21st August, 2009

DMC/DC/F.14/Comp.590/2010/ 26th July, 2010


The Delhi Medical Council examined a complaint of Shri K.L. Jaisingh, J-7, Sector-XI, Jaisingh House, Noida – 201301, against Centre for Joint Rejuvenation, 16/1, New Rohtak Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110005, forwarded by Directorate of Health Services.

The Delhi Medical Council perused the complaint, written statement of Medical Superintendent of Centre for Rejuvenation, copy of medical records of Centre for Rejuvenation, other documents on records.

It is alleged by the complainant that through massive publicity, extensive propaganda and Free Counseling Camps, the Centre for Joint Rejuvenation was enticing the innocent patients suffering from knee joint pain because of Arthritis on the false promise that after undergoing their treatment, the patient will leave pain killers, walking aids and would be able to walk upto 5 kms, climb the stairs without support, would lead a normal life and during consultancy the patient is assured that at least for another 4 years he will not be required to undergo a surgery for knee replacement. This assurance of getting rid of surgery of knee replacement is very big inducement since people in India are very scared of undergoing surgery. This big promise, however, turns out to be a big falsification.

The Centre for Joint Rejuvenation in its written statement averred that Centre for Joint Rejuvenation (Karol Bagh) was established in the year 2007 for the purpose of ailment of Osteoarthritis, a No. 1 ailment in India in terms of number of patient. Osteoarthritis is the most common degenerative joint disease prevalent in India. Till this technology, there was no absolute cure to Osteoarthritis except trivial method of replacing the knees with surgery. This old method was quite expensive and the success rate was very poor. For the first time in India, Cytotron Machine based on a new Hitech revolutionary RFQMR (Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic


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Resonance) technology for the treatment of Osteoarthritis has been invented and went through successful clinical trials proving that knee joints cartilage can be regenerated. Osteoarthritis is caused due to many reasons besides Cartilage loss like Osteophytes formation Scelrosis, cystic formation edema, Meniscus Degeneration/tear etc. However, in most of the cases the cause is Cartilage loss for which we provide treatment using Cytotron Technology. The treatment is providing by giving 1 hour sitting on daily basis for a period of 21 days and for undergoing this treatment the patient is not even admitted in the centre. The treatment is continued for 2-3 months in which regular tests and checkups are conducted so as to assess the condition of the patient regularly. The cure to Osteorathritis, is to either repair i.e., surgery of knee or regeneration of damaged cartilage using Cytotron Technology. Our Centre does not induce the people to get rid of surgery of knee replacement, but we through our technology give assurance of regeneration of damaged cartilage cells, which help in cure of Osteoarthritis.

Dr. Jitendra Bajaj, Orthopaedic Surgeron, Centre for Joint Rejuvenation stated that Centre for Rejuvenation was established for the purpose of ailment of Osteoarthritis. Cytotron Machine based on a new Hitech revolutionary RFQMR (Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance) technology for the treatment of Osteoarthritis has been invented and went through successful clinical trials proving that knee joints cartilage can be regenerated.

In light of the above, the Delhi Medical Council observes that the Cytotron therapy which was given to patient Shri K.L. Jai Singh was provided after taking informed consent. The Cytotron therapy as per Centre for Joint Rejuvenation is patented under India Government. However, the Centre for Joint Rejuvenation has submitted the paper published in 2004 which does not refer to regeneration of cartilage. As per paper there is only subjective improvement. According to patient’s (Shri K.L. Jaisingh) version there is no improvement in his knee® rather the other knee is also deteriorated. Even the MRI of knee did not show any regeneration of cartilage in ® knee.

The Delhi Medical Council further observes that Centre for Joint Rejuvenation is using RFQMR technology for the treatment of Osteo arthritis. The Centre claims that the technology cures the problems of patients by cartilage formation through tissue regeneration. The Centre has submitted the certification regarding machine but no certification about procedure. The cytotron therapy is not an established scientific treatment for management of Osteo arthritis. Neither it is known for cartilage formation and tissue regeneration. Cytotron therapy is not being used for treatment in almost all centres.


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In light of the observations made hereinabove, the Delhi Medical Council issues a warning to Dr Jitender Bajaj (DMC registration No. 14241) and Directorate of Health Services should initiate appropriate action against Centre for Joint Rejuvenation, 16/1, New Rohtak Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110005.

Matter stands disposed.

By the Order & in the name of

Delhi Medical Council

(Dr. Girish Tyagi)


Copy to :-

1) Shri K.L. Jaisingh, J-7, Sector-XI, Jaisingh House, Noida – 201301

2) Medical Superintendent, Centre for Joint Rejuvenation, 16/1, New Rohtak Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110005

3) Director Health Services, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Swasthya Sewa Nideshalay Bhawan, F-17, Karkardooma, Delhi – 110032 - with reference to letter No. F.23 (26)/MSNH-I/DHS/HQ/09-10/44249 dated 28th August, 2009 – for information and necessary action.

4) Secretary, Medical Council of India, Pocket-14, Sector-8, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110077 – for information & necessary action.

(Dr. Girish Tyagi)



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