The Primary Script Checklist

NAME: ________________________ CLINIC:___________________________

Date Started:_____________________ Date Completed:____________________

INSTRUCTION: This is a course checklist. Print it. As you complete each step of the course initial the first line and date the second line. When you complete the course fax, mail or scan and email this checklist with the Attestation for Certification and (Optional) your Success Story to the Course Supervisor at David Singer Enterprises.

PROGRESS: Initials Date

1. READ: How To Take This Course ______ ______


A. STUDY: Chiropractic Basic Words ______ ______

B. QUIZ: Chiropractic Basic Words Quiz ______ ______

C. DRILL: Chiropractic Basic Words ______ ______

3. WATCH: Dr Singer’s Introduction to the Primary Script

Video ______ ______

4. QUIZ: Dr Singer’s Primary Script Video Intro Quiz ______ ______

5. READ: Why Cleanse Your Body ______ ______

6. QUIZ: Why Cleanse Your Body Quiz ______ ______

7. READ: Stress And Adrenal Gland Function ______ ______

8. QUIZ: Stress And Adrenal Gland Function Quiz ______ ______

9. WATCH: The Two Videos of Dr. Singer Using

The Primary Script ______ ______

10. QUIZ: Two Videos of Dr Singer Using The Primary

Script Quiz ______ ______

11. READ: Summary of the Four Adrenal Hormones ______ ______

12. READ: The Primary Script ______ ______

13. READ: The Primary Script Drilling Section Introduction ______ ______

14. READ: The Primary Script Script Learning Drill

Instructions ______ ______

15. READ: The Primary Script Script Learning Drill

Instructions ______ ______

16. DRILL: The Primary Script Script Learning Drill 1 ______ ______

17. DRILL: The Primary Script Script Learning Drill 2 ______ ______

18. QUIZ: The Primary Script Quiz ______ ______

19. READ: Additional Notes About The Primary Script ______ ______

20. READ: The Primary Script Advanced Script Training

Section Introduction ______ ______

21. DRILL: The Primary Script Advanced Script Drill 1 ______ ______

22. DRILL: The Primary Script Advanced Script Drill 2 ______ ______

23. WATCH: The Two Videos of Dr. Singer Using

The Primary Script ______ ______

24. READ: The Primary Script Drill Instructions ______ ______

25. DRILL: The Primary Script ______ ______



PRIMARY SCRIPT. ______ ______

27. DO: THE FINAL PRACTICAL ______ ______


SUPERVISOR AT supervisor@ ______ ______


A. SIGN The Attestation For Certification Form ______ ______

B. OPTIONAL: Write a Success Story. ______ ______

C. Send this Checklist, the Attestation for Certification Form and optional Success Story to the Course Supervisor at David Singer Enterprises. You may fax them, mail them or scan and email them. You will be sent a PRIMARY SCRIPT COURSE COMPLETION CERTIFICATE.

How To Take This Course

This course is designed to train you on how to successfully apply the Primary Script. It takes between 6 and 12 hours to do properly. It is essential that you study this material intensively. You should set aside an entire weekend from 9:30am-5:30pm, Saturday and the same for Sunday. The course is best completed seven days after starting it in order to get the results expected.

To be successful with this program you must understand the procedures and be able to carry them out yourself. To get this result you will be required to read certain materials, watch videos, take quizzes on what you have learned to make sure you understand what you read, and practice certain steps to increase your skill in using the materials.

You will need someone with whom to work with while doing this course. There are a number of drills that need to be done and you cannot do the drills by yourself, you need someone to work with you. This person can either just work with you on the drills or can do the entire course with you to also achieve its full result.

It would be best if you work together with another person from the clinic. If the doctor or staff member you can work with has done this course already, they would benefit from the refresher. If you have no office staff to do this with, you can do it with a spouse, family member or friend. If the person you are working with is someone who does not work in or occasionally help out the clinic then it would probably be best if they simply help with the drills and not do the full course. But that is something you should decide between you.


1. If you have questions on anything, email your questions to:

Supervisor@ marked “urgent” or fax your questions to David Singer Enterprises at 727-449-1353 addressed “Attention Supervisor – Urgent.”

2. No alcohol or drugs should be used 24 hours before and during this course unless prescribed for a particular ailment.

3. Be sure to be well rested. When you get tired, finish the step you are on and then take a break until you are again well rested.

4. No eating or drinking is allowed while studying this course. When you need to eat or drink finish the step you are on, take a break and come back to the course when you are done.

5. You can use the rest room anytime.

6. If you encounter a word you do not understand or do not understand how it is being used in the context you find it, look it up in a dictionary and sort it out before you go on.

Primary Script Training

Chiropractic Basic Words Section

Purpose of this section:

The purpose of this section is to help the person taking the course understand what he/she will be reading or watching. It will also to provide the doctor or staff member with simple explanations that can be given to prospects.

How to do this section:

This section has three parts.

The student is to read through the basic words and their definitions.

The second part is a quiz on the words. The quiz is multiple choice. If you answer them all correctly you can go onto the next part. If you miss one or more questions you will be returned to the words and definitions to restudy after which you can do the quiz again.

The last part is done with another person. The person asking the questions is the “coach” and the person answering is the “student.” The coach asks the student the definition of one of the words on the list, and the student gives it. The answer does not have to be word-for-word; but the concept must be correct and understandable to someone who knows nothing about it.

If the student gets a definition that is incorrect or unclear, the coach shows him the definition. The coach then has the student explain the definition in his own words. Once the student has it in his own words, the coach re-asks the question. The coach then continues with the next word. Once the student has finished the drill, start again from the beginning.

The student is done with the drill when he can give all the definitions correctly in easily understandable terms, from the first to the last, without missing any.

The point of this drill is not to just memorize the definition of the words. It is to help the student achieve a working understanding of the words and be able to explain them to someone else.


In the course of reading the words and their definitions, if you come across any word in the definitions you do not understand, stop and get it defined in a dictionary. Then continue reading the answer.

The Primary Script

Chiropractic Basic Words

1. Primary – Primary is the person or thing that is first in rank or importance over all others of the same type of thing.

2. Chiropractic – Chiropractic is a drug-free, non-surgical method of treating or preventing health problems by removing pressure on nerves that can occur as the result of misaligned segments of the spine.

3. Nerve – A nerve is a long, cable-like line that runs through the body. Certain nerves notify the brain of problems in the body (with pain), and others carry signals that control functions of the body.

4. Health – Health is a state of optimum physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.

5. Wellness – Wellness is the quality or state of being in good health, free or recovered from disease or infirmity, especially when it is a goal one actively seeks to achieve or maintain.

6. Disease – A disease is an abnormal condition of the body in which certain symptoms appear as the result of abnormal or lost functions.

7. Symptom – A symptom is a reaction that indicates the presence of a bodily disorder.

8. Fatigue – Fatigue is weariness, lack of energy or exhaustion from labor, exertion or stress.

9. Irritable – Irritable is when one is capable of being easily provoked to impatience, anger or displeasure.

10. Hormone – A hormone is a substance that is made by one part of the body but affects another part of the body. Hormones usually travel in the bloodstream.

11. Allergy – An allergy is an abnormal reaction of the body to a normally innocent substance such as dust, pollen or certain foods. Reactions can be itchy eyes, a runny nose, skin rashes, diarrhea, etc.

12. Trauma – A trauma is any injury to the body, even one that would be considered minor.

13. Stress – Stress is anything physical, chemical or emotional to which the body cannot easily adapt.

14. Adrenal Glands – The adrenal glands are the stress glands of the body. The adrenal glands are two almond shaped glands that sit above the kidneys. When the environment is hostile these glands secrete hormones to prepare the body for the temporary emergency.

15. Adrenaline – Adrenaline is the "fight or flight" hormone, and plays a central role in the short-term stress reaction. It is released from the adrenal glands when danger threatens or in an emergency.

16. Estrogen – Estrogen is the female sex hormone. Men also have it but in a much smaller amount.

17. Progesterone – Progesterone is the female hormone which controls the menstrual cycle, the changes to the body which allow conception to occur, the changes of the mother’s body through the pregnancy and prepares it for birth.

18. Testosterone – Testosterone is the male sex hormone. Women also have it but in a much smaller amount.

19. Arthritis – Arthritis is a joint disease caused by trauma to the joints marked by inflammation or the buildup of calcium deposits that reduce the mobility of the joint and cause pain.

20. Immunity – immunity is the ability of the body to resist disease.

21. Pollution – Pollution is any man-made harmful substance in water, air, food, the soil or the environment.

22. Cleansing – Cleansing is the action of getting rid of impurities by or as if by washing.

23. Liver Cleansing (Also called Nutritional Cleansing) – Liver cleansing uses herbs, vitamins, minerals and lots of water to remove the harmful impurities from the body while promoting sustained weight loss if necessary.

24. Toxic – Toxic is anything that is poisonous or contains something that is poisonous.

25. Chemical – A chemical is a substance that is composed of or reacts with other substances.

26. Close – The close is the ending of a discussion by bringing it to the final result, such as getting the prospect to schedule an appointment or buy a product or service.

27. Musculoskeletal – Musculoskeletal is anything of, relating to or involving both the muscles and the skeleton. For example, this would include anything to do with joints.

28. Cholesterol – Cholesterol is substance found widely in animal and plant tissues. It is a main component of cell walls and the fluid part of blood and is an important building block of many hormones. Higher than normal amounts of cholesterol in the blood are associated with higher risk for developing coronary artery disease and hardening of the arteries.

29. Diabetes – Diabetes is a disease characterized by disordered metabolism and high blood sugar resulting from either low levels of the hormone insulin or from abnormal resistance to insulin’s effects. Diabetes can cause a number of problems including blindness, kidney failure and poor healing of wounds leading to infection and amputation.

30. Insulin Insulin is a hormone whose presence informs the body’s cells that the body is well fed, causing liver and muscle cells to take in blood sugar and store it, and also causing fat cells to increase.



Chiropractic Basic Words Quiz

Multiple Choice

In this section you will pick the correct definition of the words you have studied from the multiple-choice of answers.

Note: The correct definition is the one given in the word list you studied in the previous part. There may be other definitions for the words given which can be found in dictionaries but they are not the definitions that will be used in the materials of this course.

1. What is the definition of “primary?”

1. Primary is the first in order or time of development. The original version of anything.

2. Primary is the person or thing that is first in rank or importance over all others of the same type of thing.

3. Primary is celestial object around which other objects orbit. It is the center of a celestial system.

2. What is Chiropractic?

1. A drug-free, non-surgical method of treating or preventing health problems by removing pressure on nerves that can occur as the result of misaligned segments of the spine.

2. A drug-free, non-surgical physical therapy to increase range of motion to segments of the spine.

3. A method of treating or preventing health problems by stretching and relaxing the muscles of the neck and back.

3. What is a nerve?

1. A nerve is a long, cable-like line that makes a person nervous. Certain nerves give the brain nervous problems and others make nervous functions of the body.

2. A Nerve is a long, cable-line like that comes from the brain and causes most mental illness affects functions of the body.

3. A nerve is a long, cable-like line that runs through the body. Certain nerves notify the brain of problems in the body (with pain), and others carry signals that control functions of the body.

4. What is health?

1. Health is when you are fit, trim and look good.

2. Health is a state of optimum physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.

3. Health is a state of being free from disease or infirmity.

5. What is wellness?

1. Wellness is the quality or state of being in good health, free or recovered from disease or infirmity, especially when it is a goal one actively seeks to achieve or maintain.

2. Wellness is a quality or state of having an affluence of money, more than the average person in your area.

3. Wellness is the quality or state of being calm and relaxed, especially after going through a period of stress.

6. What is a disease?

1. A disease is an illness that a person gets from eating the wrong foods or being out in bad weather. It is the result of bacteria or a virus.

2. A disease is an abnormal condition of the body in which certain symptoms appear as the result of abnormal or lost functions.

3. A disease is the symptoms a person gets when they aren’t healthy.

7. What is a symptom?

1. A symptom is a reaction that indicates the presence of a bodily disorder

2. A symptom is disease such as a headache, fever, runny nose, etc.

3. A symptom is condition of the body for which you take a drug.

8. What is fatigue?

1. Fatigue is the military uniform worn for labor, combat or casual dress.

2. Fatigue is when a metal part is worn out from stress or use.

3. Fatigue is weariness, lack of energy or exhaustion from labor, exertion or stress.

9. What is the definition of “irritable?”

1. Irritable is a condition of the bowel when it is prone to gas, diarrhea and being painful or otherwise uncomfortable.

2. Irritable is when one is capable of being easily provoked to impatience, anger or displeasure.

3. Irritable is a condition of tissue when it can be easily damaged.

10. What is a hormone?

1. A hormone is substance you can take to change your body’s function. You may take it through the mouth or have it injected with a needle but in gets into your blood.

2. A hormone is a substance that is made by one part of the body but affects another part of the body. Hormones usually travel in the bloodstream.

3. A hormone is a substance that is secreted into your blood that affects you attitude and which affects women more than it does men.

11. What is an allergy?

1. An allergy is the normal reaction of the body to pollen, dust, mold or certain foods. Reactions can be itchy eyes, a runny nose, skin rashes, diarrhea, etc.

2. An allergy is itchy eyes, a runny nose, skin rashes, diarrhea, etc. that result from anything other than colds and flu.

3. An allergy is an abnormal reaction of the body to a normally innocent substance such as dust, pollen or certain foods. Reactions can be itchy eyes, a runny nose, skin rashes, diarrhea, etc.

12. What is a trauma?

1. A trauma is any injury to the body, even one that would be considered minor.

2. A trauma is a major life threatening injury to the body that requires immediate medical help and may require surgery or hospitalization.

3. A trauma is a violent or disastrous event that can cause a prolonged negative emotional reaction, even when that emotional reaction is delayed by day, weeks, months or years.

13. What is stress?

1. Stress is any force applied to a structure or mechanical part. Stress it the primary cause of wear and breakdown of structures or machinery.

2. Stress is also any situation or circumstance that the person can’t handle as well as they would like.

3. Stress is anything physical, chemical or emotional to which the body cannot easily adapt.

14. What are the adrenal glands?

1. The adrenal glands are the glands that wake you up and give you the energy you need throughout the day.

2. The adrenal glands are the stress glands of the body. The adrenal glands are two almond shaped glands that sit above the kidneys. When the environment is hostile these glands secrete hormones to prepare the body for the temporary emergency.

3. The adrenal glands are the glands attached to the digestive system which convert caffeine and sugar to immediate energy.

15. What is Adrenaline?

1. Adrenaline is the main ingredient in coffee, tea and most carbonated beverages that increases your metabolism and wakes you up.

2. Adrenaline is the "fight or flight" hormone, and plays a central role in the short-term stress reaction. It is released from the adrenal glands when danger threatens or in an emergency.

3. Adrenaline is a drug taken by body builders that makes the body rapidly increase its muscle mass but causes increased aggression.

16. What is estrogen?

1. Estrogen is a medication which handles the effects of menopause.

2. Estrogen is an alcoholic beverage popular with women.

3. Estrogen is the female sex hormone.

17. What is progesterone?

1. Progesterone is the female hormone which controls the menstrual cycle, the changes to the body which allow conception to occur, the changes of the mother’s body through the pregnancy and prepares it for birth.

2. Progesterone is a vitamin in the vitamin D group which promotes the immune system, protects the body from and helps it fight cancer and heart disease.

3. Progesterone is a female hormone which regulates puberty, the menstrual cycle, menopause and the female body through oldage.

18. What is Testosterone?

1. Testosterone is an examination for the ability to create exact musical notes.

2. Testosterone is a hormone produced to increase mental sharpness when faced with situations such as examinations.

3. Testosterone is the male sex hormone.

19. What is Arthritis?

1. Arthritis is the stiffening of the joints brought about as a result of increased age.

2. Arthritis is a joint disease caused by trauma to the joints marked by inflammation or the buildup of calcium deposits that reduce the mobility of the joint and cause pain.

3. Arthritis is an inflammation or stiffening of the joints caused by changed in the weather.

20. What is immunity?

1. The ability of the body to be healthy.

2. The ability for the body to eliminate disease.

3. Having to do with the ability of the body to resist disease.

21. What is Pollution?

1. Pollution is an excess of alcohol consumed well beyond the legal limit.

2. Pollution is the dirty fog around cities and the filth in rivers, stream, lakes and along the coast.

3. Pollution is any man-made harmful substance in water, air, food, the soil or the environment.

22. What is cleansing?

1. Cleansing is the action of getting rid of impurities by or as if by washing.

2. Cleansing is a good scrubbing that makes things clean, bright and orderly.

3. Cleansing is a process that removes the buildup of plaque in blood vessels.

23. What is liver cleansing (also called nutritional cleansing)?

1. Liver cleansing uses herbs, vitamins, minerals and lots of water to prepare a calf’s liver for cooking.

2. Liver cleansing uses herbs, vitamins, minerals and lots of water to remove the harmful impurities from the body while promoting sustained weight loss if necessary.

3. Liver cleansing is a nutritional process using herbs, vitamins, minerals and lots of water to repair the liver damage that occurs from long term consumption of alcohol using herbs, vitamins, minerals and lots of water.

24. What is the definition of “toxic?”

1. Toxic is a therapeutic beverage made of herbs and vitamins.

2. Toxic is anything that is poisonous or anything that contains something that is poisonous.

3. Toxic is anything that is extremely harsh, malicious or harmful.

25. What does “chemical” mean?

1. A chemical is a substance that is composed of or reacts with other substances.

2. A chemical is any substance found in a libratory or a drug store.

3. A chemical is a combination of different electrons and atoms.

26. What is the close?

1. The close brings together all the parts of an activity or conversation.

2. The close is the ending of a discussion by bringing it to the final result, such as getting the prospect to schedule an appointment or buy a product or service.

3. The close is the final step of a process.

27. What does “musculoskeletal” mean?

1. Musculoskeletal is any joint disease including inflammation, stiffness, soreness, pain, dislocation, deformity and arthritis.

2. Musculoskeletal is anything of, relating to or involving both the muscles and the skeleton. For example, this would include anything to do with joints.

3. Musculoskeletal is any therapy or treatment for muscles and the skeleton and would include any care for the joints.

28. What is Cholesterol?

1. Cholesterol is substance found widely in animal and plant tissues. It is a main component of cell walls and the fluid part of blood and is an important building block of many hormones. Higher than normal amounts of cholesterol in the blood are associated with higher risk for developing coronary artery disease and hardening of the arteries.

2. Cholesterol is the fatty substance in food which gives it richness, flavor and body but too much of which causes fatness and obesity leading to heart disease and stroke.

3. Cholesterol is the substance that makes up the walls of blood vessels and when too much is taken in by the body the blood vessel walls thicken to the point the vessels start to close.

29. What is Diabetes?

1. Diabetes is a disease of over weight people caused by the strain of the excess weight on the heart and other organs leading to overwork and eventual failure of those organs. Diabetes can lead to a number of problems including blindness, kidney failure and poor healing of wounds leading to infection and amputation.

2. Diabetes is a disease caused by poor eating habits and over eating. It causes periodic disorientation and coma. Diabetes can lead to a number of problems including blindness, kidney failure and poor healing of wounds leading to infection and amputation. It is treated with a drug called insulin to which the person will become addicted for life.

3. Diabetes is a disease characterized by disordered metabolism and high blood sugar resulting from either low levels of the hormone insulin or from abnormal resistance to insulin’s effects. Diabetes can cause a number of problems including blindness, kidney failure and poor healing of wounds leading to infection and amputation.

30. What is Insulin?

1. Insulin is an addictive drug that is used to treat overweight people as well as people who have eating disorders. Its presence informs the body’s cells that body is well fed.

2. Insulin is a hormone whose presence informs the body’s cells that the body is well fed, causing liver and muscle cells to take in blood sugar and store it, and also causing fat cells to increase.

3. Insulin is a naturally occurring substance in the body the deficiency or absence of which causes eating disorders leading to overweight and obesity leading eventually to a disease called diabetes.


The Primary Script

Chiropractic Basic Words Drill

This drill part is done with another person. The person asking the questions is the “coach” and the person answering is the “student.” The coach asks the student the definition of one of the words on the list, and the student gives it. The answer does not have to be word-for-word; but the concept must be correct and understandable to someone who knows nothing about it.

If the student gets a definition that is incorrect or unclear, the coach shows him the definition. The coach then has the student explain the definition in his own words. Once the student has it in his own words, the coach re-asks the question. The coach then continues with the next word. Once the student has finished the drill, start again from the beginning.

The student is done with the drill when he can give all the definitions correctly in easily understandable terms, from the first to the last, without missing any.

The point of this drill is not to just memorize the definition of the words. It is to help the student achieve a working understanding of the words and be able to explain them to someone else.

1. Primary – Primary is the person or thing that is first in rank or importance over all others of the same type of thing.

2. Chiropractic – Chiropractic is a drug-free, non-surgical method of treating or preventing health problems by removing pressure on nerves that can occur as the result of misaligned segments of the spine.

3. Nerve – A nerve is a long, cable-like line that runs through the body. Certain nerves notify the brain of problems in the body (with pain), and others carry signals that control functions of the body.

4. Health – Health is a state of optimum physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.

5. Wellness – Wellness is the quality or state of being in good health, free or recovered from disease or infirmity, especially when it is a goal one actively seeks to achieve or maintain.

6. Disease – A disease is an abnormal condition of the body in which certain symptoms appear as the result of abnormal or lost functions.

7. Symptom – A symptom is a reaction that indicates the presence of a bodily disorder.

8. Fatigue – Fatigue is weariness, lack of energy or exhaustion from labor, exertion or stress.

9. Irritable – Irritable is when one is capable of being easily provoked to impatience, anger or displeasure.

10. Hormone – A hormone is a substance that is made by one part of the body but affects another part of the body. Hormones usually travel in the bloodstream.

11. Allergy – An allergy is an abnormal reaction of the body to a normally innocent substance such as dust, pollen or certain foods. Reactions can be itchy eyes, a runny nose, skin rashes, diarrhea, etc.

12. Trauma – A trauma is any injury to the body, even one that would be considered minor.

13. Stress – Stress is anything physical, chemical or emotional to which the body cannot easily adapt.

14. Adrenal Glands – The adrenal glands are the stress glands of the body. The adrenal glands are two almond shaped glands that sit above the kidneys. When the environment is hostile these glands secrete hormones to prepare the body for the temporary emergency.

15. Adrenaline – Adrenaline is the "fight or flight" hormone, and plays a central role in the short-term stress reaction. It is released from the adrenal glands when danger threatens or in an emergency it gives a quick burst of energy.

16. Estrogen – Estrogen is the female sex hormone. Men also have it but in a much smaller amount.

17. Progesterone – Progesterone is the female hormone which controls the menstrual cycle, the changes to the body which allow conception to occur, the changes of the mother’s body through the pregnancy and prepares it for birth.

18. Testosterone – Testosterone is the male sex hormone. Women also have it but in a much smaller amount.

19. Arthritis – Arthritis is a joint disease caused by trauma to the joints marked by inflammation or the buildup of calcium deposits that reduce the mobility of the joint and cause pain.

20. Immunity – immunity is the ability of the body to resist disease.

21. Pollution – Pollution is any man-made harmful substance in water, air, food, the soil or the environment.

22. Cleansing – Cleansing is the action of getting rid of impurities by or as if by washing.

23. Liver Cleansing (Also called Nutritional Cleansing) – Liver cleansing uses herbs, vitamins, minerals and lots of water to remove the harmful impurities from the body while promoting sustained weight loss if necessary.

24. Toxic – Toxic is anything that is poisonous or contains something that is poisonous.

25. Chemical – A chemical is a substance that is composed of or reacts with other substances.

26. Close – The close is ending a discussion by bringing it to the final result, such as getting the prospect to schedule an appointment or buy a product or service.

27. Musculoskeletal – Musculoskeletal is anything of, relating to or involving both the muscles and the skeleton. For example, this would include anything to do with joints.

28. Cholesterol – Cholesterol is substance found widely in animal and plant tissues. It is a main component of cell walls and the fluid part of blood and is an important building block of many hormones. Higher than normal amounts of cholesterol in the blood are associated with higher risk for developing coronary artery disease and hardening of the arteries.

29. Diabetes – Diabetes is a disease characterized by disordered metabolism and high blood sugar resulting from either low levels of the hormone insulin or from abnormal resistance to insulin’s effects. Diabetes can cause a number of problems including blindness, kidney failure and poor healing of wounds leading to infection and amputation.

30. Insulin Insulin is a hormone whose presence informs the body’s cells that the body is well fed, causing liver and muscle cells to take in blood sugar and store it, and also causing fat cells to increase.


Dr. David Singer’s Primary Script Introductory Video Quiz

1) If you meet someone who only has a shoulder pain what would explain to them?

1. You need to explain the merits of exercise and rehab.

2. You would need only explain to them the physical cause of health problems.

3. You must always explain the three components of health.

2) If you meet someone who has digestive or hormonal problems what would you explain to them?

1. You would explain the merits of exercise and rehab.

2. You would explain the subluxation complex as the cause of all health problems.

3. You would explain the three components of health.

3) What are the three components of health?

1. The three components of health are trauma, chemical and stress.

2. The three components of health are nutrition, exercise and adjustments.

3. The three components of health are physical, mental and spiritual.

4) What does Dr. David Singer recommend you know a about if you want to have a wellness approach in your practice?

1. To have a wellness approach in your practice you should learn a bit about nutrition and rehab.

2. To have a wellness approach in your practice you should learn a bit about massage and acupuncture.

3. To have a wellness approach in your practice you should learn about the adrenal glands and about a liver cleanse.

5) On the introductory video, why does Dr. David Singer recommend you use a wellness approach regarding health problems?

1. You can get people coming to you to lose weight, high cholesterol, diabetes and many other health problems which will truly respond better if use a wellness approach to them.

2. Because the additional services of a wellness approach are billable to insurance companies you can increase your income respectfully.

3. The wellness approach to health problems is the principle technique of medical doctors today and by using it you will be more like them.

6) Why is the more confidence you have with the methods of the wellness approach and the more certainty you have when speaking with others important?

1. You will do much better in the upcoming periodic oral exam that are about to become a part of the continuing education requirements for maintaining chiropractic licensing.

2. These come across and that is what helps sign up new patients because they can pick up your confidence, certainty and enthusiasm for what you are in fact telling them

3. By sounding confident and certain it is not necessary to know all the details of what you are talking about or to be accurate or truthful.

Why Cleanse Your Body

By Dr. David Singer

Sometimes we cannot avoid all the harmful chemicals our body is exposed to daily. We absorb into our body from water, food, air and cosmetics many of the over 82,000 chemicals identified as being in them. We truly live in a very toxic world – sometimes referred to as a toxic waste dump. The liver, the main organ that filters toxins from the body, cannot cleanse all these products and impurities out of the body. Highly reactive chemicals called free radicals thus enter the blood stream and destroy cellular activity. The body surrounds free radicals with fat and water to help handle the problems related to the pollution of our bodies.

That is why periodic cleansing makes perfect sense. We have filters to clean our air. We have filters to clean our spas and pools. We have filters to clean our furnace. The question is: what are you doing about your internal filters? That is what cleansing will address – releasing stored waste from the liver, the lymphatic system, the intestinal tract, and the body’s cells. If one removes these impurities, one becomes healthier while losing fat and excess weight. We recommend a 9-day liver cleanse which includes herbs, vitamins, minerals and lots of water. Nutritional cleansing is a way to remove the harmful impurities from the body while promoting sustained weight loss if necessary.

Here are some of the benefits of cleansing:

□ Strengthen the Immune System

□ Healthier Liver Supports Metabolism and Burns Fat

□ Support Healthy Brain Chemistry

□ Restore Antioxidants in the Body

□ Reduce Stress

□ Improve Absorption of Essential Nutrients

□ Aid Digestion

□ Have Healthier Cells With Ionic Minerals

□ Have Better Support of Organs

□ Feel Better and Lose Weight

□ Eliminate Unhealthy Cravings

□ Enhance Cellular Communication

□ Build Muscle

□ Restore Normal Sugar Levels

□ Have More Beautiful Skin

□ Have More Energy

□ Slow Down Aging Effects

□ Have More Balanced Hormones

□ Have Increased Desire to Exercise

□ Enhance Elimination

If you want to know more about cleansing, we have four trainers to help you. Here are the people to call to get help with this program:

Debbie Russell: 727-216-9748

Patty Kozlowski: 631-476-4051 Ext 305

Dr Adam & Ginger Propper: 203-226-1047 or cell # 203-247-1975

Dr Steven Dunbar: 714-923-2220

Why Cleanse Your Body Quiz

1) How many toxic chemicals have been identified as being in our water, food, air and cosmetics?

1. There have been identified over 18,000 toxic chemicals in our water, food, air and cosmetics?

2. There have been identified over 50,000 toxic chemicals in our water, food, air and cosmetics?

3. There have been identified over 80,000 toxic chemicals in our water, food, air and cosmetics?

2) Which body organ is the main filter for cleansing these toxins out of our bodies?

1. The skin is the main filter for cleansing these toxins out of our bodies.

2. The liver is the main filter for cleansing these toxins out of our bodies.

3. The spleen is the main filter for cleansing these toxin out of our bodies.

3) What is the name for the highly reactive chemicals that enter the blood stream and destroy cellular activity?

1. These highly reactive chemicals are called free radicals.

2. These highly reactive chemicals are called alcoholic beverages.

3. These highly reactive chemicals are called aerosols.

4) How does your body protect you from impurities in the body?

1. The body surrounds them with fat and water.

2. The body filters and then flushes them out.

3. The body collects it in the liver keeping it away from the rest of the body.

5) How can you handle the problem of toxins being stored in the body?

1. Flushing out the toxins by drinking lots of water is the most direct was of cleansing out the toxins.

2. A nutritional 9-day liver cleansing which includes herbs, vitamins, minerals and lots of water is a way to remove the harmful impurities.

3. Periodic long saunas while consuming herbs, vitamins, minerals and lots of water.

6) What does nutritional cleansing address?

1. Nutritional cleansing will release stored waste from the liver, the lymphatic system, the intestinal tract, and the body’s cells.

2. Nutritional cleansing will clean out the pores in your skin giving a new look of youth and vitality.

3. Nutritional cleaning with purge the buildup of old partially digested food impacted in the intestines and colon.

7) If one removes these harmful impurities what will be the result?

1. If one removes these impurities, there will be marked deficiencies easily remedied with herbs, vitamins and minerals.

2. If one removes these impurities, one will experience a lightening of the skin, a change or eye color and a shortening in height.

3. If one removes these impurities, one becomes healthier while promoting sustained weight loss by losing fat and excess if necessary.

Stress and Adrenal Gland Function

By Dr. David Singer

The adrenal glands are the stress glands of the body. When the environment is hostile to the body the reaction is to fight or run. Both of these reactions cause the secretion of adrenal gland hormones. These glands, designed to prepare the body for a temporary emergency, can become exhausted and over reactive with prolonged environmental stresses.

The adrenal glands are two almond shaped glands that sit above the kidneys. Most noted for secreting adrenaline, they also secrete numerous other hormones including norepinephrine, cortisol and DHEA to name a few.

These hormones cause the following reactions to prepare you to fight or run:

First, adrenaline makes blood flow toward your muscles, heart and brain away from the skin and digestive track. Then, your heart beats rapidly and forcefully increasing heart rate and blood pressure. While this is happening your eyes dilate and you blood vessels constrict. Finally, the sugar stored in your liver is converted into glucose (blood sugar) for quick energy. All this is to help you fight or run.

The connection between stress and heart disease is that prolonged stress causes the adrenal glands to continue secreting the stress hormones. The long term rapid and forceful heart actions lead to heart disease and the extra blood sent to the heart over time has also been found to be destructive.

The secretion of norepinephrine shuts down the digestive track. You don’t need to digest when you are being attacked, so the body causes either immediate elimination or stops digestion. The results of long term stress can include constipation, diarrhea or any other digestive problem. Further, more than 50% of your protein, B vitamins and vitamin C are not absorbed when you are under stress.

Because the body under stress directs its effort to run or fight, the immune system is suppressed by the adrenal hormone known as cortisol. Research by the National Institute of Health found persons under stress are more susceptible to bacteria and viruses.

Also the hormonal rhythm that leads to sleep is based on the secretion of the adrenal hormone cortisol. When your body feels it is at risk it tries to keep you awake. Sleep problems are a stress reaction. With stress, cortisol levels alter which can cause abnormal sleep behavior.

Finally, these glands secrete DHEA, which is used to create the estrogen, progesterone and testosterone reserves in the body. Because of this when long term stress cause problems with these glands it can lead to PMS, menopausal symptoms, hormonal imbalances and a host of female problems.

Periods of intense or lengthy physical or emotional stress can cause the adrenal glands to become exhausted and weak. Then you can have a condition known as adrenal fatigue, or adrenal exhaustion when these glands become unable to meet your body’s needs.

There are tests for adrenal exhaustion.

A method to test adrenal gland function is called Ragland’s Test. This test can be done in several ways but uses the blood pressure to determine adrenal gland function.

When a person stands up the adrenal glands secret a hormone to raise the blood pressure. Thus, if you test blood pressure, sitting then standing, the systolic pressure should rise at least 5 points. (Systolic is the top figure in the result of a blood pressure test like 120/80, the bottom is the diastolic blood pressure.) From lying down, not sitting, to standing it normally rises 15 points. If the blood pressure doesn’t rise these amounts, the adrenal glands are weak.

Another test is the Paradoxical Pupillary Reaction Test. Paradoxical is something that is or seems contradictory or backwards. Pupillary is anything of or having to do with the pupils, the opening in the eye that lets in light. So the paradoxical papillary reaction test is a test looking for a reaction of the pupil backwards from what would be expected.

Shine a light continually in the pupil and it should close and contract and stay that way for 30 seconds with a continuous beam of light. If the pupil opens and closes or if it opens and stays open before the 30 seconds are done, then probably the adrenal glands are weak.

A saliva test is much more specific. Saliva samples are taken at the beginning of the day, before lunch, before dinner and before going to bed. An analysis of these will tell you which hormone is low or high and at what times during the day or night.

The best lab to test these glands is Bio Health Laboratories, which can be contacted at 800-570-2000, and found on the net at . Inform them you are a Singer Client and you get a discount on your first test. They send their test kits for free.

However, for routine testing the Ragland’s Test or the Paradoxical Pupillary Reaction Test can suffice.

The remedy for weak adrenal glands would be to eliminate dietary stress in the form of caffeine, tobacco and sugar, all of which force adrenal gland hormone reactions.

Mild exercise relaxes stress.

Also helpful are vitamin B and vitamin C.

I have developed the only chewable, and palatable (sufficiently agreeable in flavor to be eaten) supplement vitamin B complex, vitamin C and every other nutrient that could be found which help strengthen the adrenal glands.


SERVING SIZE: 3 tablets




Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid and zinc ascorbate) 500 mg

Vitamin B1 (as thiamine mononitrate) 40 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 40 mg

Vitamin B3 (as niacinamide) 35 mg

Vitamin B3 (as niacin) 5 mg

Vitamin B5 (as di-calcium pantothenate) 200 mg

Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 40 mg

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 100 mcg

Biotin 1,500 mcg

Folic acid 400 mcg

PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) 100 mcg

Inositol 40 mg

Choline (as choline bitartrate) 40 mg

Zinc (as zinc ascorbate) 5 mg

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) 10 mg

Adrenal gland (cortex) 10 mg

Pregnenolone 50 mcg

Citrus bioflavonoids 100 mg

Siberian ginseng 0.8% extract 50 mg

Rosemary leaf powder 36 mg

Naringin 36 mg

Hesperidin 36 mg

Rutin 10 mg

Echinacea angustifolia root 4% extract 5 mg

Evening primrose oil powder 20 mg

EXCIPIENTS: Mannitol, crystalline fructose, guar gum, natural fruit flavor, beet root, stevia, citric acid, vegetable magne

Price Per Case of 12: $179.40 plus shipping, Wholesale (your price) PER BOTTLE: $14.95, Retail (patient price) PER BOTTLE: $29.95

To Order: call DSE at 800-326-1797

Stress And Adrenal Gland Function Quiz

1. Why are the adrenal glands known as the stress glands of the body?

1. The adrenal glands secrete the hormones that determine your sex and sex is always a very stressful subject.

2. The adrenal glands secrete hormones which prepare the body to handle emergencies.

3. The adrenal glands secrete hormones that relax you after a stressful situation.

2. What are some of the results of long term stress on the heart?

1. The long term rapid and forceful heart actions lead to heart disease and the extra blood sent to the heart over time has also been found to be destructive.

2. Long term stress causes heart strain leading to a high fluttery pulse with low blood pressure.

3. Long term stress causes an enlargement of the heart which over time has been found to be destructive.

3. What are the results of long term stress on the digestive system?

1. Long term stress can lead to deficiencies causing compulsive overeating which leads to the obesity chronic in the US today.

2. The results of long term stress can include stomach ulcers, duodenal (upper small intestines) ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

3. The results of long term stress can include constipation, diarrhea or any other digestive problem. Further, more than 50% of your protein, B vitamins and vitamin C are not absorbed when you are under stress.

4. What is the effect of stress on the immune system?

1. Because the body under stress directs its effort to run or fight, the immune system is suppressed when you are under stress and you are susceptible to bacteria and viruses.

2. Because the body under stress directs its efforts to run or fight, the immune system is strengthened to deal with either.

3. When the body is under stress the immune system becomes misdirected and begins to attack the body resulting in autoimmune diseases such as heart disease and digestive problems.

5. Why does stress affect your sleep pattern?

1. The increased hormone levels during periods of long term stress cause the body to become exhausted leading to deep sound unbroken sleep.

2. During periods of stress your body needs to stay awake to deal with is so the adrenal glands secrete high levels of the hormone cortisol making sleep unnecessary.

3. Your hormonal rhythm that leads to sleep is based on the secretion of the adrenal hormone cortisol. When your body at risk it needs to stay awake to deal with it. With stress, cortisol levels alter which can cause abnormal sleep behavior.

6. How is stress and the adrenal glands related to female problems?

1. In times of stress the adrenal glands secrete hormones to prepare the body for fight or flight. This increase of metabolism increases the efficiency of the female area leading to a decrease in PMS, menopausal symptoms and a host of female problems.

2. The adrenal glands secrete DHEA, which is used to create the estrogen reserves in the body. Because of this when long term stress cause problems with these glands it can lead to PMS, menopausal symptoms and a host of female problems.

3. The adrenal glands control the menstrual cycle, the changes to the body which allow conception to occur, the changes of the mother’s body through the pregnancy and prepares it for birth.

7. What does long term stress do to the adrenal glands themselves?

1. Periods of intense or lengthy physical or emotional stress can cause the adrenal glands to become stronger and to work better just as prolonged exercise strengthens muscles and bones.

2. Periods of intense or lengthy physical or emotional stress can cause the adrenal glands to become exhausted and weak. Then you can have a condition known as adrenal fatigue, or adrenal exhaustion when these glands become unable to meet your body’s needs.

3. Periods of intense or lengthy physical or emotional stress can cause the adrenal glands to deform becoming either larger of quite small. Either condition leads to a weakness of the adrenal glands making them unable to meet your body’s needs.

8. How is the Ragland test done?

1. Saliva samples are taken at the beginning of the day, before lunch, before dinner and before going to bed. An analysis of these will tell you which hormone is low or high and at what times during the day or night.

2. Test blood pressure sitting then standing, the systolic pressure should rise at least 5 points. From lying down, not sitting to standing it normally rises 15 points. If the blood pressure doesn’t rise these amounts, the thyroid gland is weak.

3. Test blood pressure sitting then standing, the systolic pressure should rise at least 5 points. From lying down, not sitting to standing it normally rises 15 points. If the blood pressure doesn’t rise these amounts, the adrenal glands are weak.

9. How is the Paradoxical Pupillary Reaction Test done?

1. Shine a light continually in the pupil and it should close and contract and stay that way for 30 seconds with a continuous beam of light. If the pupil opens and closes or opens and stays open before the 30 seconds are done, probably the adrenal glands are weak.

2. Shine a light continually in the pupil for 30 seconds with a continuous beam of light. If the eye color changes it probably means the adrenal glands are week.

3. Shine a light continually in the pupil for 30 seconds with a continuous beam of light. If the patient’s reaction is to close his eye, even if he manages to keep it open, probably the adrenal glands are weak.

10. If you wanted a more specific test what can you do?

1. A saliva test is much more specific. Saliva samples are taken at the beginning of the day, before lunch, before dinner and before going to bed. An analysis of these will tell you which hormone is low or high and at what times during the day or night.

2. A blood test is much more specific. Blood samples are taken at the beginning of the day, before lunch, before dinner and before going to bed. An analysis of these will tell you which hormone is low or high and at what times during the day or night.

3. A urine test is much more specific. Urine samples are taken at the beginning of the day, before lunch, before dinner and before going to bed. An analysis of these will tell you which hormone is low or high and at what times during the day or night.

11. What is the remedy for weak adrenal glands?

1. The remedy for weak adrenal glands would be to eliminate all stressful people from your life, these are what force adrenals gland hormone reactions.

2. The remedy for weak adrenal glands would be eliminate dietary stress in the form of dairy products, fats and grain starches, particularly wheat, corn, and rice.

3. The remedy for weak adrenal glands would be to eliminate dietary stress in the form of caffeine, tobacco and sugar, all of which force adrenal gland hormone reactions.

12. What sort of exercise relaxes stress?

1. Hard, aggressive exercise relaxes stress.

2. Mild exercise relaxes stress.

3. Doing no exercise at all relaxes stress.

13. Which vitamins are helpful to the adrenal glands?

1. Vitamin E and vitamin D are helpful to the adrenal glands.

2. Vitamin E and vitamin K are helpful to the adrenal glands.

3. Vitamin B and vitamin C are helpful to the adrenal glands.

Dr. David Singer’s Primary Script Demonstrations Videos

We have two videos for you to watch of David doing the Primary Script on different prospects.

In the first video, the person had an immediate answer to the key Primary Script question, “Do you have any health problems that concern you?”

In the second video, the person answered that she thought she was healthy and David questioned her further turning the “no” into a “yes.”

You should watch these videos several times.

Don’t try to write down or memorize the script from the videos. We have the script for you already. Watch the videos to get familiar with the Primary Script and to get a feel for how David handles the prospects.

Pay particular attention to the fact he pays attention to the person to whom he is talking, he listens to what they have to say, he watches their reactions, he is honestly interested in them as people and is talking to them rather than “doing a script.”

You should watch these videos again and again as you continue through the course since as you know more about the Primary Script you will get more out of them.

Dr. David Singer’s Primary Script Demonstration Videos Quiz

1. How does Dr. David Singer introduce himself?

1. Dr. David Singer introduces himself as a chiropractor.

2. Dr. David Singer introduces himself as a wellness consultant.

3. Dr. David Singer introduces himself as representing the Foundation for Wellness Professionals a national non-profit organization.

2. What approach to their health problems does David explain to them?

1. David explains a chiropractic approach to their health problems.

2. David explains a wellness approach to their health problems.

3. David explains a nutritional approach to their health problems.

3. What does David say are the three causes of health problems?

1. Dr. David Singer says the three causes of health problems are: trauma, stress and pollution.

2. Dr. David Singer says the three causes of health problems are: bacteria, viruses and nutritional deficiencies.

3. Dr. David Singer says the three causes of health problems are: physical stress, chemical stress and emotional stress.

4. What does David say is the wellness approach to health problems?

1. The wellness approach to health problems is to rebuild your body to make you a healthier person.

2. The wellness approach to health problems is to align your spine taking pressure off your nerves so your body can heal.

3. The wellness approach to health problems is to address you health problems with nutritional solutions.

Summary of The Four Adrenal Hormones

Each time we have touched upon these hormones there has been some additional data added to the description. This is a summary of all the data we have given you about them. There is a lot more you can learn about them but this is as much as you need to know when talking to prospects. This summary is offered strictly as a review. There will be no quiz on it.

Adrenaline – Adrenaline is the “fight or flight” hormone, when danger threatens or in an emergency it gives a quick burst of energy. Too much makes one jittery. An imbalance of adrenaline will keep you awake at night. Long term secretion can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

Norepinephrine – Norepinephrine is a stress hormone that channels blood away form your digestive system and into your arms and legs. You don’t need to digest when you are being attacked, so the body either causes immediate elimination or stops digestion. The results of long term stress can include constipation, diarrhea or any other digestive problem. Further, more than 50% of your protein, B vitamins and vitamin C are not absorbed when you are under stress.

Cortisol – Cortisol is a hormone produced as a response to stress and increases blood pressure, blood sugar levels and suppresses the immune system. Because the body under stress directs its effort to run or fight, the immune system is suppressed when you are under stress. Research by the National Institute of Health found persons under stress are more susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Your hormonal rhythm that leads to sleep is based on the secretion of the adrenal hormone cortisol. When your body at risk it needs to stay awake to deal with it. With stress, cortisol levels alter which can cause abnormal sleep behavior.

Cortisol is an anti-inflammatory reducing inflammation and swelling. Long term deficiency can give you arthritis-like joint aches as well as other aches and pains.

Cortisol is also enables taking fat out of the body and converting it to blood sugar for quick energy. Without proper cortisol levels you cannot lose weight.

Furthermore, cortisol is known as “the sleep hormone,” because it controls your sleep. When it goes high in the morning you wake up; when it goes low in the evening you go to sleep. An imbalance of cortisol will affect your sleep patterns, keeping you awake at night or making you sleepy when you shouldn’t be sleepy.

DHEA – DHEA is a substance which is converted to produce a number of hormones including testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. A deficiency in the DHEA leads to a deficiency in these hormones and these hormones control the libido and vitality levels of the body. It can also lead to PMS, menopausal symptoms and a host of female problems.

The Primary Script

Step 1

Ask the Primary New Patient Question:

“Do you have any health problems that concern you?”

Prospect responses: “Yes, I do.”

Then ask: “What is it.”

With each problem respond by saying: “I’m sorry to hear that. How long have you had this?”

Response: That is not okay.

Then ask: “How often does it bother you?”

Response: “That is not normal.”

Step 2

Dr.: “Do you have any health problems that concern you?”

Prospect: “No I don’t.”

Dr.: “Well, let me ask you a different question. If you could change or improve anything about your body or health what would you like to change?”

“Do you get fatigued, have hormone problems, allergies, need to lose weight or anything else? If you could improve or change anything about your body or your health what would you like to change or improve?”

Prospect: _________ (Answer)

How long have you had this problem? That is not okay.

How often does it bother you? That is not normal.

Because the person’s first response was “no” to the question, “Do you have any health problems that concern you?” to make sure they understand these problems deserve attention add the following questions.

When it is at its worst what other symptoms do you get with it? For example: irritable, upset, tired, restricted motion, etc. That is something to be concerned about.

How could this problem interfere with your work or social life when it is at its worst?

Do you enjoy work as much?

Would you avoid social activities when your problem is at its worst?

That’s unacceptable.

Step 3

I have a wellness practice. I would like to explain to you how wellness care works.

We believe all health problems have three causes. The first is trauma. We can have falls and accidents that occurred in the past which can cause undetected and long lasting damage not just to muscles but to nerves as well. Nerves control all functions in the body and if they are not working properly, neither will your body.

Second, we have stress which everyone experiences in life. Prolonged stress leads to hormone imbalances related to the stress glands of the body known as the adrenal glands. These glands secrete hormones that control sleep, digestion, weight gain, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, allergies, arthritis, immunity, heart function, fatigue, etc. These glands can be checked and if malfunctioning can be repaired through diet and supplements.

The third factor in illness is pollution of our water, food and air. The US rates 48th in life expectancy. We are on the bottom of the list despite all the drugs we take. There are 82,000 chemicals that can enter your body weekly. To defend against them your body surrounds them in fat. Through a revolutionary nutritional cleansing program you can rapidly reduce these chemicals, lose weight if you need to, and feel great. The average weight loss is 7lbs in 9 days but the program goes way beyond weight loss.

With these three approaches: removing the effects of trauma, eliminating the harmful effects of stress and removing toxic chemicals we get results with problems no one else has helped. I (we) would like to have the opportunity to see if I (we) could help you. To find out, I (we) would like to invite you to receive a free consultation and screening to see if our methods would help you.

The Close

I want to invite you to come to my (our) clinic free of charge for a consultation and screening to see if what I (we) do could help you. The consultation will be more in depth than any consultation you have had and the screening will tell us if I (we) could help you or not.

Again, this would be at no cost.

Would you be willing to give me (us) a chance to help you?

Primary Script Drilling Section Introduction

Purpose of This Section

The purpose of this section is to help the chiropractor or staff member learn the Primary Script in a conversational format.

The Drills

There are three drills you will be doing. Each drill is a bit tougher than the previous drill. It is important that you do each drill until you achieve the required skill. Don’t go to the next drill or section until you have done so. If you skimp on the results of one drill you will have even more trouble with the next drill. This course is for you to achieve the most fundamental skill you need to get all the new patients you want. Don’t shortcut yourself.

How to Do This Section

This section is done with your training partner. The person learning the Primary Script is the “student.” The person helping the student learn the Primary Script is the “coach.”

If this course is being done by two people both training on the course to each get the full result of the course, the drills are done on a turnabout basis. A drill is done with one person being the student and the other the coach until it is complete. Then the roles are reversed with the coach becoming the student and the student becomes the coach. The coach turned student does the drill until it is complete. When starting the next drill the person last the student stays the student and this time goes first in the new drill; the person who was last coach stays the coach for the new drill. This way no one person goes first as student in every drill, but rather the person first to do a new drill goes back and forth between the two of you.

The coach is in charge of the coaching session. The coach starts the drill, calls breaks and determines when a drill is complete or when more work is needed. The coach is there to help the student achieve the required results. The coach is must be firm, but this must be balanced with the student knowing progress is being made. No one gets a drill right the first time. Progress is made as drills are done over and over again, getting better each time.

There will be times when the student will become frustrated. It is at these times when the coach must keep the student on track. It is at these times when the coach must be firm. By all means take a break for a few minutes to calm down if the frustration gets too much, but get back on it quickly and don’t call a major break for a meal or a night’s sleep until the student has a win, achieving something no matter how minor.

Do not forget to have fun. It will be hard work. But never lose sight of the fact you are learning the single most important thing you need to learn to be successful in practice. There is no problem that more new patients won’t solve. And there is no limit to the new patients you can bring into your clinic if you truly learn the Primary Script.


In doing this section, if you come across any word you do not understand, stop and define it in a dictionary before you go on with the materials.

The Primary Script

Script Learning Drill

Purpose of This Drill

The purpose of this drill is to help the chiropractor or staff member learn the Primary Script.

How to Do This Drill

In this drill you are just going through the Primary Script over and over until you can go through it beginning to end without hesitation and without having to think about it. Until you know the Primary Script cold no further progress can be achieved.

You first do Drill 1 which is the script used when the prospect gives you an immediate answer to the key Primary Script question, “Do you have any health problems that concern you?” When you have completed Drill 2 to the full result go onto Drill 2. Drill 2 which is the script used when the prospect answers the key Primary Script question with “no.”

You can be standing or seated. The coach either has a printout of the Script Drill as written below or is positioned to see the Script Drill on a monitor. The student does not have a printout of the Primary Script or is positioned so as to not be able to see monitor.

The coach starts the drill. The student says his lines, and the student responds as listed. The student’s answers do not have to be word-for-word; use your own words but just the concept must be correct.

If the student gets a line wrong, or if the student hesitates or stumbles around with what to say next, the coach shows him or her the script. The coach then says the line before the one the student had trouble with and the student continues from there. Once the student has finished going through the entire Primary Script, they start again from the beginning.

Completing the Drill

The student is done with each part of the drill when he or she can do the entire Primary Script correctly from beginning to end smoothly and sounding natural.

The Primary Script

Script Drill 1


Do you have any health problems that concern you?


Yes, I do.


What is it?


I have low back pain


I’m sorry to hear that. How long have you had this?


Probably about four years.


That’s a long time. If I had it going on that long it certainly wouldn’t be okay with me. I’m sure it’s not okay with you. Is it?


No, it’s not.


How often does it bother you?


Once every three day.


That’s really not normal. These things should go away go away in a few days and not come back. It’s not normal to come back every few days for years. Would you agree?


Yes. I do.


When it is at its worst what other symptoms do you get with it? For example: irritable, upset, tired, restricted motion, etc.


Well I do have restricted motion and it makes me tired.


That is something to be concerned about. How could this problem interfere with your work or social life when it is at its worst?


I have to be careful about what I do at work. I can’t work as fast as I used to. I get done what I have to get done, but I don’t do that extra that my boss loves.


That’s not good. Do you enjoy work as much?


No it’s really taken the fun out of work.


That’s not okay. Would you avoid social activities when your problem is at its worst?


Oh yes. When it’s at its worst I am not in the mood to socialize.


That’s unacceptable. I take a wellness approach to health problems. Can I explain to you how wellness care works?




We believe all health problems have three causes. The first is trauma. We can have falls and accidents that occurred in the past which can cause undetected and long lasting damage not just to muscles but to nerves as well. Nerves control all functions in the body and if they are not working properly, neither will your body.

Does that make sense to you?


Yes it does.


Second, we have stress which everyone experiences in life. Prolonged stress leads to hormone imbalances related to the stress glands of the body known as the adrenal glands. These glands secrete hormones to help you deal with any emergency or stressful situation. If they were working too hard you would not be able to sleep.

Also these hormones control digestion, weight gain, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, allergies, arthritis, immunity, heart function, fatigue, etc. One of these hormones is cortisol. Cortisol is known as “the sleep hormone,” because it controls your sleep. When it goes high in the morning you wake up; when it goes low in the evening you go to sleep. If your adrenal glands are weak you can get an imbalance and an imbalance of cortisol will affect your sleep patterns, keeping you awake at night or making you sleepy when you shouldn’t be sleepy. This could be a problem with you. Does that make sense?


It does.


These glands might have something to do with your health problems, but they can be checked and if malfunctioning can be repaired through diet and supplements.


That’s good.


The third factor in illness is pollution of our water, food and air. The US rates 48th in life expectancy. We are on the bottom of the list despite all the drugs we take. There are 82,000 chemicals that can enter your body weekly. One of the most sensitive organs in your body to chemicals is your brain. If you have a lot of toxic chemicals floating through your body, you cannot relax. It could be a related factor. I do a nutritional cleansing program that washes out these chemicals and pushes a lot of vitamins and minerals in. The most common thing I hear from patients afterwards is that they are sleeping better. There is a side effect though – you will lose weight. It’s a 9 day cleans and the average weight loss is 7lbs but the program goes way beyond weight loss.


I wouldn’t mind that.


With these three approaches: removing the effects of trauma, eliminating the harmful effects of stress and removing toxic chemicals we get results with problems no one else has helped. I (we) would like to have the opportunity to see if I (we) could help you. To find out we invite you to receive a free consultation and screening to see if our methods would help you.

I want to invite you to come to my (our) clinic free of charge for a consultation and screening to see if what I (we) do could help you. The consultation will be more in depth than any consultation you have had and the screening will tell us if I (we) could help you or not.

Again, this would be at no cost.

Would you be willing to give me (us) a chance to help you?


I would.


Great. Let’s schedule you to come to my (our) office. What do you prefer, mornings or afternoons?


Mornings are better.


All right. How about (day) at (time)? I don’t have my schedule with me but that time should be open. If not, I’ll give you a call tomorrow to reschedule.


That sounds good.


Great. Can I have your cell phone and home numbers in order to confirm this with you?


The Primary Script

Script Learning Drill 2


Do you have any health problems that concern you?


No I don’t.


Well, let me ask you a different question. If you could change or improve anything about your body or health what would you like to change?

Do you get fatigued, have hormone problems, allergies, need to lose weight or anything else? If you could improve or change anything about your body or your health what would you like to change or improve?


I would like to be able to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


When your head does hit the pillow how long does it take you to fall asleep?


It takes maybe an hour for my body to stop working.


That’s not good. How long has this been going on?


On and off for years, maybe eight or ten years.


That’s a long time. If this was a problem that lasted a few days that would be something you would say is okay. But for this to go on year after year it certainly wouldn’t be okay with me. I’m sure it’s not okay with you. Is it?


It can be daily. It can be weekly. It can act up a couple times a week. But, it happens at least once a week, every week.


That’s quite a bit. I know you didn’t think of it as a health related problem, but for me it is. That’s because sleep is essential for your body to repair and sleep affects your immune system. So sleep is a health related problem. But it definitely isn’t normal for you to lie down and not be able to sleep. Would you agree it’s not normal and it certainly wouldn’t indicate a normal body? Would you agree?


I do now.


When it is at its worst what other symptoms do you get with it? For example: are you tired the next day, irritable, upset, etc.


If I don’t get enough sleep I can be tired and irritable.


That is something to be concerned about. How could this problem interfere with your work or social life when it is at its worst?


When I’m tired at work I have trouble figuring things out and I really don’t have the patience I need with co-workers and clients.


That’s not good. Do you enjoy work as much?


No. It’s no fun at all. It becomes work.


That’s not okay. Would you avoid social activities when your problem is at its worst?


I don’t want to socialize as late as I used to because I need to allow extra time to get to sleep.


That’s unacceptable.

I have a wellness practice. I would like to explain to you how wellness care works.

We believe all health problems have three causes. The first is trauma. We can have falls and accidents that occurred in the past which can cause undetected and long lasting damage not just to muscles but to nerves as well. Nerves control all functions in the body and if they are not working properly, neither will your body. Nerves can have a lot to do with your ability to sleep. From traumas people can store a lot of tension in their bodies and that tension can make it difficult for you to sleep.

Does that make sense to you?


It does.


Second, we have stress which everyone experiences in life. Prolonged stress leads to hormone imbalances related to the stress glands of the body known as the adrenal glands. These glands secrete hormones that control sleep, digestion, weight gain, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, allergies, arthritis, immunity, heart function, fatigue, etc. In particular cortisol is known as “the sleep hormone,” because it controls your sleep. When it goes high in the morning you wake up; when it goes low in the evening you go to sleep. An imbalance of cortisol will affect your sleep patterns, keeping you awake at night or making you sleepy when you shouldn’t be sleepy. This could have a lot to do with your problem.


I do have a crash period after I eat food.


These glands might have something to do with your health problems, but they can be checked and if malfunctioning can be repaired through diet and supplements.


That’s good.


The third factor in illness is pollution of our water, food and air. The US rates 48th in life expectancy. We are on the bottom of the list despite all the drugs we take. There are 82,000 chemicals that can enter your body weekly. To defend against them your body surrounds them in fat. These chemicals accumulating in your body can contribute to your pains and can keep you from healing. Through a revolutionary nutritional cleansing program you can rapidly reduce these chemicals, lose weight if you need to, and feel great. The average weight loss is 7lbs in 9 days but the program goes way beyond weight loss.


I wouldn’t mind that.


With these three approaches: removing the effects of trauma, eliminating the harmful effects of stress and removing toxic chemicals we get results with problems no one else has helped. I am not sure which of these three are related to your problem, I am suspicious all three are. I (we) would like to have the opportunity to see if I (we) could help you. To find out I (we) would like to invite you to receive a free consultation and screening to see if our methods would help you.

I want to invite you to come to my (our) clinic free of charge for a consultation and screening to see if what I (we) do could help you. The consultation will be more in depth than any consultation you have had and the screening will tell us if I (we) could help you or not.

Again, this would be at no cost.

Would you be willing to give me (us) a chance to help you?


I would.


Great. Let’s schedule you to come to my (our) office. What do you prefer, mornings or afternoons?


Afternoons are better.


All right. How about (day) at (time)? I don’t have my schedule with me but that time should be open. If not, I’ll give you a call tomorrow to reschedule.


That sounds good.


Great. Can I have your cell phone and home numbers in order to confirm this with you?


The Primary Script Quiz

1. What is the purpose of the Primary Script?

1. The purpose of the Primary Script is the script is to enable you to sell care to patients who think they are healthy.

2. The purpose of the Primary Script is to move you from a strictly chiropractic clinic or a chiropractic and rehab clinic over to a wellness care clinic.

3. The Primary Script is the basic script you do with prospects to communicate to them what wellness care I, how it might be able to help them and to get them to schedule to arrive in your office.

2. What is the key Primary Script question? (The question that gets the prospect to talk about his or her health.)

1. Would you be willing to let me see if what I do I can help you?

2. Do you have any health problems that concern you?

3. If you could afford to get rid of this problem would you want to?

3. If the prospect says he or she doesn’t have any health problem they are concerned about how do you get an answer?

1. Well, let me ask you a different question. Is there any health problem that runs in your family that you would like to avoid? Does you family have heart problems, diabetes, cancer, obesity or anything else? If you could avoid any family health problem what would it be?

2. Well, let me ask you a different question. What conditions problems have you had in the past that you want to be sure do not reoccur? Have you been fatigued, had hormonal problems, allergies, been overweight or anything else? If you are continue to maintain your health what problem do you need to stay on top of?”

3. Well, let me ask you a different question. If you could change or improve anything about your body or health what would you like to change? Do you get fatigued, have hormonal problems, allergies, need to lose weight or anything else? If you could improve or change anything about your body or your health, what would you like to change or improve?”

4. If the person says they do have a health problem what do you want to know about it first?

1. What is it?

2. What caused it?

3. What makes it worse?

5. After the person has told you what the health problem is how do you respond?

1. I’m sorry to hear that.

2. Great. I’m excellent at fixing that.

3. I bet that’s getting old.

6. After you have given that response what do you ask next?

1. Do you want to come to my office and let me see if I can help you?

2. Are you seeing a doctor or taking any medications for this?

3. How long have you had this?

7. After the person has answered that question how do you respond?

1. Okay.

2. That’s not okay.

3. Got it.

8. After you have given that response what do you ask next?

1. On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being barely noticeable and 10 being unbearably painful how would you rate this condition?

2. Before you had this condition was there an accident or injury that may have caused it?

3. How often does it bother you?

9. After the person has answered that question how do you respond?

1. Okay.

2. I understand.

3. That’s not normal.

10. After you have given that response what do you ask next?

1. What have you tried to get rid of the problem that hasn’t worked permanently?

2. When it is at its worst what other symptoms do you get with it? For example: irritable, upset, tired, restricted motion, etc. That is something to be concerned about.

3. When you ere younger, how old did you think you would be before you had problems like you do now? (For senior citizens: how young would you feel if you didn’t have these problems?)

11. After the person has answered that question how do you respond?

1. That’s something to be concerned about?

2. That’s good.

3. I have helped patients with that.

12. After you have given that response what do you ask next?

1. So you are _____ years old now, and with these problems you feel ______ years older than you are.

2. How could this problem interfere with your work or social life when it is at its worst?

3. If you could get rid of this problem would you want to?

13. After the person has answered that question what do you ask next?

1. What do you do in the course of the day that makes the problem worse?

2. Has it affected your sex life yet?

3. Do you enjoy work as much?

14. After the person has answered that question what do you ask next?

1. So, this problem has been going on ______ years/months. If the problem goes on for another _______ years without help, how much worse do you think it will get? (Could you develop arthritis, become bedridden, become unable to function normally, etc.?)

2. Considering how it’s progressed so far, if you don’t do anything about it for another 5 years, how much more intense do you think it will get and how much more frequently do you think you will suffer from it?

3. Would you avoid social activities when your problem is at its worst?

15. After the person has answered that question how do you respond?

1. That’s unacceptable.

2. Are you kidding?

3. Great. The good news is I can help you with it.

16. What do you do if the person gives you several different health problems he or she is concerned about?

1. Which one of those problems have you had the longest?

2. With each problem ask how long they have had it an how often it bother them.

3. Which one of these problems hurts the most or is the most embarrassing?

17. What are the three causes of health problems addressed by wellness care?

1. The three causes of health problems addressed by wellness care are trauma, stress and toxins.

2. The three causes of health problems addressed by wellness care are viruses, bacteria and nutritional deficiencies.

3. The three causes of health problems addressed by wellness care are subluxations, nutritional deficiencies and lack of exercise.

18. Once you have found out how the person’s health problem is affecting his or her life how do you begin explaining wellness care?

1. I want to explain to you how wellness care works. Wellness has become the concept of strengthening your structural and nutritional weaknesses so you can achieve and maintain health.

2. I want to explain to you how wellness care works. The drug companies have now got the medical doctors getting patients on drugs for conditions they don’t have but are beginning to show an inclination towards. This is what they call wellness care and it is not the system I am following.

3. I have a wellness practice. I would like to explain to you how wellness care works. We believe there are three causes of health problems.

19. How do you explain how trauma affects health?

1. The first factor affecting your health is trauma. A trauma is any injury to the body no matter how minor. When your body is injured it doesn’t work right. Small traumas of years ago can be the cause of many of your health problems today. If we can find out how you damaged your body we can probably correct it and restore your health.

2. The first is trauma. We can have falls and accidents that occurred in the past which can cause undetected and long lasting damage not just to muscles but to nerves as well. Nerves control all functions in the body and if they are not working properly, neither will your body.

3. The first is trauma. We all have falls and accidents throughout our lives. While most of these traumas by themselves wouldn’t affect our health must, these trauma build one upon another until the body can no longer cope with the damage done.

20. What do you say you can do for the effects of stress?

1. The adrenal glands and the other organs of your body can be checked for any weakness and imbalances which we can fix by relieving the pressure on the nerves going to those organs.

2. These glands can be checked and if malfunctioning can be repaired through diet and supplements.

3. These glands can be checked and if malfunctioning can be restored with chiropractic care and homeopathic treatment.

21. How do you explain how toxins affect health?

1. The third factor in illness is pollution of our water, food and air. The US rates 48th in life expectancy. We are on the bottom of the list despite all the drugs we take. There are 82,000 chemicals that can enter your body weekly. To defend against them your body surrounds them in fat.

2. The third factor in illness is pollution of our water, food and air. There are 82,000 chemicals that can enter your body weekly. These toxins damage your organs and the malfunction of these organs affects your health.

3. The third factor in illness is pollution of our water, food and air. There are 82,000 chemicals that can enter your body weekly. A lot of health problem are actually adverse reactions to these chemicals.

22. What do you say you can do about the toxins?

1. Though a vegan diet of only organically grown foods as well as drinking only the distilled water can wash most of these toxins from your body. This also has the side effect of rapid weight loss.

2. A program of large quantities of vitamins and minerals, exercise, hours of saunas and large quantities of water will rapidly reduce these chemicals and you will feel great.

3. Through a revolutionary nutritional cleansing program you can rapidly reduce these chemicals, loose weight if you need to, and feel great. The average weight loss is 7lbs in 9 days but the program goes way beyond weight loss.

23. How do you sum up the three approaches?

1. With these three approaches we can help health problems for which the medical industry can only offer a lifetime of drugs which will lead to additional heath problems.

2. With these three approaches: removing the effects of trauma, eliminating the harmful effects of stress and removing toxic chemicals we get results with problems no one else has helped.

3. With these three approaches we can make healthier than you have been in years with the side benefit of looking and feeling years younger.

24. What do you offer the prospect?

1. We would like to offer you and opportunity to see if we can help you. To find out we invite you to receive a free consultation and exam with 50% off any needed x-rays, a value of over $350.

2. We would like to offer you and opportunity to see if we can help you. To find out we invite you to receive a week of care so you can see for yourself the results that can be achieved.

3. We would like to have the opportunity to see if we could help you. To find out we invite you to receive a free consultation and screening to see if our methods would help you.

25. How do close the prospect?

1. I would like to offer you a gift. It’s the opportunity to come to our office for a free consultation and screening. This consultation will help us find what you have done to injure your body. Bodies break down because of injury or abuse. If we can find out from your history why your health has been lost, we can plan a way to recover it. This will be the most thorough consultation you have ever received. We would then do a screening to determine if the work we do could help you.

2. I want to invite you to come to our clinic free of charge for a consultation and screening to see if what we do could help you. The consultation will be more in depth than any consultation you have had and the screening will tell us if we could help you or not. Again, this would be at no cost.

3. I would suggest we make an appointment for you to come to our clinic so we can check you more thoroughly. This visit would allow us the time to do a comprehensive consultation that would let us know what caused your body to break down and not be healthy. We would then do further tests to determine if your problem could be helped by what we do. I would like to offer you this visit as a gift. This way you could find out if we could help you at no cost.

26. What do you do after the prospect agrees to the close?

1. Schedule them right then.

2. Get their name and phone number and have your front desk call and schedule them.

3. give them your card and have them call the office and schedule an appointment.

Additional Notes About

The Primary Script

Up to now we’ve been putting equal stress on all three causes of health problems. That is so you would learn them. Now that you’ve learned them you need to use them appropriately.

When going over them with a prospect you want to focus on the factor that is most appropriate to his or her condition.

If the person has a musculoskeletal problem such as low back pain, you would focus on trauma and then touch lightly on the other two factors. You could even skip wellness altogether and talk only about trauma but it doesn’t hurt to go over the other factors.

If the person feels they need to lose weight, you would touch lightly on trauma, emphasize cortisol and then go over toxins and cleansing in more detail. When you are talking to someone who is obviously overweight, even when they gave you a different health problem, it is a good idea to go over toxins and cleansing. Most overweight prospects will become interested, even if they hadn’t mentioned it before then.

There are always exceptions such as headaches, sleep problems and tiredness that might be caused by any one or all three of the three causes. With conditions like these you need to go through all of them but be careful to explain how each factor could relate to that condition.

The point here is that you aren’t “doing a script,” you are talking to a person. You have to use the script in a way that relates directly to the person and communicate it in such a way that it is meaningful to that person.

This is the difference between being very good with the Primary Script and becoming an All Pro, Hall of Fame, 10th Degree Black Belt at it.

The Primary Script

Advanced Script Drills Section

Purpose of the Advanced Script Drills

The purpose of these drills is to improve the ability of the chiropractor or staff member doing the course to be able to know and use the Primary Script.

How to Do the Advanced Script Drills

This section is done with another person. It can be done standing or sitting. There are two drills both comprised of questions the student has to correctly answer. The person asking the questions is the “coach,” and the person answering is the “student.” The coach is positioned to see the Advanced Script Drill being done on a monitor or has a printout of the drill from which to read. The student is positioned so as to not be able to see monitor and does not have a printout of the drill or the Primary Script.

The coach asks the student the question, and the student answers it. The answer does not have to be word-for-word, but the concept must be correct. If the student can’t think of the right answer or gets a question wrong, the coach shows the student the answer. The coach then asks the same question again, and after the student answers it correctly they continue with the drill script. Once the student has finished the drill, they start again from the beginning.

Do not try to memorize the answers. It is best to just respond to them over and over until the answers become natural and obvious to you.

Completing the Drill

The student is done with an Advanced Script Drill when he can answer all the questions correctly, from the first to the last, without hesitating or missing any.

Further Notes About the Drills

Advanced Script Drill 1 goes through several different prospects doing the Primary Script in sequence. These two drills will cover most of the situations that can come up when doing the Primary Script on prospects. It would be a good idea to read through Drill 1 before you do them. Again, don’t try to memorize the answers; just respond to them over and over until the answers become natural and obvious to you. Drill 1 is done start to finish through all the prospects each time until it is complete.

Advanced Script Drill 2 asks the same questions and situations in a random sequence. This is to ensure you will never be thrown by a prospect and will always sound confident and certain no matter what happens. This drill is also done start to finish each time until it is complete.

Again, do not try to memorize the answers. It is best to just respond to them over and over until the answers become natural and obvious to you.

The Primary Script

Advanced Script Drill 1


1. After meeting a person in any situation you move the conversation over to their health by starting the Primary Script by asking the key Primary Script question.

What is the key Primary Script question?

Do you have any health problems that concern you?

2. You ask the person if he has any health problems that concern him. He says, “No, not really.”

What do you say?

Well, let me ask you a different question. If you could change or improve anything about your body or health what would you like to change?

Do you get fatigued, have hormone problems, allergies, need to lose weight or anything else? If you could improve or change anything about your body or your health what would you like to change or improve?

3. The person says, “I guess I could have higher energy levels.”

What do you say?

I’m sorry to hear that. How long have you had this problem?

4. The person says, “Four years now.”

What do you say?

That is not okay. Would you agree that even though we all have times when we have less energy than we would like for a day or two it is not okay to have a problem like that for a four years?

5. The person says, “Yes, I agree.”

What do you say next?

How often does it bother you?

6. The person says, “Not every day but certainly at least two or three times a week.”

What do you say?

That’s not normal. People may have a few hours or days with low energy but it’s not normal to not have the energy you want several times a week for four years. Would you agree?

7. The person says, “Yes.”

What do you ask?

When it is at its worst what other symptoms do you get with it? For example: irritable, upset, achy, restricted activities, etc.

8. The person says, “I am draggy and I put off things I probably shouldn’t.”

What do you say?

That is something to be concerned about. How could this problem interfere with your work or social life when it is at its worst?

9. The person say’s, “I get through the day doing the minimum I can get away with, which kind of creates backlogs in the work I have to do.”

What do you say?

That’s not good. Do you enjoy work as much?

10. The person says, “I haven’t really enjoyed work since this started.”

What do you say?

That’s not okay. Would you avoid social activities when your problem is at its worst?

11. The person says, “I still socialize as much, but it isn’t active things like dancing much anymore.”

What do you say?

That’s unacceptable. I have a wellness practice. I would like to explain to you how wellness care works.

We believe all health problems have three causes. The first is trauma. We can have falls and accidents that occurred in the past which can cause undetected and long lasting damage not just to muscles but to nerves as well. Nerves control all functions in the body and if they are not working properly, neither will your body. From past traumas people can store a lot of tension in their bodies and that constant tension can use up your energy leaving you drianed.

Does that make sense to you?

12. The person says, “It does.”

How do you explain the second cause of illness?

Second, we have stress which everyone experiences in life. Prolonged stress leads to hormone imbalances related to the stress glands of the body known as the adrenal glands. These glands secrete hormones that control sleep, digestion, weight gain, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, allergies, arthritis, immunity, heart function, fatigue, etc. These hormones control your energy levels. When you are under stress they increase adrenaline giving you a burst of energy, but if you are under stress too often and too long the glands become exhausted and will no longer produce enough for your normal energy levels. These glands can be checked and if weak they can be repaired with diet and supplements.

13. You have explained the second cause of illness.

How do you explain the third cause of illness?

The third factor in illness is pollution of our water, food and air. The US rates 48th in life expectancy. We are on the bottom of the list despite all the drugs we take. There are 82,000 chemicals that can enter your body weekly. To defend against them your body surrounds them in fat. These chemicals accumulating in your body can contribute to your lack of energy. Through a revolutionary nutritional cleansing program you can rapidly reduce these chemicals, lose weight if you need to, and feel great. The average weight loss is 7lbs in 9 days but the program goes way beyond weight loss.

14. You have explained the third cause of illness.

How do you sum it all up and close the person?

With these three approaches: removing the effects of trauma, eliminating the harmful effects of stress and removing toxic chemicals we get results with problems no one else has helped. I am not sure which of these three are related to your problem, I am suspicious all three are. I (we) would like to have the opportunity to see if I (we) could help you. To find out I (we) would like to invite you to receive a free consultation and screening to see if our methods would help you.

I want to invite you to come to my (our) clinic free of charge for a consultation and screening to see if what I (we) do could help you. The consultation will be more in depth than any consultation you have had and the screening will tell us if I (we) could help you or not.

Again, this would be at no cost.

Would you be willing to give me (us) a chance to help you?

15. The person says, “Well, I can’t afford chiropractic treatment right now. It’s pretty expensive.”

What do you say?

There is no cost for the consultation and screening, and I don’t know if I can help you yet; I may have to refer you to a different specialist. It would be a good idea to first find out if I can help you and that won’t cost anything.

Besides, I have patients who can’t afford health insurance who can afford me. If we could work out a solution that fits within your budget, would you want to get rid of this problem?

16. The person says, “Yes.”

What do you say?

Great. Let’s schedule you. What do you prefer, mornings or afternoons?

17. The person says, “Mornings are better.”

What do you say?

All right. How about (day) at (time). I don’t have my schedule with me but that time should be open. If not, I’ll give you a call tomorrow to reschedule.

18. The person says, “That sounds good.”

What do you say?

Great. Can I have your cell phone and home numbers in order to confirm this with you?


1. After meeting a person in any situation you move the conversation over to their health by starting the Primary Script by asking the key Primary Script question.

What is the key Primary Script question?

Do you have any health problems that concern you?

2. You ask the person if they have any health problems that concern them. He says, “Yes. My lower back has been killing me, my shoulder hurts and I have acid reflux. ”

What do you say?

I’m sorry to hear that. How long has your low back been bothering you?

3. The person says, “For about six months now. I hurt it golfing and now it just hurts all the time. I’ve tried heat and cold, gotten massages, tried different stretches… Nothing has worked.”

What do you say?

That’s not okay. How often does it bother you?

4. The person says, “Pretty much all the time. Sometimes it’s just a dull ache and other times it is really bad, but it’s always there”.

What do you say?

That’s not normal. Usually, an injury like that will get better after a few days, maybe a week or two. But to continue hurting every day for six months is just not normal. Would you agree?

5. The person says, “Yes.”

What do you say?

How long has your shoulder been a problem?

6. The person says, “Gosh. Since I injured in playing sports in collage, I guess about twelve years ago.”

What do you say?

That’s not okay. How often does it bother you?

7. The person says, “It’s off and on, depending on what I do with it.”

What do you say?

How many times has it bothered you in the last month?”

8. The person says, “Maybe two or three times.”

What do you say?

That’s not normal. How long have you had acid reflux and the stomach problem that led up to it?

9. The person says, “I’ve had the acid reflux for about a year, but I’ve had stomach problems for maybe eight years.”

What do you say?

That’s not okay. How often does it bother you?

10. The person says, “It would be every day if it wasn’t for Nexium.”

What do you say?

That’s not normal. Which one of these three health problems concerns you the most? In other words, if you could make only one of them go away which one would you choose?

11. The person says, “The low back pain.”

What do you say?

Okay. Let me ask you a few more questions about your low back pain.

When it is at its worst what other symptoms do you get with it? For example: irritable, upset, tired, restricted motion, etc.

12. The person says, “When it starts hurting it gets tight and stiff.”

What do you say?

That is something to be concerned about. How could this problem interfere with your work or social life when it is at its worst?

13. The person say’s, “I’m in sales but I’m sitting at a desk on the phone and using a computer.”

What do you say?

I understand. But when the pain is at its worst how does it affect your attitude or concentration?

14. The person say’s, “That’s a good point. It does affect my focus.”

What do you say?

That’s not good. Do you think it could cost you any sales?

15. The person say’s, “Well, my sales have been down since this started.”

What do you say?

That is not good at all. Do you enjoy work as much?

16. The person says, “With sales down? Not a chance.”

What do you say?

That’s not okay. Would you avoid social activities when your problem is at its worst?

17. The person says, “I have to go to social events to develop leads, I can’t avoid them. But they aren’t fun anymore. I can’t wait to leave.”

What do you say?

That’s unacceptable. I have a wellness practice. I would like to explain to you how wellness care works.

We believe all health problems have three causes. The first is trauma. We can have falls and accidents that occurred in the past which can cause undetected and long lasting damage. After a while this damage builds up to a point where something that shouldn’t hurt you does, like golfing. The other thing you need to know is that traumas damage not just to the muscles but to the nerves as well. Nerves control all functions in the body and if they are not working properly, neither will your body. One of the functions of your body is its ability to heal itself. The fact that you are not healing could mean it is not just a problem with the joints and muscles in your back but your nerves as well also.

Does that make sense to you?

18. The person says, “It does.”

How do you explain the second cause of illness?

Second, we have stress which everyone experiences in life. Prolonged stress leads to hormone imbalances related to the stress glands of the body known as the adrenal glands. These glands secrete hormones that control sleep, digestion, weight gain, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, allergies, arthritis, immunity, heart function, fatigue, etc. One of these hormones, Norepinephrine channels blood away from your digestive system and into your arms and legs. You don’t need to digest when you are being attacked, so the body either causes immediate elimination or stops digestion. The results of long term stress can include constipation, diarrhea or any other digestive problem. If your adrenal glands are working too hard or if they are weak it can cause an imbalance of these hormones and that can also affect your body’s ability to heal. These glands can be checked and if needed, they can be repaired with diet and supplements.

19. You have explained the second cause of illness.

How do you explain the third cause of illness?

The third factor in illness is pollution of our water, food and air. The US rates 48th in life expectancy. We are on the bottom of the list despite all the drugs we take. There are 82,000 chemicals that can enter your body weekly. To defend against them your body surrounds them in fat. These chemicals accumulating in your body can contribute to your body’s inability to heal as well as digestive problems. Through a revolutionary nutritional cleansing program you can rapidly reduce these chemicals, lose weight if you need to, and speed your body’s ability to heal. The average weight loss is 7lbs in 9 days but the program goes way beyond weight loss.

20. You have explained the third cause of illness.

How do you sum it all up and close the person?

With these three approaches: removing the effects of trauma, eliminating the harmful effects of stress and removing toxic chemicals we get results with problems no one else has helped. I (we) would like to have the opportunity to see if I (we) could help you. To find out I (we) would like to invite you to receive a free consultation and screening to see if our methods would help you.

I want to invite you to come to my (our) clinic free of charge for a consultation and screening to see if what I (we) do could help you. The consultation will be more in depth than any consultation you have had and the screening will tell us if I (we) could help you or not.

Again, this would be at no cost.

Would you be willing to give me (us) a chance to help you?

21. The person says, “I’ll think about it and give you a call.”

What do you say?

“Well, if you don’t mind me asking, what is keeping you from making a decision now?”

22. The person says, “I just want to think about it.”

What do you say?

I don’t blame you for being skeptical. This is certainly a new and different approach, but since your problem hasn’t gone away, it would make sense to try something new and it will not cost you anything to find out. If I can’t help you I’ll tell you and I will probably be able to tell you who you should go see.

Can I get you to change your mind?

23. The person says, “Okay, I’ll come in.”

What do you say?

Great. Let’s schedule you. What do you prefer, mornings or afternoons?

24. The person says, “Mornings are better.”

What do you say?

All right. How about (day) at (time). I don’t have my schedule with me but that time should be open. If not, I’ll give you a call tomorrow to reschedule.

25. The person says, “That sounds good.”

What do you say?

Great. Can I have your cell phone and home numbers in order to confirm this with you?

26. The person says, “Afternoons are good.”

What do you say?

All right. How about (day) at (time). I don’t have my schedule with me but that time should be open. If not, I’ll give you a call tomorrow to reschedule.

27. The person says, “That should work.”

What do you say?

Great. Can I have your cell phone and home numbers in order to confirm this with you?


1. After meeting a person in any situation you move the conversation over to their health by starting the Primary Script by asking the key Primary Script question.

What is the key Primary Script question?

Do you have any health problems that concern you?

2. You ask the person if they have any health problems that concern them. She says, “I have been having a lot of headaches lately, but they aren’t migraines, they are just normal stress headaches.”

What do you say?

Normal headaches are headaches that have a definite cause; like hitting your head, or not eating all day, or drinking too much alcohol the night before. Having recurring headaches without some recurring cause is not normal. Does that make sense to you?

3. The person says, “It makes sense, but I know lots of people who have head aches.”

What do you say?

There is a difference between normal and common. Things can be common but not normal. There are places were a large percentage of the population has cancer, other places where it’s some infectious disease like AIDS. In these places the diseases have become common but they aren’t normal for even one person. Do you see what I mean?

4. The person says, “That’s a little scary, but I do see your point.”

What do you ask next?

How long have you had headaches?

5. The person says, “I don’t know, maybe five or six years.”

What do you ask next?

That’s not okay. How often does it bother you?

6. The person says, “I get them several times a week, usually more later in the week.”

What do you say?

That really is not normal. Would you agree?

7. The person says, “Yes.”

What do you say?

When it is at its worst what other symptoms do you get with it? For example: irritable, upset, tired, restricted motion, etc.

8. The person says, “My neck gets tight and stiff when I have a headache and I do get irritable.”

What do you say?

That is something to be concerned about. How could this problem interfere with your work or social life when it is at its worst?

9. The person say’s, “I don’t let it stop me from doing what I have to do.”

What do you say?

I understand you have to get through the day’s work, but doe sit make your work harder.

10. The person say’s, “I work hard anyway.”

What do you say?

Well, you have days when you don’t have headaches at all. Right? [Nods] How much easier is your work when you don’t have a headache?

11. The person say’s, “It is noticeably easier.”

What do you say?

That’s not good. Do you enjoy work as much?

12. The person says, “No. It takes all the fun out of work.”

What do you say?

That’s not okay. Would you avoid social activities when your problem is at its worst?

13. The person says, “I do.”

What do you say?

That’s unacceptable. I have a wellness practice. I would like to explain to you how wellness care works.

We believe all health problems have three causes. The first is trauma. We can have falls and accidents that occurred in the past which can cause undetected and long lasting damage. After a while this gets to a point where the body will begin to hurt. Also, this is not just damage to muscles but to nerves as well. Nerves control all functions in the body and if they are not working properly, neither will your body. Does that make sense to you?

14. The person says, “It does. But I didn’t hit my head or have an accident right before my headaches started.”

What do you say to that?

Trauma can be a single accident that a day, week or month later can lead to headaches, but more often it’s lots of smaller accidents that over years add up to the point where the body has had enough and gives you headaches. Any person growing up has easily had a 1000 falls and bumps before they became adults. A lot of times the health problems a person has can be the result of these traumas and the damage they build up over decades of living.

15. The person says, “Oh, I was a tom boy and played all sorts of sports. I think I had more than my share of bangs and whacks.”

What do you say?

That could certainly be enough traumas to add up to later problems. There are two other causes to health problems.

The second one is stress. Everyone experiences in life. Prolonged stress leads to hormone imbalances related to the stress glands of the body known as the adrenal glands. These glands secrete hormones that control sleep, digestion, weight gain, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, allergies, arthritis, immunity, heart function, fatigue, etc. If there is an imbalance in these hormones it can cause headaches. These hormones can raise your blood pressure, raise or lower your blood sugar levels or cause an imbalance in your estrogen levels. Any one of those can give you headaches. These glands can be checked and if weak they can be repaired with diet and supplements.

16. You have explained the second cause of illness.

How do you explain the third cause of illness?

The third factor in illness is pollution of our water, food and air. The US rates 48th in life expectancy. We are on the bottom of the list despite all the drugs we take. There are 82,000 chemicals that can enter your body weekly. To defend against them your body surrounds them in fat. The most sensitive organ in your body is your brain and these chemicals accumulating in your body can give you headaches. Through a revolutionary nutritional cleansing program you can rapidly reduce these chemicals, lose weight if you need to, and feel great. The average weight loss is 7lbs in 9 days but the program goes way beyond weight loss.

17. You have explained the third cause of illness.

How do you sum it all up and close the person?

With these three approaches: removing the effects of trauma, eliminating the harmful effects of stress and removing toxic chemicals we get results with problems no one else has helped. Any one of these or all three of these can cause you headaches. I (we) would like to have the opportunity to see if I (we) could help you. To find out I (we) would like to invite you to receive a free consultation and screening to see if our methods would help you.

I want to invite you to come to my (our) clinic free of charge for a consultation and screening to see if what I (we) do could help you. The consultation will be more in depth than any consultation you have had and the screening will tell us if I (we) could help you or not.

Again, this would be at no cost.

Would you be willing to give me (us) a chance to help you?

18. The person says, “It’s not really a big deal. I just take an aspirin every morning and I’m fine.”

What do you say?

Okay, but wouldn’t you rather handle the problem so you no longer needed the medication?

19. The person says, “Well, yes.”

What do you say?

Great. Let’s schedule you. What do you prefer, mornings or afternoons?

20. The person says, “Mornings are better.”

What do you say?

All right. How about (day) at (time). I don’t have my schedule with me but that time should be open. If not, I’ll give you a call tomorrow to reschedule.

21. The person says, “That sounds good.”

What do you say?

Great. Can I have your cell phone and home numbers in order to confirm this with you?

22. The person says, “Afternoons are good.”

What do you say?

All right. How about (day) at (time). I don’t have my schedule with me but that time should be open. If not, I’ll give you a call tomorrow to reschedule.

23. The person says, “That should work.”

What do you say?

Great. Can I have your cell phone and home numbers in order to confirm this with you?


1. After meeting a person in any situation you move the conversation over to their health by starting the Primary Script by asking the key Primary Script question.

What is the key Primary Script question?

Do you have any health problems that concern you?

2. You ask the person if he has any health problems that concern her. She says, “No.”

What do you say?

Well, let me ask you a different question. If you could change or improve anything about your body or health what would you like to change?

Do you get fatigued, have hormone problems, allergies, need to lose weight or anything else? If you could improve or change anything about your body or your health what would you like to change or improve?

4. You ask the person if they have any health problems that concern them. She says, “I get stomach aches once in a while. Do you think I should take that new acid reflux drug?”

What do you say?

I’ve helped a lot of people get better and no longer need that drug. Let me ask you, how long have you had this problem?

5. The person says, “Not long, four or five months.”

What do you ask next?

That’s a long time. If I had it going on that long it certainly wouldn’t be okay with me. I’m sure it’s not okay with you is it?

6. The person says, “No. It isn’t.”

What do you ask next?

How often does it bother you?

7. The person says, “I get them every few days, sometimes several days in a row.”

What do you say?

That is not normal. Having stomach troubles once in a while when you overdo things is not normal, but certainly not that often. Would you agree?

8. The person says, “Yes.”

What do you say?

When it is at its worst what other symptoms do you get with it? For example: irritable, upset, tired, diarrhea, bloating, gas, etc.

9. The person says, “It does give me trouble sleeping which makes me tired the next day.”

What do you say?

That’s something to be concerned about. How does this problem interfere with your work or social life when it is at its worst?

10. The person says, “I have to be careful what I eat which can affect my social life a bit. But when I’m hurting I don’t want to socialize much and I don’t interact well with clients or coworkers.”

What do you say?

That’s not good. Do you enjoy work as much?

11. The person says, “No.”

What do you say?

I’m sorry to hear that. Would you avoid social activities when your problem is at its worst?

12. The person says, “I haven’t yet, but there have been times I’ve thought about it.”

What do you say?

That’s unacceptable.

I have a wellness practice. I would like to explain to you how wellness care works.

We believe all health problems have three causes. The first is trauma. We can have falls and accidents that occurred in the past which can cause undetected and long lasting damage not just to muscles but to nerves as well. Nerves control all functions in the body and if they are not working properly, neither will your body. Does that make sense to you?

13. The person says, “It does.”

What do you say to that?

The second one is stress. Everyone experiences in life. Prolonged stress leads to hormone imbalances related to the stress glands of the body known as the adrenal glands. These glands secrete hormones that control sleep, digestion, weight gain, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, allergies, arthritis, immunity, heart function, fatigue, etc. One of these is norepinephrine which is a stress hormone that channels blood away form your digestive system and into your arms and legs. When there is a fire you don’t need to digest when you should be running out of it. The results of long term stress can cause digestive problems including indigestion, excess acid, constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating and other problems. These glands can be checked and if weak they can be repaired with diet and supplements.

14. You have explained the second cause of illness.

How do you explain the third cause of illness?

The third factor in illness is pollution of our water, food and air. The US rates 48th in life expectancy. We are on the bottom of the list despite all the drugs we take. There are 82,000 chemicals that can enter your body weekly. To defend against them your body surrounds them in fat. These chemicals accumulating in your body can give digestive problems. Through a revolutionary nutritional cleansing program you can rapidly reduce these chemicals, cleanse and strengthen your digestive system, lose weight if you need to, and feel great. The average weight loss is 7lbs in 9 days but the program goes way beyond weight loss.

15. You have explained the third cause of illness.

How do you sum it all up and close the person?

With these three approaches: removing the effects of trauma, eliminating the harmful effects of stress and removing toxic chemicals we get results with problems no one else has helped. Any one of these or all three of these can cause you digestive problems. I (we) would like to have the opportunity to see if I (we) could help you. To find out I (we) would like to invite you to receive a free consultation and screening to see if our methods would help you.

I want to invite you to come to my (our) clinic free of charge for a consultation and screening to see if what I (we) do could help you. The consultation will be more in depth than any consultation you have had and the screening will tell us if I (we) could help you or not.

Again, this would be at no cost.

Would you be willing to give me (us) a chance to help you?

16. The person says, “What sort of doctor are you.” (or “… is the doctor?”)

What do you say?

I am (he is) a wellness chiropractor.

17. The person says, “Oh. One of those.”

What do you say?

Have you been to a chiropractor before?

18. The person says, “No, but a buddy of mine went for months, getting adjusted, therapies and taking vitamins and it didn’t help a bit.”

What do you say?

Well. Like any profession there are good and bad chiropractors, just like there are good and bad medical doctors, car mechanics and building contractors. It doesn’t mean they are all bad. I just happen to be one of the good ones. I do all the necessary tests to make sure that I can help you before I accept you as a patient. If I can’t help you I will tell you and will at least be able to tell you where you may be able to find help. I won’t waste your time or money. Does that handle your concern?

19. The person says, “Yes.”

What do you say?

Now are you willing to give me (us) a chance to help you?

20. The person says, “Yes.”

What do you say?

Great. Let’s schedule you. What do you prefer, mornings or afternoons?

21. The person says, “Mornings are better.”

What do you say?

All right. How about (day) at (time). I don’t have my schedule with me but that time should be open. If not, I’ll give you a call tomorrow to reschedule.

22. The person says, “That sounds good.”

What do you say?

Great. Can I have your cell phone and home numbers in order to confirm this with you?


The Primary Script

Advanced Script Drill 2


1. You have explained the third cause of illness.

How do you sum it all up and close the person?

With these three approaches: removing the effects of trauma, eliminating the harmful effects of stress and removing toxic chemicals we get results with problems no one else has helped. I (we) would like to have the opportunity to see if I (we) could help you. To find out I (we) would like to invite you to receive a free consultation and screening to see if our methods would help you.

I want to invite you to come to my (our) clinic free of charge for a consultation and screening to see if what I (we) do could help you. The consultation will be more in depth than any consultation you have had and the screening will tell us if I (we) could help you or not.

Again, this would be at no cost.

Would you be willing to give me (us) a chance to help you?

2. You ask the person if he has any health problems that concern him. He says, “No, not really.”

What do you say?

Well, let me ask you a different question. If you could change or improve anything about your body or health what would you like to change?

Do you get fatigued, have hormone problems, allergies, need to lose weight or anything else? If you could improve or change anything about your body or your health what would you like to change or improve?

3. The person says, “I get stomach aches once in a while. Do you think I should take that new acid reflux drug?”

What do you say?

I’ve helped people get better and no longer need that drug. Let me ask you, how long have you had this problem?

4. You have asked the person how long he has had his problem and he says, “Four years now.”

What do you say?

That is not okay. Most problems go away after a bit, but it is not okay to have a problem like that for a four years. How often does it bother you?

5. You are closing the person and she says, “Well, I can’t afford chiropractic treatment right now. It’s pretty expensive.”

What do you say?

There is no cost for the consultation and screening, and I don’t know if I can help you yet; I may have to refer you to a different specialist. It would be a good idea to first find out if I can help you and that won’t cost anything.

Besides, I have patients who can’t afford health insurance who can afford me. If we could work out a solution that fits within your budget, would you want to get rid of this problem?

6. You have explained the second cause of illness.

How do you explain the third cause of illness?

The third factor in illness is pollution of our water, food and air. The US rates 48th in life expectancy. We are on the bottom of the list despite all the drugs we take. There are 82,000 chemicals that can enter your body weekly. To defend against them your body surrounds them in fat. Through a revolutionary nutritional cleansing program you can rapidly reduce these chemicals, lose weight if you need to, and feel great. The average weight loss is 7lbs in 9 days but the program goes way beyond weight loss.

7. You’ve told the person it wasn’t normal to have the condition so much and the person says, “But I know lots of people who have headaches.”

What do you say?

There is a difference between normal and common. Things can be common but not normal. There are places were a large percentage of the population has cancer, other places where it’s some infectious disease like AIDS. In these places the diseases have become common but they aren’t normal for even one person. Do you see what I mean?

8. After meeting a person in any situation you move the conversation over to their health by starting the Primary Script by asking the key Primary Script question.

What is the key Primary Script question?

Do you have any health problems that concern you?

9. The person says, “What sort of doctor are you.” (or “… is the doctor?”) and you answer “I am (he is) a wellness chiropractor.” Then the person says, “Oh. One of those,” or come other expression of concern.

What do you say?

Have you been to a chiropractor before?

The person says some negative about chiropractors.

What do you say?

Well. Like any profession there are good and bad chiropractors, just like there are good and bad medical doctors, car mechanics and building contractors. It doesn’t mean they are all bad. I just happen to be one of the good ones. I do all the necessary tests to make sure that I can help you before I accept you as a patient. If I can’t help you I will tell you and will at least be able to tell you where you may be able to find help. I won’t waste your time or money. Does that handle your concern?

10. You have asked the person if they have any health problems that concern them. He says, “Yes, my lower back has been killing me.”

What do you say?

I’m sorry to hear that. How long have you had this problem?

11. You are trying to close the person and she person says, “I just want to think about it.”

What do you say?

I don’t blame you for being skeptical. This is certainly a new and different approach, but since your problem hasn’t gone away, it would make sense to try something new and it will not cost you anything to find out. If I can’t help you I’ll tell you and I will probably be able to tell you who you should go see.

Can I get you to change your mind?

12. You’ve explained to the person about trauma and the person says, “But I didn’t hit my head or have an accident right before my headaches started.”

What do you say to that?

Trauma can be a single accident that a day, week or month later can lead to headaches, but more often it’s lots of smaller accidents that over years add up to the point where the body has had enough and gives you headaches. Any person growing up has easily had a 1000 falls and bumps before they became adults.

13. The person has told you how often the problem bothers her.

What do you say?

That’s not normal. When it is at is worst what other symptoms do you get with it? For example: irritable, upset, tired, restricted motion, etc.

14. The person has told you if she would avoid social activities when her problem is at its worst.

What do you say?

That’s not acceptable.

I have a wellness practice. I would like to explain to you how wellness care works.

We believe all health problems have three causes. The first is trauma. We can have falls and accidents that occurred in the past which can cause undetected and long lasting damage. After a while this damage builds up to a point where something that shouldn’t hurt you, like golfing, does. The other this you need to know is that traumas damage not just to the muscles but to the nerves as well. Nerves control all functions in the body and if they are not working properly, neither will your body. One of the functions of your body is its ability to heal itself. The fact that you are not healing could mean it is not just a problem with the joints and muscles in your back but your nerves as well also.

Does that make sense to you?

15. You ask the person if they have any health problems that concern them. He says, “Yes. My lower back has been killing me, my shoulder hurts and I have acid reflux. ”

What do you do?

I would say I’m sorry to hear that, then I would ask how long and how often each problem has been bothering him.

16. You are trying to close the person and she says, “It’s not really a big deal. I just take an aspirin every morning and I’m fine.”

What do you say?

Okay, but wouldn’t you rather handle the problem so you no longer needed the medication?

17. The person has told you how long she has had.

What do you ask next?

That is not okay. How often does it bother you?

18. You have explained the first cause of illness.

How do you explain the second cause of illness?

Second, we have stress which everyone experiences in life. Prolonged stress leads to hormone imbalances related to the stress glands of the body known as the adrenal glands. These glands secrete hormones that control sleep, digestion, weight gain, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, allergies, arthritis, immunity, heart function, fatigue, etc. These hormones control your energy level and if your adrenal glands are weak it can cause the lack of energy you described. These glands can be checked and if weak they can be repaired with diet and supplements.

19. The person has told you how the problem interferes with his work and social life.

What do you say?

That’s not good. Do you enjoy work as much?

20. You have asked the person, “Would you be willing to give me (us) a chance to help you?” and the person said “Yes.”

What do you say?

Great. Let’s schedule you.

21. The person says, “I have head aches now and again, but they aren’t migraines, they are just normal stress headaches.”

What do you say?

Normal headaches are headaches that have a definite cause, like hitting your head, or not having eaten all day, or having drank too much alcohol the night before. Having recurring headaches without some recurring cause is not normal. Does that make sense to you?

22. The person has tells you how long and how often each of his four health problems has been bothering him.

What would you say?

Which one of these three health problems concerns you the most. In other words, if you could make only one of them go away which one would you choose?

23. The person has told you what other symptoms she gets with her problem, for example: irritable, upset, tired, restricted motion, etc.

What do you say?

That is something to be concerned about. How does this problem interfere with you work or social life when it is at its worst?

24. You are attempting to close the person and he says, “I’ll think about it and give you a call?

What do you say?

“Well if you don’t mind me asking, what is keeping you from making a decision now?

25. You have asked the person, “Would you be willing to give me (us) a chance to help you?” and the person said “Yes.”

How do you schedule her?

Great. What do you prefer, mornings or afternoons?

Mornings are better.

All right. How about (day) at (time). I don’t have my schedule with me but that time should be open. If not, I’ll give you a call tomorrow to reschedule.

That sounds good.

Okay. Can I have your cell phone and home numbers in order to confirm this with you?

The Primary Script Drill


To be able to use the Primary Script to comfortably and smoothly turn any prospect into a new patient.

How to Do the Primary Script Drill

This drill is done standing or sitting. In this drill you are doing the Primary Script on a person as if he or she is an actual prospect. The person who is being the prospect is the coach and the person doing the Primary Script is the student.

The coach creates in his or her mind an imaginary prospect with enough detail to give you a viewpoint from which to answer. You only tell the student the details that would be obvious: “I am a man, 35 years old dressed in old jeans and a faded Lead Zeppelin tee shirt, we are at a coffee shop,” or “I am a 26 year old woman, dressed in a pant suit carrying a brief case, I am in the lobby of an office building both waiting to be picked up.” Have in your mind enough additional data to fill out the character and give you a story to use: “I’m a construction worker, married, two kids – a son 17 and a daughter 15 – I like going boating and jet skiing in the summer and snowboarding and snowmobiling in the winter, I have low back pain, a bad knee and could stand to lose 60 pounds but I’m a little self conscious about it.” Or, “I and an assistant manager of a branch bank, I’m into kick boxing and rock climbing, I have a boy friend but he’s fairly recent and I’m not sure if it’s going to work out yet, I have a shoulder I’ve strained recently that seems to be healing okay but I have PMS and minstrel problems.” (Yes, I really do mean for you to drill both sexes and ages 18 to 100. Different types of characters have different reactions and ways of answering.)

Do the drill several times handling different prospects. Start out with one that is fairly easy, and then throw in more and more of the various situations. Any time the student gets stumped or thrown off, look at the materials together, figure out what should have been done or what would have worked, drill it then back up the drill with the same prospect with the same answers and go through it again.

Remember, someone who is negative, belligerent and obnoxious or someone who has no health conditions at all or someone who isn’t interested in talking about their health at all are people with whom you should simply smoothly end the conversation and walk away from. The fact is this is a person you probably wouldn’t want them in your clinic anyway. If you want to give it a shot, ask, “You seems to be upset (or not really interested in this), what’s going on?” Then see what they say. Until you find out where they are coming from and address it you aren’t going to make any headway. But there is a lot more people who will be willing to talk to you. You can schedule two or three of them in the time you would spent with this negative person you are not likely to close.

Pay attention to the fundamentals such as maintaining a smooth conversation, speaking clearly, making eye contact, friendliness, caring, openness, sincerity, certainty, controlling the conversation and having an honest interest in the person.

Completing the Drill

The student is done when the student can smoothly and naturally handle prospects through any situation the coach and student can think up.

Submitting a Recording

If you are doing this course at our office or To be certified by us you need to make and turn into your supervisor a minute video of you doing the Primary Script.

You can do it with your drilling partner or, better yet, with someone unfamiliar with the Primary Script.

What the Course Supervisor is going to be looking for is first whether you can do the Primary Script smoothly and naturally but more importantly can use the Script to handle the prospect with whom you are doing it. This means you are not mechanically following the script. Instead, you are emphasizing what this prospect needs to hear, lightly going through the parts that aren’t as directly related to the prospect’s condition (like trauma with a prospect who has a skin disease), picking up what the prospect doesn’t understand and explaining it better so he or she can, getting the prospect to agree to the points you are making and creating an interest in finding out if you might be able to help them.

If you need some correction the Course Supervisor will send you an instructional program to do with study and drilling, after which you would submit another video.

The video should be in a digital format. Burn the video onto a CD and mail it in. If you are overseas, you should send it airmail of air delivery such as Fedex, otherwise it can take up to six weeks to arrive. The Primary Script tends to take seven to ten minutes which makes the digital file too big to email. If you can place it on a server and send the Course Supervisor a link to it, that would work. For you clients who are not computer and electronically savvy I am sure one of your staff, patients or kids would be happy to help you with this.

Once the video is done go ahead with the final practical, do not wait for a response.

Final Practical

The Final Practical is to go out and meet as many people as you need to meet to sign up three of them for a possible future appointment at a local wellness clinic. If you and a partner are training together, take turns walking up to strangers.

You are to walk up to them, introduce yourself and then do the Primary Script. If you are in your own city and the prospects live or work locally, schedule them for an appointment in your clinic. If you are in a different city or if the prospects are from a different city, you are to get their name and phone number and tell them someone will call to schedule their wellness visit. We well forward it to our nearest client.

Your scripts are below. Read them, drill them and get busy.

If you run into any trouble, get with your coach, review the materials, figure out what you should have done, drill it and get back out talking to prospects.

Keep in mind you are not going to close everyone. Sometimes it is best to just politely end the conversation and move on to someone else. But once in a while there will be someone you know you should have closed and didn’t. This is the cycle you need to sort out and resolve.

If you run into something you can’t resolve contact the Course Supervisor for help and correction.

Introduction Script

“Hi, my name is (Bob) and I’m (Jane) . We are volunteers with the Foundation For Wellness Professionals, a national non-profit organization that promotes wellness and disease prevention. We are doing a survey today and we wondered if we could ask you a question and have you give us an honest answer.”


“Okay. First what is your name?”


“Okay. Ralph here is the question and please answer it honestly. Do you have any health problems that concern you?”

[Do the Primary Script]

Alternative Close if you are away from your home city

“Based on everything we went over it seems a wellness approach might help you. We are not saying we can cure everything. We believe you deserve a chance to see if our approach could help you free of charge. We would like to invite you to receive a free consultation and screening with a local member of The Foundation for Wellness Professionals. There would be no charge and they would let you know if this approach could help you. Would you like us to have someone who has a wellness practice within 10 miles call you to schedule your evaluation?”


“Great, I just need your name and phone number.”

Attestation For Certification

Print this Attestation for Certification, sign and date it. (Optional) print and fill out the Success Story Form. Fax, mail or scan and email them (it) to the Course Supervisor at David Singer Enterprises for certification.


I hereby attest that I have and my staff members who have participated in Primary Script Course have completed all the steps of the Primary Script Course, know the materials and can effectively apply these materials in my practice.

__________________________________ __________________

Student’s Signature Date


I hereby attest that I have viewed the required videos of this doctor and his staff and certify that they have demonstrated they can apply the materials successfully.

__________________________________ __________________

Course Supervisor Date



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