
Junior DivisionArea Entomology Contest2011An insect from an alfalfa field that has a prominent snout is likely to be a/an _______.alfalfa butterflyalfalfa weevilalfalfa looperblister beetleAngoumois grain moths belong to what order?LepidopteraGelechiidaeHymenopteraGrain insectsWalkingsticks have __________.filiform antennaemandiblescylindrical bodiesall of the aboveWhat insect are vinegar flies most commonly confused with?Blue-bottle fliesFruit fliesSyrphid fliesRobber flies What color are oriental cockroaches?Dull grayShiny brown to blackRedYellow-brown Dried insects may be made soft by ______ .placing them in a freezersoaking them in waterplacing them in a relaxing chamberslowly wiggling their legs Mole crickets may be pests of ___________.turfgrasshardwoodslivestockcottonColorado potato beetles feed on potatoes and ______ .live only in Coloradostored foodshave black and yellow stripeswere named by Frederick Colorado What is the pest status of monarch butterflies?They are not pests.They are nuisance pests.They are pests of the hardwood industry.They are pests of corn. How do longhorned beetles get their name?The pronotum forms horn-like sections of exoskeleton.Their antennae are very long.They have long front legs when raised up.Males charge at each other. Which of the following is a common characteristic of ground beetles?Shiny, black colorationSmooth elytraLarge, round headTiny mandiblesDamsel bugs are closely related to ______ .Dance fliesAssassin bugsDamselfliesPrince beetlesCarrion beetles feed on ___________.blooddead animalsother insectscarrion plantsWhere is a good place to look for cottony maple scales?In fresh waterDeep in the soilUnderneath floorboards in housesOn hardwood treesWhat insects are striped cucumber beetles most often confused with?Colorado potato beetleWestern corn rootwormTortoise beetles Tarnished plant bugsWhat fly resembles but is less aggressive than the stable fly?Flesh flyHorse flyHouse flyRobber fly Female soldier beetles lay their eggs _______. in long lineson the stems of some ornamental flowersin the soilon their backs What color are the wing veins in periodical cicadas?BlackColorlessOrangeGreen What color are fully mature northern corn rootworms?BlackYellow-greenWhiteBrown Where do mosquito larvae live?In running waterIn standing waterNear the water’s edgeUnder the bark of treesLuna moth adults may have a maximum wing spread of _____________.1 inch2-3 inches3 inches4-5 inches One species of lady beetle (Asian lady beetle) is often considered a pest because it ____ eats wood.enters homes in large numbers.eats the other beneficial lady beetles.carries diseases. What color are most Katydids?GreenYellowRedBrown Why are house flies considered pests?They harm crops.They eat stored foods.They carry diseases.They eat beneficial insects. Specimen labels tell _____ .who collected the insectwhen the insect was collectedwhere the insect was foundall of the above ................

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