Instructions- Answer the following questions using Chapter ...

Industrial Revolution Assignment-Socials 9Part 1- Textbook background information-All questions must be completed Complete the chapter 5 questions from Crossroads as assigned. Part 2- Project – Choice #1-Industrial Revolution timeline- Pick 15 inventions and create a timeline that lists the inventions, when they were made, who they were made by and why they were important. (must complete chart and do good copy of timeline) (you may include pictures of inventions or inventors if you want for extra marks)Choice #2- Inventor Biography- Choose an inventor from the industrial revolution and create a written biography according to the instructions given Choice #3: Poster assignment- Choose an invention from the industrial revolution and create a poster according to the instructions givenChoice # 4: Presentation of poster, biography or invention to the class (3-5 minutes presentation-more details to follow)Choice # 5: Invention model/Diagram with explanation-Choose an invention from the industrial revolution and create a working model, a demonstration model ,a detailed diagram, a power point, a prezi, or a video of the invention, with a written explanation of how it works and why it was important to the Industrial Revolution. (more details to follow) Grading explanationC/C- : To minimally meet expectations and potentially receive 50%-60% you must do all Chapter 5 questions, choice #1 and choice #2 or 3. (these assignments must minimally meet learning outcomes)C-C+ :To adequately meet expectations and potentially receive 61-72% you must do all Chapter 5 questions ,choice #1, choice #2 and choice #3 (these assignments must adequately meet learning outcomes)B/B+: To fully meet expectations and potentially receive 73%-85% you must do all Chapter 5 questions, Choice # 1, Choice #2, Choice #3 and choice #4 or #5. (these assignments must fully meet learning outcomes)A/A+: To fully meet and/or exceed expectations and potentially receive 86%-100% you must do all Chapter 5 questions, and all choices (these assignments must exceed learning outcomes)In order to get the grade level you are aiming for your work must be accomplished at that level in addition to completing the assignments. If you have an idea for a different type of project to meet the learning outcomes please see the teacher and we can discuss it.Project deadline for all choices is Monday April 2, 2017 (there may be deadlines for parts of the project due before the final deadline)Choice #1- Timeline chart and Timeline(use timeline chart and timeline templates to fill out the information you have learned from your research)Industrial Revolution Timeline chart explanationPick 15 inventions from during the industrial revolution and fill out the timeline chart provided from your research. You will use this information to complete your Timeline.NAME OF INVENTIONNAME OF INVENTORDATE INVENTEDWHY IT WAS IMPORTANTSeed drillJethro Tull1702-because it provided a way to accurately plant seeds - increased the efficiency (less seeds were wasted) - increased the production of the harvest (more crops were grown)-created more food with less work.Industrial Revolution Timeline Explanation3012440444500#1- The Seed drill was an important invention because it provided a way to accurately plant seeds which increased the efficiency (less seeds were wasted) and increased the production of the harvest (more crops were grown). This created more food with less work.020000#1- The Seed drill was an important invention because it provided a way to accurately plant seeds which increased the efficiency (less seeds were wasted) and increased the production of the harvest (more crops were grown). This created more food with less work.-74295448310Name of Invention-Seed DrillName of Inventor-Jethro TullDate of Invention-1701Why was it important? (see #1)4000020000Name of Invention-Seed DrillName of Inventor-Jethro TullDate of Invention-1701Why was it important? (see #1)Write in the information on the timeline provided or create your own. If there is not enough room use a separate page as a legend. See example below.Choice #2-Industrial Revolution: Inventor BiographyInstructions: In this assignment you will be expected to choose an inventor from the Industrial revolution and write a biography about their life. A biography tells the basic facts about a person’s life and why they were important.The biography should include the following information: (if you cannot find the information then it can be left out) (see example)Name of the InventorBirthdate and Place of birthDate and place of deathEducationMarriage and childrenProfession/jobInteresting facts about the personGreatest accomplishments- What did they invent? Why was it important?Why is this person important to history?Choice #3- Industrial Revolution poster-Create a poster using the instructions handout given and the example. It must include the following: 1) Name of the invention2) Who invented it3) What it was4) What it was used for5) Where it was invented6) When it was invented7) Explanations of how it works (diagram or schematic)-you may make a model instead of doing this on the poster if you wish8) Pictures (of invention or inventor)9) Explanation of why it was an important invention10) What impacts it has had on society and the way people live now (ie improvements/problems- how has it made life better and/or worse) Choice #4-Industrial Revolution: PresentationInstructions: In this assignment you will be expected to present one element of your project to the class. You must present according to the grade you wish to receive. The presentation should be from 3-5 minutes in length.Choice #5- Invention model/Diagram with explanation-Choose an invention from the industrial revolution and create a working model, a demonstration model ,a detailed diagram, a power point, a prezi, or a video of the invention, with a written explanation of how it works and why it was important to the Industrial Revolution. The diagram or model should include the following:Name of invention and inventorDate of invention When and where it was inventedInformation on how the inventor came up with the ideaDetailed explanation of why the invention was importantDetailed explanation of how the invention workedModel, diagram or schematic of how the invention worked- labelled with appropriate descriptionsTo minimally meet expectations and potentially receive 50%-60% you must present your timeline.C-C+ :To adequately meet expectations and potentially receive 61-72% you must present your timeline or biography.B/B+: To fully meet expectations and potentially receive 73%-85% you must present your poster.A: To fully meet expectations and potentially receive 86%-90% you must present your poster or your model/diagram.A+: To exceed expectations and potentially receive 91%-100% you must present your model/diagram.Crossroads Chapter 5 QuestionsInstructions- Answer the following questions using Chapter 5 of your Crossroads textbook. You can answer the questions in point form. You may work with others to answer the questions but you must have your own copy of the answers.Section 2: (pg. 128-133)Introduction (p.129)What is a revolution? What type of revolution was happening in Great Britain?What are some ways that this revolution changed Great Britain and the traditional ways of farming?What were some of the problems that happened because of the revolution?How did this revolution make the economy of the world become global?Why Britain?Summarize each of the essential elements Britain contained that allowed industrialization to happen.An Agricultural RevolutionDescribe the types of farming that were going on in Great Britain before the Industrial revolution. What laws did Parliament pass that threatened traditional farming and how did these laws affect farmers?New BreedsHow did new breeds help farming?New Crops and TechnologiesWhat were the new crops and technologies that were being used and how they each improved farming. Section 3: (p. 134-139)An Economic Revolution (pg.134/134)What was the laissez faire policy? Why wasn’t it good for workers?The Textile Industry (pg. 135-138)Why did British wool become profitable? How did the textile industry influence Britain’s desire to acquire new colonies?Pick two new inventions or innovations that helped the textile industry. Explain how and who was responsible. The Steam Machine (pg. 138-139)Who invented the steam machine? Who improved it?Why was the steam machine important?The Iron and Coal Industries (p. 139)Why were these industries important to the Industrial Revolution? What were some of the problems with these industries?Section 4: (p. 140-150)Transportation (p. 140-141)Why was transportation important to the Industrial Revolution?What was the condition of Roads in 1700? What types of improvements were made to roads? What were canals? Why were these important to transportation? What improvements were made to canals?Railways (p. 141-143)Who invented the locomotive? Why was it the most important means of transportation at that time?Mechanization and the Factory System (p. 143-144)What were cottage industries? What were the advantages and disadvantages?The Factory Age (p. 144-146)How did inventions of the Industrial revolution make the cottage industry obsolete and what were the effects?Child Labour (p. 147-148)Why did children have to work? Why were they useful as workers? What problems did they face? The Factory Acts (p. 149-150)Who were social reformers? What did they try to do? What were the factory acts? How did they help workers?Section 5: (p. 150-157)Society and Culture (p. 150-151) Describe the British Class system. Describe each of the different classes. (upper, middle, lower middle, working class)Women in the Industrial Age (p. 152-153)How did the industrial revolution change the family and the way women worked and lived? Give 2 examples. The Poor (p. 153-155)33. Describe some of the troubles faced by poor people during this time. What was Britain’s poor law? Why didn’t it work well? Population on the move (p. 155)35. What happened to the population of England during the industrial revolution? What were the results of this?The Irish Potato Famine (p. 155)36. Why were potatoes important in Ireland? What happened in 1845? How did this affect the people living in Ireland at the time?The Clearances (p. 155-156)38. What were the clearances and the crofters? What effect did these have on people?CHOICE #1 -INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION TIMELINE CHARTNAME OF INVENTIONNAME OF INVENTORDATE INVENTEDWHY IT WAS IMPORTANT12345678NAME OF INVENTIONNAME OF INVENTORDATE INVENTEDWHY IT WAS IMPORTANTChoice #3-Industrial RevolutionPoster assignmentIn this assignment you will choose one of the following major inventions/innovations to research. Maximum of one person per invention- first come first served. Partial list of inventions/innovations- there are others that you can also use- see the teacher if you doTransportationSteam engineInternal combustion enginePlanesCarsSteamshipHot air balloonsAirships (dirigibles)Electric motorDiesel engineSteamboatRailroadsBridgesCanalsRadar/sonarCommunicationsCameraTypewriterPrinting pressTelegraphRadioTelevisionTelephonePhonographmicrophoneMedicineVaccinesMicroscopeSyringesPenicillinOptical lensesPasteurizationAnaesthesiaTextiles/ClothingSpinning jennyFlying shuttleSpinning muleCotton ginSewing machineWater powered loomThe water frameStocking frameMiscellaneousTelescopeLight bulbSanitation systemsElectricityElevator (safety brake)BatteriesRefrigerationAssembly lineCompass/sextant (navigation)Mechanized clockSteel (smelting process)From this research you will create a poster that contains the important facts about that invention including, but not limited to, the following: (see the example for what is expected.)1) Name of the invention2) Who invented it3) What it was4) What it was used for5) Where it was invented6) When it was invented7) Explanations of how it works (diagram or schematic)-you may make a model instead of doing this on the poster if you wish8) Pictures (of invention or inventor)9) Explanation of why it was an important invention10) What impacts it has had on society and the way people live now (ie improvements/problems- how has it made life better and/or worse) Choice #3-Poster questions and notes-Industrial revolution project 1) What is the name of the Invention you have chosen to do your poster on?2) Who invented it?3) Describe what the invention did.4) What it was the invention used for?5) Where was was invented?6) When was it invented?7) How does the invention work? (Need an explanation and a diagram/schematic/model)8) Do you have a picture of the invention?9) Do you have a picture of the inventor?10) Why was it an important invention?11) What impacts has it had on society and the way people live now (ie improvements/problems- how has it made life better and/or worse) -142776997663000Choice #2-Biography questions for research notes- Industrial revolution projectWhat is the name of the inventor you are writing the biography on?When were they born? Where were they born?When did they die?Where did they die?What type of education did they have?Who were their parents?Who did they marry?Did they have any children?What was their profession/job?What did they invent and when was it invented?How did they come up with the idea for their invention?How did their invention work?Why was/were their invention(s) important?What was their greatest accomplishment and why do you think so?Why is this person important to history?Are there any other interesting facts about this person that people would want to know?Fill in the blanks rough copy for biography_________________________ was the inventor of the _____________________. He/she was born on ______________ in _____________________. They died on _____________________ in _______________________. Their education was __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Their parents were _______________________________________ and _______________________________________.They married _________________________________ and had ______ children. Their profession/job was _____________________________________________._______________________________ invented the _________________________________ in _____________.They came up with this invention because ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This invention worked by_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This invention was important because _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Their greatest accomplishment was _____________________________________________________________________ because __________________________________________________________________________________________.______________________ is important to history because _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Some other interesting facts about __________________ are ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Industrial Revolution project-Biography exampleJethro Tull- Inventor of an improved Seed DrillJethro Tull was born in 1674, and was baptized in the town of his birth, Basildon, Berkshire, on March 30, 1674. His parents were Jethro Tull Sr and Dorothy Buckeridge. He went to school and was matriculated at St. John’s College in Oxford, England. He was educated in the legal profession, although he did not get a degree. His original profession was a lawyer, however due to poor health he gave that up and went to work with his father on their farm. He married Susanna Smith, from Burton, Dasset, Warwickshire England, and they lived on his father’s farm in Howberry, where they had two sons and two daughters. Jethro Tull died at Prosperous farm in Hungerford in 1740. He was buried on March 20, 1740 in the churchyard of St. Bartholomew’s Church in Lower Basildon, near where he was born.After the advent of his poor health, Jethro Tull travelled around Europe looking for a cure for his lung condition. During his travels his noted the different methods of agriculture in France and Italy, compared to England. This led him to develop some improvements to farming when he got home, including his greatest achievement, the improvement of the seed drill.Although Jethro was not the first person to have developed a seed drill, he was the first to make it more efficient. The first known seed drill was invented by Camillo Torello of Italy in 1566, but this drill required the holes that the seeds were put into, to be drilled by hand, after furrows in the soil had been dug. Tull noticed that this method was not very efficient, which led him to instruct his workers to drill in a very precise manner, however he was still not satisfied. As a result of his frustration he was inspired to invent a machine to do the work. His design created a drill with a rotating cylinder. The cylinder then had grooves cut into it to allow the seed to pass through it from a hopper to a funnel below. This then channelled the seeds into the furrow dug by the plough, which was at the front of the machine, which was then quickly covered by a harrow at the back of the machine. This limited the amount of waste and made it easier to get weeds out. This machine could be pulled in straight lines by a horse, which also allowed the seeds to be planted in a straight line, and helped remove weeds between the rows of plants. It also pulverized the soil so air and moisture reached the roots of the plants. This improvement of the seed drill was important because it greatly increased the speed of planting, as well as its efficiency. It made it easier to weed and produced more crops as a result. This improvement helped create the agricultural revolution that led to the industrial revolution.Jethro Tull also had other ideas that helped the agriculture industry. He created an improvement to the plough that added blades that pulled up grass and roots, and left them on the surface to dry. This helped make fields ready to plant. He also wrote a book on agriculture called Horse-hoe Husbandry.Works consultedhistory/chapters/IR/004f.html(agriculturist)history/historic_figures/tull_jethro.shtmlIndustrial Revolution Works ConsultedBOOKS CONSULTEDBook #Ref #Book titleAuthor of BookWEBSITES CONSULTEDDate you looked at siteWebsite address ................

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