I was walking down the street one night

I was walking down the street one night. I wasn’t worried about anything, my taxes were paid, no one in my family was sick, and everything was perfectly fine. But nothing could possibly prepare me for what happened next.

While I was walking home a heard a loud scream coming from the alleyway. I didn’t want to run because I was curious, but I couldn’t confront the event because I was worried. I hid behind one of the trash bins towards the entrance of the alleyway, and this is what I saw.

A woman was sitting half unconscious under a big bulky figure that I could describe as human. I loomed over the woman, and held its hand out over her face and a spider like creature crawled into her mouth. The woman violently jerked back and forth and something I have never seen before happened.

Her arms lengthened, and two fingers on her hands shrunk back into it. Scales covered her entire body. Out of her head, two tusks grew, as her eyes reshaped into slits. Her legs and feet grew scales, and her feet minimized and then sprouted tripod claws where her feet used to be.

As the grotesque transformation took place, I failed to notice a spider like creature crawl into my bag. I sprinted home, freaked out about what just happened. I figured that if I just forgot about it, I would be fine, and that it wouldn’t happen to me.

Immediately after I got home I locked the door, got my dog, and went up to my room. I figure that if I had my dog to keep me company, and read a book, to forget about it. Both of those ideas were wrong.

During my book I saw a spider crawl onto it, and I panicked and dropped the book. I looked at the spider up close and I saw that it was a regular spider with a large growth sprouted from its head. The spider started to dance around, and make some strange noises. I could not figure out what it was trying to do, so I picked it up to get a closer look. It seemed to be getting frustrated that it couldn’t get its message trough to me, and it jumped off my hand and disappeared. I was worried about where it went, because I was still paranoid, about he incident that happened earlier. Soon later I felt a tingling at the back of my neck, followed by a sharp pain.

The pain was excruciating, and I flinched in pain. After my injury felt better, I went for my book, and what I saw shocked me. Three scaly fingers were visible in front of me, and scales progressed up my arms. The pain in my neck spiked again and I felt more scales back there. The pain shot up around my head as it shifted shape. My teeth sharpened in my head. My vision became more limited, but sharper. My tripods, formed over my feet also covered in scales. I felt terrible, so I looked into the mirror to see the damage, and saw that I had become similar to the woman I saw earlier, an alien covered with scales, claws and glowing green marks streaked across its body.

I looked back down and saw the spider sitting on my bedside table. It was still trying to communicate to me, but this time I could her it very well, I could hear every little noise it made. I opened my mouth to yell at it, that it couldn’t understand it, but I found out my vocals changed dramatically. I wanted to say “Shut up, I can’t understand you” but what came out was “Fei Tox Pomo niet tealei vi” somehow I could understand myself, and I think the spider understood my message. But what would happen next, I regretted saying that.

The spider latched itself onto the dog’s neck. I could see the dog’s transformation take place. Its muzzle lengthened, and covered with scales, resembled an alligator’s maw. Its spine and tail broadened, and spikes protruded from its neck down to the tip of its tail. At the very end, a larger drill shaped spike formed. Its eyes were now slits, glowing bright red. A large green streak slipped down its back along its spine. Its feet were now tripods just like mine. He was now an alien monster dog.

“Now can you understand me alien” said the dog.

“One I am not an alien, you did this to me. Two, yes I can, but was this really necessary, and three can I change back” I said.

“Okay this is what I have to tell you. I was part of the resistance against the aliens, but their leader captured me and trapped me in that alleyway. He knew that my body was an excellent figure, making it ideal for a soldier, but he also knew my mind would not cooperate, so he switched my conscience with his spider’s. I need you help to get my body back, many others. You won’t be able to get your body back until the menace is defeated and their DNA is wiped from the atmosphere. We can only do that if you act like you like the change, and you want to become one of his soldiers, and gain his trust” said the dog.

“I don’t know how to respond to that, but I want to live a normal life so okay” I said.

“First things first, I need to know your name, and so your not suspicious, the transformation erases the memory of you personal information, my name was replaced in my memory with Dexera” said the dog.

“Your right I try to think of my name, but Reki is the only thing that comes up” I said “I don’t even remember my own address, but I know were their headquarters are.”

Dexera and Reki could not be seen out in public looking like the terrible creatures they were, so they waited until dark until they could set off to the HQ. Their plan was simple, to walk in to the mother ship, and ask to be recruited as soldiers. As they proved their worth, they would gain the trust of their leader and then kill him.

As they approached where they knew the ship was, they discovered that there was nothing. As Dexera ran toward the empty field she discovered that it was cloaked into invisibility.

“We would like to join your army, as soldiers to spread the wonders of our form” said Reki in his alien tongue.

With that said the ship suddenly appeared out of thin air, revealing an electrical green color contrasted with the jet black plating. A trap door dropped down in front of us and a large alien motioned us in.

“Very well let us get started with you initiation” said the alien “You will begin with a briefing of you knew abilities.”

He took us to a large room with holograms of various species of earth life across the room. He told us to approach a life form and let our instincts try to reform the victim. I walked up to a model of a man and held out my hand. I felt a bulge rise in my wrist, and a spider hatched out and jumped at the hologram. The image changed from human to alien instantly. I watched my partner who had another spider-like creature crawled out from a spike towards the back of her neck and attack the image.

“You have done well, my name is Thixe, and I will be you commander.” Said the alien “but for your final test you must bring me another victim for our legion.

My heart sank at the fact that I would have to infect someone else with this form. I had to accept though because it was the only way to repel these aliens. Dexera and I took off from the ship and headed into town to find someone just as unfortunate as I.

Soon after we camped out in back of strip mall, a young woman walked out the back door of a watch shop. Dexera chased after the woman and caused her to stumble near me. I emerged from behind the dumpster and pinned her to the ground. She yelled out something, I knew it was English, but somehow I couldn’t understand it. The spider stumbled out of my wrist and planted itself on her neck and bit down.

Her shrieks pierced my ultra-sensitive alien ears as her transformation took place. A scaly muzzle shot out from her face and split into four parts. Her beam red eyes slimed to slits, and her head became completely covered in scales. Her tripods formed and her hands turned to three claws. Her transformation completed and I realized that no two aliens were exactly alike.

Dexera and I picked her up because she fainted from the traumatic experience. While we neared the mother ship she regained consciousness she asked “where I, who am I.” I asked her what she remembered, and normally she could only recall fake alien memories.

She said her name was Amiperi and she did not remember anything else.

We brought our victim back to Thixe, he seemed satisfied of our work.

“You did that job much faster than I have expected, even the general says that you have potential, come with me for you final part of your initiation” said Thixe

He took us to another chamber. He turned around, grabbed Derexa, and threw her into a giant tube of some sort. I ran for her, but I was grabbed to and thrown into an identical one.

“Now let you initiation begin, you two make such good soldiers, combined you will be unstoppable”

I looked over at the other chamber and I saw Dexera start to melt. I panicked as a saw her finally disappear. All of a sudden, gas started flowing into my chamber, and it liquefied all over me. The slop got everywhere and it started to harden. A tail I never had emerged behind me covered in spikes, and those spikes progressed up my neck. Derexa’s muzzle also appeared on my face.

“What did you do to her” I screamed with my new muzzle.

“Relax Reki, I’m still her, I am just part of your body now” she said.

“I am very confused, why did you do this Thixe” I said.

“Because you two together will make a fine addition to my army, but now one last touch” he said

He held out a spider, but it was not the alien ones I as used to. This one was three times their size and scaly like me. He held in out to our new body and it jumped on us. I was expecting it to bite us, but what it did shocked me. It burrowed its way into our body and a tingling sensation grew all over my back. Eight arachnid legs shot out like spears and lifted me off the ground. I had now control over the new legs. Derexa called out to me that she had control of the legs. I was now a bigger monstrosity than I thought it was from the beginning, an alien with a crocodile muzzle, dinosaur tail, and spider legs.

“Now for you next mission” Thixe exclaimed.


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