Game Testing

„Game Testing“


by ShinyTotodude

(FurAffinity 2011)

The light of the morning sun rose above the landscape and revealed a big metropolis. Lots of skyscrapers (some taller and some smaller ones), trees and vehicles and many people roamed it, filling it with lots of noises which told of the start of another normal day.

Somewhere you could see a dragon walking over to the bakery to get today’s breakfast. Elsewhere a wolf opened the doors for his first customers who came early to shop. Some people could be seen as they jogged through the park or some who just took a nice look at the dawn from their windows to welcome a new day.

That was the city of Tripeaks, a large city in population which wasn’t just a peaceful but also the wealthiest metropolis on the planet. Since the population of furry, scaly and other friendly occupants were in the luck to live in a prosperous economy (with fresh water, energy and the land was full of all kinds of raw materials they needed to care for warm homes) everyone was able to live in joy there.

Everyday you could see how the cityscape developed further and with all the people who were moving here one suburb after another was added sooner or later and enlarged the size of the place. Sounds very nice to live at such a pleasant place, right? It sure was and the people enjoyed their life in several luxurious ways.

The supply of scientific creations was something the brilliant heads never seemed to end to come up with and all the plans for new unique inventions were forged out on almost everyday. Intelligent companies gave their best to make everyone’s life comfortable and to make the customer’s secret dreams come true. In that way, a great idea could be seen as a new invention ready to please their buyer’s special needs.

These inventions were also the reason why Tripeaks was a bit…Well, let’s say…Different from other cities you might have seen before. Ever seen a like two hundred feet tall lizard taking a walk between the buildings because the fellow just grew to such a enormous size? Or ever seen a fox girl turning herself into a cow because she just had the wish to shift in her shape for fun? We’re not talking about any movies here, dudes. This is science!

Okay, okay. You probably think that sounds very unbelievable and a bit like magic, huh? Bravo, you got it right in some way. There were also creatures that could do such fantastic things in purpose and some people would say that the whole world is maybe just a playground for all their funny and sometimes godlike residents.

No wonder because of the big steps in science and technology the scientists could even build bridges through several dimensions and worlds and a big part of the world’s popularity were aliens who moved to such progressive cities like Tripeaks to study more about each other and create a peaceful life for everyone. And all that is thanks to the firms which never stopped researching and reaching great milestones with their work.

One of those corporations and probably one of the highest esteemed ones was Lamplight Labs. , the big building complex in the center of Tripeaks. Equipped with the most modern technology the several highly instructed scientists and engineers worked daily in the many sections and bureaus to create new and especially revolutionary products or researched materials and artefacts for a good usage as power supplies or to possibly be part of the next mind blowing invention.

If it were new ways of travelling, the creation of special potions or even for the private entertainment, Lamplight Labs. invented it and got partners around the globe.

With such a reputation it wasn’t surprising to anyone that there were lots of young students who loved the idea of starting their career there as a trainee.

Trainees had a big variety of jobs they could choose from at the labs. From chemist to genetic researcher to programmer or tester-The range of possibilities to choose from was just huge. But to find his or her right path, a trainee had to go through all kinds of works…And maybe even some a slightly weird happenings.

On the door to the big bureau stand his owner’s name:


Prof. Dr. Draco-Rex

He was an around 6 feet green dragon and, more importantly, the head of the labs. He was known for all the discoveries he made when building up the corporation on his own and got several prizes by Tripeak’s administration for his work which graced at their places on the shelves in his bureau. With a friendly smirk he just welcomed a much smaller person that just sat down in a big chair facing towards him.

The person wasn’t even half of Draco’s size and looked very nervous. The young fellow played a bit nervously with the nameplate which was attached to a white coat that he wore for his work as a trainee. The name on the badge said “Marc” which was the little turquoise Totodile’s name. He didn’t fill out the big chair very well and seemed to be worried about the fact that the boss of the labs needed to talk to him.

“So…You wanted to talk to me, sir?” Marc asked with the hope that he wouldn’t be in any trouble for not fulfilling his duties in the management’s opinion, maybe. “Hahaha, no need to be that tensed, young friend. I just called you in my bureau to give you a special task for today.” Draco-Rex smiled at him which made Marc sigh in relief.

“Umm…What kind of special task do you mean, sir?” “I would like you to visit the Product Testing section today and help to test a new invention our staff members created.” Marc remembered hearing about that section from other Lamplight Labs. staff members he’d met at the cafeteria or during his jobs as assistant in the few sections he was able to work in already.

The Product Testing section was responsible for checking all details of newly created machines, devices, potions…well, all kinds of products that were produced in the labs’ facilities. The head of the section was a brown and black furred dog called Tofer who was known for his knowledge in expansion studies and his tendency of expressing an evil grin sometimes which scared Marc a bit when Tofer once held a lecture at one of his trainings.

“Sir, what will be so special about that task?” Marc asked with wonder as someone knocked at the bureau’s door. Draco-Rex’s fin-like ears mounted up as he heard the noise and said with a smirk: “Ah, I think he should answer your questions about that.” A brown dog with black hair and a white coat just entered and said harshly: “Boss, everything’s set up for the test so where is the little brat?”

He didn’t see Marc in that big chair but right after Marc slid back down to watch for the owner of the voice he immediately got grabbed by his right paw. “Ah! There you are, boy! Hurry up! There isn’t time to daydream!” With a friendly wave from Draco-Rex Marc got pulled out of the management bureau by Tofer.

They both rushed down the corridors of the building into another building of the facility complex. Tofer mumbled something about testing reports and such that Marc couldn’t hear right. He saw lots of staff members watching him with a smirk as they passed them. Marc felt really lucky when they both finally stopped.

“Everyone!” Tofer shouted to all the staff members roaming the room they just entered. “Testing subject is here so let’s finally get that machine to work! When that works out well then Funtendo, Suny and Macrosoft won’t have much to laugh about, hahaha!” The team of the Product Testing section applauded and grinned.

Marc was surprised and shocked about that all at the same time. Testing subject….did he mean him!? He gulped and said: “May I ask what you want me to test?” Tofer turned from his laughing his view back to Marc. His eyes lighted in a bright purple and he answered with a big grin: “Good that you ask, hehehe! Boy, that machine here is a virtual reality console or “Project ITG” how we also call it.”

Marc watched the construction that was attached to several computers in the background. It looked a bit like a lounger with two controllers at the sides and a mask or helmet like device. “You’ll use that console for playing a game our Programming section has created for the new product. If the testing results will turn out well, we’ll be the new number one in the video game industry, hahaha. You should feel honored. You may be the very first one to try it.” Tofer explained to him.

Marc thought about it as when Tofer pushed him to the machine and some staff members helped him into the gear that was separated and also fit him very well. Well, he would be up to play a videogame at his training place today. That sounds more like a fun task for him to do. The only thing that bothered him was the question why they picked him instead of an already skilled product tester.

Everyone cared well for him to feel comfortable and asked him if everything was alright or if the controllers at his arms or the device on his head wouldn’t pinch him in some way. He tried his best to answer the questions about the gear while Tofer waited eagerly on the start of the test. Marc was told to relax and sensors were put on several points of his body to measure all signals from himself as a record on the computer during the experiment.

“Now start that machine finally! I can’t wait to see results!” Tofer yelled at the staff members and shortly after that a paw stuck out behind a monitor to signal that the test could run now. “OK, boy! Have plenty of fun!” Tofer said to Marc with a smirk. Marc for himself was very excited. He felt like he would have an audition or something like that. His fingers shivered and clinched on the controller devices. He tried to persuade himself he would have a lot of fun for sure.

“OK, we start in 3…” The display in front of Marc’s eyes turned on and colorful lights shined to him. He could barely see the staff members still. “2…” A wavelike sound started playing just now. It felt a bit like it would change his senses along with that colorful light. “1…” Marc felt suddenly like the noises and his sight would black out. He was still able to see but it was for him just like if he had been transported into a dark room or something.

“Go!” the head of the Product Testing team shouted and right in that moment everybody could see what now happened on a big monitor behind the computers.

“Uuaaaah!” Marc screamed as suddenly his vision was filled with colors and he was falling into a deep hole that opened right under his feet. Maybe it was more like he suddenly had just no surface to stand on. The colorful realm was filled with music you would normally expect in a lift or shopping mall but Marc didn’t have much time to care about silly background music because he was still falling with much speed.

Suddenly a voice could be heard: “Welcome to “In the Game”! The demo mode for Witchyworld Circus is loading. Please wait a short moment…” Marc flailed like a newbie parachutist while still falling and falling. He didn’t like that endless fall and hoped it would stop finally. He rolled backwards and like in every direction. He flailed like a bird but it didn’t get him out of the situation until the voice appeared again.

“Thanks for waiting. Player login will start in 3, 2, 1…”

In that moment Marc was back on his feet. He was reeling and fell on his nose. The surface he landed on was green grass. He stood back up and shook himself. Where was he now? The meadow he stood on had no sky above. Instead he could see the walls and ceiling of an enormous blue and white striped circus tent. Didn’t the voice say something about a circus?

The ceiling laid far above him. He couldn’t tell that he ever had been able to see such a big building before. It was probably like there would have been easily place for a skyscraper in this tent. Marc looked around, a bit confused because he couldn’t see anything on the green plain he was standing on. Did the game already start? What was his challenge even? His deliberations got disturbed as suddenly the voice from before appeared again.

“Game data file log…Music loaded. NPC interaction data loaded. Player customisation loaded. Dialogues loaded. NPCs loaded. Boot all in 3, 2, 1, …”

Suddenly the word “START!” appeared right above him with a bang noise like a firework! Marc jumped in a shock of the loud noise but something else got his attention in the same moment as he got hit several times on his head.

“Ouch! Ou~! Stop! What!?” he shouted as he tried to avoid getting pecked again. “Hey, Banjo! You sloth-bear! Why are you daydreaming! Can you ever do something on your own?” Marc was just weirded out to see that he suddenly had a backpack on and his clothes had changed. Instead of the white coat he now wore some yellow pants, a necklace and for the most important a blue backpack on his shoulders from which a red feathered bird looked out at him rather annoyed.

“Who the heck are you!?” shouted Marc startled as the bird watched him closely right from over his own shoulder. The female looking breegull just replied in an annoyed tone “Kazooie…and haha. Very funny, Banjo. You think you could move your butt as well?...”

Marc was still wondering what was going on and said: “Wait! Who is Banjo here, you?” The answer was just another peck on his head. “Doh! You are Banjo, me is Kazooie, and now stop fooling around you nutty bear!” “Ou! Stop! I’m no bear!” “Sure you are!” the nagging bird replied. “Geh! You are even crazier than that Mumbo guy today!

That was just too crazy now for the Totodile. He just got called a bear by a red bird sticking out of a backpack on his shoulders…What kind of crazy ideas the developers did have there. “Ou~! OK, OK! You won, Kazooie! Just stop that!” Kazooie stopped and just said again: “Alright and now stop dilly-dallying! The music already started.”

As confused as Marc was, he tried his best not to make his new companion mad again and walked forward. “That circus tent is really huge but I can’t see any spectators or seats, Kazooie?” The red crested bird just shrugged with a pouting expression on her beak! “Oh, such a super show…pah! Perhaps we're supposed to sit on this big lump on the floor over here.” Kazooie pointed to the left half of the green plain.

Turning to the left Marc could notice now something that looked a bit like a giant sleeping bag. It shined in a rubbery green and yellow pattern and as Marc came for a closer look it turned out to be some kind of an inflatable, maybe a parade balloon? At least what he could recognize was a nozzle on the big lump how Kazooie it called before. It was pretty big mounting at least around the size of a big truck in front of him and even the nozzle itself was more than the double of Marc’s body size.

“Hmm, I don’t know what kind of seat that shall be but it doesn’t look very comfy…” Marc wondered still a bit puzzled about why there suddenly lay such a big thing on the floor. He and Kazooie neared more as suddenly a noise came from the inflatable. A loud hissing sound broke through the tent just like if someone would blow into a balloon with a high speed.

The little Totodude just was frozen in shock as he saw that a giant dinosaur head lifted up over the mount of rubber which resembled the inflatable’s body. It wouldn’t have been shocking if there seemed to be a specific way the eyes of the creature watched him. Marc was frightened to see that the creature blinked and focused its view just right on him. Was it a living giant balloon?

A big puff had filled the creature’s head. It watched in an expression that was somehow goofy and mean at the same time. Its big puffed outward sticking nose was round and green. The dinosaur watched at his body shortly and right after that another series of puffs erupted from it. The creature seemed to concentrate to fill himself with air coming right from itself. It was simply self inflating.

The sides of the green and yellow colored body stretched outwards and could be recognized as big ball shaped limbs. Their shape wouldn’t even fit into two soccer goals stacked on each other that big they were. The patterns of them were all the same: two big green arms and legs with a yellow front side.

Marc saw the belly now joining the inflation. With loud puffs the inflatable dinosaur’s main body grew as well and the creature rose upwards with every breath it used to come into a more pooltoy-ish shape. Marc watched into that face towering far above him which seemed to point just at him like it would at its prey.

The green and yellow body filled with more and more air so that the also filling tail on the dinosaur’s backside pressed the inflatable into an upright position. The main body looked like a green and yellow beach ball in the size of a big hot air balloon. All over its body, also the nose and cheeks of the head the creature had arround a dozen colorful patches shining in several different patterns.

There the giant stood in front of Marc and Kazooie watching down on them with a scary visage. Six safe sized white bloated teeth pointed from the upper jaw and gave the dinosaur a cheeky expression. The inflatable would have made a joke of regular parade balloons. The male-looking and comically-shaped creature looked like it would be at least eighty feet in height. His impressive appearance shadowed over the two tots down from which one looked very pale.

As the puffing stopped the dinosaur roared in a squeaky sounding voice to them: “Oh dear, not more intruders!” He seemed to be in a very bad mood and his cheeks puffed to a pouting grimace. “Well, I’ll show you who’s boss! Look how big and strong Mr. Patch is.” The giant guy wobbled amused and smirked nastily at Marc which gave him a cold shiver. That Mr. Patch was like thirty times bigger than he was and there seemed to be no way out of this mess of a situation.

As far as shocked Marc looked upwards to Mr. Patch his feathered companion Kazooie didn’t seem any impressed of the dinosaur’s size. She just spit out with her sharp tongue: “Pah! You’re not all that big really. That Klungo freak near the start was probably bigger than you!” Marc caught his breath now again as he heard how Kazooie even seemed to chance it to make the scary inflatable giant even angrier. “KAZOOIE!?”

The big inflatable’s body wobbled wildly for a moment and for Marc it seemed like Mr. Patch’s eyes could stab him with the evil red shimmering that just now appeared for a moment. With a blink of a moment Mr. Patch suddenly began to laugh and spit back in his squeaky tone: “Oh, yeah!? Hehehe! Well, how about this then...” The dinosaur seemed to have something in hand to show these little bugs what he was made of.

Marc was paralysed and could only gulp down that lump he just had in his throat. His eyes were frozenly focused on what now happened and shed some tears of thrill. That just couldn’t be. The evil looking Mr. Patch did for real start to grow again. With a loud hiss the body enlarged in all directions like if everything else around it would shrink instead.

Mr. Patch’s size nearly had doubled and the next hiss already followed. All the spotlights let his enlarging rubbery frame shine. He reached halfway to the ceiling of the enormous tent already but didn’t seem to stop. Marc stood there in the darkness of the giant’s shadow and could only stretch his neck upwards and see that enlarging blimp growing and growing.

The turquoise Totodile felt tinier with every loud hissing noise which roared from Mr. Patch’s towering frame. He slowly sank down to his knees as his legs felt more like pudding. The game designers couldn’t be serious. In a mix of fear and disbelieve he saw the evil looking opponent rise, grow, enlarge more and more. 160…240…320 feet. Was he even able to fill out the room from bottom to the ceiling!?

With a last hiss Mr. Patch stopped growing shortly before he reached the ceiling for real and was about 400 feet high now. No living being Marc had seen with his own eyes before was that ridiculously enormous. He thought his heart would stop to beat from the shocking view as the giant nose of the rubbery creature bowed forward and an evil grin pointed down to him. He hoped so much that he wouldn’t be noticed by Mr. Patch anymore. That view was freaking him out and he wanted to run away but he just couldn’t move. How was he supposed to do anything against someone like more than 150 times bigger than himself!?

The staff members observed everything with much interest still. Everyone was taking notes and watching the Totodile lying in a sleeping position at the game console. Tofer seemed very amused about that the experiment working out just right. Just in that moment the doors of the testing laboratory opened and someone yelled: “Hey Tofer!”

It was a blue dragon with blue and white spines on his head who also wore a white coat like all staff members. He watched very angry and upset. “What the heck is going on!? Why did you antedate the test of “Project ITG”, Tofer, and not even tell me? I thought I was supposed to be the tester for…” He just saw over to the machine and saw Marc laying in it. “What the…!? Marc!?” He stepped near to Tofer and pointed at him with his finger looking even more upset. “That goes too far, Tofer!”

“Calm down, Zach!” Tofer replied with a smirk. “I know you are a pro tester but you know the program too well so I was so free to use a testing object that brings us much more efficient test results, hehe.” Zach snarled. “Hey, dare you if something happens to my dily bro and I will give you some results in your face, Tofer.” “Sheesh! You always have too much temperament, partner. Trust me, he won’t get harmed in any way.” Tofer winked and smirked even more. “You are just jealous that you aren’t the one who tests ITG, right?”

Zach tapped on the floor with his right foot and had a pouting facial expression. Tofer knew him too well. His interest was big for the new invention and so he asked: “Ah…OK. You got me. So, what did I miss so far?” “Not very much yet. The fun is about to start soon and you will get surprised what a brilliant addition I made for this program, hehe.” Tofer’s eyes flashed shortly along with his grin. Zach just was wondering what his partner could have meant and watched on the big screen which sill showed several viewpoints of the situation in the game.

The enormous grown Mr. Patch laughed and growled loudly. He was such a giant now so that he nearly touched the ceiling of the circus tent. In front of his blimp of a belly was a tiny pair: A turquoise Totodile looking scared and shivering and a red feathered bregull looking annoyed still. The inflatable dinosaur was sure he would have impressed those tiny bugs down there now and watched them as scary as he could. Suddenly a text message showed up in midair and the computer voice read:



The appearing computer voice waked Marc from his paralysis and he jumped up on his feet trying to catch his breath again. Instead of him Kazooie already knew how to comment on Mr. Patch again. “I suppose you think you're clever, don't you?” Marc looked for the first time annoyed now. He just would have loved to shut Kazooie’s beak up for that. Mr. Patch smirked with a cheeky facial expression and answered: “Well, one doesn't like to blow one's own trumpet, tehehe.”

Kazooie smirked as well. It was like the views of her and Mr. Patch would collide like two bolts. The tension of how they both were pissed by each other heated up the air.

She stuck out her tongue and said in an arrogant tone: “We will beat you up like a squirrel would do it with a singing turd, pah!” “Kazooie! You really want us to fight him!? Are you crazy!?” Marc yelled horrified. Mr. Patch growled and wobbled angry.

“If you insist!” he snarled and moved his big limbs.

Marc saw the enormous ball of a leg lifting upwards. He saw the big foot rushing into his direction and felt how his body didn’t move, again. “I need to run” he thought as the house-sized green ball came down. He would get squished if he wouldn’t move finally. The Totodile saw himself being crushed before his inner eye already as suddenly he fell backwards and somebody screamed: “Idiot!”

It was Kazooie’s harsh voice. With a jerky move she had carried Marc off his feet and her legs now stuck out of the blue backpack. Shortly before the huge rubbery foot impacted on the floor Kazooie ran out of its way carrying the very surprised looking Marc on her back. “Gee, you really can’t do a thing without me! You can be happy that I adopted you in the past! Without me you are too helpless!”

Marc was shaken a lot through that weird ride of Kazooie who was really fast and could avoid easily the far slower Mr. Patch. The huge inflatable got his problems to see the fast moving tiny creatures on the floor and stomped back and forth with the plan to hit them somehow. Kazooie stopped with a pant and slipped back into the backpack. “Phew! Time for payback, Banjo! Show him what we got!”

Marc was happy about the fact they could avoid Mr. Patch’s first attack but he didn’t know what he should do now. Mr. Patch didn’t see them but would notice him for sure if he would try to climb up on him. Kazooie sighed and then nagged: “You are really a sloth-bear. Damn, remember what the mole-jerk told ya! Use the grenade eggs! In right that moment Marc saw a nest appear in sparkling light in front of him.

“Couldn’t that appear at least a bit earlier, programmers?” Marc sighed.

He grabbed one of the eggs and thought of throwing them in Mr. Patch’s direction but he was interrupted by Kazooie! “Stop! What are you thinking, Banjo?!” She grabbed the egg out of Marc’s paw with her beak and gobbled it down. ”Hey! What are you doing, Kazooie!?” Marc shouted with wild gestures. Kazooie just ignored his words and jumped even out of the backpack. Marc was even more startled as he saw that Kazooie gobbled down all the other eggs in the nest and then watched him again with her annoyed view.

“Kazooie, what are you…I thought…” “No speechifying! Grab me and aim at the airhead!” Marc was still puzzled but he did like Kazooie said. He picked her and hold her at her neck like a water gun. Marc tried his best to aim with Kazooie’s beak on the green giant. He watched all over the inflated body where he should hit him best. Then the big colorful patterns all over Mr. Patch’s body got his attention. He aimed and shouted: “Fire!”

BANG! The grenade egg hit a striped pattern near Mr. Patch’s tail and popped in a loud explosion. “OOOOUUU~!” The green dinosaur inflatable bounced upwards with shock. A great hissing sound could be heard as his air flowed out of the hole near his butt. Mr. Patch yelped and tried to find the place where he had a leak but couldn’t help it. He slightly lost a bit of his size through the hole he had now.

“Well done, Banjo! Nice shot!” Kazooie congratulated Marc and it helped a lot for him to take some more courage. “Looks like we found a way to beat him.” Marc smiled about this little effort and put Kazooie backup in aiming position looking for another pattern to shoot. He wondered why Mr Patch didn’t notice them after the shot but he wanted to use his time and get him another time and stand still at his place.

“Doh! You've found a weak spot. It looks like I might need some help here...” Mr. Patch shouted as he turned around and tried to find the little brats who shot at his inflated frame. Marc tried to aim at Mr. Patch still who wobbled and moved around slowly. As the inflatable suddenly stopped and a chessboard patterned patch was in good sight Marc held up Kazooie like before and shouted.

“Fir~Ah~!” Marc got slammed backwards of from his feet and curled around before he landed rudely on the floor again. Kazooie landed next to him and shook herself. As Marc looked from where that hit did came from he suddenly saw a big red punching glove on a spring bouncing in front of him. A squeaky laughter came from above as Mr. Patch had located the tiny duo down on the floor.

“Hehehe, I won’t let you do that again, you little punks! You'll have to beat me from the air now! But you won’t get this far even.” He wobbled towards them grinning cheeky. “Oh-Oh!” Marc was worried to feel something shook the floor under himself and he just could roll to the side fast enough before a new punching glove shot out next to him.

He jumped back on his feet and ran from the upcoming punching gloves which seemed to chase him. Good that he didn’t stop so he was fast enough to avoid them. “Kazooie!” He shouted as he couldn’t see her around. Marc ran from Mr. Patch and the reappearing punching gloves now without knowing what to do. Should he just hope on that Mr. Patch would deflate sometime through that one hole?

“That’s no funny game at all~!” Marc shouted as he avoided several of the punching gloves. Mr. Patch seemed to be amused by that hunt and chased him all over the big plain. “Uaah!” Marc screamed as ne nearly ran into a punching glove that appeared right in front of him but then suddenly was pulled upwards by something.

“Aiaiaiaiaaaah!” Marc flailed and was scared to see that something had pulled him upwards into the air. “Kazooie!” he shouted as he saw it was her who had grabbed him from the ground by holding at the backpack. “Hey, I can’t let you get lost here, Banjo. I’m responsible for you. Now let’s get him!”

Marc tried his best not to scream in fear as Kazooie flew high above the floor. Both were trying to look out for one of Mr. Patch’s weak points. Kazooie spitted another grenade egg into Mr. Patch’s direction but it was hard to aim for his patches since he wobbled all the way towards them.

“Grr, little mosquitos got to be smashed!” Mr. Patch shouted and tilted his head as he suddenly coughed loud and a bus sized colorful beachball flew from his maw towards the flying Kazooie and Marc. “Uaaaah!! Kazooie!!” Marc screamed as the big round object came nearer. Fortunately Kazooie could nearly avoid it by flying upwards.

“Hold on, Banjo! I’ll bring us nearer to his weak point now!” Right at that moment Kazooie concentrated and as when Mr. Patch coughed another time a beachball out she drilled downwards and right into the ball with an enormous speed. Marc got shaken and screamed by the shock as they both just pierced through the inflatable object.

As it popped they both got pushed around through the air from the explosion. Marc felt a bit dizzy but when he saw what Kazooie was up to he directly focussed again. The side of Mr. Patch’s head were in sight where the giant inflatable dinosaur had another one of his patches. As the blimp saw his beach ball exploding he was shortly distracted from the duo that came right in a curve towards him.

“Now, Kazooie!” Marc waved his arm forward and Kazooie spitted the next grenade egg which flew in a curve towards Mr. Patch’s head and hit him directly with a big noise. BANG! The giant flailed in shock as he felt air hissing from his cheek. “We hit him! We hit him!” Marc shouted in joy to Kazooie.

It really seemed like they both had inflicted more damage to their opponent as they could see Mr. Patch’s face looking half deflated and a bit goofy as he snarled at them: “Grrraaaaah! You will….hufff…you will…hufff…pay for that!” Mr Patch suddenly puffed up his head again and had a grimace that gave Marc goosebumps.

The excitement in the lab was very high and some staff members of the Product Testing section even cheered for Marc’s landed hit. Also Zach was happy and said to Tofer: “Looks like he is on a good way to win this, partner!” Tofer just clicked with his tongue in response and lifted a finger. “Like I promised to you there will be something new soon. Just watch closely.”

Everybody gasped as they could see Mr. Patch’s puffed up face. The giant inflatable’s eyes glanced in an ominous red and he looked like he had something in mind, again. Kazooie who still carried Marc from the blue backpack looked very pissed while Marc seemed very worried about that strange grin Mr. Patch made.

The duo faced the enormous strange wobbly inflatable thing in midair. Marc for himself hoped that there wouldn’t be anything worse now. He felt drained and dizzy from the chase and would have loved to quit that battle. Kazooie tried her best to flap and hold their position as she gave Mr. Patch a dirty look herself.

“Grrr, you damn airhead! We’ll pop you for sure! Right Banjo!?” Marc just could wrest a nervous smile from himself which didn’t really look very confident along with his pale expression and his shivering. Kazooie wasn’t very amused about that. “I said that we’ll pop him for sure. RIGHT, Banjo!?” Marc tried it better now. He grinned painfully and showed his thumbs still shivering.

Mr. Patch found that very amusing and laughed loud. “You will never be able to beat the great Mr. Patch, hahaha. But I’ll be nice today you lucky bugs. I’ll show you the power of Mr. Patch, HAHAHA!” With this Mr. Patch suddenly glanced with a red shine in his eyes. Kazooie and Marc flailed as the light in his eyes bundled and a beam of red light shot at them.

Marc got shaken again as Kazooie tried to avoid the beam. Mr. Patch laughed loud as the duo suddenly fell down. “UAAAH! KAZOOIE!” Marc screamed and flailed as he could see the grass plain coming nearer and nearer. That was the worst. They would probably hit the floor hard. He closed his eyes wishing for a soft landing. “I WANT TO QUIT THIIIIS!”

The staff members in the lab were highly surprised about what happened on the screen now. There appeared around something right under the little turquoise Totodile and broke his fall. Marc landed uncomfortable on the floor but at least safely. He shook his head and wondered what saved him as he could see what it was. And it horrified him.

Zach, the staff members and Marc watched in horror on another inflatable creature. It was red and had two long yellow puffy legs as also a pair of two bloated wings. The beak and the rest of the bird inflatable’s body were riddled with colorful patches. Marc couldn’t believe it. “No…No…Kazooie!?”

Kazooie wobbled and laughed hard. Her view was filled with disgrace and she grinned mad at him. Her mean look let Marc shiver even more. “Hahahaha, so mighty!...Mighty!...Rampage!…Rampage!” She growled. Even that she wasn’t as big as Mr. Patch Kazooie were a house tall blimp and seem to grow with every second Marc saw into her cheeky grimace.

The small Totodile didn’t know any way out. He jumped up and tried to run. Blindly with tears of fear in his eyes he didn’t notice another punching glove appearing again and he flew backwards in front of the two towering giant monsters whose sardonic laughter echoed through the enormous circus tent.

“That’s enough! Tofer, stop this!” Zach yelled. “The game’s over. End this!” Tofer was amazed about what happened in the program. He typed fast as many numbers appeared. Some staff members pointed on the console. As suddenly something seemed wrong. Light flashed up as the controls and status screens turned red.

“ERROR! ERROR! ERROR! ERROR!...” the computer voice said repeatedly as Marc’s body in the console seemed to be shocked by electricity appearing from the devices.

At the same time the screen showed a giant breegull inflatable with a turquoise Totodile clutched between her puffed up wings. The staff members tried their best not to let a chaos break out but it didn’t help as a red beam appeared on screen and some monitors got destructed by electrical shorts.

Tofer and Zach ran to the device from which several flashes stood out permanently. Some computers blew in smoke and lights as a shadow rose from the ITG. Marc’s body had changed and all over his former scales were rubber and patches. The small guy inflated and pushed the desks to the sides. He laughed and squeaked like insane something about rampage.

“ALARM!” Tofer shouted and hit a red button behind him. The staff members ran as fast as they could and evacuated under the commands of Zach. A squad of people joined Tofer to help getting everything under control as Marc’s body bulged through several floors and rooms of the Lamplight facilities.

A Spikan jumped next to Tofer’s place and gave him some kind of a gun. He wore a vest with a symbol on it. On his vest stand his name. “Virid! Thanks for the gun, partner!” “I came directly when the alarm turned on, Tofer. What happened here?” “No time for explaining. Let’s pop this guy first. With a loud combat cry both dashed forward to the in the remains of the Testing section rampaging Totodile giant.

Marc awaked feeling very bad. His head felt like if someone had hit it with a hammer or something else. He blinked and saw that he was lying in a bed in a small room. Suddenly someone grabbed him and hugged him tight which made him feel a bit dizzy. “Bro! Good to see you are awake, again. Everyone worried about you!” It was Zach. The blue dragon smiled brightly as he hugged the small Totodile once more.

“What happened, Zach? I can’t remind anything from when I was in the game and Mr. Patch seemed like stabbing me with his scary view. I thought my heart would stand still every moment.” Some tears dropped from his face as someone else entered the room. It was a Spikan with some flowers in his paws.

“Oh, so our big bad monster is awake again, huh?” He smirked and went over to Zach and Marc. The Totodile sniffed and watched him puzzled. “Monster? I don’t understand a thing, Virid.” “Well, the experiment’s results were a bit about the unexpected, bro.” Virid began. He described how Marc had turned into such a strange inflatable thing like the Mr. Patch in the game and that Tofer and him had to pop him to stop his rampage. But through the work of the medical section it was no problem to give him his old shape back.

Marc sighed in relief but then startled up: “But what’s with everyone and the Testing section, bro!? I hope Draco-Rex won’t be angry about this….” Zach answered instead of Virid this time: “Don’t worry, dily bro. Everyone is fine and they say you did your job very well.” “Yup, and Draco-Rex only needed to make a short call to the city administration and they could fix everything in no time.” Virid added.

Marc was happy the experiment was over. He still felt a bit weird and so he was happy to have his bro’s around. “Phew, that Mr. Patch was really scary and impressive.” he said. “Actually he is based of a real Mr. Patch, bro.” Virid replied with a smirk. “He is a big star in the Witchyworld amusement park and not as mean as he maybe looks. Draco-Rex said you should rest for now and as a little thank you he invited us all for a trip there.”

Virid and Zach grinned and Marc smiled back. That news was great. He hadn’t considered that this task for him really would end in such a strange happening but everything turned out good and he would even get the chance to visit an amusement park with everyone and have a lot of fun. All three of them laughed loud and happily.

So you have seen that being a trainee at Lamplight Labs. can be a big adventure sometimes but more important is what happened with the project ITG and what were the results of the experiment.

Tofer stood in Draco-Rex’ bureau. He grinned like he mostly did. “Sorry, boss. The experiment went a bit overboard and wasn’t the success I aimed for.” Draco-Rex just laughed. “No need for excuses, my good friend. I saw most of the experiment and have to say it worked really nice. The new data will surely help to make the next and even better console.” “You got all the data about the program additions and experiment, right?” Tofer asked with a wink. The dragon grinned. “Sure, and I already think they will be very useful, hehehe!” Both laughed loud as they were watching the blueprints of a device looking like a small laser gun with a balloon feature and patches spread over it.

What ever that device could be, it’s sure that Lamplight Labs. would make it for good, for fun and most important: FOR THE SCIENCE!

Thanks for reading!

Oh, wait!

-All character adaptations and jokes are belonging to the referred games and their creators. More info can be found at:

-All used FurAffinity characters are belonging to their creators.

-Thanks to the acting staff in this story:

Draco-Rex, Tofer, Zach, Virid and all guys from Lamplight Labs.

-Thanks to my test readers:

Brakkwani and Tombfyre

-Thanks to Rare for creating games like BanjoTooie, Conker and several other awesome games(and characters like Banjo, Kazooie, Mr. Patch, etc.)

-Thanks to GameFreak/Nintendo for creating Totodile

-And again: Thanks for reading, dudes!

Now go and beat that dino again! Or a singing turd in Conker, hahaha!(~.=.o)

THE END (-^.=.^-)

“Game Testing” and the character Marc the shiny Totodude belong to ShinyTotodude at FurAffinity


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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