UNIT - Belajar jadi Guru



(Spoken Cycle)


Activity 1

Answer the questions orally

1. Do you often read stories?

2. What kinds of stories do you read?

3. How do you get them?

4. Which one do you like best, fable or fairy tale?

5. Please give your reason!

Activity 2

Practice your speaking

1. Now, who wants to tell your own story to your friends?

2. The other students can ask some questions

Activity 3

Pay attention to the pictures below!

1. Are you familiar with these pictures?

2. Are they the characters of a fable?

3. What is the tittle of the story?

4. Can you retell it for us?

Activity 4.

Please study the following words and try to pronounce them. Don’t forget to find the meanings.

1. Terrible / / : ...................

2. Anxiously / / : ...................

3. Gentle / / : ...................

4. Velvet / / : ...................

5. Towards / / : ...................

6. Suddenly / / : ...................

7. Fierce / / : ...................

8. Lucky / / : ...................

9. Cruel / / : ...................

10. Folk / / : ...................

Speech Function

Expressing Gratitude / Thankfulness

Read the following dialogs with your partner.

Pay attention to the bold typed expression

1. Example :

King : I have seen that you did well in every Activity I gave to you. Now, you can ask for three wishes.

Knight : Thank you very much, Sir But, actually I’m nor worthly to receive your award.

King : You are, Nimesis. I’m very pleased fr what you have done for me. You really make me proud.

Knight : Thank you. Your Majesty, Your wish is my command

2. An ox was having a journey with his family. On the way...

Ox : Oh...argh...I am thirsty again

Cow : Dear, why did you drink so little? Now, maybe it’s difficult to find a waterhole.

Calves : Mom, dad, what if both of you take a rest for a moment? We’ll go and find a waterhole

Ox and Cow : Thank you, guys. We will wait for you here

When the calves went by....

Ox : Aren’t they nice children?

Cow : Indeed they are

Ox : We are so lucky. Thanks God

Not long afterwards....

Calves : Mom, Dad.... we have found one...

Ox : Oh, have you? Let’s go there, shall we?


Activity 5

Answer these dialog based on the above dialogue.

1. What did the beggar ask the women?

2. And what did the women give to the man?

3. What expression did the woman use to give the money to the man?

4. What did the beggar repply after he received the money?

5. Mention other expressions of giving things.

6. Mention other expression of thanking.

What would you say to express gratitude?

The followings are some expressions of thankfulness.

|Thanking |Response |

|Thanks |It’s OK |

|Thank you very much |You’re welcome |

|Thank you for your help |It was my pleasure |

|That was very kind of you |Don’t mention it |

|How can I ever thank you? |That’s quite all right |

|I really appreciate what you’ve done for me |Not at all |

|I can’t thank you enough |No need to thank me |

| |Thanks a lot for your help |

Activity 6

Make a dialog using the expression of gratitude based on the situation given.


Activity 7

Fill in the empty spaces with the words provided

The Thirsty Crow

On a hot day, a thirsty crow flew over a field looking for water. For a long time, she (1)... not find any. She felt very exhaused, almost giving up. Suddenly, she (2)... a water jug below ger, she flew straight down to see if there was any water inside, it ... surprise because there was some water inside the jug!

The crow (4)… to push her head into the jug. Sadly, she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then, she tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out but she (5) … that the jug was too heavy.

The crow thoughtard for a while, then looking around her, she saw somw pebbles. She suddenly (6)... a good idea. She (7)... picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filed the jug, the water level (8)... rising. Soon it was enough for the crow to drink. “It’s working!” she said.

(Taken from : Look Ahead 1)

Activity 8

Put the verb in the correct form. Use the simple past tense. Num,ber I has been done for you.

1. Somebody broke into our house last night

2. My mother... (not lock) the front door last night

3. My cousin ... (graduate) from high school a year ago.

4. Where... (you buy) your guitar.

5. I ... (not go) to school yesterday.

6. Sarah ... (not win) the writing contest last week.

7. We... (see) an accident on our way to school this morning

8. ... (she invite) you on our way to school this morning.

9. ... (you call) me last night?

10. The Storm ... (nor damage) our house.

Activity 9

In this exercise you have to read a situation then combine two sentences with conjuction ‘because’.

1. The boys walked for a long time. Then they decided to take a rest.

2. Lintang waited for the bus for a long time. She decided to take a taxi.

3. John needed a new coat for a long time. He bought one yesterday.

4. Ali saved enough money for a plane ticket. She went to Europe.

5. John worked hard all year. He took a long vacation

Activity 10

Put the verbs the correct form of past tense (simple or continuous)

1. I ... (buy) one lie it a month ago.

2. They... (visit) their home town a few days ago.

3. I ... (read) a book when he came.

4. The fire still... (burn) at seven o’clock this morning.

5. The light ... (go) out while we... (have) our dinner.

6. In the party, when I... (come) into the room, my friends ... (sing) “Dangdut” song.

7. When the phone... (ring), my father still... (have) a bath.

8. While the students... (talk) about their coming holiday, the teacher... (come) in.

9. When I ..., (think) of going with her to Bali, she... (come) and ... (offer) me to accompany her to.

10. As she... (explain) the lesson the students, one of them... (raise) his hand and... (ask) him a question.

Activity 11

Complete the sentences by using

Before - then - before

After - until

1. ... going to school, I prepared my books

2. I sent the letters... typing them

3. She went to Jakarta... she continued to Bali

4. The girl lived here... she lost everything

5. I accompanied my sister, .... I went to school

Activity 12

Complete the senteces bu correcting the verbs in the past form

1. Father (be) at the Matahari Dept. Store last week?

2. The girls (not have) a new English teacher

3. Many students (do) the mathematics test in the classroom

4. My brother (post) the letter to grandpa yesterday?

5. Tia and Nana (win) a song competion in this city.

6. The teacher (not be) present at the last meeting

7. Mother (want) my brother to go home early

8. We (not need) the whole answer

9. They (promise) not to be late again

10. The young girl (lose) her parents at the storm?


Activity 13

Read the following text loudly

The Cat, the Mouse, and the Cock

One day, a little mouse came running home crying. Oh mother I saw something terrible in garden just now. It has made me so afraid.

“Tell me dear, what is was you saw in the garde,” mother mouse said anxiously.

The little mouse told his mother, “I saw two things in the garden. One looked so kind and gentle. It was a very pretty thing with a long tale. It had velvet clothes nice light green eyes. It was coming towards me in such a kind way. Suddenly, a big yellow legged monster came up between me and the nice thing. It looked very terrible. It had a red hat on its head. It had a pointed yellow mouth. Then, it beat its sides again and again and opened its mouth crying in a fierce voice, ‘clok a doodle do cock a doodle do’.

Mother mouse smiled and said, “Oh dear, its lucky. You’ve got home safely”. The big yellow legged thing was only a cock. It woldn’t have done you any harm. But the thing with the velvet clothes that you thought so kind was a cat, the cruel murderer of our folk.

Activity 14

Re-read the next (Activity 1) a bove. Take the note of the participant’s character from the story as the example below.

1. One looked so kind and gentle.

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________

7. ______________________________________________________

8. ______________________________________________________

Activity 15

Read the following once more and answer question

|Tittle |The Ant and the Dove |

|Orientation |There was once a little black ant that has ever been saved by a kind white dove form a danger searching for food |

| |at the bottom of the tree. Suddenly he heard something moving slowly nearby. |

|Complication |Looking up the saw a cruel-looking man stalking forward toward the tree. He had a big gun which he kept pointed |

| |up in the air, ready to shoot. |

| |How horrified our friend must have felt, for at that moment he caught sight of his friend, the dove in that tree.|

| |The dove had saved his life |

| |Quickly, and with all his strength, the ant ran up the tree, calling the bird to fly away. |

|Resolution |The bird recognized her fiend, the ant and in a twinkle she had spotted the man with the gun. Quikcly she flew |

| |away, and the bird was out of sight in a moment. |

|Reorientation |The ant was so happy because he had been able to warm this friend in time and so save the bird a horrible death. |

Taken from “selected fables”


1. Why did the ant run up the tree, calling the bird to fly away?

2. What can we learn from the story of the ant and the dove?

3. Mention the participants of the story

4. What happened to the participants?

5. What sentece sets the scene and introduce the participants?

6. Which one shows, the crisis that arises?

7. What kind of the story that?

8. Does the story have ending or sad ending?

9. Underline the verbs used in the text!

10. What tense in the mostly used in the text?


Activity 16

Rearrange the jumbled paragraph to make a good and meaningful text.

A. The dead donkey has been my teacher, “replied the fox. “From his foolish conduct I have learned to be wise”

B. On seeing this, the lion looked very pleased, “Master Fox,” he said, “This is indeed a most satifactory divisor. Who taught you to be so clever?”

C. One lion, a fox, and a donkey set off for a day’s hunting, after agreeting that each was to have an equal share of what was caught. After a time, they were able to pull down and kill a fat buck; and the lion asked the donkey to bes so good as to divide the prize. As farily as he could, the obliging donkey cut up the buck into threee equal parts, and then he invited the lion to take his choice.

D. Then the lion told the fox to divide the meat. This the fox did; but he was cunning. He put aside a big heap for the lion’s share, and kept only a small piece for himself.

E. At this, the lion flew into a violent rage, sprang on the poor donkey, and killed him with a powerful blow.

F. The clever judge

Put the arranged text here

Activity 17

Analyze the narrative text structure of the story

Tittle :

Orientation :

Complication :

Resolution :

Compication :

Resolution :

Moral value :


Activity 18

Act you are story teller. Choose one of the fable, then tell the fable in front of the class.

a. The Vain little mouse

b. The thirty crow

c. Goldilocks and three bears

d. The tiger and the mouse deer

e. ....


(Written Cycle)


Activity 19

When you hear the word folklore, fables, legends, or tale, what comes across your mind? Write as many words used in such fictions as possible.

Then, make sentences using the words above.


The dwarts love Snow White so much.

1. ………………………………………………………..

2. ………………………………………………………...

3. …………………………………………………………

4. …………………………………………………………

5. …………………………………………………………

6. .

7. .

8. .

9. .

10. .


|I1 |She said, “I am not dreaming." |She said that she was not dreaming. |

|2 |She said, "I was not dreaming." |She said that she had not been dreaming. |

|3 |She stated, "I quite agree." |She stated that she quite agreed. |

|4 |"Put it in a safe place", He told the Pooh. |He told the Pooh to put it in a safe place. |

|5 |"Don't eat it all!, I asked him. |I asked him not to eat it all. |

|6 |I asked him, "Do you like honey?" |I asked him if/whether he liked honey. |

|7 |1 asked him, "Did you like honey?" |I asked him if/whether he had liked honey. |

|8 |He asked me, "What is your name?" |He asked me what my name was. |

|9 |She asked me, "When will you buy a |She asked me when 1 would by a new hat. |

| |new hat?" | |

There are some changes in tense, pronoun, adverbs of time and place for Indirect Question and Indirect Statement. And there is no change of tense for indirect imperative. (See Table 1 and 2).

Table 1, Change of Tense

|No. |Direct Speech |Indirect Speech |

|1 |Simple Present Tense |Simple Past Tense |

|2 |Present Continous Tense |Past Continuous Tense |

|3 |Present Perfect Tense |Past Perfect Tense |

|4 |Present Perfect Continuous Tense |Past Perfect Continuous Tense |

|5 |Present Future Tense |Past Future Tense |

|6 |Present Future Continuous Tense |Past Future Continuous Tense |

|7 |Simple Past Tense |Past Perfect Tense |

|8 |Past Continuous Tense |Past Perfect Continuous Tense |

Table 2. The Change of Adverbs

|No. |Direct Speech |Indirect Speech |

|1 |Now |Then |

|2 |Today |That day |

|3 |Yesterday |The day before |

|4 |Tomorrow |The next day/the following day |

|5 |Next... |Following |

|6 |... ago |... before/the previous ... |

|7 |Last... |The previous |

|8 |This week |That week |

|9 |Here |There |

|10 |This/That (Adjective) |The |

| |Example: This book/that book |The book |

Activity 20

Read the story carefully. Then answer the question!

The Young Frog and the Old Frog

One day a young frog came home and told his father, "Oh, Father, I saw a very big animal this morning."

"Did he do you any harm, my dear?" his father asked anxiously.

"No, not at all. He looked so terribly big, so 1 dared not get close to him", answered the young frog.

"What did it look like?" asked the old frog.

"It is a bit difficult to describe but he had hair..."

"Oh, it would be Mr. Bob's horse", interrupted the old frog.

The young frog proudly looked up to his father,

The old frog, guessing his son's

thought, make up his mind to show that he was not any clever, but also superior. So he added, "He is not so e.g. I can easily make myself as a big as he is. Just watch me!" and started to blow himself out.

"Was he as a big as this?" he asked his son a minute later.

"No, he was much bigger."

The old frog blew and blew again. For several times he asked his son and the answer were that animals that the animals was much bigger than he was.

"Are you sure?" the old frog puffed.

"Yes, father, I'm quite sure! He was much bigger", answered the son seriously.

Then the old frog started to blow again. At this moment mother Frog came forward and said, "Please stop blowing out yourself!"

"Don't worry, dear," answered Father Frog, "I've only just begun."

Mother Frog kept on trying to prevent father frog. At last father. Frog got angry and said, "Leave me alone and mind your own business." Then, turning to his son, Father Frog said as he continued to blow, "I'm sure he was not so big as this ..."

Suddenly, Father Frog burst!

Taken from: Selected fables


1. In your opinion what is the purposes of this reading text?

2. Who are involved in the story?

3. Does the story have happy ending or sad ending?

4. What is the moral value of the story?

5. Do you find any verbal process in text? If any, mention them!

Activity 21

Do you still remember the story about "The Young Frog and the Old Frog?" Identify Some Direct Speeches uses in the story, when write them in the following box (at least 10)

Direct Speech:

1. A young frog told his father, "I saw a very big animal this morning."

2. ____________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________

6. ____________________________________________________

7. ____________________________________________________

8. ____________________________________________________

9. ____________________________________________________

10. ____________________________________________________

Activity 22

Change the Direct Speeches in the Activity 6 into Indirect Speeches. Write them in the box below.

Indirect Speech:

1. A young frog told his father, "I saw a very big animal this morning."

2. ___________________________________

3. ___________________________________

4. ___________________________________

5. ___________________________________

6. ___________________________________

7. ___________________________________

8. ___________________________________

9. ___________________________________

10. ___________________________________


Activity 23

Read the story of the text below and answer the question.

| |The Night Before My Birthday |

|Orientation (tells |One Saturday night, I went to really early because the next day was my birthday. But |

|• What happened |that night I couldn't get to sleep so I decided to go downstairs and have a hot |

|• To Whom |'Milo'. |

|* Where and when | |

|Resolution: |Just when I was about to get out of bed I heard something banging on the window. I |

|(how the problem is solved) |slowly walked to the window and opened the curtains. I looked outside and there |

|Complication: |staring at me was a hairy monster with wings. He was huge. |

|Problem face by character | |

|Resolution: |I opened the window. The monster put his nose down. I think he wanted me to climb on |

|(how the problem is solved) |him. So carefully I climbed up. He made this grunting noise and flew away. My heart |

|Complication: |was pounding really fast. I closed my eyes. |

|Problem face by character | |

|Resolution: |Finally we stopped. I opened my eyes and looked around. There were all these monsters |

|(how the problem is solved) |the same as the monster I was on. I jumped off the monster I was on and walked around.|

|Complication: |Suddenly all the monsters started together around me. Then they started singing. They |

|Problem face by character |voices were horrible. I blocked my ears and closed my eyes. |

|Resolution: | I decided to open my eyes. I was lying in bed with Mom and Dad singing ‘Happy |

|(how the problem is solved) |Birthday’ |

|Re-orientation: | |

|Ends the story with a personal comment | |

Adapted from:

Answer the questions based on the text above.

1. Who are the characters of the story?


2. When did the story happen?


3. What is the story about?


4. Where did this story take place?


5. How many complications did you find in the story?


Activity 24

Narrative Checklist

After you have finished, read the checklist below. Put a tick (V) at the end of each line if you can answer yes to that question. This will edit your work.

|No |Statement | |

|1. |To write an orientation, complication, and resolution in the right order? | |

|2. |To write in the past tense? | |

|3. |To use verbs showing how the characters moved, spoke, thought, and felt? | |

|4. |To use adjectives and adverbs in your descriptions? | |

|5. |To use quotation marks if someone is speaking? | |

|6. |To think of other words for "said?" • | |

|7. |To write in sentences and paragraphs using correct punctuation? | |

|8. |To check your spelling? | |


Activity 25

Read the following text


Once upon a time, there was a girl named Beauty. She lived with her father and her sisters in a small village. She was a beautiful girl. She was also hard working.

One day her father set out for the city and saw an old castle with beautiful roses in it. He picked them, but suddenly an angry beast appeared. He wanted to kill him unless Beauty brought to him.

Then Beauty's father went home and told what happened to his daughters. The daughters ordered Beauty to see The Beast.

Beauty went to see The Beast and had to stay at the castle. She felt scared, lonely and sad, but The Beast treated her well. It caused her began to like him.

One day Beauty could see that her father was sick from The Beast's magic mirror. The Beast allowed her to go home to see her father. Her father was happy to see her beloved daughter.

One day Beauty had a dream. A fairly told her that The Beast was seriously sick. Beauty hurried back to the castle and saw that The Beast was dying. She began to cry. Tears fell in to The Beast. Suddenly The Beast changed in to a handsome Prince.

Finally Beauty and The Beast got married and lived happily every after.


1. Find the character of the story!


2. What problem is by the beauty?


3. What did really she do about this problem?


4. What can you learn from the story?


5. How did the story end?


Activity 26

Read the following text.

The Lost Caterpillar

Seven worms were walking happily. Their mother was leading them. They have just had their breakfast on a big tree near a river.

"Come on,Children. Let's go home," Mama Wormsaid.

Suddenly, a cricket said, "You last child is ugly." "Ugly?" Asked Mama Worm. Then she looked at the child. She was not the same as her other children. "Hey, ugly!" She said, "You were not my child. "Go away!"

The little brown worm walked away. She was very sad. When she was near a lake, she looked into the water.

"Oh, How ugly 1 am," She cried.

"You are not ugly," said a voice. "Oh, I find you my child." Then worm looked around. There was a beautiful big a caterpillar an her children. They are looked the same as she.

"They may call you ugly?" Said Mother Caterpillar. "Said Mother Caterpillar. "But you are the most beautiful child in the world. One day, you will turn into a beautiful butterfly."

Taken from: fun Plus Ol


1. Who involved in the story?


2. What problem faced by the little brow worm?


3. Why did Mama Worm ask her to go away?


4. Who was really the little brown worm?


5. How did the story end?


Activity 27

Reread the text (Activity 1 and 2) and complete the following table.

|Story |Story 1 |Story 2 |

|Title | | |

|Orientation | | |

|Complication | | |

|Resolution | | |


Activity 28

Writing a Narrative Text Individually

You could imagine you were having a frightening experience staying overnight in a haunted house with some friends, or you lost your way and had to spend a night in a graveyard.

Or you may choose a narrative of your own. Use the Narrative Planner above and the Checklist so that your narrative text will be a good and interesting one. You may peer-edit with your classmates if you like.


Choose the correct answer

Text 1 (No. 1 – 6)

The Fly and the Bull

There is once a little fly that thought he was very important. On sunny morning, he flew around looking for someone to talk to. He saw a bull grassing in the field. He decided to fly down to talk to him.

The little fly flew down and buzzed around the bull’s head. The bull did not bother with him. He went on chewing grass. The fly then buzzed right inside the bull’s ear. The bull continued chewing grass.

Now the fly decided to land on one of the bull’s horns to make the bull notice him. He waited for the bull to say something, but the bull kept quiet.

The fly then shouted angrily, “Oh bull, if you find that I am to heavy for you, let me know and I will fly away!”

The bull laughed and said, “Little fly, I don’t care if you stay or leave. You’re so tiny that your weight does not make any difference to me, so please be quiet and leave me alone.”

1. The above text is a …………

A. legend D. fable

B. b. myth E. mystery

C. fairy story

2. When did the story happen?

A. in the afternoon

B. in the morning

C. in the evening

D. at night

E. on cloudy day

3. Who are the participants of the story?

A. the little fly and the bull

B. the little fly

C. the bull

D. the fly and someone

E. the bull and someone

4. How many complications are found in the story?

A. one D. four

B. two E. five

C. three

5. What is the first complication?

A. The bull continued chewing grass.

B. The fly decided to land on one of the bull’s horns.

C. The fly then shouted angrily.

D. The bull asked the fly to leave him alone.

E. The fly left the bull.

6. Which paragraph are the resolutions?

A. 1 and 3 d. 3 and 5

B. 2 and 4 e. 2 and 3

C. 3 and 5

Text 2 (No. 7 – 11)

Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess. He traveled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were princesses enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be. So he came home again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real princess.

One evening a terrible storm came on; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate, and the old king went to open it.

It was a princess standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious! What a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down from her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she said that she was a real princess.

“Well, we’ll soon find that out,” thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty eider-down beds on top of the mattresses.

On this the princess had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had slept.

“Oh, very badly!” said she. “I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!”

Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds.

Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that.

So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real princess; and the pea was put in the museum, where it may still be seen, if no one has stolen it.

There, that is a true story.

7. What way did the old king use to know that someone is the real princess?

A. By laying the prince on the twenty mattresses.

B. By laying the pea on the mattresses.

C. By asking the prince to meet the princess.

D. By running down the water from the hair to her toes.

E. By laying the pea under the mattresses.

8. What happened when the princess got up in the morning?

A. She felt pain on her body.

B. She felt fresh and enthusiastic.

C. She felt peace because she had slept all night.

D. She felt ashamed to the old king.

E. She felt happy meeting the prince.

9. Why was the pea put in the museum?

A. Because the pea is very valuable.

B. Because the pea is unique.

C. Because the pea is very beautiful.

D. Because the pea is fragrant.

E. Because the pea is only one in the world.

10. “I have scarcely closed my eyes all night.”

Which one has the same meaning with the underlined word?

A. Easily

B. Interestingly

C. Hardly

D. Bravely

E. Fearfully

11. The organizations of the text above are ……

A. Orientation, Events, Reorientation

B. Goal, Materials, Steps

C. General statement, Explanations, Closing

D. Orientation, Complication, Resolution

E. Abstract, orientation, crisis, reaction, coda

Text 3 (No. 12 – 16)


I felt a thrill in my heart. I looked at him as he mouthed the words “After school”. I smiled and nodded.

There was something mysterious about Alfred that fascinated me. He was very good in all his studies and excellent in sports. Yet, no one knew anything about him. His nickname was ‘Alien’. Some of the girls passed the word about that he had come from another planet. No one knew where he lived, or who his parents were, or even what he did after school. When asked he always said something funny and changed the subject. Somehow I had become drawn to him and we had become the best of friends. This was a breakthrough for him as he was generally shy with girls. I had been pestering him for days about his background. As his best friend I believed I had a right to know. Earlier that day, during recess, I had told him that our friendship was over unless he ‘came clean’ about everything. I was vindicated; he was going to tell me all.

When I met him after school, he jerked his head to indicate that I should follow him. He walked very fast and I hurried after him. He was silent as we waited at the bus stop. I touched his arm to tell him that I was there. That made him start, as apparently his mind was far away. We took the bus to its terminus at Tampines and got off. I wondered why he lived so far from school and why he did not go to a school nearby. As he was so quiet, I decided not to interrupt his thoughts again and waited for him to tell me. Anyway, I was sure the mystery would be solved that day.

I walked with him as he walked through the blocks. I thought he was taking me to his apartment. Then he stopped in front of a temple. I was stunned. He led the way and I followed. I climbed the stairs till the top floor. He pointed to a nun sitting in deep meditation. Suddenly I realized where I was. I was at an orphanage. I heard sobbing and turned to see Alfred in tears. Just then the nun opened her eyes and got up to hug him. She looked over his shoulders at me and to the question in my eyes replied in a barely audible whisper, “Both his parents died in an air crash when he~as three,” Alfred sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. I felt miserable and empty within.

Later when we were seated in the lounge drinking tea, I reached out and put my arms around him. He looked long and deep into my eyes. I realized that he felt about me the same way I felt about him. I felt a forward and kissed him gently. “You are not an orphan anymore,” I whispered, “I wilt be everything — father, mother, sister, brother and girlfriend - to you,”

That was the end of our friendship and the beginning of a lifelong romance.

12. What do you think of the topic of the text?

A. The suffer life of Alfred.

B. Alfred’s house.

C. Alfred’s true love.

D. Alfred is a strange boy.

E. Alfred is an orphan.

13. By writing this text, the writer wants to ……

A. explain Alfred’s problem.

B. tell the story of Albert.

C. discuss Albert’s problem.

D. inform the love between Albert and his girlfriend.

E. give information of a newsworthy event.

14. “Nodded” in line one refers to ……

A. the mouth activity.

B. the eyes activity.

C. the hands activity.

D. the head activity.

E. The brain activity.

15. How is the ending of the story?

A. Confusing

B. Touching

C. Sorrowful

D. Anxious

E. Brave

16. Which one is not true based on the text?

A. They took the bus together.

B. The writer is a strange student.

C. No one knew about Alfred’s house.

D. The ‘alien’ student is an orphan.

E. Alfred lived with nun.

Not Relatiod to text

17. The hunter …… two tigers in Sumatra last month.

A. shoot

B. shot

C. was shot

D. shooting

E. shooted

18. X : Where …… you waste your rubbish yesterday?

Y : Into the river.

A. is

B. are

C. do

D. does

E. did

19. The words below belong to Narrative text, EXCEPT ……

A. Resolution

B. Orientation

C. Complication

D. Re-orientation

E. Explanation

20. Sue : You taught me new thing. Thank you for your kindness.

Sie : ……………...

A. Thank you.

B. Of course.

C. It’s my pleasure.

D. Congratulation.

E. I’m sorry to say that.



Complete the sentences with the appropriate form.

22. Your friends ………………… you to borrow their bike. (forbid)

23. What did Mr. Jayus ………… to you? (say)

Change the sentences using Direct-Indirect form.

24. The officer said, “Don’t bring the animal in!”


25. My uncle told whether his son presents or absents.


26. Explain the organization of Narrative text!


A witch

A glass slipper



Folklores fables fairy tales

A dwarf


A giant



Had Filled could

Triad was saw

Kept found started

Suppose you are the girl in the picture. Your brother gives you a ticket to see the show of favorite band.

What would both of you say?

Thank you so much

My pleasure

Excuse me mom, I haven’t eaten for days. Would you give me some money?

Here you are

Suppose a powerful and mighty king said to you that you could ask for three wishes. He would make them come true.

Reported Speech

Indirect Speech

Direct Speech



Yes-No Question

WH (Informative) Question



Yes-No Question

WH (Informative) Question



Let me tell you a friend of mine that I really want him to be my boy friend. His name is Robert Kedindang. I think he is the most perfect boy I have ever known.

He has tall, straight and muscular body. His skin is fair. He is younger than his age. He is now 17 but like 14 year-old boy. Robert is so cool and cute.

Don’t you want to know his traits? He is very independent and can be reliable well. Then, ehmm...he is so tidy, friendly and so creative. He is so exclusive. If only he were a film star, I guess he suits to be a hero in every movie.

One thing I don’t like about him is that when he is angry, he just says no words.

Yap! The other thing I always remember is that he is so scared of roach. He always runs away when he sees a roach. He thinks roach is very disgusting.

Dear friends, I’m so sad today. You know why? I lost my new umbrella. The umbrella is a marvelous one. The shape is very funny. It is not round but square. The colour is bright green. It has other special mark that is a picture of a big star on it. Do you recognize it? Ok, if any one of you can find it, I will give a prize.

Sukuh Temple

The Sukuh temple is located in the Village of Berjo, Sub-district of Ngargoyoso, in the slope of Gunung Lawu 35 km east of Solo at a height about 910 m above sea level. The temple stretches from the east to the west with the main gate in the west.

This kind of construction is common in prehistoric time, especially in the megalithic era of pundan berundak (terrace grave). The temple consist of three terraces, the first terrace is the lowest level, followed by the second and the third above it. The terrace are connected with stairs to each other, each of it has an entrance gate.

The remnants of Sukuh Temple consist of :

1. Relieves describe the union of the symbolic male and female sex organs (fertility symbol). It can be found on the gate at the first terrace.

2. Relieves describe the Sudhamala and Garuda Stories.

3. Relieves describe the hand made iron (Pandai Besi) activities.

4. Human statues

5. Animal statues

6. The main temple is pyramidal

The temple is believed to be constructed in the 15th century during the declining years of Majapahit Empire.

The view surrounding the temple is alluring. The road to this temple with impressive grandeur is surfaced all the way. The structure and the mood of the Lawu Temples is different from other temples in Java, it is built like a Maya stepped pyramid, so it is worth seeing.

Natural Bridge National Park

Natural Bridge National Park is a luscious tropical rainforest. It is located 110 kilometers south of Brisbane and is reached by following the Pacific Highway to Nerang and then by traveling through the Numinbah Valley. The scenic roadway lies in the shadow of the Lamington National Park.

The phenomenon of the rock formed into a natural ‘arch’ and the cave through which a waterfall cascades is a short one-kilometer walk below a dense rainforest canopy from the main picnic area. Swimming is permitted in the rock pools. Night-time visitors to the cave will discover the unique feature of the glow worms. Picnic areas offer toilets, barbecue, shelter sheds, water and fireplaces; however, overnight camping is not permitted.




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