Learning Context

Learning Context

Students are in first grade; this is a whole-group activity. They are beginning a unit on zoo animals.


• Go over I POEMS and examples of I POEMS

• Make copies of the format from the online generator

• Use overhead and white board

• Sign-up to use the computer lab


• Introduce I POEMS by reading the book Atlantic by G. Brian Karas.

• Discuss the characteristics of an I POEM

• Talk about how people write I POEMS and how authors use their 5 senses.

• Read My Visit to the Zoo by Aliki. Show the class the online I POEM generator and how I wrote an I POEM on the zoo based on the book.

• As a class, create an I POEM on monkeys and apes. First, read about monkeys and apes in The Encyclopedia of Awesome Animals pages 70-85.

• Discuss important words and phrases from the text on the white board.

• Use the overhead to project the online generator form so the class can work together to create an I POEM on monkeys and apes.

• Proofread and edit I POEM. Finalize our class I POEM on monkeys and apes.

• Read Big Cats by Joyce Milton, which has great information on tigers and talk about how our school mascot is a tiger.

• Discuss characteristics of tigers mentioned in the book and write some of the words on the board.

• Pass out paper of online generator form so the children can brainstorm and write down words to describe tigers.

• Mrs. Mull and I will briefly conference with the children and make sure they are on the right track and help them make revisions if necessary.

• Children will go to computer lab and type in the words that they wrote about tigers and then print the I POEM.

• Then they can draw a picture to go with their I POEM.

• I will publish their I POEMS in a class book, on the school website and on our class web page.


I am a tiger.

Biggest cat, intelligent hunter, rare animal, great swimmer.

I am an Ellendale tiger.

Biggest heart, intelligent student, rare and unique person, great conquer.

Our Riverbanks Zoo field trip is coming up and we have lots of animal learning to do! Why not start with the tigers? After all, we are the tigers! You are invited to write an “I” poem on tigers. Your “I” poem will be a part of our class book and it will be on our Ellendale School Website and our class web page!

This is what you do…

• Listen to Mrs. Hall read the book about tigers.

• Brainstorm and fill out “I” poem paper using information from the book

• Use sparkle words

• Conference with Mrs. Hall or Mrs. Mull

• Go to the computer lab and type in your “I” poem on

• Proofread your poem and print it.

• Illustrate your poem.

• Have fun!

| Student Rubric |

|1.  Is your poem about tigers? |

|Terrific |OK |Needs Work |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|2. Did you use an “I” poem format? |

|Terrific |OK |Needs Work |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|3. Did you use facts about tigers from the book? |

|Terrific |OK |Needs Work |

|[pic] | [pic] |[pic] |

|4. Did you use “sparkle” words? |

|Terrific |OK |Needs Work |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |


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