Key events timeline- The Church - collegehistory

Key events timeline- The Church

1070 Lanfranc replaces Stigand as ABC, Synod of Winchester

1071 Lanfranc goes to Rome to collect his pallium

1072 Accord of Winchester gives primacy to Lanfranc over Thomas of Bayeux (never ratified by Pope Gregory), Lanfranc/ William establish separate Church Courts

1073 Lanfranc (backed by William) insists all papal letters must go through himself. No pope to be recognised without William’s approval. No papal legate entered England until 1080, with no Bishop visiting Rome without his consent

1076 (or 1082) The Trial of Penenden Heath- Odo goes on trial as a landowner in the lay court

1079 Lanfranc refuses the summons to Rome

1080 Wulfstan is the only pre conquest Saxon bishop left

1087 William Rufus becomes king

1093 Anselm becomes ABC and makes 3 demands before accepting the role. Falls out with Rufus when he offers just £500 to fund Rufus’ proposed invasion of Wales. Thomas of Bayeux (ABY) refused to be involved in his consecration if Anselm was referred to as Primate of England (suggested Anselm’s superiority). The issue was resolved by naming Anselm the Metropolitan of Canterbury (shows they could compromise).

1095 Anselm insists on getting the pallium from Rome (falls out with Rufus). Pope Urban sends a legate with it instead. Council of Rockingham shows Anselm’s negative relations with the Bishop of Durham.

1097 Anselm falls out with Rufus over the poor quality Canterbury knights he provided. Anselm exiled.

1098/9 Councils of Rome and Bari. Key in development of PRM. Anselm is present at both due to his exile.

1100 Henry I become king, and Anselm returns

1102 Council of London. Bans marriage amongst those who have undertaken holy orders. “The Chair Incident” also takes place between Gerard ABY and Anselm (the only real example of poor relations between the 2)

1103 Anselm refuses to accept Lay Investiture and is exiled.

1105 Compromise of Laigle-return of Anselm

1107 Compromise of Bec. Henry agrees to waive investiture with the ring and staff. Something of a turning point in the PRM.

1107 Council of Westminster. Gerard (ABY) states he would remain bound by the profession he made to Anselm on his consecration as Bishop of Hereford (but doesn’t fully resolve the primacy debate).

1109 Death of Anselm

1114 Ralph D’Escures becomes ABC. Refuses to consecrate Thurstan as ABY without written oath of obedience.

1115 Refuses to consecrate Bernard as Bishop of St David's (the only time he went against Henry)

1116 Ralph refuses the demand of the pope for England to pay Peter’s Pence. Henry I ordered Thurstan to submit to Canterbury, but instead Thurstan publicly resigned the role of ABY.

1119 Thurstan consecrated as ABY by Pope Calixtus

1123 Robert de Corbeil becomes ABC

1125 Of the 9 legates sent to England under Henry, only John of Crema (1125) was let preside over a synod

1127 Pope Honorius II made a compromise in the primacy dispute. William of Corbeil (ABC) received a papal legateship, letting him consecrate the ABY as papal legate, rather than ABC. Effectively gave the ABC the powers of the primacy without the papacy actually having to concede a primacy to Canterbury.

1135 Stephen becomes king

1138 Stephen allows Alberic the papal legate into England-given his disputed claim he needs Rome’s support.

1139 Thoebald of Bec becomes ABC. Collects pallium from Rome, but his power is immediately reduced as Henry Bishop of Winchester was made a Papal Legate

1141 During the Civil War Theobald secures permission from Stephen to crown Matlida Queen (after Stephen’s arrest at Lincoln).

1141 Conflict over appointment of ABY. Henry of Blois supported appointment of which Theobald opposed

1148 Theobald exiled for attending the Papal Council at Rheims

1150 Stephen refused safe conduct through England to the Pope’s legate (now backing Henry Plantaganet)

1151 Council of London. Theobald takes advantage of the collapse of govt to exert a degree of independence. The Council of London in 1151 (during the height of the Civil War) decreed 8 canons (Church laws).

1152 Theobald refused to crown Eustace (Stephen’s son) on papal instruction and was again exiled by Stephen.

1153 Theobald negotiated the Treaty of Wallingford, securing Henry's succession to the throne. Stephen named Theobald as regent until Henry could take up the crown

1154 Theobald consecrates Roger de Pont L'Evêque as Archbishop of York as a papal legate (not as ABC). Henry II becomes king.

1162 Becket becomes ABC. His pallium was brought to him.

1163 Becket challenges the right of Henry II to collect Sheriff’s Aid (a payment). As a result, Henry took his heir (Henry the Young King) out of Becket's custody.

1164 Constitutions of Clarendon tries to limit the power of the Church Courts and the extent of papal authority. Becket is exiled for refusing to confirm this with his seal an appealing to Rome.

1166 Becket appointed legate by Pope Alexander. Becket hreatens excommunication of royal clerks involved in the case against him. Excommunicates the Bishop of Salisbury. Pope Alexander refused Becket’s request to excommunicate Foliot.

1169 A peace between Henry and Becket had been agreed at Freteval, but Becket kept calling off his return 1170 ABY and Bishop Foliot (Bishop of London) crown the Young king in a move supported by the pope. Becket returns excommunicating Foliot and ABY. 4 of Henry’s knights kill Becket at Canterbury.

1172 Compromise of Avranches (aimed at repairing relations with the papacy). Henry allowed appeals to the papacy in Rome and agreed to eliminate all customs to which the Church objected, boosting power of PRM

1189 Richard becomes king

1193 Hubert Walter becomes ABC (ABCs between Becket and Walter were largely insignificant) receiving his pallium from the Pope. He also retained his position as Chancellor in contrast to Becket.

1194 Plays a prominent role in Richard’s second coronation in 1194. Dispute between Walter and Geffrey Plantaganet (ABY) after Walter carries his episcopal cross before him in the diocese of York Geoffrey does the same in Canterbury the following month. Geoffrey was the first archbishop of York to style himself "primate of England", in opposition to the Canterbury title of "primate of all England". But the dispute was minor,

1199 John becomes king

1200 Walter holds a reforming council ruling the clergy, when saying Mass, should speak clearly and not speed up or slow down their speech. At the request of the papacy, Walter also led inquiries into the canonizations of Gilbert of Sempringham and Wulfstan of Worcester, showing generally amicable relations with the papacy. 1205 John vetoes the Canterbury Monks’ choice of the sub prior Reginald as ABC, wanting John Grey. Both elections were quashed on appeal to Rome (shows growing power of Rome).

1207 Pope Innocent appointed Langton as ABC- 1st time the king been unable to obtain the ABC of his choice. 15 July 1207, John expelled the Canterbury monks. In response, Pope Innocent III put England under interdict 1209 John ex-communicated (reduce power and authority of Rome, as no appeals could go to Rome).

1212 After repeated negotiations had failed, Pope Innocent passed sentence of deposition against John. John backs down, making England a papal fief, absolving him from excommunication. There was now a strange alliance between John and the Pope. Langton finally able to enter the country.

1213 John agreed to pay 10,000 marks towards a proposed crusade, further endearing himself to innocent. John got his way on all 6 episcopal elections, including vetoing Langton’s choice of making his brother Archbishop of York. Langton refused to cooperate when John tried to impose his own man as Constable of Rochester Castle (which was in perpetual custody of ABC).

1215 Langton helps mediate between John and the Barons (Barons’ War) helping to draw up the Magna Carta. For refusing to publish the excommunication of the Barons (issued by the pope) Langton was suspended, allowing the papacy to maximise their own authority over the Church. Langton remained abroad until May 1218.


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