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Welcome to First Grade!!!

Dear Parents,

First grade is a wonderfully unique and exciting year for the children (as well as for the parents.) I am thrilled to have the opportunity to teach your little one and to be part of their development as learners. Mrs. Doraz is in our room this year assisting me with teaching and providing support with various reading & math interventions. We are most fortunate to have her with us.

The greatest learning experience in first grade is the reading. I will use big books, poems, pocket chart activities, multiple copy books and real literature from my classroom library as motivating sources to get my first graders excited about reading. I have a wonderful challenge ahead of me and I can not do it without your help. You can reinforce your child’s reading progress by reading together daily. When your child reads to you and when you read to them a lot happens! Skills get reinforced, practice in fluency occurs, discussions take place, and some quality time together over a book hopefully becomes a favorite past time. Also don’t forget the importance you play in being a role model- If your child catches you enjoying reading they’re likely to become a book-lover too!

When your child reads it is so important to commend them on their job. Positive reinforcement goes a long way! I will be sending helpful tips and things to consider specific to reading in my upcoming letters. I will also let you know what we are working on in all areas so that you can be in the “know.” Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Use the body of your school newsletter to keep parents apprised of major assignments and class events, as well as of any school district news. Share news for specific grade levels, and tell parents about upcoming events, new faculty, and school policies. You can also provide explanations of how projects and daily work conform to the state standards.

The purpose of a newsletter is to provide specialized information to a targeted audience. A school newsletter can be a great way to develop a strong relationship with parents.

First choose a short title for your newsletter— something like "School News," or “Back to School.” As you choose the title, also take time to think about the newsletter’s theme. What important messages do you want to send parents and families?

Next, establish how much time and money you can spend on your newsletter. These factors will help determine how frequently you publish the newsletter and its length.


Organization 2

Snack information 2

Food Guidelines 2

Lunch Information 2

Book Orders 3

Calling All Volunteers 3

Homework 3

Attendance 3

Pick Up Procedure 3

Specials 4

Toys Stay @ home 4

Back To School Night 4

Communication Plan 4

Sept. 3, 2013


I have really enjoyed getting to know my students. They are learning the routine and adjusting to a full day schedule. They are all very cute and eager and energetic! There are 9 boys and 9 girls. There is a very good chance we may get a new student or two over the course of the year so I’ll keep you posted.

In the coming days I will discover what some of my little ones need and get a handle on their reading readiness skills and math skills. I will continuously make observations on their listening skills, ability to sit and sustain attention as we begin to develop independent work habits. From time to time throughout the year, concerns may arise. I will notify you and I encourage you to meet with me so we can get together early to resolve things. Your child is an individual and will progress at his/her rate. Please do not compare your child with other siblings or neighborhood children. A reluctant reader or writer in first grade isn’t an indicator of problems. They will grow up and shine!

Next, establish how much time and money you can spend on your newsletter. These factors will help determine how frequently you publish the newsletter and its length.

Use the body of your school newsletter to keep parents apprised of major assignments and class events, as well as any of school district news. Also share news for specific grade levels, and tell parents about upcoming events, new faculty, and school policies.

News From Mrs. Figurelli

What a SWEET Class I have this year!!!

“School is a place to practice, not a place to be perfect.”

Each child is responsible for his / her own nutritional snack each day. (Candy is not permitted as a snack) A little something to drink and nibble on in 10 minutes is what I’m looking for. We will have snack in the afternoon around 1:40!

Help your child or allow them to know what their snack is and what their lunch is so that they aren’t confused. Some kids in the past have come in with “Thanksgiving spreads!” If you have a pokey eater or a picky eater with too many choices they feel they need to eat all that mommy or daddy packed- it takes too long. Many thanks for your help.

During snack I like to read to them from a chapter book. We have started the very fun and popular, “Junie B. First Grader At Last.” I’m looking forward to making connections with the book and my students’ first grade experiences.

send parents and families?

Next, establish how much time and money you can spend on your newsletter. These factors will help determine how frequently you publish the newsletter and its length.

Use the body of your school newsletter to keep parents apprised of major assignments and class events, as well as of any school district news.



Upcoming Events

□ No school 9/5 for Rosh Hashanah

□ Open House.9/10

□ School Pictures-


*Due to the increasing number of students experiencing food allergies, the elementary schools adopted managed food guidelines:

Parents will receive prior notification of any activities/ parties involving food products.

Food will not be part of birthday celebrations. You may not bring in cupcakes and treats for your child’s birthday as we have been able to in the past. Please know that we understand the significance of birthdays and we will acknowledge each little one’s day in a special way!


send parents and families?

Next, establish how much time and money you can spend on your newsletter. These factors will help determine how frequently you publish the newsletter and its length.

Use the body of your school newsletter to keep parents apprised of major assignments and class events, as well as of any school district news.


First grade will have lunch this year at 11:30-12:00. If you are interested in putting money towards their lunch “debit card” go online. Many families find it easy to send their child to school with a check and I’ll get it to the café. They will put it on your child’s account that way too.

The cards stay in school and can be used to buy milk and / or lunch but not ice cream.

The café will notify you if your child has overdrawn with a note through “back pack express.”

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*Please label all of your child’s belongings.

*Each child will need to bring a book bag or backpack to school every day. I would also encourage each child to use a two pocket folder to transport notices / school work etc. in. Both the book bag and folder idea have been “field tested and truly work since goodies will come home daily!

*They need to return their folder to school each day. Please use this as a place to transport notes from home, pick up notes etc. from you.

*NO need for binder notebooks. I know they want them but they are often too bulky and take up room in their backpacks.

important messages do you want to send parents and families?

Next, establish how much time and money you can spend on your newsletter. These factors will help determine how frequently you publish the newsletter and its length.

Use the body of your school newsletter to keep parents apprised of major assignments and class events, as well as of any school district news.

Lunch: (Tables 5 and 6)

News from Room 21

Mrs. Figurelli

Your child will have the opportunity to order books through our chosen book club each month.

When ordering- it would be most helpful if you ordered on line by using the code that I placed on the book order.

Please do not feel any obligation to order. This is just a fun way to add to your child’s reading library at home- try different genres-find reading material more suitable for their level and boost their interests. When kids get to pick out what interests them they are more invested in those reading opportunities! I attached the Sept orders if you are interested. Due by 9/10


I welcome your help this year in room 6! The biggest help is from the home front- but in the classroom I’d love your support. A volunteer notice may have come home with your Ryerson packet before school. This will describe all the fun little ways you can help out at school. I’ll ask for volunteers at my Back To School Night for your help in room 6.

As of right now, I still need to draw two names by a lottery system in front of the kids and notify the office of my ROOM MOM names. If you are interested please jot me a note or an email.

Volunteers in the classroom!!!

Each day I take attendance to be sure all my students came to school. I will be in my room while kids arrive between 8:30-8:50. If your child comes to school after 8:50 a.m. they are to be listed tardy. Also take note that if your child is a pick up before 3:25 pm they will be marked as “dismissed early.”

Pick Up notes :

It is very important that you write a note for your child if they are going to be a pick up on a given day. Please include the date, approximate time and who will be getting them. I can not take a first graders’ word that they are a pick up. I am directed to keep to the usual dismissal plan for each kid’s plan unless I am notified of a change. If you get your child before the end of the day go to the office and they will call me and ask for your child. If you are picking up at normal dismissal time you need to go to the pick up room and wait in line. I can not dismiss anyone directly from the classroom.


Your child will have homework sent home weekly. This will begin in September. Typically it is sent home on Mondays or Tuesdays and is meant to be completed and returned on the next Monday giving you the weekend time as well. I thank you in advance for your help and support in establishing good working habits. Part of their homework is remembering to bring their library book back on time so they can exchange it for a new one. They are also expected to read or be read to as often as possible.

I will use a homework folder to transport the papers or packet each week. In the folder will also be a reading log that I’d like for you to note what you /your child read.



Mrs. Figurelli

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News From Room 21


I will connect with you all soon with a short phone call to let you know how your child is settling in and give you a chance to ask me any specific questions you my have. I’ll write again soon with more tidbits of information for you. I am going to make every effort to send weekly updates home to keep you up to date with our units, projects, etc. I will create a more detailed newsletter monthly and post it on the Madison website. Please check this website regularly!

If you ever have a question or concern please do not hesitate to use my voice mail 245-6475 ext. 7247 or send a note through “backpack express” I can also be reached at: figurellij@madison.k12.ct.us

I will certainly get back to you as soon as I can. Please note that if you leave me a voice mail I won’t get it until the end of the day around 4 and 5 o’clock.

I look forward to working with you and most importantly making this year a fun and positive learning experience for your child.

Sincerely, Mrs. Figurelli[pic]

Monday--------- -Physical Education


Wednesday------World Language

Thursday---------Physical Education


PE with Mrs. Jarvis Music with Mrs. Soderberg Art with Mrs. Smith

Library with Mr. Wiggins-Strada (TBD) World Language with Senora Kelly

Computer lab with Mrs. Fig & Mrs. Nuzzo (TBD)

Communication Is Very Important!

Please do not send your child to school with toys, stuffed animals, trading cards or balls from home. I would feel badly if these items became lost or broken. It’s very difficult to monitor the trading of cards so I would like to strongly urge the boys and girls to keep their special collections at home and do trading when they are not in school preferably at home or in your presence.

Back To School Night: Sept.10th

This is a scheduled night for parents only to come and visit the school and meet me in room 6 and hear what is in store for your first grader. This is going to be a busy year! Come and get the opportunity to ask general questions. If you aren’t able to make it I will send home all the handouts from that evening with your child the next day.

News From Room 21

Our SPECIALS for this year are as scheduled:

Toys / Things From Home Need to stay home:


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Mrs. Figurelli

New Students


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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