Advisory Board Meeting

July 21, 2000


The State Regents’ Training Center Advisory Board met in the College Union Room 1 of the Oklahoma City Community College Union in Oklahoma City, OK commencing at 11:00 a.m. The Board Chairman, Mr. Dudley Freeman, opened the meeting for discussion, distributed the Regents’ Training Center Advisory Board meeting minutes for April 14, 2000, and a copy of the agenda for the meeting.

Those attending were: Mr. Bill Creech, Rose State College, Board Member; Mr. Mike Montgomery, OU, Board Member; Mr. Tim Stiger, University of Science & Arts, Board Member and Chairman of the Budget Committee; Ms. Pam Boatright OUHSC, President Oklahoma Campus Safety Association. Also attending were Mr. Donald McDaniel, Redlands Community College, Board Member; Mr. Don Groth, Southwestern OK State University, Board Member; Mr. Larry Warner, Training Center Coordinator; Ms. Cennet Ladwig, Rose State College, Recording Secretary.

Chairman Freeman thanked the members for their presence at the meeting. The storm the previous evening had caused a power outage in the metropolitan area and the meeting place had to be changed at the last minute. The original meeting place was the Guaranteed Student Loan Program Office. However, there was no power in the building, so we had to make a last minute adjustment. (If a change had been made earlier, we would have had to post the meeting date and place and any other changes, as is required by the State Open Meetings Act rules.)

Chairman Freeman asked the members if they would like to add any other items to the agenda. Mr. Tim Stiger pointed out some of his concerns related to the Regents’ Training Center. He said that, until we find out where we stand as an organization, we should not make any budget decisions. He stated that he understood the State Regents for Higher Education’s attorney was scheduled to be at the meeting today but she could not make it.

Tim Stiger suggested that we wait until we hear what the attorney had to say. Mike Montgomery said we have one invoice from the Fire Safety Seminar. He indicated, however, that we could wait to approve this expense until such a time, as we were satisfied regarding the questions we have. Dudley Freeman said this is exactly what he was thinking, suggested that we wait and followed up by putting the suggestion to a motion. Tim Stiger made the motion, and Bill Creech seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Larry Warner asked whether or not copy of the agenda minutes had been send out. He said he did not receive a copy of it. Dudley Freeman said he had been having a problem with his e-mail system.

Chairman Freeman said, he would continue to work with Glenda McDaniel, who is our liaison with the State Regents Higher Education office, to arrange a meeting with the attorney, so we can find some answers regarding the Open Meeting Act. We also want to obtain a decision regarding money matters. He added that we all are responsible to act in accordance with the state laws.

Chairman Freeman said the other law we should be following is the Record Management Act. He suggested Larry Warner be responsible for the records. They should be kept in his office. These records also include electronic mail. We need to comply with the Open Meetings Act and Records Management Act. Official minutes and expenditures files should be kept in the State Regents Higher Education Training Center Coordinator’s office.

Pam Boatright suggested we address the new changes in the Hazard Communication Standards, which will become effective on October 1, 2000. The Oklahoma Campus Safety Association meeting will be September 22, 2000. Emily Allen from the Department of Labor will be the speaker. She will give us information on new changes in the Hazard Communication Standards.

Larry Warner gave a Web Page report. He said that the site was functioning well but some Netscape programs did not work with other programs. Don Groth suggested that because he is the only one who knew what the contents of Training Web Page were might be a good reason for Larry to check the Web Page more frequently to see if it was running the way it should and whether the members were accessing the full program.

Dudley Freeman introduced input suggestions about improvements in the Web Page. One suggestion was to change the format to a three-column spread. He said it would be easier for the reader to follow.

Dudley Freeman stated that we were not giving very much information on environmental issues to our campus employees. He said that there were some very important issues about which we needed to provide more information to member institutions. He suggested that future newsletters include environmental issues.

He also suggested we combine the news letters which come out every quarter, such as the Campus Safety News Letter and the Regents Monthly News Letter, so that we have one news letter with the heading reading “Regents’ Training Center Safety News Letter.” He also recommended that we select topics, which would address all campuses’ issues, to include Environmental, Safety and Health issues. The Board approved the suggestion.

Tim Stiger asked where Larry got his information. Larry stated that he got it from various sources, such as, the Net, magazine articles, newspapers, etc. Dudley Freeman stated taking different paragraphs from different sources and putting them together in a Safety Letter could do it very easily.

Larry Warner gave a report on the Fire Safety Seminar. He said the one-day seminar seemed to work very well. He is planning to visit all sites by fall. Dudley Freeman said it was very good that Larry Warner was visiting sites because it was very important to meet the other institutions’ safety needs.

The Regents’ Training Center Air Quality Equipment has been used by the Oklahoma City Community College to prepare a study. The equipment is available to all the member institutions.

Tim Stiger suggested that it would be very good if we encouraged new members to come to the State Regents’ Training Center Advisor Board meetings. Everyone agrees that we need a greater participation.

Mike Montgomery stated that last quarter’s interest on the Regents’ Training Center investment was $886.06. We did well. He added that invoices had gone out to all institutions for the yearly membership fee. Our beginning balance going into the new Fiscal Year, 2001, was $46,672.00. A Board decision was made to keep an investment total of $40,000.00 at all times.

Dudley Freeman announced that Oklahoma City Community College had won the year’s Public Sector Employer, 2000 Award of Excellence. The award is sponsored and given by the Oklahoma Department of Labor. The trophy is on display on the first floor of the main building. OKCCC cut their Workman’s Compensation claims by more than fifty percent.

Dudley was also awarded a Governor’s Commendation given by Governor Frank Keating for outstanding performance. Dudley and OKCCC are very happy about the recognition. Congratulations to Oklahoma City Community College, and congratulations to Dudley Freeman.

Dudley Freeman thanked the members for a good meeting and scheduled the next Regents’ Training Center Board meeting for Friday, October 20, 2000, at 11:00 a.m. in the State Regents’ for Higher Education’s Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program Office. The meeting was concluded at approximately 3:30 p.m.

Cennet Ladwig, Recording Secretary



Mike Montgomery said there were some amendments to the last minutes:

The total budget for FY2001 should be $53,400.

He also stated that the OU controller had waived the fee charge for the Regents’ Training Center for operating costs and use of a desktop computer.

Tim Stiger said the equipment budget for FY 2001 should be $3,450.00.

“Hazpower Communications” should be “Hazard Communications Standard.”

The Board accepted the draft copy of the minutes as handed out. Bill Creech made the motion and Pam Boatright seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.


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