Song Lyrics Project - Mr. Tombs' Class Website

Song Lyrics Project

• Choose a song that you wish to analyze to look more closely at the lyrics. Look for a song with a good message, meaning, and several examples of figurative language.

• Create a Presentation (Animoto, PowerPoint, Prezi, iMovie) based on the song that you chose.

o Explain/analyze the lyrics in your presentation – BE SPECIFIC:

▪ What is the meaning of the song? Is there a theme? What is the writer’s message? What is the mood/tone of the song?

▪ Is there figurative language in the lyrics? (Personification, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, metaphor, simile, alliteration…etc.)

▪ Is there a certain rhyme scheme or rhythm in the song? Explain. (Example: aa,bb,cc)

• For Prezi or Animoto:

o Go to or use the Animoto app.

o Login:

o Password: ie4407

Song Lyrics Project

• Choose a song that you wish to analyze to look more closely at the lyrics. Look for a song with a good message, meaning, and several examples of figurative language.

• Create a Presentation (Animoto, PowerPoint, Prezi, iMovie) based on the song that you choose.

o Explain/analyze the lyrics in your presentation – BE SPECIFIC:

▪ What is the meaning of the song? Is there a theme? What is the writer’s message? What is the mood/tone of the song?

▪ Is there figurative language in the lyrics? (Personification, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, metaphor, simile, alliteration…etc.)

▪ Is there a certain rhyme scheme or rhythm in the song? Explain. (Example: aa,bb,cc)

• For Prezi or Animoto:

o Go to or use the Animoto app.

o Login:

o Password: ie4407


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