List of adjectives that describe character


List of adjectives that describe character

People vary in terms of their physical appearance and personalities, and the words that are used to describe them are just as varied. Some words are better suited to describing the physical appearance of someone, some are best used to describe the person's style, and others are ideal for describing the person's character traits. It is important to have

these words in your written and spoken vocabulary because you may, at some point in your life, face a situation that requires you to describe someone. List of 100 common personality adjectives that describe people positively You may use them for inspiration or to enhance your resume. In reply to Important Infrequently Used Words To Know

Rochelle commented that she would like to to see a list of joyful words she should learn as well. So, let us have them: A adaptable ?adj able and usually willing to change Synonyms: compliant, flexible, malleable, resilient, versatile adventurous ?adj daring, risk-taking Synonyms: adventuresome, audacious, bold, courageous, enterprising, intrepid,

risky, brave Click on the word below to follow the thesaurus link. affable affectionate agreeable ambitious amiable amicable amusing B brave bright broad-minded C calm careful charming communicative compassionate conscientious considerate convivial courageous courteous creative D decisive determined diligent diplomatic discreet dynamic E

easygoing emotional energetic enthusiastic exuberant F fair-minded faithful fearless forceful frank friendly funny G generous gentle good gregarious H hard-working helpful honest humorous I imaginative impartial independent intellectual intelligent intuitive inventive K kind L loving loyal M modest N neat nice O optimistic P passionate patient

persistent pioneering philosophical placid plucky polite powerful practical pro-active Q quick-witted quiet R rational reliable reserved resourceful romantic S self-confident self-disciplined sensible sensitive shy sincere sociable straightforward sympathetic T thoughtful tidy tough U unassuming understanding V versatile W warmhearted willing witty

Wait, have a look at some great posts: Character Trait Descriptive Adjectives Able Accepting Adventurous Aggressive Ambitious Annoying Arrogant Articulate Athletic Awkward Boastful Bold Bossy Brave Bright Busy Calm Careful Careless Caring Cautious Cheerful Clever Clumsy Compassionate Complex Conceited Confident Considerate Cooperative

Courageous Creative Curious Dainty Daring Dark Defiant Demanding Determined Devout Disagreeable Disgruntled Dreamer Eager Efficient Embarrassed Energetic Excited Expert Fair Faithful Fancy Fighter Forgiving Free Friendly Friendly Frustrated Fun-loving Funny Generous Gentle Giving Gorgeous Gracious Grouchy Handsome Happy Hard-

working Helpful Honest Hopeful

Humble Humorous Imaginative Impulsive Independent Intelligent Inventive Jealous Joyful Judgmental Lazy Leader Light Light-hearted Likeable Lively Lovable Loving Loyal Manipulative Materialistic Mature Melancholy Merry Messy Mischievous Obnoxious Opinionated Organized Outgoing Passive

Patient Patriotic Perfectionist Personable Pitiful Plain Pleasant Pleasing Poor Popular Pretty Prim Proper Proud Radical Realistic Rebellious Reflective Relaxed Reliable Religious Reserved Respectful Responsible Reverent Rich Rigid Rude Sad Sarcastic Self-confident Self-conscious Selfish Sensible Sensitive Serious Short Shy Silly Simple Simple-

minded Smart Stable Strong Stubborn Studious Successful Tall Tantalizing Tender Tense Thoughtful Thrilling Timid Tireless Tolerant Tough Tricky Trusting Ugly Understanding Unhappy Unique Unlucky Unselfish Warm Wild Willing Wise Witty Personality Adjectives ! Following is a list of personality adjectives in English you should learn when

describing someone's personality. Personality Adjectives Learn 150+ useful adjectives to describe yourself or someone's personality in English. Academic Accurate Adaptable Adorable Adventurous Affectionate Aggressive Agreeable Alert Alluring Ambitious Amused Appreciative Artistic Assertive Athletic Attractive Beautiful Boastful Bold Brave Bright

Bungling Calm Capable Carefree Careful Caring Casual Cautious Charming Cheerful Clean Comfortable Confident Clever Competent Conservative Contrary Cool Dazzling Decent Decisive Decorous Dedicated Deliberate Delightful Detailed Determined Devoted Dignified Diligent Disagreeable Dynamic Discreet Eager Efficient Elated Endurable

Emotional Ethical Exclusive Fanatic Faithful Feminine Firm Flexible Fool Forceful Formal Frank Friendly Fun Funny Generous Gentle Great Happy Helpful Hermetic Idiot Immaculate Immature Independent Informal Influential Insipid Intellectual Intense Inventive Jaded Keen Kind Learned Likable Lively Loving Loyal Maniac Mature Mean Neat

Noble Obliging Optimistic Original Patient Patriotic Polite Positive Powerful Practical Precise Prudent Quick Quiet Rational Realistic Reasonable Relaxed Religious Reserved Resilient Respectable Responsive Robust Romantic Sane Sensible Serious Sincere Sociable Spiritual Sporty Stable Steady Strong Tactful Thoughtful Tolerable Trusting

Trustworthy Unassuming Understanding Unreliable Unique Untrustworthy Verbal Versatile Violent Venerable Wholesome Wild Wise Witty Willing Youthful Zany Logical Methodical Adjectives to Describe Personality| Image The list below contains synonyms for words students commonly use to describe characters. Use the list to help your students get

past using words like "nice," "sad," or "smart" to describe characters. Synonyms for Nice helpful friendly kindhearted compassionate pleasant thoughtful agreeable courteousSynonyms for Mean wicked rude thoughtless impolite cruel hateful unfriendly unkind Synonyms for Happy cheerful joyful excited satisfied content delighted pleased glad

Synonyms for Sad depressed serious gloomy miserable unhappy discouraged sorrowful mournful Synonyms for Scared terrified panicked nervous afraid alarmed frightened fearful petrified Synonyms for Mad exasperated annoyed outraged furious frustrated angry displeased irritated Synonyms for Smart intelligent brilliant clever bright skillful wise

brainy Synonyms for Brave daring courageous adventurous fearless heroic Synonyms for Tricky dishonest deceitful sneaky secretive sly untrustworthy Synonyms for Funny amusing hysterical humorous comical hilarious silly Synonyms for Thankful appreciative grateful Synonyms for Active athletic energetic Synonyms for Talkative chatty

communicative Synonyms for Shy bashful quiet Below is a list of 84 positive character traits that can be used to build character trait vocabulary. Active Admirable Adventurous Agreeable Amiable Amusing Appreciative Athletic Authentic Benevolent Brave Bright Brilliant Calm Capable Caring Charming Cheerful Clean Clear-headed Clever

Compassionate Confident Considerate Cooperative Courageous Courteous Creative Curious Dedicated Easygoing Educated Enthusiastic Ethical Exciting Extraordinary Fair Firm Focused Forgiving Friendly Generous Gentle Good-natured Grateful Happy Hardworking Helpful Heroic Honest Hopeful Humble Innocent Intelligent Inventive Joyful Kind

Lively Loving Loyal Neat Nice Optimistic Organized Passionate Patient Peaceful Playful Polite Principled Reliable Respectful Responsible Self-disciplined Selfless Sincere Skillful Strong Sweet Thoughtful Trustworthy Understanding Unselfish Wise Below is a list of 84 negative character traits that can be used to build character trait vocabulary.

Aggressive Angry Anxious Argumentative Arrogant Bored Bossy Brutal Careless Charmless Clumsy Conceited Cowardly Critical Cruel Dangerous Deceitful Destructive Devious Difficult Discouraging Discourteous Dishonest Disloyal Disobedient Disorganized Disrespectful Disruptive Envious Fearful Foolish Forgetful Frightening Gloomy Greedy Grim

Hateful Haughty Hostile Ignorant Impatient Impractical Inconsiderate Insincere Insulting Intolerant Irresponsible Irritable Jealous Lazy Liar Mean Meddlesome Messy Miserable Monstrous Moody Negative Neglectful Obnoxious Petty Possessive Power-hungry Prejudiced Resentful Rude Scornful Selfish Shallow Sloppy Sneaky Snobbish Thoughtless

Unappreciative Uncaring Uncooperative Unforgiving Unfriendly Ungrateful Unhealthy Unreliable Violent Weak Wicked Share on FacebookShare on Twitter In this lesson, you're going to learn 59 positive personality adjectives in English. Check out 66 Negative Personality Adjectives here.Let's look at some positive words to describe people.There are

four main categories of positive personality adjectives. Let's imagine each category as a different person. So let's meet them:Positive Personality Adjectives #1Nik -- the people personNik is the friend who's great with people. See how popular he is? People like Nik:There are lots of reasons why people like Nik.Reason why people like Nik #1Nik is

very easy to be with. You can talk to him easily, and he's very friendly:Affable -- He's easy to talk to. Agreeable -- He's enjoyable to talk to. Amiable -- He's friendly and nice. Charming -- He has a "magic" effect that makes people like him. Polite -- He's good at saying "please," "thank you," etc. Likeable -- He's easy to like. Gregarious -- He likes

being with other people.Reason why people like Nik #2He thinks about you and how you feel:Considerate -- He always thinks about other people when he does something or talks to someone. Sympathetic* -- He shows that he understands and cares about other people's problems. Understanding -- The same as "sympathetic" -- he understands other

people's problems well.*Sympathetic is a false friend: in many languages, it means "nice," but in English, it has a different meaning.Reason why people like Nik #3He doesn't choose one side when his friends disagree with each other:Diplomatic -- He is very good at trying to help people see both sides of a situation. Impartial -- He doesn't support

just one side of a disagreement.Reason why people like Nik #4He's honest:Sincere -- He says what he really thinks and feels. Straight-forward -- He's direct and honest.Reason why people like Nik #5He likes giving and helping:Generous -- He likes giving things to people. Helpful -- He likes helping. Kind -- He cares about others and likes to help

them, often emotionally. Giving -- He likes giving things to people -- it's the same as "generous."So that's Nik. What an awesome guy!Positive Personality Adjectives #2Alexa -- the good workerAlexa is a great worker. She's focussed and likes to get things done! She's the perfect candidate for a job. Bosses like her:There are lots of reasons why Alexa

is a good worker:Reason why Alexa is a good worker #1Alexa has a lot of natural personal qualities that make her a good worker:Observant -- She's good at noticing different things around her. Quick-witted -- She can think quickly and intelligently. Patient -- She can accept difficult situations without getting angry. Dynamic -- She has a lot of

energy and can think creatively. Bright -- She's smart and intelligent.Reason why Alexa is a good worker #2She also "applies herself." This means she isn't lazy, and she tries to do the best work that she can:Self-disciplined -- She can control her own behaviour easily, and she's organised. Resourceful -- She's good at finding ways to solve problems.

Proactive -- She doesn't wait for things to happen. She makes them happen! Practical -- She's good at finding the simplest and most efficient solution. Organised -- She knows how to organise things well. Efficient -- She can organise things quickly and clearly. Hardworking -- She works hard! Diligent -- She does her work carefully and cares about

the details.Reason why Alexa is a good worker #3To be a good worker, you have to be good at managing change. When things change, Alexa can change with them:Versatile -- She can do different things depending on the situation. Intuitive -- She can understand what's happening using her feelings (not just facts). Adaptable -- She can change

depending on the situation.Reason why Alexa is a good worker #4Finally, Alexa is someone who you can trust:Dependable -- If she says she will do something, she will do it. Reliable -- The same as "dependable" Trustworthy -- You can trust her to be honest and sincere. Loyal -- She will always be on your side.So that's Alexa. A great worker but not

necessarily great fun.That's why we need to have Freya in our lives!Positive Personality Adjectives #3Freya -- the fun lady!We all need a Freya in our lives. She's the friend who makes us happy and who we can have fun with. She's the friend who puts a smile on our faces and helps us kill the stress from our working day.Here's Freya at a party. Like

Nik, she's very popular. But for slightly different reasons:Freya is fun to be around for several reasons.Reason why Freya is fun #1First of all, Freya has a lot of energy. When people have a lot of energy, this energy often transfers to you. It's fun!Energetic -- She has a lot of energy. Adventurous -- She likes doing new and different things.

Enthusiastic -- She shows a lot of excitement and interest in things. Kooky -- She's a little crazy. But in a fun way.Reason why Freya is fun #2She's also very a very sociable and happy person:Cheerful -- She's always happy. Chatty -- She loves talking and talks a lot. Convivial -- She's always in a good mood and is always friendly.Reason why Freya is

fun #3She's also very funny:Hilarious -- She's very, very, funny. Witty -- She's funny and can tell good jokes in an intelligent way. Humorous -- She's funny and entertaining. Amusing -- She's funny and fun.Reason why Freya is fun #4Finally, you don't feel bad when you're with Freya. You feel like you can say anything, and she won't think badly of

you:Non-judgemental -- She won't make you feel bad for something that you think, believe or do, even if it's a mistake. Laid-back -- She's very relaxed about everything. Easy-going -- This is the same as "laid-back" -- it means "relaxed"!OK. So Freya's good fun. But perhaps sometimes she can get annoying! There are times when we need to be

serious.This is a good time to try to be like Delia.Positive Personality Adjectives #4Delia -- the leaderDelia is the person we know who will probably become successful. She knows what she wants in life, and she has the power to take it! She may not have so many friends, but she takes pleasure from her success.Why will Delia succeed? There are two

main reasons for this:Reason why Delia is a good leader #1She has so much power in her. She's an unstoppable force!Ambitious -- She has very high targets for herself in life. Determined -- She doesn't quit, even when things get hard. Passionate -- She believes in her work and her success on an emotional level. Persistent -- She never gives up!

Decisive -- She can make a decision quickly and confidently.Reason why Delia is a good leader #2She's also not afraid of anything. Or anyone!Courageous -- She's brave. Fearless -- She has no fear.Basically, she's like a superhero!How to use personality adjectivesOK. So now you know 59 positive adjectives to describe people you like. Let's take a

look at a few different ways to use adjectives.Let's start with a simple adjective to describe someone:funnyThere are different ways we can use this word to describe a person.If we simply want to describe the person directly, we can say:She's funny.orShe's a funny woman.There isn't much difference between these sentences. The only difference is

that you have the freedom to use different words to describe the woman in the second example:She's a funny person.She's a funny friend.She's a funny boss.But what if you don't know this person? What if you just have the feeling that she might be funny?The first thing to ask yourself is this: What gives you this feeling? Is it about her appearance or

just a general feeling?If it's a general feeling, we can say:She seems funny.But if it's about her appearance (she might be a clown), then we can say:She looks funny.orShe looks like a funny person.Remember:she looks + adjectiveshe looks like + (adjective) nounRemember these adjectives foreverDownload the free PDF cheat sheet with all these

adjectives and more!Did you enjoy this lesson? If so, please help me out and share it!For even more adjectives to describe people, check out these 30 English Words, Phrases and Idioms for Crazy.Share on FacebookShare on Twitter

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