[Pages:16]Commercial in Confidence


Commercial in Confidence

Table of Contents

1. Assessment Information.............................................................................................1 2. Organisation ? Introduction, Aims, Objectives & Outcomes ............................2 3. Strengths.........................................................................................................................8 4. Areas for Development ..............................................................................................10 5. Methodology.................................................................................................................13 Conditions of Accreditation .............................................................................................14

Commercial in Confidence

1. Assessment Information

Assessment Type Assessor's Decision Assessor's Name Visit Date Client ID Assessment Reference



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V4 17.07.17

Commercial in Confidence

2. Organisation ? Introduction, Aims, Objectives & Outcomes

Jancett Group are family run companies with children's day nurseries, after school and holiday clubs, Catering and a work-based training centre. The Group provide Study Programmes, Traineeships and Apprenticeships as well as bespoke courses; the catering arm is also involved in Traineeships and Apprenticeships. Their clients are their own staff, apprentices as well as the larger communities in which they work advising on training and career pathways.

"The overall mission of the Company is to provide and maintain best quality services, training, play, care and education for all users within the childcare and training environments. Furthermore, the Company intend to be innovative, remain up-to-date with knowledge and ensure that inclusion, diversity, individual needs and equality of opportunity are part of their continuous improvement vision." For JACE Training, this translates into being the training provider of choice throughout their delivery areas and programmes. Their Vision is a simple but strong message: "To Make A Difference".

In the last three years there has been a change of Managing Director as well as a new Director of JACE Training. Although one nursey was closed in April 2015 the Group plan to open another one soon. A skills analysis has been undertaken of all roles to get an understanding of where the gaps are for future CPD as well as providing staff with more defined job descriptions. Directors are now introducing performance related measurable and accountable KPIs that will be linked to the annual appraisal process. A greater focus on staff training has already included upskilling many staff including HR and Finance. The business plans for Jancett Nurseries, Jancett Playsafe, JACE Training and Jace Catering have all been renewed and there are HR and Facilities Service Level Agreements (SLA) in development for all four areas. Plans are also in place to migrate Jace Catering to the main Company.

One of the striking aspects of the Jancett and JACE companies is the longevity of staff, many of whom have progressed through the ranks. Talent spotting of apprentices within JACE Training programmes, for example, has led to people being identified as potentially suitable for assessing or other roles. In some cases, this has led to a seamless transition into full-time employment within one of the companies. Nevertheless, there has been a steady introduction of new talent to bring the right balance of promoting experience and bringing new ideas form both within and outside the childcare or training sectors.

The outcome for the last full Ofsted inspection for JACE Training in January 2017 was a disappointing overall grade 3: `Requires Improvement'. Since that time, Ofsted have made two support visits in July 2017 and February 2018 resulting in appropriate action plans. Several support and challenge arrangements were put in place and each visit identified the improvement work that has been carried out since the January 2017 inspection. A full Ofsted inspection is expected before the end of 2018. Since the last matrix assessment, three nurseries achieved an Ofsted 'Good' and several Playsafe clubs have also undergone Ofsted inspections achieving either `Outstanding' or `Good'.

Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) has continued to be a major focus with more staff achieving a formal qualification with plans to continue this upskilling. The work of the two Employment Liaison Officers to source new learners and to both manage and expand employer engagement activities has been highly successful, particularly since the introduction of the new Apprenticeship Levy system and new Standards.


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Commercial in Confidence

These processes have played a significant role in helping the organisation to put in place stronger initial assessment and interview measures to ensure the right person gets on the right course and level at the right time. The IAG support for employers has also become more effective leading to a steady stream of new business. This success has largely been due to JACE Training's lead-in period to introduce the Apprenticeship Levy and new standards. This included an eclectic range of events and activities such as: staff attending an Aspire training conference; introducing regular steering group meetings; giving employer presentations and laying on open evenings; joining the Gatwick Diamond Partnership; producing an internal pack around the Apprenticeship Reforms that included question and answer material; introducing Employer Liaison staff; and designing workshops around skills gaps.

IAG and support for Study Programmes and Traineeships to provide pre-employment pathways to Apprenticeships or alternative career paths has had a very positive effect. It has remained effective in developing young people's soft skills to get them to a position where they can make informed decisions that are going to be more likely to sustain them in training and employment.

Over the last eighteen months JACE Training has worked with employers around the Apprenticeship Reforms which have included visits to carry out Training Needs Analysis (TNA) once staff had received expert training. Concurrently, JACE Training received approval to deliver Apprenticeships to levy paying employers. Latterly, they have also been successful with their application as a provider to non-levy paying employers with an ESFA contract through to April 2019. Additionally, JACE Training have been allocated an ESFA Study Programme target of 121 learners for the current year.

More recently, Jancett Childcare have introduced a comprehensive induction programme for Nursery and Playsafe staff as well as innovative football and multi-skills training in nurseries for all the children. As part of the planned upskilling, approximately 35 staff have been encouraged to use Advanced Learner Loans for programmes such as the Level 5 Management in Childcare. In addition, Playsafe are about to embark on a much-needed Recruitment and Retention Project to explore innovative ways to address the difficulty in attracting skilled staff.

Since the last assessment, the Jace Catering Team has grown in staff numbers to deliver event catering, cookery school and supper clubs but have now decided to concentrate primarily on event catering. The team currently provide catering to some of their own nurseries with the potential to provide this service in the future. A collaborative venture with the Marketing department has led to their new website and more use being made of social media. There is a better marketing balance now between the two.

The employee representative meetings with the Managing Director (MD) and HR are encouraging meaningful ideas from individual representatives. A recent example to look at the holiday period between Christmas and New Year and giving staff the option to take the days off as leave or without pay is encouraging healthy debate. The forum has been well received and there is a perception now that the new management ethos is one that is focused on transparency as well as accountability. In addition, to encourage loyalty and reduce staff turnover a rewards and recognition scheme has been introduced.


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Commercial in Confidence

Directors are also consulting on ways of improving staffs' quality of life, particularly for those roles with unsocial hours at the beginning and end of each day. As part of this process, a staff questionnaire has recently been circulated and an Innovation Group is also now up and running.

The delivery of good quality IAG and the tailored support provided to learners and apprentices has allowed the organisation to meet many of its service objectives and embrace those defined in the business plans. These have included: to introduce a rewards and recognition scheme; to enhance the advice and guidance delivered to all regarding their careers and future training; to work in partnership with JACE Training to ensure that staff gain a qualification; to introduce unique selling points (USP) in Jancett Childcare and Playsafe; to work with schools to reduce Playsafe waiting lists; and to promote growth in the event catering sector as well as source school catering opportunities.

The organisation regularly measures and evaluates progress against these aims and objectives to identify improvements. Loyalty and attendance bonuses have been introduced and yearly awards given, such as ones for special achievements. Regular progress reviews are held with apprentices to help them progress to the next level. For Study Programme learners, employability support is provided to help them progress into Traineeships, Apprenticeships or employment. Some 35 staff have taken advantage of Advanced Learner Loans to upskill to the Level 5 Management in Childcare to become more highly skilled practitioners. Free football coaching, music and language coaching are all being introduced as USPs and have been well received by parents and children. Playsafe clubs are working closely with schools to acquire more space to reduce current waiting lists. Also, a strategy is now in place to promote growth in event and school catering opportunities as well as Conservatory hire to reach the current Jace Catering income target per month.

Some of the most significant outcomes that the organisation used as measures of success for the service in 2016/17 included: year on year improvements for timely achievement and overall success rates for Apprenticeships, Traineeships and Study Programmes; year on year starts comparison for each programme for 2017/18 against 2016/17; and the tracking of leaver destinations.

Examples of Jancett Childcare and Playsafe outcomes included: managing waiting lists and new starts effectively to ensure good retention and occupancy; increasing fees annually while remaining competitive; and ensuring staff wages remain competitive. For Jace Catering, performance measures are being put in place for the following: products and services; monthly sales targets; confirmed events and contracts; and weekly KPIs for team members to measure performance and productivity.

Evaluation and monitoring of defined outcomes is becoming a robust and well-developed process within Jancett and JACE. Some of the most significant outcomes achieved to support and improve service delivery over the last three years included: overall Apprenticeship achievement of 60.18%, 53.17% and 64.94 and timely achievement of 50.66%, 41.29% and 52.56% respectively for cohorts of 221, 205 and 154. Although there is still much to do, the trend is in the right direction but the need to grow numbers is paramount.


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Commercial in Confidence

Overall achievement rates for Education and Training (Study Programmes and Traineeships) for cohorts of 454, 584 and 336 were 66.96%, 38.01% and 63.69% and timely achievement rates of 64.98%, 36.92% and 63.36% respectively. Again, the trend is in the right direction, but greater numbers need to be recruited. Leaver destinations for the 2016/17 of 314 included 118 either retaining their jobs or moving into new employment; 31 moved into Apprenticeships, 13 of which went into Advanced Apprenticeships, 29 progressed to an FE or other college and 17 progressed to Traineeships. The destination of a further 74 was either unknown or could not be contacted; a KPI will be put in place to reduce these numbers.

Managing retention and occupancy of nurseries and clubs is through the daily logging of staff and numbers of children and keeping in regular contact with parents on the waiting list. Increasing fees is at a rate of 2-3% taking care to monitor fees throughout the borough and surrounding boroughs to remain competitive. As staff absence is poor, remaining competitive with wages in the sector and introducing quality of life improvements for staff through consultation is part of the strategy to retain quality, skilled and qualified staff. KPI measures for Jace Catering are very new and there are now six-weekly contact times with all team members to review progress against products and services, monthly sales targets, and confirmed events and contracts to forecast growth to achieve their target per month. The next step for Jancett Nurseries and Playsafe as well as Jace Catering is to make these KPIs SMART to more clearly show the impact they are having to support and improve service delivery.

The service is sufficiently well-defined that most customers and clients could articulate the outcomes they might expect regardless of the programme. Apprentices felt they were on the right programme, understood what it entailed and what was their goal. They also spoke about progression opportunities as these were regularly discussed with their assessor and sometimes the employer. Up until the end of February 2018, the number of starts for 2017/18 (239) against those for 2016/17 (229) have shown a 4% increase overall.

Learners on the Study Programme spoke about the challenges and discipline of regularly attending classes, punctuality and learning but were full of praise for the tailored support for individuals. A number spoke about acquiring skills and knowledge and that other organisations did not show the same commitment and belief to invest in helping them progress to the next stage. Progression for them was more about gaining self-esteem, belief and confidence. Several talked about experiencing tasters and acquiring employability skills training for placements before having opportunities to progress onto Traineeships and Apprenticeships or transition into employment.

Employers spoke about the organisation's investment in helping them to understand the new levy system and the new standards. Many regarded Jancett and JACE as reliable, flexible partners who are committed to meeting their needs. They valued the time spent on understanding their training needs. One or two commented that the organisation had become their provider of choice because of their high standards and determination to improve and achieve better timely completions. One provider network organisation spoke of the benefits of more showcase events with levy paying employers to impress employers and grow provision.


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Commercial in Confidence

There were many examples provided by staff to show how the service is delivered effectively to meet its aims and objectives. These have included:

? Establishing an Innovation Group and an Employee Forum, both of which are up and running and have been well received by staff. Examples of ideas and suggestions taken forward included: setting up a Company Facebook page by Marketing as it was felt it would reach more clients than Twitter; and approval for monthly dress down days.

? Taking forward a recent Jancett Childcare Ofsted recommendation to put in place regular one-to-one supervisions for all childcare staff. Other initiatives introduced have been the summer and winter fairs for parents and children to meet and interact with staff at Jancett House where in the order of 190 attended the last one; and establishing a Compliance Officer, who is a former Ofsted inspector, with responsibilities for dealing with complaints from parents and to provide another level of support to nursery managers and their staff, including through SMART inspections.

? Introducing a new approach to monitoring attendance and punctuality within JACE Training where learners do not receive the bursary for each day they are late or absent. There has also been a determined effort to frontload Functional Skills training within the Apprenticeship programmes where 11 staff have been upskilled with the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (DET) qualification.

? Taking advantage of Marketing's offer of committing eight hours each week to Jace Catering to work with the team to attract new business. Priorities include: targeting venues for event catering to become the preferred supplier; and including taster sessions at the Jancett Conservatory which is to be set up for multi-purpose use.

During the review, there were several other developments discussed that will continue to influence provision and continuous improvement through 2017/18. Examples included:

? JACE Training will focus on: preparing for a further full Ofsted inspection to get back to an Ofsted grade of `Good'; growing the employer base; introducing levy and nonlevy targets; introducing KPIs, including for timely achievement; and concentrating on significantly improving the Functional Skills success rates.

? A common theme across the Hubs is to improve timely completions. The support of ELO visits, with Director backing, to remind employers of their obligations may become necessary. An innovative approach, such as the delivery of Functional Skills in settings, is already being trialled with one employer.

? Jace Catering will continue the process of moving into contract catering and exploring how the team can establish a dedicated role for employer engagement.

? HR have centralised and standardised the management of recruiting across the Group. The challenges will include getting 75% of childcare staff qualified and expanding the pool of childcare applicants.


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