impact of Hinduism on the Aryan culture and practicesCompare and contrast Hinduism with biblical truthEvaluate a Hindu primary sourceIdentify the two basic social groups under HinduismExplain the influence of Hinduism on family and social life60123100–10583Examine the Student Text to identify the wording that writers use to signal a cause or an effectExamine the Student Text to identify cause-and-effect relationships in the history of India61124–25112–1384–86Relate how Buddhism developed from HinduismList the major tenets of BuddhismCompare and contrast Buddhist beliefs with biblical truthExplain why Buddhism appealed to the members of lower castes and the outcastes62126–27114–1587–89Explain how the Mauryan Empire beganEvaluate Chandragupta Maurya’s ruleExplain why Asoka is often considered the greatest Mauryan rulerAssess Asoka’s impact on the growth of BuddhismDiscuss Sir John Marshall and his archaeological work in India63128–2990Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 564129Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 5 by taking the testChapter 6: Ancient ChinaLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives65–67130–34116–2091Identify the major geographic features of ChinaCompare the effects of geography on ancient China to its effects on modern-day ChinaRelate the major geographic features of China to the development of its civilizations68135–36121–2292–93Summarize the achievements of the Shang dynastyEvaluate ancestor worship from a biblical worldviewInfer the importance of mineral trade from a mineral resources map69137–38123–24Summarize achievements during the Zhou dynastyLocate the Zhou dynasty on a mapSummarize the events during the Zhou dynasty70–71139–41125–2695Summarize the history and tenets of ConfucianismCompare and contrast Confucianism with biblical truth72141–4212794, 96–98Summarize the history and tenets of TaoismCompare and contrast Confucianism with TaoismEvaluate Taoism from a biblical worldview73143–45128–3099Summarize the Qin dynasty’s rise to powerLocate the Qin dynasty’s territory on a mapDescribe Qin Shi Huang’s rule, achievements, and practicesAnalyze the Qin dynasty’s form of governmentEvaluate the Qin dynasty’s use of power74–75146–50131–35101–2Summarize the achievements during the Han dynastyAnalyze the Han form of governmentExplain why Wu Ti is the most famous Han ruler76151–52136–37100, 103–4Summarize the tenets of Mahayana BuddhismEvaluate Mahayana Buddhism from a biblical worldviewLocate the Han dynasty’s territory on a mapDescribe the social changes during the Han dynasty77153105Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 678153Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 6 by taking the testChapter 7: Ancient PersiaLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives79–80154–58138–42107Describe the origin of the Persian EmpireRelate the geographic features of Persia to the development of its civilizationSummarize the fall of Babylon81159–62143–46108–12Contrast the extent of Cyrus’s empire with the extent of Darius’s empire by comparing mapsIdentify the first three rulers of Persia during the Achaemenid periodState the reasons for the growth of trade in the Persian EmpireIdentify ways that Darius organized, connected, and protected the Persian EmpireSummarize the value of Herodotus’s workExplain the role of Darius in the Israelites’ restoration of the temple82163–67147–51113Identify the language spoken in the Persian EmpireRelate the importance of the Behistun carvings in deciphering ancient cuneiformInfer information about ancient Persia from artCompare and contrast Zoroastrianism with biblical truth83168Apply knowledge of history to an archaeological findDescribe an artifactInfer possible uses from an artifact’s design84–85169–71152–54114–17Recall how the Persian Wars beganDescribe the major events and outcomes of the three key battles of the Persian WarsIdentify major figures in the Persian WarsTrace the routes used by a military forceDistinguish between historical fact and legendResearch a battle from the Persian WarsDesign an annotated map86–87172–73155–56118–19Summarize the decline of the Persian EmpireRelate the book of Esther to that declineIdentify reasons for the decline of the Persian EmpireExplain Alexander the Great’s role in the fall of the Persian EmpireIdentify the ruling family and the culture of Persia after Alexander the Great’s deathCreate an artist’s rendering of the palace room described in Esther 1:5–688174157120–21Trace how Persian culture changed through the Parthian and Sassanian periodsEvaluate the rule of the Parthians and the Sassanians89175122Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 790175Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 7 by taking the testChapter 8: Ancient GreeceLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives91176–81158–63123Identify the major geographic features of GreeceCompare the effect of geography on ancient Greece to its effect on modern-day GreeceCompare the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizationsLocate Greece, Crete, the Peloponnesus, and key Greek cities on a map92–93182–86164–68124–27Analyze the development of city-states in ancient GreeceCompare and contrast Athens’s form of government with Sparta’s form of governmentCompare and contrast life in Athens with life in SpartaEvaluate justice, power, and citizenship in AthensEvaluate justice, power, and citizenship in SpartaAssess the impact of Athens on the development of Greek culture and Western cultureAssess the impact of Sparta on Greek culture94187–89169–71128–29Summarize the effects the Persian Wars had on the Greek civilizationSummarize the events of the Peloponnesian WarList the contributions Pericles made during the classical age in AthensList the contributions Thucydides made to Greek history95190–93172–75130–32Explain how polytheism influenced Greek cultureIdentify the three major philosophers of ancient AthensAnalyze teachings of ancient Greek philosophersEvaluate Greek beliefs from a biblical worldview96–97194–96176–78133Summarize education in ancient GreeceDescribe Homer’s contributionsDescribe the genres of Greek literatureAnalyze Greek myths98–99197–99179–81134Summarize the mathematical and scientific achievements in ancient GreeceCompare and contrast the Olympic Games in ancient Greece to modern-day Olympic GamesList key Greek achievements in art and architecture100200182–83135Explain the role of Alexander the Great in spreading Greek cultureAssess the impact the Hellenistic culture had on the ancient worldIdentify cultural contributions of ancient Greece to modern times101201136–37Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 8102201Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 8 by taking the testChapter 9: Ancient RomeLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives103202–6184–88139–40Relate the geographic features of Italy to the development of its civilizationsExamine the cause for the Latins becoming the earliest settlers in the Italian PeninsulaRelate the improvements the Etruscans made to the Roman way of lifeDescribe Roman social classes104–5207–9189–90141–42Recall information about the governing branches of the Roman republicIdentify the inequality experienced by the plebeiansExamine the concessions the patricians made to the plebeiansExplain the importance of the Law of the Twelve Tables and the importance of its locationParticipate in the Roman process of making a new lawEvaluate the method used to make a law106210–13191–94143–44Compare and contrast Polybius’s descriptions of Carthage and RomeSummarize the Punic WarsState the role of Hannibal in the Punic WarsIdentify geographic locations in Roman history on a mapExplain the importance of Roman roads107214–17195–98145–48Describe problems that arose from Rome’s expansionIdentify the men who formed a triumvirateExplain the significance of the Gregorian calendar108218–22199–203149Describe the significance of the Pax RomanaContrast education during the Pax Romana with education todayAnalyze an ancient Roman poem by VirgilIdentify the architectural features of the Colosseum and the Pantheon109223–24204–5150Summarize EpicureanismSummarize StoicismContrast Epicureanism and Stoicism with biblical truth110225–26206–7151Describe Christ’s life and teaching in the Roman Empire and His response to Roman governmentTrace the spread of Christianity and its influence on Roman cultureDescribe the persecution of Christians and its impact111227–28208–9Identify factors that contributed to the collapse of the Roman EmpireApply factors that contributed to the collapse of the Roman Empire to critique modern American cultureContrast the key achievements of Roman civilization with those of Greek civilization112229152Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 9113229Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 9 by taking the testChapter 10: The Byzantine EmpireLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives114230–34210–14153Identify the geographic features that made Byzantium an ideal city for trading and a suitable capital for the Roman EmpireTrace the efforts Constantine made to help the churchLocate modern Turkey and surrounding countries on a map115235–39215–19154–56Explain why the Eastern Roman Empire lasted longer than the Western Roman EmpireIdentify conditions in Constantinople that also existed in other ancient civilizationsCompare Justinian’s rule and system of law with that of the current American governmentTrace the conquests of BelisariusSummarize the events of the Nika RevoltAnalyze a political cartoon116–17240–41220–21154, 157–58Evaluate Justinian’s use of justice and powerCreate a mosaic to appreciate Byzantine artIdentify several causes of the decline of the Byzantine Empire118242–43222–23159Summarize the struggle that challenged the rulers of the Byzantine Empire after Justinian’s ruleTrace the invasion of ByzantiumSummarize the accomplishments of Heraclius119–20244–46224–26160–62Identify key geographic features and cities on the Arabian PeninsulaIdentify the geographic features that affected Mecca’s growthRecall important events in the history of Muhammad and his followersExplain the Muslim conquests that led to the demise of the ByzantinesEvaluate Islam from a biblical worldviewDescribe the impact of Islam121247–48227–28163Summarize the leadership of Leo IIISummarize the Muslim invasion of ByzantiumExplain the division within the Eastern Orthodox Church over iconoclasmCompare Eastern Orthodoxy with Protestant beliefs122249–51229–31165–66, 168Describe the golden age of the Byzantine EmpireSummarize the leadership of Basil IISummarize the influence the Crusades had on Western EuropeTrace the routes of the Crusades, identifying key cities and countriesDetermine the effects Christian missionaries had on European cultureSummarize the recovery of the Byzantine Empire after the Crusades123252–53232–33164, 169Trace the fall of the Byzantine EmpireAssess the impact of the Black Death on Europe and ConstantinopleSummarize the historical significance of the Byzantine EmpireCompare the size of the Byzantine Empire in 1092, 1350, and 1453124253167Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 10125253Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 10 by taking the testChapter 11: MesoamericaLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives126–27254–59234–39171–74State why ancient American civilizations were hidden from the rest of the world for many yearsTrace possible migration routes of people from Asia to the AmericasIdentify how the geographic features of Mesoamerica contributed to the development of its civilizationsTrace the history of the Olmec culture and its impact on other Mesoamerican civilizationsClassify the characteristics of the Olmec civilizationAssess the significance of the discovery and use of rubber by the Mesoamericans128–29260–62240–42175–77Classify the characteristics of the Mayan civilizationIdentify the importance of Diego de Landa’s contributions to the understanding of the Mayan cultureEvaluate de Landa’s approaches to converting the Mayas to CatholicismExplain the importance of being able to read Mayan hieroglyphicsAnalyze artistic representations of a Mayan man130263–65243–45175–77Classify the characteristics of the Mayan civilizationCompare Mayan social classesExplain the importance of the cacao beanUse a codex image to analyze the daily lives of the MayasCompare the role of women in the Mayan culture to the role of women todayExplain the importance of trade in the Mayan civilization131266–69246–49175–79Classify the characteristics of the Mayan civilizationList the major tenets of Mayan religionEvaluate Mayan religion from a biblical worldviewEvaluate the proposed reasons for the decline of the Mayan civilization132–33270–75250–55180–81Identify the migration and geographic locations of the Aztec civilizationIdentify geographic features that influence the development of civilizationAnalyze the role of religion in Aztec cultureClassify the characteristics of the Aztec civilizationInfer details of Aztec culture from an Aztec codexEvaluate the consequences of the Spanish invasion of the Aztec civilizationCompare and contrast the Mayas and the Aztecs134275182–83Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 11135275Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 11 by taking the testChapter 12: Ancient AfricaLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives136276–80256–60185–87Locate the major regions of AfricaLocate the various geographical features within these major regionsPredict the kinds of communities that might be found in Africa based on the animal life, natural resources, and geographic features137281261188–90Categorize several narratives based on the type of sourceAssess the significance of the griot in preserving African history138282–84262–64191–92Analyze Aksum’s culture, language, and resourcesLocate the Aksum civilization on a mapAssess the significance of Ezana’s spiritual conversion on his kingdomLocate ancient Ghana on a map and identify the modern country now located on its landAnalyze the effects of the geographic location and natural resources of Ghana on its economic growth139–40285–89265–69191, 193Analyze an ancient map of AfricaIdentify Mali’s two most famous rulers and their accomplishmentsDescribe the values, culture, and economy of ancient MaliSummarize the rise and fall of the Mali and Songhai EmpiresLocate ancient Songhai on the mapSummarize the accomplishments of the most influential ruler of SonghaiRecognize legends based on the lives of ancient African heroesAssess the influence of trade on the spread of Islam in AfricaAnalyze how principles of supply and demand affect prices in an economy141–42290–93270–72197Identify the common method of dividing Africa’s early people groupsEvaluate the influence that natural resources and geography had on the nomadic people of northern AfricaTrace the migration route of the Bantu and the people groups they encounteredIdentify methods the ancient Shona used to build zimbabwes143294–95273194–97Identify common features of the coastal cities in eastern AfricaEvaluate how traders influenced Africa144–45295–97274–75197–98Assess the conditions that gave rise to the African slave tradeAssess the influence of Christian missions on AfricaCompare and contrast traditional African beliefs with biblical truthCompare and contrast an African creation myth with the biblical account146297199–200Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 12147297Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 12 by taking the testChapter 13: Ancient JapanLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives148298–302276–80201Locate the four major islands of Japan on a mapExplain how Japan forms an archipelagoIdentify key events of the ancient Japanese civilization on a timelineExplain why little is known of Japan’s early historyCompare the Japanese creation myth to the biblical account of CreationExplain the significance of archaeological findings to Japan’s early history149–50303–5281–83203, 205–6Identify the civilizations that influenced JapanSummarize the rise of the Yamato clan in JapanAssess the importance of Jimmu Tenno and Prince Shotoku to Japanese history and cultureAnalyze characteristics of the Japanese civilizationContrast Shintoism with biblical truthIdentify the religion from China that Prince Shotoku introduced to JapanAnalyze the importance of the Taika ReformsIdentify the father of calligraphyContrast how the Japanese and Americans writeAssess the influence of the Chinese in the Japanese way of life151–53306–8284–86207Summarize the changes in Japanese culture during the Heian periodEvaluate whether the Heian period was a time of peace and security154309–11287–89209Summarize the changes in Japanese culture during the Heian PeriodAnalyze the Japanese blending of Shintoism and BuddhismExplain how the Fujiwara family rose to powerEvaluate the use of power by the FujiwaraEvaluate whether the Heian period was a time of peace and security155312–13290–91209Analyze the Japanese feudal system of governmentDistinguish the four levels of social classes in Japan’s feudal systemEvaluate the Japanese view of citizenship during the feudal eraIdentify the cause for the Mongol defeat156313211–12Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 13157313Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 13 by taking the testChapter 14: The Middle Ages in EuropeLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives158314–17292–95213Summarize the major events that began the medieval periodSummarize the conditions of the Western Roman Empire that increased the influence of the Roman Catholic ChurchTrace the paths of Germanic invaders on a mapLocate modern countries, medieval kingdoms, and other geographic features on a map159318–19296–97214–17Distinguish the types of Roman Catholic clergy and their various responsibilities and lifestylesAssess Benedict’s role in defining the lifestyle of a monkEvaluate the teachings of medieval Roman Catholicism from a biblical worldview160320–21298–99218Identify the major Frankish kings and their accomplishmentsAssess the importance of the alliance between the Frankish kings and the Roman Catholic ChurchSummarize Charlemagne’s accomplishments161322300219Identify reasons that led to the division of the Frankish EmpireExamine the changes in language at the time of the division of the empireCompare the divisions of Charlemagne’s empire with the divisions of modern Europe on a map162323301220Evaluate the author’s point of view of the VikingsIdentify the impact of the Vikings on Europe163–64324–29302–7221–22Explain why feudalism arose in the Middle AgesIdentify the roles of people on a manorList the steps of becoming a knightEvaluate advantages and disadvantages of the feudal system165–66330–34308–11223–24Summarize the Battle of HastingsAssess the impact of the Norman conquest on England’s historyIdentify Henry II’s contributions to England’s legal systemContrast trial by ordeal and trial by juryTrace the events that led to the Magna CartaAssess the significance of the Magna Carta and its influence on later documents167335–36312–13225–29Explain the role of the medieval castle in the system of feudalismCompare a medieval banquet to a special holiday meal todayIdentify weapons and simple machines used in castle defenses168337–38314–15230–32Summarize the events causing the decline of feudalism in EuropeIdentify the Renaissance as a cultural revival that linked medieval times to modern times169339233–34Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 14170339Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 14 by taking the testChapter 15: A Kingdom from Shore to ShoreLessonTeacher’s EditionStudent TextActivity ManualObjectives171–72340–44316–20235–37Explain how the Creation Mandate is the foundation for all civilizationsIdentify the effects of the FallRelate the kingship of Christ to God’s plan of redemptionFormulate a personal worldview173–74345–49321–25240Analyze Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Persia according to Creation, Fall, and RedemptionTrace the spread of the gospel in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and PersiaAssess the impact of the gospel in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Persia175–77350–53326–29241–42Analyze Greece, Rome, Europe, India, and Africa according to Creation, Fall, and RedemptionTrace the spread of the gospel in Greece, Rome, Europe, India, and AfricaAssess the impact of the gospel in Greece, Rome, Europe, India, and Africa178354–55330–31238–39Analyze Latin America, China, and Japan according to Creation, Fall, and RedemptionTrace the spread of the gospel in Latin America, China, and JapanAssess the impact of the gospel in Latin America, China, and Japan179356243–44Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 15180356Demonstrate knowledge of concepts from Chapter 15 by taking the test ................

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