Slide 1 - Title IX, Clery Act and Sexual Harassment ...

Title IX, Clery Act, and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training


What We Will Cover

1. Definitions and examples Definition of Title IX Types of Sexual Harassment Sex Stereotyping Clery Act and crimes covered Retaliation

2. Recognizing harassment and what comes next

3. Available resources, both internal and external

Title IX

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex,

be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

-Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

Title IX

? The U.S. Department of Education issued amendments to the Title IX regulations that have required colleges and universities to change how they investigate allegations of sexual harassment.

? The new regulations went into effect on August 14, 2020, but with the new administration they will likely be changed in the near future.

? In the meantime, SUNY Upstate has instituted a Title IX grievance procedure for investigating allegations of sexual harassment in its education programs and activities.

? Sexual harassment that does not fall within SUNY Upstate's Title IX grievance procedure is still prohibited under SUNY Upstate's other policies, such as its Code of Conduct and Harassment Prevention Policy, and will be reviewed under SUNY Upstate's non-Title IX Investigation procedure.

Upstate Policies

? SUNY Upstate prohibits sexual harassment and unequal treatment on the basis of sex, gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or the status of being transgender.

? SUNY Upstate's Policies prohibiting sexual harassment and discrimination can be found at: ? Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy (UW E-01) ? Harassment Prevention Policy (UW H-01)

Sex Discrimination

Sex discrimination includes all forms of sexual harassment, including verbal sexual harassment and sexual violence by employees, students, or third parties against employees, students, or third parties.

Anyone can be a Reporting Individual or a Respondent.

Discrimination can occur between any individuals, regardless of sex or gender identity, at all ranks of the institution.

*May occur in single episodes, or be persistent behavior*

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and employee misconduct, as well as a form of discrimination in the academic setting.

Sexual harassment is unlawful, and all employees and students have a legal right to a workplace and a campus free from sexual harassment.

Employees and students can enforce this right by filing a complaint internally with the University, or externally with a government agency, or in a court under federal or state antidiscrimination laws.


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