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Table of Contents – OnTrack TOC \o "1-3" \u Tracking Non-Classroom Items (e.g., Certifications, & offsite training) PAGEREF _Toc271717852 \h 1Access Privileges for Ontrack PAGEREF _Toc271717853 \h 2Creating, Editing and Deleting an Item PAGEREF _Toc271717854 \h 2Enrolling and Scheduling an Item PAGEREF _Toc271717855 \h 8Removing Items from Learners PAGEREF _Toc271717856 \h 15Removing a single Learner from an Item PAGEREF _Toc271717857 \h 15Removing Multiple Learners from an Item PAGEREF _Toc271717858 \h 16Adding Completions, Scores/Hours, Recertification/Renewal PAGEREF _Toc271717859 \h 17Adding or Rescheduling Certifications or Licenses One Learner At-a-Time PAGEREF _Toc271717860 \h 18Completing/Rescheduling Licenses for Multiple Learners PAGEREF _Toc271717861 \h 21Adding Completions, Scores and Hours by Learner for Multiple Items PAGEREF _Toc271717862 \h 25Adding Completions, Scores and Hours by Item for Multiple Learners PAGEREF _Toc271717863 \h 28Hiding and Redisplaying Hidden Items (Recurring) PAGEREF _Toc271717864 \h 30Redisplaying Hidden Items PAGEREF _Toc271717865 \h 31Ontrack Tracking Non-Classroom Items (e.g., Certifications, & offsite training)Ontrack monitors any non-classroom type of activity (e.g., videos, conferences, external classes) as well as managing ‘recurring requirements’ for certification and licensing. When you need to track how many of your staff watched the new radiology video, which nurses attended the seminar on pain management, who read last month’s article on keeping training costs down, or track license renewals and certifications; Ontrack is the application to do that. You can track Learner progress using report summary information and see what certifications are due for renewal each month and the system will send an automated email to Learners that have items due in the next 30 days. Access Privileges for OntrackGlobal Ontrack Access: Allows an Administrator to manage the Learners in an Ontrack item for ‘All’ Learners across the organization. This permission does not allow administrators to ‘Create’ and/or ‘Edit’ the Ontrack item itself.OnTrack Access: Allows an Administrator to manage Learners in an Ontrack item for Learners in her scope. This permission does not allow admins to ‘Create’ and/or ‘Edit’ the Ontrack item itself. Manage Ontrack Items: Provides an administrator the ability to ‘Create’ a new Ontrack item and/or ‘Edit’ the properties of an existing item as long as no Learners in the item have been marked complete. This permission will not allow the administrator to manage any Learner activity related to the item.Creating, Editing and Deleting an ItemYou must create an item in Ontrack before Learners can be added or items scheduled. An item can be anything from a magazine article read by a handful of staff to certifications required for the entire organization. Items may be edited until the first Learner has been marked as complete. Only items that have not been assigned can be deleted.Steps to Create an ItemFrom the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Ontrack — Create/Edit Training Items. Enter the Item’s Name (e.g., Orientation to Nursing).From the ‘Type’ drop-down select the type of item (e.g., Education In-service, Seminar).Note: You must choose a ‘Type’ or the item will not save. When you run a report for all items, you can sort the list by ‘Item Type’.Optional. From the ‘Program’ drop-down select the Program type. Programs are used for a specific reporting purpose. (e.g., Compliance, HIPAA).Contact Hours - If the item is accredited and provides Contact Hours, please add the number of ‘Contact Hours’ (e.g., training accredited by the ANCC - American Nurses Credentialing Center).Hours – If the training is accredited and provides CEs, CEUs or CMEs enter the number of credits. Only a System Administrator can add ‘Hours’ to an item.Provider – If there are any hours associated with the item (Contact Hours, CEs, CMEs, etc.) then choose the accrediting ‘Provider’ from the drop down list. Note: If the accrediting ‘Provider’ is not listed, contact your Client Service Representative to get the list updated.Provider directed – If the training that takes place at your organization is delivered directly by a Provider, you would check the ‘Provider Directed’ checkbox. For example, the local American Red Cross could come on site and teach a CPR course. Notes – You may add an Item description or other information to the Notes. There is a maximum of 5000 characters allowed in the Note field.Click the Save button. You are now ready to enroll and schedule Learners into the Item. See Enrolling and Scheduling an Item later in this document. Steps to Edit an ItemYou can edit an item as long as no Learners have been marked complete. From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Ontrack — Create/Edit Training Items. Click the Edit Existing Item button.From the ‘Search’ page, enter the Item’s name and/or item Code.Note: You can search with a complete or partial name. You can also use a percent sign (%) to return all items to select a specific item. Click the Search button. From below the ‘Description’, click the name of the item’s ‘Description’ link you want to open and edit. Edit the item, as needed. Read the red ‘Note’ in the upper left on the example below. Tip: A message will appear in red (as shown above) if the item can be edited. .”Click the Save button – upper right. You are now ready to enroll and schedule Learners into the Item. See Enrolling and Scheduling an Item (one Learner at-a-time) OR, Steps to Enroll and Schedule Multiple Learners by Item Enrollment later in this document. Steps to Delete an ItemYou can only delete an item if the item is not assigned to any Learners. From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Ontrack — Create/Edit Training Items. Click the Edit Existing Item button. From the ‘Search’ page, enter the Item’s name and/or Item Code.Note: You can search with a complete or partial name. You can also use a percent sign (%) to return all items. Click the Search button. If there are no learners assigned to the Item the “Delete This Item” button will appearClick the Delete This Item button. Click the OK button. Note: Only items with no Learners enrolled can be deleted.Enrolling and Scheduling an ItemThere are two types of enrollment: ‘Learner enrollment’ and ‘Item enrollment’. Learner enrollment enrolls and schedules by single a Learner. Item enrollment enrolls and schedules multiple Learners simultaneously into a single item. Steps to Enroll and Schedule an Item One Learner At-a-Time (by Learner Enrollment)Enroll and schedule one Learner at-a-time to an Ontrack item using ‘Learner Enrollment’. From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Ontrack — Learner Enrollment.Select the radio button for how you want to search for a Learner: Last Name, Learner Id, Group Code or Job Code.Enter your selection in the text box (e.g., Learner’s last name). If you search using a ‘Last Name’, you can search with a complete or partial name. Your screen should look similar to the one shown below:Click the Search button or press the ENTER button on your keyboard. One or more Learners display on the right in a drop-down. From the “Select Learner” drop-down search results on the right, choose the Learner and click Select Learner button. You may use the drop down to list all Training Items or choose the option to Filter the list of Training ItemsSelect the item you want to assign to the selected Learner.Click the Add to Learner button to assign the selected item to the selected Learner. The selected item is added to the list of items for this Learner. In the example above, the item ‘Captivate – Advanced’ was added to the Learner. Click the Item Name’s link. A pop-up box opens.Enter the following information as needed.Scheduled Date: Enter the date the item is scheduled to be completed. Complete Date: There are two ways to add the ‘Completed’ date. See below. If the item was completed on today’s date, you can click the ‘Completed’ checkbox, and today’s date displays in the ‘Complete Date’ checkbox. If the date is different than today’s date, type the date in the ‘Complete Date’ text box. Optional. Add Notes.Click the Save button and then the Close Window button.The Learner’s enrollment page redisplays with the ‘Due’ date and a ‘Comp’ entered, marked as ‘NO’ for the selected item.The example below shows the item ‘Captivate - Advanced’ item scheduled with a ‘Due’ date and the number of hours available for a successfully completed item. Steps to Enroll and Schedule an Item for Multiple Learners (by Item Enrollment)Enroll and schedule items to multiple Learners by facility, department and/or position.From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Ontrack — Item Enrollment.From the ‘Training Item’ drop-down, select the item you want to assign. You may use the Filter Item to refine the list of Items in the drop down. The Filter searches on the first word in the Item name.Note: If you want to find a specific item and you know the date of the training, enter the date to narrow your search. You must use both the Start Date and End Date.Click the Select button to display all Learners currently enrolled in the item.Click the Add Learners to Item button.The ‘Add Learners to Item’ page opens. In order to locate by Department’, ‘Group Code’ or ‘Position’, you must first select a facility.Select the checkbox from the following: ‘locate by name’, locate by Facility’ locate by dept’, ‘locate by position’ and/or ‘locate by Group Code’. The more selections you make the more narrow you search results.‘locate by name’, if you search using a ‘Last Name’, you can search with a complete or partial name.‘locate by learner id’, search by learner id‘locate by facility’, use the drop-down to select the facility for the Learner, then you can select locates by ‘Department’, ‘Group’, and/or ‘Position’. ‘locate by dept’: First select the facility. Select the checkbox for ‘locate by dept’ and then select to sort the drop-down by either ‘Dept Code’ or ‘Dept Name’. Finally, use the drop-down to select a department.‘locate by Group Code’: First select the facility. Select the checkbox for ‘locate by Group Code’ and then select to sort groups by ‘Group ID’ or ‘Group Name’. Finally, use the drop-down, to select the group. ‘locate by position’: First select the facility for the department. Select the checkbox for ‘locate by position’ and then enter the name of the position. Click the List Learners button. A list of Learners displays below. From the list of Learners, select each Learner’s checkbox you want to add to the Item. Tip: If you want to select the entire list of Learner’s, scroll to the bottom of the screen and select “Add all the Individuals listed above” checkbox.To schedule the date of the Item, scroll to the bottom of the list of Learners. To schedule the training, click the calendar and select a ‘Scheduled Date’ or type the date for the item. Click the Schedule button on the bottom right of the page. The pop-up window refreshes allowing you to add additional Learners; or you can close the window to return to the item.Tip: Once you save a Learner(s) to an item, you can continue to add additional Learners from other Facilities and Departments.Removing Items from LearnersSometimes not all the items a Learner is enrolled in are needed. When this happens you can remove Learners from an item as long as they have not been marked as completed. Note: You can remove the item from this list; but once removed; it will be gone and not show up on any reports. Instead, you can select to Hide an item and then redisplay it as needed. Removing a single Learner from an Item(by Learner Enrollment)If you have only one Learner to remove from an item, the easiest way is to use ‘Learner Enrollment’. Generally if you have multiple Learners to remove from an item, the easiest way is to use ‘Item Enrollment’. Steps to Remove a Single Learner from an Item From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Ontrack — Learner Enrollment.Search for the individual Learner that you want to remove items from.Select the radio button for how you want to search for a Learner: Last Name, Learner Id, Group Code or Job Code.Enter your selection in the text box (e.g., Learner’s last name).Click the Search button (or press the ENTER button on your keyboard). One or more Learners display on the right in a drop-down. From the “Select learner” drop-down search results on the right, select the Learner from the drop-down.Click Select Learner button. Click the Remove button to the right of the ‘Item’s Name’. Note: Any item that it not marked as completed, displays a ‘Remove’ button to its right. You can only remove a Learner from an item if the item is not marked ‘Completed’.Removing Multiple Learners from an Item (by Item Enrollment)Steps to Remove Multiple Learners from an Item From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Ontrack — Item Enrollment.From the ‘Training Item’, use the drop-down to select the item you want to open.Tip: If you want to find a specific item and you know the date of the training, enter the date to narrow your search. You must use both the Start Date and End Date. Click the Select button. A table of ‘Scheduled Learners’ for the item displays. The example below shows that three Learners have not completed the selected item. Select the checkbox to the left of each Learner’s name you want to remove from the item. In the example below two Learners have been selected to be removed from the item. Click the Remove Selected button. A message opens asking you to confirm you want to remove the selected Learners. Click OK, and a confirmation displays across the top of the page displaying the names of the Learners that were removed from the item.Adding Completions, Scores/Hours, Recertification/Renewal Ontrack can be used to track completions, recertification for CPR, BLS and other required certifications as well as renewal dates for all licensed and certified staff. This is done right after you mark an item “completed.” After each renewal, you can enter a ‘reschedule date’ so it can be tracked going forward to be sure everything is up-to-date. Once a Learner shows proof of certification, or a current valid license you mark the item complete. You can also enter a score, contact hours (if applicable), CEU hours (if applicable), and/or notes.You can certify and reschedule/ by Learner or Item. Tip: If you have more than one Learner to complete and reschedule for the same item, it is probably quicker to do it by item. If you have one or more items for only a single Learner it is quicker to do it by Learner. Adding or Rescheduling Certifications or Licenses One Learner At-a-Time(by Learner Enrollment)If you use the Learner Enrollment you can retrieve all items for that one Learner to add a complete or scheduled (due) date as well as reschedule the due date. From this page, each completion/reschedule is entered one item at-a-time for the selected Learner.Steps to Add or Reschedule Certifications or Licenses One Learner At-a-TimeFrom the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Ontrack — Learner Enrollment. Select the radio button you want to search by: Last Name, Learner Id, Group Code or Job Code.Enter your selection in the text box (e.g., Learner’s last name).Click the Search button or press the ENTER button on your keyboard. To the right the ‘Select Learner’ drop-down displays. From the “Select Learner” drop-down search results on the right, select the Learner Click the Select Learner button.From the Item list, click the Item Name and a popup will open so you can add the ‘Complete Date’ to the selected item.A popup window opens:If you want to add today’s date, click the ‘Completed’ checkbox and the ‘Complete Date’ above defaults to today’s date. Or, if you want a different ‘Complete Date’ type the date in the ‘Complete Date’ date box. Click the Save button.The ‘Reschedule’ popup window opens. Enter a new ‘Schedule Date’ for the item. Click the Re-Schedule button. The scheduled/complete popup redisplays. Click the Close Window button. The ‘Completed Date’ displays along with the a repeat of the item with a new ‘Due’ date Tip: From here you can continue to complete and reschedule additional items for the selected pleting/Rescheduling Licenses for Multiple Learners (by Item Enrollment)If you use the ‘Item Enrollment’ you can retrieve all Learners for that one item and add a ‘Completed’ date as well as a new ‘Recertification/Renewal’ date to one or to multiple learners. Note: You cannot reschedule until the current item has been marked “Completed.”Steps to Complete and Reschedule Licenses by Item — One Learner at-a-timeIf you want to change complete/reschedule multiple Learners at the same time, see Steps to Reschedule Multiple Learners Simultaneously next. From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Ontrack — Item Enrollment.Select the item from the ‘Training Item’ drop-down that you want to recertify or renewal a Learner for. Click the Select button. ‘Scheduled Learners’ for the selected item displays. In the example below three Learners are listed with ‘Completed’ dates. Click the Re-Schedule button to the right of the name of the Learner that you want to reschedule. A popup opens. Enter a date for the next due date for the Item. Click the Re-Schedule button then the Close Window button. The example below shows that the Learner Kathy Cobb completed an item “CPR for Management in 2010” on 3/31/2010 and then was rescheduled for the same item on 3/31/2011. Tip: You can now continue to add ‘Completed’ dates and ‘Recertification/Renewal’ dates to any of the Learners from this page for this Item. . Steps to Complete and Reschedule Licenses for Multiple Learners Simultaneously (from Item Enrollment)You can reschedule more than one Learner At-a-Time for the same item. From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Ontrack — Item Enrollment.Select the item from the ‘Training Item’ drop-down that you want to recertify or renewal multiple Learners for.Click the Select button. ‘Scheduled Learners’ for the selected item displays. In the example below three Learners have completed the selected item and one of the Learners has already been rescheduled. We want to renew this item for the two remaining Learners. Click each checkbox to the left of each Learner’s name you want to reschedule the item for.From the Reschedule Date’, enter the date you want to reschedule the item for. (Or, click the calendar to the right, and select the date.)Click the Reschedule Selected button above the table of ‘Scheduled Learners’. A popup opens, Confirm with an OK if you want to reschedule all the selected Learners. This may take several moments to complete the action. The more Learners you reschedule, the longer this action takes. Note: You can reschedule Inactive learners using the Reschedule Selected learners option.After the ‘Training Item Enrollment’ page refreshes, each Learner that was rescheduled, has a new scheduled date for the previously completed item. And across the top of the page the following message displays “The following Learners have been rescheduled: <list of names>.”Adding Completions, Scores and Hours by Learner for Multiple ItemsIf you use the ‘Learner Enrollment’ you can retrieve all items for that one Learner and add a ‘Completed’ date as well as scores and hours. Although the completions, scores and hours are marked individually, it easily handles multiple item entries from one page. Tip: Use the ‘Training Item Enrollment’ page when you want to work with multiple Learners for one learning item. Steps to Add Completions, Scores and Hours by Learner for Multiple LearnersFrom the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Ontrack — Learner Enrollment.Search for the individual Learner you want to manage items for.Select the radio button for how you want to search for a Learner: Last Name, Learner Id, Group Code, or Job Code.Enter your selection in the text box (e.g., Learner’s last name).Click the Search button (or press the ENTER button on your keyboard). One or more Learners display on the right in a drop-down. From the “Select learner” drop-down search results on the right, select the Learner from the drop-down.Click Select Learner button. All the Learner’s items open in a table format (unless some have been hidden). (See Hiding items later in this document.)Note: You can only remove an item if it has not been marked Completed. From the ‘Item Name’ column on the left, click the Item’s name’s link you want to add/edit ‘Due’ date, ‘Completed’ date, ‘Score’, and/or ‘Hours’ for. The following popup opens. Enter the following information as needed.Scheduled Date: Enter the date the item was scheduled. Complete Date: There are two ways to add the ‘Completed’ date. If the item was completed on today’s date, you can click the ‘Completed’ checkbox, and today’s date displays in the ‘Complete Box’ If the date is different than today’s date, type the date in the ‘Completed’ column. Completed: Check if the item has been completed. Score: Enter a score if applicable. Decimal points may be used.Contact hours: Contact Hours can default from the Item. Contact hours can default from the Item. If needed, enter the number of Contact hours. Decimal points may be used.CE Hours: CE Hours can default from the Item. If needed, enter the number of hours. Decimal points may be used. Notes: Enter any information you would like to record about the Learner’s completion or about the item. Click the Save button. The ‘Reschedule’ popup window opens. Enter the next completion date for the selected Learner in the text box.Click the Re-Schedule button. Click the Close Window button.The Ontrack – Learner Enrollment page refreshes with the saved changes. The example below shows that the item named ‘RoboHelp Intermediate’ was rescheduled. Note: If you rescheduled an Item, the new item displays in the list with it’s new Due date. Adding Completions, Scores and Hours by Item for Multiple LearnersIf you use the ‘Item Enrollment’ you can retrieve all Learners for that one item add a ‘Completed’ date as well as scores and hours onto a form. Although the completions, scores and hours are marked individually, it easily handles multiple entries from one page. Tip: Use the ‘Training Item Enrollment’ page when you want to work with multiple Learners on one learning item. Steps to Add Completions, Scores and Hours by Item for Multiple Learners:From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Ontrack — Item Enrollment.From the ‘Training Item’, use the drop-down to select the Training Item you want to open (e.g., CPR for Management in 2010).Tip: If you want to find a specific item and you know the date of the training, enter the date to narrow your search. You must use both the Start Date and End Date. Click the Select button. A table of ‘Scheduled Learners’ (all Learners assigned to the Item) for the item displays. The example below shows three Learners not yet marked with a ‘Completed’ date, or ‘Score’ or ‘CE Hours’. Note: If any of the Learners are not going to participate in the Item, you would click each applicable ‘Remove’ button, to remove each applicable Learner from the selected item. To the left of each Learner’s name, click the checkbox for each of the Learners that you want to add a Completed date, Score, Contact Hours and/or CE Hours for. The example below shows that two Learners are marked for updates for the selected item. There are two ways to add the ‘Completed’ date. If the item was completed on today’s date, you can click the ‘Comp’ column text box, and today’s date displays in the ‘Completed’ column and a checkmark displays in the ‘Comp’ column. In the example below, the ‘Comp’ column was selected, and today’s date displays in the ‘Completed’ column and a checkmark in the ‘Comp’ column. If the date is different than today’s date, type the date in the ‘Completed’ column. And when you click away, a checkmark displays in the ‘Comp’ column as shown in the example below. If applicable, you can add ‘Scores’ and ‘Hours’ as applicable to the right of each Learner’s name listed on the left. Make sure each name has a checkmark to its left that you want to add/edit a completion date, score, or hours to.The example below shows that two Learners had scores added to the selected Item. Click the Save Changes button on the right. Notice because we added ‘Completed’ dates, that two of the Learners now display a ‘Reschedule’ button for their items. Tip: You can continue to make changes for the Learners assigned to the selected item, and/or open another Item.Hiding and Redisplaying Hidden Items (Recurring)With Ontrack you can view multiple occurrences of a single Item. This may become necessary if you have a recurring item that must be completed monthly, annually, etc. However, you may not want to view all occurrences of a particular Item. In that case you can hide some items so that they will not display when viewing a list of a learner’s Items. Steps to Hide an Item from One or More LearnersFrom the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Ontrack — Item Enrollment.Enter the Training Item (e.g., Orientation to Med/Surg)Click the Select button. A table of ‘Scheduled Learners’ for the selected item displays. Click the Hide button across from the name of one of the Learners to hide that Learner’s item. The selected row for the Learner disappears. Click the Save Changes button.Redisplaying Hidden Items Hidden items can be unhidden as needed. Steps to Redisplay Hidden Items:From the menu bar, select Classes & Events — Ontrack — Item Enrollment.From the ‘Training Item’ drop-down, select the item you want to use the “hide” items for. Note: If you want to find a specific item and you know the date of the training, enter the date to narrow your search. You must use both the Start Date and End Date.Click the Select button to display all Learners currently enrolled in the item.Click the Hide button to the right of a Leaner that you want to hide. The page refreshes and the name is removed from view. You can continue to ‘hide’ and Learner that has completed the selected item. If you want to redisplay the hidden items, click to select the ‘Show hidden Items’ checkbox. Click the Refresh button to redisplay all hidden items. The example below shows the one Learner we had hidden, now redisplays. If you want to save the table, click the Save Changes button. If you want to rehide, click any Display buttons to the right of each Learner you want to re-hide and click the Save Changes button. ................

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