By : Sangeeta M Chauhan , Gwalior

pythonclassroomdiary. ? Sangeeta M Chauhan, Gwalior

Best Python GUI Frameworks which supports multiple platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac). These all GUI frameworks are easy to use and popular, some of them are open-source.

? Kivy :OpenGL ES 2, supports multiple platforms namely Windows, MacOSX, Linux, Android iOS and Raspberry Pi. Open source

? PyQT : Cross-platform ,Supports Unix/Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and Sharp Zaurus. It is available in both, commercial as well as GPL license. Although some features may not be available in the free version, but you can use it under the free license with open source.

? WxPython open source wrapper for cross-platform GUI library WxWidgets (earlier known as WxWindows) and implemented as a Python extension module. With WxPython you as a developer can create native applications for Windows, Mac OS and Unix. If you're just beginning to develop applications in WxPython, here is a good simple tutorial you can go through.

pythonclassroomdiary. ? Sangeeta M Chauhan, Gwalior

? PyGUI cross-platform framework for Unix, Macintosh and Windows. lightweight,.

? PySide free and cross-platform GUI toolkit Qt initiated and sponsored by Nokia, ,currently supports Linux/X11, Mac OS X, Maemo and Windows and, support for Android is in the plans for the near future. PySide provides tools to works with multimedia, XML documents, network, databases and GUI. A key feature of PySide is its API compatibility with PyQt4, so if you wish to migrate to PySide then the process will be hasslefree.

? Tkinter bundled with Python, Python's standard GUI framework. Popular for its simplicity and GUI. Open source and available under the Python License.

pythonclassroomdiary. ? Sangeeta M Chauhan, Gwalior

To create a tkinter application:

1. Import module ? tkinter 2. Create the main window (container) 3. Add any number of widgets to the main

window 4. Apply the event Trigger on the widgets.

pythonclassroomdiary. ? Sangeeta M Chauhan, Gwalior

There are two main methods to be used while creating application using tkinter

?Tk (screenName=None, baseName=None, className='Tk', useTk=1): This creates a toplevel widget of Tk which usually is the main window of an application. Each instance has its own associated Tcl interpreter.

? Mainloop() : used when you are ready for the application to run. mainloop() is an infinite loop used to run the application, wait for an event to occur and process the event till the window is not closed.

pythonclassroomdiary. ? Sangeeta M Chauhan, Gwalior


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