Program Implementation – commented code (including the use of external libraries and APIs) and screen shots of key functionality testingfrom Tkinter import *import ttkimport randomimport timeimport Tkinter as tkimport ctypes#Creating window and canvaswindow = Tk()canvas = Canvas(window, width=854, height=480, bg='white')canvas.pack()window.title('Sloths Virtual Robot')window.geometry('{}x{}'. format(874,568))window.resizable(width=FALSE, height=FALSE)#countdown is set to 61 secondscountdown = 61#Number of games played to keep track. intPlay = 0#Map button pressed initialisedButtonPressed = 1#loading background imagesgif1 = PhotoImage(file="image1.gif")gif2 = PhotoImage(file="image2.gif")gif3 = PhotoImage(file="image3.gif")gif4 = PhotoImage(file="image4.gif")#Stop Function defined def Stop(): global programRunning programRunning = False #stopping countdown global countdown countdown = 1 #Variable to say if stop button has been pressed global btnStopPressed btnStopPressed = True #Start Functiondef Start(): # create screen boundaries x_min = 0.0 y_min = 0.0 x_max = 854.0 y_max = 480.0 # set movement velocity r1vx = 10.0 # x velocity for robot 1 r1vy = 5.0 # y velocity for robot 1 r2vx = -10.0 # x velocity for robot 2 r2vy = -5.0 # velocity for robot 2 #Variable to show which map button has been pressed global ButtonPressed #Selection of map to load if ButtonPressed == 1: MapLoad1() elif ButtonPressed == 2: MapLoad2() elif ButtonPressed == 3: MapLoad3() elif ButtonPressed == 4: MapLoad4() # Random Respawn of Robot # random x coordinate selected from the range rbx = random.randint(0, 844) # random y coordinate selected from the range rby = random.randint(0, 470) global rb1 global rb2 global intPlay #Deleting robot from last game. If Start is pressed more than once it will delete the previous robot. if intPlay > 0: canvas.delete(rb1) canvas.delete(rb2) # creation of the robot rb1 = canvas.create_rectangle(rbx, rby, rbx + 10, rby + 10, fill = "cyan", outline = "blue") rb2 = canvas.create_rectangle(rbx, rby, rbx + 10, rby + 10, fill = "pink", outline = "deep pink") #Disables map buttons so user cannot change map while running btnMap1.config(state='disabled') btnMap2.config(state='disabled') btnMap3.config(state='disabled') btnMap4.config(state='disabled') #Setting btnStopPressed to false as the start button has been pressed global btnStopPressed btnStopPressed = False #Countdown function def counter_label(label): global countdown countdown = 61 def count(): global countdown global programRunning global ob1 global ob2 global ob3 global ob4 global ob5 global canvas global btnStopPressed #Decrease countdown by 1 countdown -= 1 if countdown <= 0: programRunning = False #Enables buttons so user can change map once game has stopped btnMap1.config(state='normal') btnMap2.config(state='normal') btnMap3.config(state='normal') btnMap4.config(state='normal') #Message box to user, only shows if timer has run out if btnStopPressed == False: label.config(text=str(countdown)) ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxA(0, "The timer has run out!", "Time up!", 0) elif countdown > 0: programRunning = True label.config(text=str(countdown)) #after a thousand ticks call count function label.after(1000, count) #random colour change of objects every 5 seconds if countdown % 5 == 0: # randomly select an object to turn green in the range green = random.randrange(1,5,1) if green == 1: #Giving each object the tag 0 if red and 1 if green for use in collision detection canvas.itemconfig(ob1, fill='green', outline='green', width=3, tag="1") canvas.itemconfig(ob2, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob3, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob4, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob5, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") elif green == 2: canvas.itemconfig(ob1, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob2, fill='green', outline='green', width=3, tag="1") canvas.itemconfig(ob3, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob4, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob5, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag ="0") elif green == 3: canvas.itemconfig(ob1, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob2, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob3, fill='green', outline='green', width=3, tag="1") canvas.itemconfig(ob4, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob5, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") elif green == 4: canvas.itemconfig(ob1, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob2, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob3, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob4, fill='green', outline='green', width=3, tag="1") canvas.itemconfig(ob5, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") elif green == 5: canvas.itemconfig(ob1, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob2, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob3, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob4, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") canvas.itemconfig(ob5, fill='green', outline='green', width=3, tag="1") count() counter_label(label) #Define as a global variable once to keep using global programRunning programRunning = True while programRunning == True: # create shape coordinates r1x1, r1y1, r1x2, r1y2 = canvas.coords(rb1) # sides of rb1 object r2x1, r2y1, r2x2, r2y2 = canvas.coords(rb2) # side of rb2 object # robot 1 boundary detection and response if r1x1 <= x_min + 10: # robot has reached left side of screen r1vx = 10.0 if r1y1 <= y_min + 10: # robot has reached top side of screen r1vy = 5.0 if r1x2 >= x_max - 10: # robot has reached right side of screen r1vx = -10.0 if r1y2 >= y_max - 10: # robot has reached bottom side of screen r1vy = -5.0 # robot 2 boundary detection and response if r2x1 <= x_min + 10: # robot has reached left side of screen r2vx = 10.0 if r2y1 <= y_min + 10: # robot has reached top side of screen r2vy = 5.0 if r2x2 >= x_max - 10: # robot has reached right side of screen r2vx = -10.0 if r2y2 >= y_max - 10: # robot has reached bottom side of screen r2vy = -5.0 objList = [ob1, ob2, ob3, ob4, ob5] # list containing objects as elements for o in objList: # object detection and response x1, y1, x2, y2 = canvas.coords(o) # declare sides of objList element objTag = str(canvas.gettags(o)) objTag = int(objTag[2]) if objTag == 0: # robot 1 if r1x1 > (x2 - 10) and r1x1 < (x2 + 10) and r1y1 > y1 and r1y1 < y2: # right side of object if r1vy == 5.0 and r1vx == -10.0: # if approach from top right r1vx = 10.0 if r1vy == -5.0 and r1vx == -10.0: # if approach from bottom right r1vx = 10.0 if r1x2 < (x1 + 10) and r1x2 > (x1 - 10) and r1y1 > y1 and r1y2 < y2: # left side of object if r1vy == 5.0 and r1vx == 10.0: # if approach from top right r1vx = -10.0 if r1vy == -5.0 and r1vx == 10.0: # if approach from bottom right r1vx = -10.0 if r1y2 > (y1 - 10) and r1y2 < (y1 + 10) and r1x1 > x1 and r1x1 < x2: # top side of object if r1vy == 5.0 and r1vx == 10.0: # if approach from top left r1vy = -5.0 if r1vy == 5.0 and r1vx == -10.0: # if approach from top right r1vy = -5.0 if r1y1 < (y2 + 10) and r1y1 > (y2 - 10) and r1x1 > x1 and r1x1 < x2: # bottom side of object if r1vy == -5.0 and r1vx == 10.0: # if approach from bottom left r1vy = 5.0 if r1vy == -5.0 and r1vx == -10.0: # if approach from bottom right r1vy = 5.0 # robot 2 if r2x1 > (x2 - 10) and r2x1 < (x2 + 10) and r2y1 > y1 and r2y1 < y2: # right side of object if r2vy == 5.0 and r2vx == -10.0: # if approach from top right r2vx = 10.0 if r2vy == -5.0 and r2vx == -10.0: # if approach from bottom right r2vx = 10.0 if r2x2 < (x1 + 10) and r2x2 > (x1 - 10) and r2y1 > y1 and r2y2 < y2: # left side of object if r2vy == 5.0 and r2vx == 10.0: # if approach from top right r2vx = -10.0 if r2vy == -5.0 and r2vx == 10.0: # if approach from bottom right r2vx = -10.0 if r2y2 > (y1 - 10) and r2y2 < (y1 + 10) and r2x1 > x1 and r2x1 < x2: # top side of object if r2vy == 5.0 and r2vx == 10.0: # if approach from top left r2vy = -5.0 if r2vy == 5.0 and r2vx == -10.0: # if approach from top right r2vy = -5.0 if r2y1 < (y2 + 10) and r2y1 > (y2 - 10) and r2x1 > x1 and r2x1 < x2: # bottom side of object if r2vy == -5.0 and r2vx == 10.0: # if approach from bottom left r2vy = 5.0 if r2vy == -5.0 and r2vx == -10.0: # if approach from bottom right r2vy = 5.0 # reposition moving objects canvas.coords(rb1, r1x1 + r1vx, r1y1 + r1vy, r1x2 + r1vx, r1y2 + r1vy) canvas.coords(rb2, r2x1 + r2vx, r2y1 + r2vy, r2x2 + r2vx, r2y2 + r2vy) canvas.update() # Sleep for 0.1 seconds, then delete the image. time.sleep(0.1) #Incrementing intPlay intPlay = intPlay + 1 #Reset Functiondef Reset(): #Calls stop function Stop() label.config(text="0") #Deletes everything on canvas canvas.delete("all") #Sets button pressed to 1 (default value) global ButtonPressed ButtonPressed = 1#Map Functionsdef Map1(): #Defining objects as globals global ob1 global ob2 global ob3 global ob4 global ob5 #Creating objects as rectangles using coordinates, giving tag of 0 ob1=canvas.create_rectangle(100, 100, 200, 170, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob2=canvas.create_rectangle(754, 100, 654, 170, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob3=canvas.create_rectangle(550, 280, 300, 200, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob4=canvas.create_rectangle(100, 380, 200, 310, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob5=canvas.create_rectangle(754, 380, 654, 310, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0")def Map2(): #Defining objects as globals global ob1 global ob2 global ob3 global ob4 global ob5 #Creating objects as rectangles using coordinates, giving tag of 0 ob1=canvas.create_rectangle(180, 140, 310, 85, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob2=canvas.create_rectangle(550, 110, 800, 60, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob3=canvas.create_rectangle(390, 190, 470, 400, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob4=canvas.create_rectangle(50, 330, 330, 400, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob5=canvas.create_rectangle(550, 330, 800, 400, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0")def Map3(): #Defining objects as globals global ob1 global ob2 global ob3 global ob4 global ob5 #Creating objects as rectangles using coordinates, giving tag of 0 ob1=canvas.create_rectangle(60, 60, 130, 130, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob2=canvas.create_rectangle(350, 100, 420, 350, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob3=canvas.create_rectangle(500, 130, 790, 70, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob4=canvas.create_rectangle(250, 440, 310, 390, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob5=canvas.create_rectangle(490, 360, 790, 420, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0")def Map4(): #Defining objects as globals global ob1 global ob2 global ob3 global ob4 global ob5 #Creating objects as rectangles using coordinates, giving tag of 0 ob1=canvas.create_rectangle(390, 60, 470, 120, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob2=canvas.create_rectangle(190, 210, 270, 270, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob3=canvas.create_rectangle(590, 210, 670, 270, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob4=canvas.create_rectangle(390, 370, 470, 430, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") ob5=canvas.create_rectangle(640, 370, 800, 430, fill='red', outline='red', width=3, tag="0") #Loading map functionsdef MapLoad1(): #Deletes any previous map/object on canvas canvas.delete("all") #Loads background image global gif1 image1=canvas.create_image(0,0,image=gif1,anchor="nw",tag="img") #Creates map 1 by calling function Map1() #Sets ButtonPressed to equal 1 global ButtonPressed ButtonPressed = 1 def MapLoad2(): #Deletes any previous map/object on canvas canvas.delete("all") #Loads background image global gif2 image2=canvas.create_image(0,0,image=gif2,anchor="nw",tag="img") #Creates map 2 by called function Map2() #Sets ButtonPressed to equal 2 global ButtonPressed ButtonPressed = 2 def MapLoad3(): #Deletes any previous map/object on canvas canvas.delete("all") #Loads background image global gif3 image3=canvas.create_image(0,0,image=gif3,anchor="nw",tag="img") #Creates map 3 by called function Map3() #Sets ButtonPressed to equal 3 global ButtonPressed ButtonPressed = 3 def MapLoad4(): #Deletes any previous map/object on canvas canvas.delete("all") #Loads background image global gif4 image4=canvas.create_image(0,0,image=gif4,anchor="nw",tag="img") #Creates map 3 by called function Map4() #Sets ButtonPressed to equal 4 global ButtonPressed ButtonPressed = 4 #Creating buttonsbtnStart=Button(window, text='Start', height=1, width=20, command=Start)btnStop=Button(window, text='Stop', height=1, width=20, command=Stop)btnReset=Button(window, text='Reset', height=1, width=20, command=Reset)#Places buttons in correct, y=500), y=530), y=530)#Creating countdown labellabel= tk.Label(font=('Helvetica', 20), text = "0"), y=500)label.pack()#Creating image buttonsbtnMap1=Button(window, text="1", height=1, width=2, command=MapLoad1)btnMap2=Button(window, text="2", height=1, width=2, command=MapLoad2)btnMap3=Button(window, text="3", height=1, width=2, command=MapLoad3)btnMap4=Button(window, text="4", height=1, width=2, command=MapLoad4)#Placement of image, y=500), y=500), y=500), y=500)#Padds canvascanvas.pack(padx=10,pady=10)window.mainloop()Before coding in Python we were all assigned a task that we felt would challenge us and was best suited to our abilities. The code that I was responsible for is highlighted in grey. I was assigned the task of creating the countdown. During the coding stage I encountered problems with how to display the countdown not within the canvas. This problem was overcome by research and asking a member of staff, and then I created a label to prevent it from appearing within the canvas. Other problems I encountered were due to syntax mistakes, such as indentation, and stopping the countdown from continually undergoing recursion. However from these problems I have gained a greater understanding and new knowledge, which will further my abilities.Testing190514668500left113665Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Robot Deletion0Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Robot DeletionIn Figure 1 we had a problem when the Start button was pressed a new robot was created and the previous robots were not deleted. This was overcome by counting the number of plays used and the addition of code that would delete all the objects on the canvas when Reset or Start was pressed.21784737500left123825Figure 2: Red Stopping Error0Figure 2: Red Stopping ErrorIn Figure 2 we encountered an issue regarding the detection of the lights, as when the robot came into contact with the red object, it bounced off the object instead of stopping. This was overcome by only allowing the robot to pass through an object if it was green. Therefore the robot was stopped from moving and forced to change direction when it hit the red objects.19058636000left120650Figure 3: Countdown0Figure 3: CountdownFigure 3 shows another problem I had with the countdown during the project. The countdown ran in the Python Shell instead of showing in the desired location. Therefore the label was used to make the countdown show in the desired location whilst the program was run. ................

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