Race Pack 2020 Canoe Marathon Ireland is a technical committee of Canoeing Ireland responsible for the organisation, development and administration of canoe and kayak marathon racingCanoe Marathon Ireland are sanctioning 10 Ranking races for the 2020 Ribadesella Ranking series. Points will be awarded to both individual competitors and their clubs, and all points will count towards the end of year awards for each series. The normal Marathon Racing season is from March to October inclusive (see Canoe Marathon Ireland race calendar in appendix 1 of this pack). Races run outside this period need prior sanction from the Marathon Committee.The Ribadesella ranking series system consists of: - Open K2 / T2: run over a medium course all divisions (Guideline 15K). If a medium course is not available, the Division class can be run over either short or long course (at race organisers discretion)Division 1: run over a long course (Guideline 20k) Division 2: run over a long course (Guideline 20k) Division 3: run over a medium course (Guideline 15K) where possible If a medium course is not available, the Division 3 class will be run over a short course (approximately 10k)Division 4: run over a short/medium course (Guideline 10k). Division 5 Open: run over a short/medium course (Guideline 10k). Division 5 Womens: run over a short/medium course (Guideline 10k). Open to female competitors of any ageDivision 6: run over a short/medium course (Guideline 10k). Division 7 Womens: run over a short course (Guideline5K -8K). Open to female competitors of any ageDivision 7 (U15): run over a short course (Guideline5K -8K). Junior paddlers under the age of 15 years on the first day of January of the year of the race entering a ranking race for the first timeCanoe Class: Run over a short/medium course 8k-10kNB NO LONG COURSE K2Competitors may enter the system in the higher divisions (1, 2 and 3) (DIVISION CHANGE REQUEST FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED) where deemed appropriate by the committee member on duty or their delegate subject to confirming to the race organisers they are safe and competent to do so. If a competitor is approved to paddle in a higher division in order to cover longer distances, their time may be excluded when calculations are being done for promotion and demotion.Guide line times have been included on page 10 to help paddlers who are not included in the race pack to enter the correct divisionThe committee will monitor results throughout the season and enforce promotions to paddlers clearly at a higher level than the majority of paddlers in the division they are racing in. A guideline figure of being 4% faster than the average time of a division will be used when determining if promotion is applicable. Demotion can also be advised but not forced if the committee feels a paddler belongs in a lower division.Where possible, a novice course, up to a distance of no more than 1k, may be run for boys and girls u12 years of age - only open to boys and girls younger than 12 years on the first day of January of the year of the raceRace organisers must enforce all current rules and regulations applicable to the competition, including those of the International Canoe Federation, Canoeing Ireland and the Canoe Marathon Ireland committee.Race entriesRace entries must be taken on the official race entry sheet (see appendix 2 for a sample of the race entry work sheet)The race entry work book must be returned to Canoe Marathon Ireland’s Records Officer at CanoeMarathonIrelandCommittee@ within three days (minimum) and five days (maximum) of the raceThe race entry work book will be issued to organising clubs by the Canoe Marathon Ireland a minimum of three days in advance of the race. If you do not receive a copy of the race entry work book in the specified time frame, please contact any committee member or email CanoeMarathonIrelandCommittee@ .Race entry feesThe race entry fees shall be proposed as no greater than: -€20 for each senior paddler (over 18 years)€10 for each Student/ junior paddler & the unwaged€30 cap for entry of K2 or Canadian Double€2 for each novice paddler (under 12 years) where a charge is levied. This entry fee can be kept by the club€45 family rate ** In an effort to promote the sport and encourage paddlers to try Marathon Racing, Paddlers who have never taken part in a Marathon race before will have an entry fee of €10 per paddler for each of their 1st 2 races. The marathon committee will waive the levies for these 2 races to ensure race organisers are not impacted financiallyThe levy payable to Canoe Marathon Ireland shall be €20 for family €10 for seniors and €5 for student/juniors/unwaged (excluding the novice juniors). For K2 and Canoe Double entries that reach the €30 entry cap a €15 levy appliesCompetitorsMembers of Canoeing Ireland or members of International Canoe Federation affiliated unions may participate in Canoeing Ireland / Canoe Marathon Ireland events. Membership cards must be shown at entry. In the case where a competitor does not meet the membership requirements a day Licence may be availed of for an additional fee of €10. This can be paid for at race registration and requires Name, Date of Birth & Address to be recorded. All paddlers purchasing a day Licence should be proficient. If either the race organiser or a Committee member deems the paddler not proficient they will not be allowed to start the race. A day Licence can be purchased a maximum of 3 times throughout a season.The Race OrganisersRace notices based on the template (see appendix 3) issued by Canoe Marathon Ireland should reach Canoe Marathon Ireland, Canoeing Ireland and all affiliated club secretaries at least two weeks in advance of the event. Ideally all these details should be submitted to the marathon committee by 1st March for inclusion on the marathon web site and for circulation to all active clubs and interested paddlers.The race organisers must provide the following officials:-Officials to take race entries at the long, medium and short starts on the official race entry work sheets (see appendix 2 for a sample of the race entry work sheet)Briefing officerStarterTimekeepers (minimum three)Marshals (check portages, turning points, weirs etc.)Safety officer Adequate rescue personnel Protest committee (two from the organising club, a scrutiniser and one member of Canoe Marathon Ireland)**Roles can be combined**Canoe Marathon Ireland will provide a minimum of one scrutineer, who may be paddling in the race, to ensure that all races are run in a safe, efficient, well organised manner; and to ensure that Canoe Marathon Ireland racing rules are adhered to.Before each race a clear and precise briefing must take place to indicate to competitors the following: - directions of turns, compulsory portages, weirs, Race maps must be drawn up and made available at registration to include the above informationobstacles and any other relevant information.The prestart area, start line and finish line of the race must be clearly marked by sets of flags, buoys or signs.Starting orderRibadesella Series:Long CourseDivision 1Division 2Short CourseK2/T2Division 3Division 4Division 5 OpenDivision 5 WomensDivision 6Division 7 WomensDivision 7 U15Open CanadianStarts may be adjusted & combined according to numbers and water conditions. If a division has 5 or more competitors it is recommended that it have its own start where possible.There should be no more than 5 minutes and not less than 2 minutes between starts, subject to this condition not causing congestion or crowding at obstacles. Starts should be scheduled to avoid excessive delays between the first finishers and final finishers to avoid excessive waiting on prize petitors should be at the start area at the time stated in the race notice. The starter shall ensure all craft are stationary on the starting line. When the starter is satisfied the line is stationary, the starter shall give the signal “Ready” then “Go”. A competitor who attempts to start before any instruction is deemed to have made an unfair start. A competitor who attempts a false or unfair start will be warned. A second warning will result in the imposition of a two minute penalty. A third warning will result in the competitor's disqualification from the event. A disqualified competitor must leave the water immediately.Racing RulesCompetitors must race in a fair manner. The only means of propulsion shall be by paddle. Competitors while racing must at all times and where feasible follow the natural course of the petitors who wash hang from craft not in the race will be disqualified.When a canoe or kayak is overtaking another canoe or kayak, it is the duty of the overtaking craft to keep clear of other competitors at all times. Craft being overtaken must not alter course to make difficulties for the overtaking craft. When a canoe or kayak is racing in a group of competitors it is the duty of all the competitors in the group to keep clear of other competitors at all times. This rule applies to any manoeuvring within the group.When a race is run on a course with turning points these shall be passed to port (i.e. anti-clockwise) unless otherwise directedCompetitors must portage within points designated by race organisers. When portaging a section of the river not specified by the race organisers the competitor must follow the natural course of the water.In the event of a capsize, a competitor may receive assistance with emptying his or her boat and regaining his or her paddling position, but may not be progressed in any way. A competitor suffering from a lower-body handicap may, by prior agreement from the Competition Committee, receive assistance at a portage, from designated helpers, provided no advantage is received as a result of such assistance and provided the competitor leaves or is lifted from his or her canoe/kayak before the helpers carry the boat. Only spare paddles and repair equipment may be passed by supporters to competitors. A change of boat is not allowed.Protests may be made to the organisers in writing not later than 30 minutes after the announcement of the results. Failure to comply with this condition will invalidate the protest.Where the protest is made against the race organisers or published results the protest must be made in writing and be received by the Canoe Marathon Ireland within 10 days of the race.NumbersNumbers should be firmly affixed to the canoe / kayak as directed by the race organiserCompetitors in all classes must use the numbers allocated to them. Competitors must use their correct racing number. All other numbers must be removed from the canoe / kayakSafetyAll competitors must wear International Canoe Federation approved life jackets or buoyancy aids (minimum 6kg lift). The race organiser retains the right to refuse race entry if they believe the buoyancy aid to be inadequate or defective.It is a requirement that any competitor seeing another in real danger should render all assistance in their power. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action up to and including disqualification for life.Each canoe / kayak must carry an adequate amount of buoyancy (bow and stern), properly secured to render it unsinkable and to support a paddler in difficulty; and a proper and secure foot bar. Each canoe / kayak shall have adequate end toggles, grab lines or deck lines if appropriate for the design of the boatRace organisers must provide adequate rescue at weirs and other danger areas. An appropriate rescue boat must be provided at places where there is a high risk of danger such as exposure.Danger areas must be stressed clearly at the briefing, and if necessary portage signs and warnings should be erected at individual obstacles. A rescue canoe / kayak should follow all short course classes over the course.Approved helmets must be worn by paddlers using enclosed kayaks and canoes such as slaloms, white water racers etc, where weir and rapid shooting takes place. Furthermore, approved helmets must by worn by all junior paddlers (i.e. those under 18 years of age), where weir and rapid shooting takes place. (Races where this rule applies are highlighted in red on the calendar)If conditions warrant, the organising club in consultation with the Marathon Committee may alter the course on the day of the race.The organising club retain the right to cancel an event if they feel there is a genuine risk to participating competitors, only after all alternatives have been exhausted.The race organisers should arrange a pre sweep on the race course a suitable time in advance of the race appropriate to the race course conditions.It is the race organiser’s responsibility to ensure all race participants including those who do not complete the course are accounted for and off the race course. This should be by way of sweeper craft and recording craft withdrawing mid race.It is the responsibility of the race organisers to have details of the nearest hospital / medical centre and doctor on call as well as having adequate means to contact an ambulance if required.It is the responsibility of the race organisers to have experienced and qualified first aiders in attendance along with adequate first aid supplies at the race in the event an accident occurs.FinishingAs competitors cross the line, their race number and finishing time should be noted on the finisher’s sheet (see appendix 5 for sample of same)Finishing times can then be calculated by subtracting the finish time from the start time as noted by the race starterRace ResultsRace organisers should focus on calculating the first three positions of each class to reduce delay in issuing race results after the race is completed.Prize giving should ideally be within approximately one hour of the first finisher.Results should be tabulated on the official Canoe Marathon Ireland results work sheet (see appendix 6 of this race pack for sample of same). Race results must list all finishers, ranking and non-ranking together with their place, times, club, racing number and division. Please save the file as an excel work sheet and send by email to Canoe Marathon Ireland Race Record’s Officer at CanoeMarathonIrelandCommittee@ within seven days of the eventResults should also be posted on the Canoe Marathon Ireland website and the organiser’s club website Levies should be forwarded to the Treasurer of Canoe Marathon Ireland within 30 days of the event. The levy payable to Canoe Marathon Ireland shall be €20 for a family, €10 for seniors and €5 for juniors (excluding the novice juniors). For K2 and Candaian Double entries that reach the €30 entry cap a €15 levy appliesPrizesRace organisers must undertake to award prizes for 1st and 2nd places as a minimum. The Committee suggests the organiser places a greater emphasis on junior or lower division prizes. PointsPoints are awarded to all finishers in each class as follows- Ribadesella Club Trophy - Every competitor who finishes a race shall gain 10 points for their club. Competitors in all Divisions of the Ribadesella ranking series are awarded points as follows towards end of season divisional rankings - 1st = 15 points; 2nd = 13 points; 3rd = 12 points; 4th = 11 points; 5th = 10 points; 6th = 9 points; 7th = 8 points; 8th = 7 points; 9th = 6 points; 10th = 5 points; 11th = 4 points; 12th = 3 points; 13th = 2 points; 14th = 1 point; with all other finishers from 15th down being awarded 1 point’Competitors in all K2 / T2 and Canadian classes for both race series are awarded points as outlined above to both paddlers except in the case where a crew consists of a junior and senior paddler. In this instance, points are only awarded to the senior paddler A minimum of 5 Ribadesella Ranking races must be complete in a division in order to achieve an end of year ranking. At the end of the season the 5 bests results of the year count towards end of year rankings.At the end of the Ribadesella series awards will be presented as follows (subject to competitors completing the minimum no of races required to achieve a ranking)The highest ranked K2/T2 will be the K2 National Ranking ChampionThe highest ranked man will be Mens National Ranking ChampionThe highest ranked woman will be Womens National Ranking ChampionThe highest ranked junior man will be Junior Mens National Ranking ChampionThe highest ranked junior woman will be Junior Womens National Ranking ChampionThe highest ranked male vet (40+) will be Mens Vets National Ranking ChampionThe highest ranked female vet (40+) will be Womens Vets National Ranking ChampionThe highest ranked U15 boy will be Boys U15 National Ranking ChampionThe highest ranked U15 girl will be Girls U15 National Ranking ChampionThe highest ranked open Canadian will be the Open Canadian National Ranking ChampionAny paddler earning promotion from Canoe Marathon Ireland will be recognizedWinners from the follow divisions will be awarded Divisional championDiv 2 Div 3 Div 4 Div 5 OpenDiv 5 Women'sDiv 6Div 7 WomensIn the case of a tie for any of the above awards competitors will be separated as follows:Results of races where tied competitors raced 'head to head', against each other. The competitor with the most superior results over their tied competitor will be deemed the end of season winnerIf competitors cannot be separated on 'head to head' results, the results of their next best races which did not count towards end of year ranking will come into play until a winner can be determinedIf after 'head to head' and 'next best races' competitors cannot be separated, the winner will be decided based on cumulative times of 'head to head' racesTrophiesThe Ribadesella Trophy will be awarded to the club with the highest number of club points in the Ribadesella seriesThe McLean Trophy will be awarded to the club finishing second in the Ribadesella seriesThe Junior Club Trophy will be awarded to the club finishing with the highest number of points for juniors across the Ribadesella seriesRace leviesThe levy payable to Canoe Marathon Ireland shall be €20 for a family, €10 for seniors and €5 for juniors (excluding the novice juniors). For K2 and Candaian Double entries that reach the €30 entry cap a €15 levy appliesCanoe Marathon Ireland shall have the power to determine fees for other non ranking events for the course of the yearCanoe Marathon Ireland shall have the discretion to waive fees following a request by the organiser to do so. Race organisers must submit race levies within 30 days of the race unless otherwise agreed with the marathon committee.Should a Race Organiser have any queries in relation to the guidelines outlined above, please contact Canoe Marathon Ireland at CanoeMarathonIrelandCommittee@RefreshmentsRace organisers must provide refreshments of a good standard for competitors which should be available immediately on completion of the race. Clubs failing to run marathon races in a manner deemed satisfactory by Canoe Marathon Ireland are liable to lose ranking status for the following year.Appendix 1 - Canoe Marathon Ireland Race Calendar 2018Please note, additional races may be added over time Appendix 2 – Race entry work sheet Available in excel for both junior and ranking series races. The race entry work book will be issued by email to race organisers by Canoe Marathon Ireland’s Records Officer a minimum of three days in advance of the raceCI noNameClubJ / S / VM / FMFeeRace no<Class>???????????????????????????????????... and so on down ...Appendix 3 - Template race notice (ranking series)Name of raceName of raceName of Race SeriesDate & start time of raceLong course (from, to, distance)Medium course (from, to, distance) – inclusion of medium course to be ratified at AGMShort course (from, to, distance)Classes K2 / T2 Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Div 4Div 5 open Div 5 WomenDiv 6 Div 7 Women (5-7k)Div 7 Junior Under 15 (5 - 7K)Canadian Novices (1,000m)FeesSeniors - €20 Juniors/students/unwaged - €10Novices - €2Family -€45Last entries – 11.30amICU/CANI/BCU membership cards must be presented when entering.Neither the organisers nor the ICU accept responsibility for any damage or loss.Rough water course with Grade 1 / Grade 2 rapidsICU Safety Rules Apply.If you wish to volunteer to help out at race please contact the Race Organiser, (name of race organizer, number and email) Guidelines on completing the race noticeTo edit name of race: -Double click on name of raceClick edit text Edit text as necessaryClick okEdit remaining text as necessary ensuring classes are update to reflect the relevant race seriesInclude club logo / picture as watermark. To include a logo / picture as a watermark: -Click page layoutClick watermarkClick custom watermarkClick picture watermarkSelect pictureinsertClick applyCloseAppendix 4 – Ranking race numbers K2 / T2 (approximately 10-15k) – 1 to 99Div 1 (approximately 20k)– 100 to 199Div 2 (approximately 20k) – 200 to 299Div 3 (approximately 15k) – 300 to 399Div 4 (approximately 10k) – 400 to 499Div 5 (approximately 10k) – 500 to 549Div 5 Womens (approximitaley 10k) - 550 - 600Div 6 ( approximately 10km)- 600-699Div 7 Women (approximately 5k to 8k) – 700 - 749Div 7 (U15) (approximately 5k to 8k to u15 year old juniors only) – 750 - 799Canoe Class (approximately 10km) - C1 C2 C3 etcNovice race - N1 N2 N3 etcDivision Change Request formName:Club:Category: S/J/V Male/FemaleCurrent division:Requested Division:Boat type:Estimated 10km time if known:Reason For Division Change Request:Additional Information:Competitor Signature:Committee/race officer Signature:10km time GuidelinesDivision 1<47minutesDivision 247minutes to 51 minutesDivision 351minutes to 55 minutesDivision 455minutes to 60 minutesDivision 560minutes to 67 minutesDivision 5 Women60minutes to 70 minutesDivision 667minutes+Division 7 (U15)Junior under 15Division 7 Women70 min +Nb These times are purely a guideline to help paddlers enter the correct division.Appendix 5: Finishing sheets (available in excel)Sheet noSheet noBoat noFinish timeBoat noFinish time??????????????????????????????????????????????????Appendix 6: Race resultsAvailable in excel for both junior and ranking series races. Please complete the document fully, save it as an excel document and send it on to Canoe Marathon Ireland’s Race Records Officer at CanoeMarathonIrelandCommittee@ within seven days of the racePositionNameClubJ / S / VM / FMRace noRun time<Class>1??????2??????3??????aisa4??????5??????... and so on down ... ................

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