TITLE I, Part A - NEGLECTED EDUCATION AND TITLE I, PART D, SUBPART 2 – DELINQUENT 2024-2025Under ESEA APPLICATION AND FORMAL AGREEMENT FOR FEDERAL FUNDING FOR LOCAL EDUCATION AGENCIESIndicate that this Application is for Title I, Part A-Neglected FORMCHECKBOX or Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 FORMCHECKBOX APPLICATION DUE DATE: July 1, 2024GeneralDistrict/School Code: FORMTEXT ?????Business Office Representative Name: FORMTEXT ?????Mailing Address and E-mail address for Business Official: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone: FORMTEXT ?????Fax Number: FORMTEXT ?????Mailing Address and E-mail address for Fiscal Agent: FORMTEXT ?????Telephone: FORMTEXT ?????Fax Number: FORMTEXT ?????Name of the Facility: FORMTEXT ?????Title, Name, and E-mail address of Program Contact (Facility): FORMTEXT ?????Telephone: FORMTEXT ?????Fax Number: FORMTEXT ?????Mailing Address and Email Address for Facility: FORMTEXT ?????Name of Transition Coordinator (if applicable): FORMTEXT ?????Telephone: FORMTEXT ?????Fax Number: FORMTEXT ?????Mailing Address and E-Mail Address for Transition Coordinator: FORMTEXT ?????Name of Service Provider: FORMTEXT ?????Mailing Address and E-mail address for Service Provider: FORMTEXT ?????Project Contact Name (Service Provider): FORMTEXT ?????Telephone: FORMTEXT ?????Fax Number: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Our LEA is applying for generated Title I, Part A-Neglected or Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 funds OR FORMCHECKBOX Our LEA is releasing generated Title I, Part A-Neglected or Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 fundsThe LEA Authorized Official and Facility Authorized Official have reviewed and approved this project year's Application for filing. The facts, figures, and representations made in this Application, including exhibits and attachments hereto, are true and correct to the best of your knowledge.Signature of LEA Authorized Official: FORMTEXT ????? Date: FORMTEXT ?????Name of LEA Authorized Official (Typed): FORMTEXT ?????Signature of Facility Authorized Official: FORMTEXT ????? Date: FORMTEXT ?????Name of Facility Authorized Official (Typed): FORMTEXT ?????Signature of Service Provider Official: FORMTEXT ????? Date: FORMTEXT ?????Name of Service Provider Official (Typed): FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ??PURPOSES OF TITLE I, PART A OR TITLE I, PART D, SUBPART 2 FUNDINGTo carry out high-quality education programs to prepare children and youth for secondary school completion, training, employment, or further education;To provide activities to facilitate the transition of such children and youth from the correctional program to further education or employment;To operate programs in local schools, including schools operated or funded by the Bureau of Indian Education, for children and youth returning from correctional facilities and programs which may serve at-risk children and youthFacilities ServedInstructions: List the facility that will receive Title I, Part A-Neglected or Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 funding. Complete the following information about the type of Title I, Part A-Neglected or Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 program in the facility, grades served, participating students and staff, and use of funds. An Application and Formal Agreement must be completed for each facility submitting an Annual Survey of Children in Local Institutions for Neglected or Delinquent Youth count form.NAME OF FACILITY: FORMTEXT ?????Grades/Ages Served: FORMTEXT ????Number of Students Enrolled in the facility at the Time of Application: FORMTEXT ?????Estimated Number of Students Participating in the Project Throughout the Year: FORMTEXT ?????Uses of Funds FORMCHECKBOX Programs assisting with transitioning children and youth returning to local schools from correctional facilities FORMCHECKBOX Dropout prevention programs FORMCHECKBOX Coordination of health and social services-daycare, drug/alcohol counseling, mental health services to improve likelihood such students will complete education FORMCHECKBOX Special programs meeting the unique academic needs of participating children/youth-vocational/technical education, special education, career counseling, curriculum-based entrepreneurship education, assistance in securing post secondary student loans and grants FORMCHECKBOX Programs providing mentoring and peer mediationAttach a document with the following information for each staff position funded with Title I, Part A or Title I, Part D, Subpart 2.Include:Staff TitleFTEWork LocationNumber of Days/Weeks/Months per yearNumber of Hours per WeekCertification or DegreeTitle I, Part A - Neglected or Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 - Local Programs for Children and Youth Residing in Facilities for Neglected or Delinquent ChildrenProgram Descriptions. Instructions: Describe the following aspects of your program. If not meeting a requirement, include the rationale. Include programs that are funded by Title I, Part FORMTEXT ????? and any other funding sources.Describe the Title I, Part FORMTEXT ????? program to be funded and monitored. Explain how program/services align with the School Improvement Plan. FORMTEXT ?????As appropriate, describe the Formal Agreement regarding the Title I, Part FORMTEXT ????? program to be assisted, between:The LEA; andCorrectional facilities and alternative school programs serving children and youth involved with the juvenile justice system, including such facilities operated by the Secretary of the Interior and Indian tribes. FORMTEXT ?????Describe how participating schools will coordinate with Title I, Part FORMTEXT ????? facilities working with adjudicated/neglected children and youth to ensure that such children and youth are participating in an education program comparable to one operating in the local school such youth would attend. FORMTEXT ?????Describe the program operated by participating Title I, Part FORMTEXT ????? schools to facilitate the successful transition of children and youth returning from correctional/neglected facilities and, as appropriate, the types of services that such schools will provide such children and youth and other at-risk children and youth. FORMTEXT ?????Describe the characteristics (including learning difficulties, substance abuse problems, and other special needs) of children and youth who will be returning from Title I, Part FORMTEXT ????? facilities and, as appropriate, other at-risk children and youth expected to be served by the program; and a description of how the school will coordinate existing educational programs to meet the unique educational needs of such children and youth. FORMTEXT ?????As appropriate, describe how the schools will coordinate with existing social, health, and other services to meet the unique educational needs of adjudicated/neglected children and youth returning from Title I, Part FORMTEXT ????? facilities, at-risk children or youth, and other participating children or youth, including prenatal health care and nutrition services related to the health of the parent and the child or youth, parenting and child development classes, child care, targeted reentry and outreach programs, referrals to community resources, and scheduling flexibility. FORMTEXT ?????As appropriate, describe any partnerships with institutions of higher education or local businesses to facilitate postsecondary and workforce success for children and youth returning from Title I, Part FORMTEXT ????? facilities such as through participation in credit-bearing coursework while in secondary school, enrollment in postsecondary education, participation in credit-bearing coursework while in secondary school, enrollment in postsecondary education, career and technical education programming, and mentoring services for participating students. FORMTEXT ?????As appropriate, describe how the program will involve parents and family members in efforts to improve the educational achievement of their children, assist in dropout prevention activities, and prevent the involvement of their children in delinquent activities. FORMTEXT ?????Describe how this program under this subpart will be coordinated with other Federal, State, and local programs, such as programs under title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and career and technical education programs serving at-risk children and youth. FORMTEXT ?????Describe how this program will be coordinated with programs operated under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 and other comparable programs, if applicable. FORMTEXT ?????As appropriate, describe how schools will work with probation officers and courts to assist in meeting the needs of adjudicated/neglected children and youth returning from Title I, Part FORMTEXT ????? facilities. FORMTEXT ?????Describe the efforts participating schools will make to ensure Title I, Part FORMTEXT ????? facilities working with children and youth are aware of their existing individualized educational program (IEP). FORMTEXT ?????As appropriate, describe the steps participating schools will take to find alternative placements for adjudicated/neglected children and youth interested in continuing their education but are unable to participate in a regular school program. FORMTEXT ?????Describe the Title I, Part FORMTEXT ????? Program Evaluation Process. Include procedures, schedules, instruments, and multiple measures and the evaluation tools for academic and non-academic services. The evaluation process should include the indicators as referenced in Section 1431 – Program Evaluations. FORMTEXT ?????Describe the Title I, Part FORMTEXT ????? Student Evaluation Process. Describe assessment procedures for: Student intake to determine services needed, Discharge/Transition, Academic achievement, and Non-academic student services. Include procedures, schedules, instruments and multiple measures, and the evaluation tools. FORMTEXT ?????Program Assurances FORMCHECKBOX The LEA has met with and involved all appropriate stakeholders in the budgeting process, program development and evaluation. FORMCHECKBOX The LEA agrees to monitor all grantees and facilities subcontracted that receive Title I, Part A-Neglected or Title I Part D, Subpart 2 funding to ensure that the facility is carrying out its responsibilities as outlined in its Application and Formal Agreement and is complying with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements (fiscal and programmatic). FORMCHECKBOX The LEA has on file the Application and Formal Agreement made with the facility that receives Title I, Part A-Neglected or Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 funding. FORMCHECKBOX This Application meets all requirements of Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 only; set forth in Sections 1423 and 1425 of Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). FORMCHECKBOX The LEA will evaluate the Title I, Part A-Neglected or Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 program in partnership with the facility, disaggregating data on participation by gender, race, ethnicity, and age not less than once every three years to determine the program’s effect on the ability of participants:To maintain and improve educational achievement;To accrue school credits that meet State requirements for grade promotion and secondary school graduation;To make the transition to a regular program or other education program operated by an LEA;To complete secondary school (or secondary school equivalency requirements), and obtain employment after leaving the correctional facility or institution; and,As appropriate, participate in postsecondary education and job training. In conducting each evaluation, the LEA agrees to use multiple and appropriate measures of student progress. FORMCHECKBOX The LEA agrees to submit evaluation results to the Michigan Department of Education and/or the U.S. Department of Education and use the results of these evaluations to plan and improve subsequent programs for participating adjudicated children and youth. FORMCHECKBOX The LEA agrees to follow the regulations in EDGAR PLUS Section 80.32 – Equipment and 80.33 – Supplies. The Title I, Part A or Title I, Part D, Subpart 2 State Coordinator must be notified immediately in the instance of a facility closure or a change in the fiscal agent. FORMCHECKBOX The LEA agrees to submit to the Michigan Department of Education annually:MDE Annual Count Survey Form Title I, Part D Facility Data Collection Tool (Delinquent Facilities) or MEGS+ Consolidated Performance Report (Neglected Facilities) ................

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