PS EIS Manuals 2017 - Hamilton County Schools




Anyone who will be accessing Power School or Power Teacher must be entered as a staff member in Power School in order to have a login account. This includes certified and classified staff. All certified staff who will be counted on the school approval report MUST be entered into Power School. Each of these staff members must also have a section assigned to them. Those that are not classroom teachers will not have any students scheduled in the section (example: principal, asst. principal, guidance counselor, librarian, etc.)

Add New Teachers\Staff : NOTE: If a teacher is part time in more than one school, they only need to be entered at one school. The Power School Team can connect them to the other schools.

1. On the Start Page, click New Staff Entry (list on left) 2. Name: Enter Last, First, and Middle Name (for certified staff, must be an exact match

that is on the Licensure Search link within EIS.) 3. Email Address: Enter the HCDE e-mail address (REQUIRED as of the 2016-17 school yr.) 4. Choose the appropriate gender and ethnicity. 5. For ID, enter the HCDE employee ID# or, if that is not available, the last 6 digits of

their SSN or make one up; however, it cannot be a duplicate of one already used. 6. Enter SSN (NO dashes) 7. DOB: REQUIRED as of the 2016-17 school year. 8. For Staff Status: Choose teacher or staff (all certified employees should be marked as

teacher) 9. Click Submit 10. If a possible match is already in PS somewhere, a "Match Existing Page" will load. If

the teacher is new and not in this list, go to the bottom and click "Create New". If the teacher is in the list at another school, click on that name and the teacher will load in your data. Most fields on the Information page will roll in with the teacher EXCEPT the gender, License Number and the Staff Work Status. 11. Click Information (column on left) and enter the following... 12. Answer Yes or No to Ethnicity question 13. Choose correct race box(es) 14. Reporting Ethnicity: Choose from dropdown 15. Enter home phone number and address, if desired. 16. Staff Status: should already say Teacher or Staff from entry. If not, fill in. 17. Active: This box should be checked to make the staff member active. 18. Exclude From State Reporting: Check this box for all classified staff as they should not be included on school approval. 19. Staff Work Status ? full or part time 20. Instructional Program # - 01 (always use 01; this field cannot be blank) 21. Licensure Check ? choose one ONLY if teacher does NOT have a TN teacher's license yet. If they have a license, this field MUST be blank. Leave blank for classified staff. Once the teacher receives a license number, enter it in the License # field and REMOVE the Licensure Check choice. 22. License # - enter TN teacher's license number (this will NEVER be the SSN). Leave blank for classified staff. 23. Click Submit


NOTE: The teacher's name and license # MUST match what is shown on the Licensure Search link within EIS. The State's Licensure is updated to this link periodically. If a teacher's name is changed and they have the new license that shows the change, do NOT change it in Power School until you have checked the EIS link to see if the change is there. It can take several days to update to this link after the teacher has received notification that the change has been made.

STAFF ASSIGNMENT (certified only; skip for classified): All certified employees who are to be counted on the school approval report require a staff assignment. If they do not have a staff assignment, they will not show up on the report. NOTE: Do NOT edit an existing assignment from a previous year or a previous school. Assignments must be created new each year as they are connected to a school and to a year. If edited, they will not extract to EIS and, therefore, the teachers will not show up on the current school approval report.

To create the assignment: 1. Click the blue "HERE" to create/edit staff assignments 2. Click New 3. Choose assignment 4. Enter assign date (first student day of school unless teacher starts later) 5. End Date ? leave blank unless teacher actually leaves during school year 6. Click Submit

If the teacher has more than one assignment, click NEW again and repeat the process.

ESL Teachers: Use EL (ESL Teacher) for ESL teachers. Do NOT use LL (Limited Language). This is no longer a valid staff assignment.

POWER TEACHER ACCOUNT PAGE: This page is used to grand access to the teacher's gradebook/attendance. Also, the HCDE employee ID should be entered on this page in order for the teacher to have access to their students in certain testing programs (easyCBM and iReady).

To grant access to a gradebook: Find Teacher Click Power Teacher Account on left Enter a User name and Password (both are case sensitive) Check box for Allow PT Access Click Submit

To add HCDE employee ID: Find Teacher Click Power Teacher Account on left Enter HCDE Employee ID number in the box Click Submit


To Inactivate Teacher/Staff

If cleaning up data following rollover and school has not started yet, only steps 1-5 will be necessary. Once a teacher has actually been in class(es) during a school year, all steps (except #4) are necessary.

1. Start Page > Staff 2. Find Staff Member 3. Click Information 4. Active Box ? uncheck if teacher has not been there at all during the current school

year; if a teacher has been on sections during the year, leave the box checked so the data will extract to the state correctly. 5. Click Submit 6. If a certified staff member, click HERE to edit assignment. 7. Click on assignment and change end date to leave date 8. Click Submit 9. If assigned any section(s), open each section, and edit the End Date (in the teacher area). Then Click Add to add the new teacher with correct Start and End Dates (start date must be one day later than end date of previous teacher).

NOTE: To find an inactive staff member in your data, use / in front of the name to search.

To Reactivate Teacher/Staff

1. Start Page > Staff 2. Find Staff Member (type / in front of the name in order to find an inactive staff

member) 3. Click Information 4. Check the Active box 5. Click Submit 6. Click the blue "HERE" to create/edit staff assignments.

7. Click NEW and enter staff assignment with correct begin and end dates. (The

previous assignment should be there with the original begin/end dates. Leave those there.)

CURRENT SCHEDULE: Shows the sections currently assigned to the teacher.



ALWAYS check the Licensure Search link within EIS before making any changes to Power School as they MUST match. The State's Licensure is updated to this link periodically. If a teacher's name is changed and they have the new license that shows the change, do NOT change it in Power School until you have checked the EIS link to see if the change is there. It can take several days to update to this link after the teacher has received notification that the change has been made.

Changing Staff/Teacher Names: Open the Edit Information page for the staff member and make the necessary changes (make a note of the original to use for previous). Toward the bottom on the same page, under Staff Member's Previous Information, enter the original data of the name that was changed in the correct field.

Changing Staff/Teacher's SSN: Open the Edit Information page for the staff member and make the necessary change (make a note of the original) Toward the bottom on the same page, under Staff Member's Previous Information, enter the original SSN in the Social Security Number field.

Changing a Teacher's License Number: Open the Edit Information page for the staff member and make the necessary changes (make a note of the original to use for previous. Toward the bottom on the same page, under Staff Member's Previous Information, enter the original data of the name that was changed in the Teacher License Number field.

PREVIOUS FIELDS: Only fill in the previous field that corresponds with the field that was changed. Do NOT fill in more than one field. If more than one field needs to be changed, contact Power School Support.


On start page, click Staff tab and click the magnifying glass to choose all Click on Functions and choose List Staff Members Choose the Fields to be printed on the report. The Field Name column shows the

exact field name in Power School. In the Column Title, type the name you want printed as the column heading on the report. Other Options: recommend checking Gridlines Can sort by fields under Optional: Sort Field Name, if desired. Click Submit


SECTIONS - Secondary

SECTIONS - Secondary


All certified staff who will be counted on the school approval report MUST be entered into Power School and be assigned a section. Those that are not classroom teachers will not have any students scheduled in the section (example: principal, asst. principal, guidance counselor, librarian, etc.)

ELEM SCHOOLS: Please follow directions in the next section, titled ELEMENTARY



1. On the Start page, click School > Sections 2. Click on the correct course in the list on the left (this list can be sorted by number or

by name by clicking on either choice). The course list shows only the courses that are marked active for your school. If you need a course that is not listed, contact Power School support. Refer to the TN Correlation of Course Codes for the current school year for correct course numbers as numbers may have been changed or retired from the previous year. 3. Click New (note the last Sec # used) 4. Expression (period), check the correct period(s) (and day if on a multi-day rotation).

Choose correctly as this field cannot be changed later. 5. Term, choose correct term. Choose correctly as this field cannot be changed later. 6. Teacher of Record, click "Add" to the right of "Teacher-Section Lead". Choose the

teacher. Start and end dates should match the term chosen. If additional teachers/staff work with these students who do NOT need to be counted as "teacher of record" they can be added by "Teachers/Staff-Additional". 7. Enter room number (optional) 8. Section Number, enter next available number for that course (1, 2, 3, etc.) 9. Grade Level (optional) 10. Maximum Enrollment: enter a number (this triggers scheduling to require a password if you attempt to schedule a student into the section once it is full) 11. District where taught and School where taught, leave blank 12. Dependent Sections: used mostly by elementary schools; secondary schools may use if they have groups of students traveling together to several sections 13. Program: leave blank 14. Record Attendance...Mode: leave as "Meeting" 15. Record Attendance: Once for All Meetings OR Each meeting Separately. If you have a section that meets for more than one period and attendance only needs to be taken one time instead of for each period, marked this field "Once for All Meetings". 16. Exclude from Attendance: This box should ONLY be checked if you are marking a section as a Pull-out which means every student in the section is fully scheduled without including this section. 17. Exclude from Storing Final Grades: check Exclude for any section that does NOT receive a grade to avoid 0's from being stored in historical grades. 18. Grade Scale ? change, if necessary 19. Exclude from GPA, Class Rank, Honor Roll ? mark as needed


TN State Report information for Sections ? for Secondary Schools 20. Class Duration: leave blank 21. Federally Funded ? not required 22. Class Type = secondary use Traditional; do NOT use Self-contained. If a section is not to be counted toward a student's ADM (meaning it would cause every student enrolled in it to be over-scheduled), it should be marked as a Pullout. 23. Class Type Detail = not required 24. Teaching Method: Choose correct method 25. Exclude from preliminary: not required

26. Instructional Program #: 01 (Required; if this field is not marked as 01, the section will be rejected by EIS.

27. Honors Class Indicator: YES OR NO 28. State Dual Credit, Local Dual Credit, Dual Enrollment: mark as Yes if applicable.

Otherwise you can leave blank. 29. Post-Secondary Institution: Choose if applicable (start typing for drop down list) 30. Exclude from EIS Extracts: NO. If this is marked as YES, the section will not load

on EIS. 31. Test Administration Window: This field is required for all courses that are tested.

Choose the correct testing window for each section. 32. Other primary schools....If students are concurrently enrolled and scheduled in classes

at your school (their home school is another HCDE school), any section that student is scheduled in needs their home school number (4 digits) in this field. Multiple numbers can be entered with a comma in between; no spaces. 33. Click Submit (be sure and click Submit before entering CRDC information)

RECREATE EXTRACT FLAGS These fields are used ONLY by Power School Support


SECTIONS CHEAT SHEET (Secondary Schools)

Do not change; automatically populates from choosing course

Choose correct period(s); and day(s) if rotating

Choose correct term

Click "ADD" and choose teacher. Dates will automatically populate to match term. Dates MUST cover full term.

Room-optional Enter Section # (cannot be a duplciate

Enter # for maximum enrollment

Check box for sections marked as Pull Out ONLY


Choose from dropdown Choose from dropdown

MUST be marked as 01

Choose from dropdown Choose as applicable

Choose NO

Choose from dropdown Only used if section has students enrolled who are concurrently enrolled from another school.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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