Adopt an Artist Unit

Adopt an Artist Unit Research

Objective: You will be researching a 2D artist that interests you. You will be creating a work of art based on that artist’s style. You will present your findings about the artist with the class as well as your artwork, explaining the process you used and how the artist influenced your decisions.

Directions: You will have two class periods with laptops or ipads to research about different artists and time periods/ art movements. Fill out the following packet completely and in the order given. You will be turning in your research for a classwork grade.

Follow the directions to each section carefully!

*Anything not completed in the two class periods will be homework.

SECTION 1 – Researching the Movements

Familiarize yourself with different artists and art movements. Use the websites below to browse different art movements. There are lots of different art periods/ movements from all over the world and time, you are limited to choose from the list below because these will be tested on your final exam. Pick three to write about and list three artists involved in each movement.

|Websites |Textbooks *In class only |

| |The Visual Experience, Davis Publishing |

| | |

|YouTube: OtisCollege, Art history timeline, 27 different videos |Exploring Visual Design, Davis Publishing |

| | |

| |The Annotated Mona Lisa, C. Strickland |

| | |

| |Exploring Painting, Davis Publishing |

|Art Movements |

|Renaissance |Impressionism |Dada |

|Baroque Art |Post Impressionism |*Harlem Renaissance |

|*Rococo |*Art Nouveau |Regionalism |

|Neo Classicism |Fauvism |Surrealism |

|Romanticism |Expressionism |Op Art |

|Realism/ |Cubism |Pop Art |

|*Social Realism |Art Deco |Photo Realism |

Chose 3 Art Movements from the list above that you are interested in:




Fill in the chart with the name, date, brief description, and 3 artists for each movement.

|Name of Movement | |Dates Active | |

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|Description of the movement| |

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|Artists (Name and dates |1. |

|alive) | |

| |2. |

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| |3. |

|Name of Movement | |Dates Active | |

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|Description of the movement| |

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|Artists (Name and dates |1. |

|alive) | |

| |2. |

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| |3. |

|Name of Movement | |Dates Active | |

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| | |

|Description of the movement| |

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| | |

|Artists (Name and dates |1. |

|alive) | |

| |2. |

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| |3. |

SECTION 2 – Researching the Artists

You have narrowed down the list of movements to three, now you must narrow down your artists. Out of the nine you have chosen, research three of them and fill out the chart below for each one. You will be deciding on one of these three for your artist, so make sure you like their work and feel it is something you can do!

| |#1 |#2 |#3 |

|Name and Lifetime | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Art Movement | | | |

|associated with | | | |

| | | | |

|Primary Media Used | | | |

|(Oil paint, acrylic, | | | |

|charcoal, etc) | | | |

|Primary Subject Matter| | | |

|(Landscape, portrait, | | | |

|still life, etc) | | | |

|What you like about | | | |

|the work | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Website Resource | | | |

| | | | |


Media- what the artist used to make the art (oils, charcoal, tempera, etc)

Subject Matter- what the painting/drawing is of (landscapes, portraits, etc)

SECTION 3 – Chose an Artist

Chose one of the three artists you narrowed your list down to. Artists are influenced by personal experiences, happenings in their culture, lifetime, and surroundings, as well as other artists. Answer the questions below to learn more about your artist and what his/her influences were. This information will be part of your presentation to the class

Name of Artist ________________________________________________

Artistic training (school, apprenticeship) including where and when:

Other artists that influenced their artwork. How?

List 3 significant events in the artist’s personal life. State how these events influenced their art:




Other interesting things you’ve learned about the artist’s life:

Name of Art Movement your artist is in______________________________

Timeline of the Art Movement___________________________

Country(ies) the movement was active in____________________________

SECTION 3 Continued

List 5 major events in history during the time period of the movement. Focus on items dealing with the country(ies) the movement was in concerning government, culture, economics, literature, music, and world events

|1. |4. |

|2. |5. |

|3. | |


SECTION 4 – Artwork of Influence/ Slide Presentation

Choose one artwork by your artist as the piece that will directly influence your final artwork. Fill in the title, media, size, and website you found the picture on and create a rough sketch of it below. Be specific with the website address so that you may find it easily when you put it into a slide for presentation.

You will be creating an artwork in the style of the artist you have chosen to research. Make sure you are planning something that you can create based on your abilities. You may use any type of media for your artwork as long as it mimics the same type of media your artist used.

Creating Your Slide:

Create ONE slide with the following information and format that will be compiled with your classmates for the presentation. Your slide should be formatted like the example below and must include the information listed:

|Your Artist’s Name |

|Country lived/worked in (Birth-Death date) |

| |Title of Artwork |

| |Date |

|Picture of your artwork of influence |Media |

|(copy and paste photo) |Size |

| |Website you copied the picture from |

| |Your Name |

Do not put color in the background or text. Use Times New Roman, Ariel, or Verdana for your font (colors and crazy fonts don’t show up on all computers)

I will send you your classes Google Slide presentation in your Wake County google Drive/ Slides. You will click on the last slide and add a new slide at the bottom using the template above. Any editing/removing of others slides will result in a zero grade.

To access your school google account go to: wakeid. and enter your info.

|Create a Quick Sketch of the Artwork From Your Slide Here: |

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SECTION 5 – Discussing the Artwork

Answer the following questions below about the Artwork of Influence you chose for your slide and sketch above. You must use complete sentences. Back up your reasons with details from the artwork. This will be part of your presentation

Describe the subject matter and design composition of the artwork. Describe how the elements and principles of design are being used? (ex. Contrast is shown by light and dark values around the focal point of the figure.)

Interpret the mood, feeling, or meaning of this piece and what the artist’s intentions were?

Why is this your favorite? What about it appeals to you? How does it make you feel?

SECTION 6 – Finding your inspiration

As you have discovered, artists are inspired through a variety of sources. Your first inspiration comes from the artist you have chosen. Fill out the chart below

|5 Personal Experiences |5 Cultural/Historical Events in your subjects Lifetime|5 Character traits for you |

|(ex: things that have only happened to you like a |(ex: things that have happened in the world during |See the list below for examples. Search your own |

|broken arm, winning an award, moving, etc.) |your life that may influence you) |traits or definitions if you don’t know the word. |

|1. |1. |1. |

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|2. |2. |2. |

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|3. |3. |3. |

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|4. |4. |4. |

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|5. |5. |5. |

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SECTION 7 – Planning your Artwork

In your sketchbook, divide your paper into 4 sections. Create 4 different thumbnail (mini) sketches of different significant events from your life, or one event with 4 different perspectives (view points), think of how close you are to the subject matter and what you want to emphasize as the focal point. How are you going to draw the viewers’ attention to the artwork and then keep them engaged?

You are creating an original artwork (not copying) in the style of the artist you have chosen to research. Make sure you are planning something that you can create based on your abilities. You may use any type of media for your artwork as long as it mimics the same type of media your artist used.

Chose the sketch you want to use for your project and draw it larger on a full page and start practicing with the types of media you will use to match the style of the artist. *we do not have all available types of media in class, ex. Oil paint, but you must problems solve and figure out what media to use that will match the style of the artist’s work.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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