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Defined Major Points for Unit 7: World War IIUnit 7 Calendar (A Days & B Days)MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayJan 29Test over Great Depression/New DealWWII Vocab GridsJan 30Test over Great Depression/New DealWWII Vocab GridsJan 31WWI Vocab PresentationsPrecursors to WWIIFeb 1WWI Vocab PresentationsPrecursors to WWIIFeb 2Timeline-Start of WWIIHolocaustQuiz over VocabFeb 5American Involvement in WWIIPolitical CartoonsFeb 6Timeline-Start of WWIIHolocaustQuiz over VocabFeb 7Quiz-Start WWIIWWII Book-Mobilization & Home FrontFeb 8American Involvement in WWIIPolitical CartoonsFeb 9Quiz-Start WWIIWWII Book-Mobilization & Home FrontFeb 12WWII Book-Battles & GeneralsReviewFeb 13WWII Book-Battles & GeneralsReviewFeb 14Test over World War IICold War/1950s Vocab GridsFeb 15Test over World War IICold War/1950s Vocab GridsDefined Major Points for Unit 7: World War IIVocab WordsFascismRadicalCommunismHyperinflationAppeasementBlitzkriegEmbargoStrategic materialsFrontDisenfranchiseRationBondInternment campPre-Cursors to World War IIAfter World War I, the countries in Europe are struggling economically. This depression contributes to the rise of anti-democratic governments in Europe.In Germany, Adolf Hitler has come to power and establishes the Nazi Party, with the goal of purifying the German race and uniting the German-speaking people of Europe.After WWI, the German people are embarrassed and ashamed for causing the war.They experience hyperinflation and a very poor economy.Hitler blames the Jews for the Germans’ problems.In 1935, Hitler begins rebuilding the German army, which violates the Treaty of Versailles. He will go on to start the Holocaust, invade other countries, and start World War II.In Italy, the economy is weak, and Benito Mussolini comes to power. He is a fascist dictator who believes the nation is more important than its people. Mussolini and Hitler become allies.In the Soviet Union, there is communism. Josef Stalin comes to power, and he is a violent dictator who has complete control over his citizens.In Japan, a military leader named Hideki Tojo begins to exert influence over the Japanese Emperor Hirohito. Together, they expand the Japanese empire by invading land in Asia using their navy. Japan will ally itself with Germany and Italy. They become the Axis powers in World War II.The Start of World War IIAfter Hitler begins to rebuild the military, no one stops him. This is because Europe is too weak and fearful of another war. Some believe that Hitler will be pacified if he gets what he wants.In 1937, Hitler announces that he wants to unite the land where German-speaking people live. In 1938, the Anschluss occurs, which means Hitler invades Austria and makes it part of Germany. No one stops him.Later that year, the Munich Conference is held, and various European leaders appease Hitler and give in to his demands. They do tell him not to invade Czechoslovakia, but he invades it anyways in 1939.On September 1, 1939, Hitler invades Poland, which causes Britain and France to declare war on Germany because of his invasions. Hitler then turns west and invades several countries, including France. In 1940, Hitler uses blitzkrieg bombing to attack Britain, but Britain does not surrender, and eventually Hitler stops attacking Britain.The HolocaustHitler blamed the Jews for Germany’s problems. At first, he required Jews to register with the government and wear a Star of David on their clothes. Then he forced Jews into ghettos and took them to concentration and extermination camps, where they were forced to work and died. One such concentration camp is called Auschwitz. 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust.America Gets Into WarAt first, America stays neutral.America starts to get involved when Roosevelt allows us to sell war materials to Great Britain, through a policy called cash and carry. He also gives Britain some old American warships in exchange for access to British naval bases. Eventually, we also lend money to Britain and the other Allied countries (such as France & the Soviet Union).Some Americans, like Dr. Seuss draw political cartoons in support of American involvement in WWII.Because we want to help the British, and Japan sided with Germany & Italy against Britain, the US puts an embargo on selling oil to Japan. This hurts the Japanese. In retaliation, the Japanese bomb the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. This results in the United States declaring war on Japan, Germany, and Italy. Mobilizing & Home FrontThe Selective Service Act is used again to recruit soldiers. Women are allowed to serve in the WAAC (Women’s Army Auxillary Corps) but not in combat. Minorities serve in segregated units.Tuskegee Airmen=African American fighter pilotsFlying Tigers=group of volunteer pilots from China Navajo Code Talkers=group of Navajo Indians who use their language to create a military code, so that the Japanese cannot stela America rapidly converts to war production early, so that increased level of production ends the Great Depression.Women work in the factories, inspiring the Rosie the Riveter image.To conserve food, woman are encouraged to grow victory gardens and are required to ration certain items, like sugar, coffee, butter, meat, etc.The war is paid for via bonds.Office of War Information creates propaganda posters to encourage support of the war effortPresident Harry Truman desegregates the military through Executive Order 8802.There are racial tensions between white Americans and Mexican Americans in the West.President Roosevelt interns the Japanese Americans, which violates their liberties, although the Supreme Court allows this to happen.War Events & BattlesFighting takes place in Europe (against Germany & Italy), in North Africa (against Germany & Italy), and in Asia (against Japan).In Europe, the strategy is to invade France to liberate France from Germany and then defeat Italy, and then Germany.In Asia, the strategy is to island hop (or slowly take over each island that the Japanese control) and eventually invade Japan or force them to surrender.In 1942, General Douglas MacArthur (American general in charge of army in Pacific) is sent to protect the Philippines from Japan. Unfortunately, the Japanese take over the island, and many American soldiers are taken as prisoners and forced to march to the Bataan Peninsula. Many die on this Bataan Death March.Battle of the Midway Islands is a battle in the Pacific Ocean. It is the turning point battle in Asia. The United States wins, because Admiral Nimitz (American admiral in charge of Pacific navy) intercepts the Japanese military code and sinks many Japanese ships.Battle of Normandy is a battle in the European front in 1944. It is a secret operation headed by General Dwight Eisenhower (in charge of European theatre) and a surprise invasion of France from its northern beaches at Normandy. The Germans are caught off guard, and the Allies are able to liberate France from Germany. General Omar Bradley leads the American forces in this surprise attack.Eventually, Italy surrenders, and after France falls, the Germans lose ground. When Hitler realizes that the Allies are about to invade Germany, he commits suicide, and Germany surrenders on VE Day in May 1945.People who were in concentration camps are slowly liberated, as the Allies make their way into Eastern Europe.Roosevelt dies three weeks before this.While Germany has surrendered, we are still fighting Japan in the Pacific. New President Truman must make a decision-to drop an atomic bomb on Japan.The Manhattan Project was the secret name for the building of the deadly atomic bomb. It spreads radiation and was brand new.Two atomic bombs are dropped on Japan. This causes Japan to surrender in Aug/Sept 1945.After the war, the United Nations, an international peace keeping organization, is founded, and many war criminals are put in trial for crimes against humanity. The United States was in an alliance with the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France, but slowly, Americans realize that problems with the Soviet Union may begin to occur… ................

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