Modern Novel

Modern Novel

Ms. Manilla 5* Conference

One Trimester ½ Unit of Credit Senior Standing

Course Description: This course is the study of novels written in the past 30 years (1980- present). Each student reads at his/her own pace on an independent study basis. Students will journal and discuss their novels with the class. Students are required to read both in and out of the class.

Requirements: Students will read at least three novels per six weeks. Each novel must be over 100 pages and must be approved by the teacher. Any novel over 500 pages will count as two novels. After each novel is read students will choose one of four tests. Any test scored below 80% must be retaken and a late penalty of 10 points per day will be assessed for any student not testing within the given time frame (two weeks per book). Students will submit one typed book review per six weeks. After completing the three required novels, students will continue to read in class. Students may read as many novels as they want for each six weeks. A final exam will be given at the end of the trimester.

Instructional Methods: Lectures and class discussions

Recurring Assignments: Reading, weekly journal, tests, and book reviews

Materials Needed: Novel and journal

Grading Policy: Any student that does not read three novels, per six weeks, will fail the grading period. The three highest test scores will be added to the journal and book review scores for six-week grades.

According to school board policy

90- 100 A

89. B

79. C

60-69 D


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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