Student Athletic Interest and Abilities Survey

Student Athletic Interest SurveyPurpose. Your answers to this survey will help your school decide which sports to offer and whether to add more teams. It also helps the school determine whether it is meeting the athletic interests of male and female students. Confidentiality. All responses are confidential, unless you choose to include your name and contact information on the last page. School: FORMTEXT ? ????Grade: FORMTEXT ?????Date: FORMTEXT ?? ???Gender: FORMCHECKBOX Female FORMCHECKBOX Male FORMCHECKBOX Prefer to self-describe: FORMTEXT ?? ???Part 1 | These questions ask about your participation in sportsIn the last school year, have you participated in sports at your school? FORMCHECKBOX Yes. Please list all of the sports you play at your school: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX No. If no, what were your reasons? Select all that apply. FORMCHECKBOX I am not interested in playing any sport FORMCHECKBOX The sport I like is not offered at my school FORMCHECKBOX I am too busy with school FORMCHECKBOX I tried out, but did not make the team FORMCHECKBOX I have school-related activities after school FORMCHECKBOX My grades are too low FORMCHECKBOX I have a job after school FORMCHECKBOX I have family responsibilities after school FORMCHECKBOX Religious or cultural reasons FORMCHECKBOX My parents don’t want me to play sports FORMCHECKBOX I have a conflict with the coach FORMCHECKBOX It is too expensive FORMCHECKBOX Only certain students get picked FORMCHECKBOX There are not enough teams offered in my sport FORMCHECKBOX Two of the sports I like are offered at the same time FORMCHECKBOX Sports are not offered at my school FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ?????Do you currently play a sport outside of your school sports program? For example, a sport offered by a community center, a select team, or a club team. FORMCHECKBOX Yes. Please list all of the sports you play outside of your school sports program: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX NoPart 2 | These questions ask about your interest is specific sports.Does your school offer all the sports you are interested in playing? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoConsidering your time, interests, and responsibilities, which of the following sports would you most like to participate in at your school? Select up to 6 sports. FORMCHECKBOX Badminton FORMCHECKBOX Baseball FORMCHECKBOX Basketball FORMCHECKBOX Bowling FORMCHECKBOX Cross Country FORMCHECKBOX Field Hockey FORMCHECKBOX Football: Flag FORMCHECKBOX Football: Tackle FORMCHECKBOX Golf FORMCHECKBOX Gymnastics FORMCHECKBOX Lacrosse FORMCHECKBOX Rowing/Crew FORMCHECKBOX Soccer FORMCHECKBOX Softball: Fast Pitch FORMCHECKBOX Softball: Slow Pitch FORMCHECKBOX Swimming and Diving FORMCHECKBOX Tennis FORMCHECKBOX Track and Field FORMCHECKBOX Ultimate Frisbee/Ultimate Disc FORMCHECKBOX Volleyball FORMCHECKBOX Water Polo FORMCHECKBOX Weightlifting FORMCHECKBOX Wrestling FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ?? ??? FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ?? ??? FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMTEXT ?? ??? FORMCHECKBOX None. I don’t plan to play sports at school.OPTIONAL: Additional comments or concerns you would like to share about the sports offered at your school: FORMTEXT ?????OPTIONAL: If you would like your school to contact you to discuss your responses to this survey or to share your interest in adding a sport, please print your first and last name below: FORMTEXT ????? ................

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