Timeline of your Life – Scrapbook Project

Timeline of your Life – Scrapbook Project

Due: _______________________

In this class, we have been moving through a timeline of literature. We have been studying major works, which are also major events in the timeline of literature. If we had to plot on a timeline the works we have covered, we could easily describe each, such as Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Canterbury Tales, MacBeth, etc. Similarly, you have a personally significant timeline in your life where major events have happened that have formed who you are today.

Assignment: You will create a timeline of your life. Because time is linear, this project must be linear and chronological. Be sure to hit the high points/low points/important points/ and turning points of your life in this timeline. This project must be created with WORD PICTURES. You will “illustrate” your events with words and will authenticate events and moments with photos (these photos are only an enhancement and are not required). In your timeline be sure to incorporate all of the following:

• Include a minimum of five to six crucial moments/events in your life and create for each one a brief word picture. You may include more. In this quantity and quality is better.

• Using your words, describe the significant experience or important moment as completely as possible

• Try to capture as much as possible the tone, atmosphere, feeling and issues of this specific time in your life through your word pictures. Remember, specificity leads to significance.

The following are some examples of events or experiences you may wish to write about:

• The day of your birth (I know you don’t remember it)

• A special birthday

• Riding a bike for the first time

• A religious occasion

• The birth/death of someone special to you

• Moving from elementary to middle school to high school

• A memorable sports occasion

This project must be done on scrapbook paper. Depending on the size of your scrapbook, it may be one to two pages. The events need to be typed in an attractive font.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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