“Harrison Bergeron” Study Guide

“Harrison Bergeron” Study Guide Stonitsch English 10


Comprehension and Critical Thinking Questions: Answer in complete well developed sentences that cover all aspects of the question, connect to the story, and display original thought. WRITE ON YOUR OWN PAPER OR TYPE ANSWERS.

1. Why does the society in “Harrison Bergeron” handicap people?

2. By the end of p. 25, what would you think is the theme or central idea/message the author is trying to convey?

3. After reading the story ending, do you think the theme changes? Explain your answer. What do you think the author Vonnegut is trying to say about society vs individualism?

4. Science Fiction consists of stories that tell about the future by blending scientific data and theory with the author’s creative imagination. What are some elements of Science Fiction that are visible in “Harrison Bergeron?” In other words, why would this story be categorized as a Science Fiction tale?

5. What do you think Harrison’s rebellion reveals about his character and his values? Support your opinion with references to the story.

6. Do you feel sorry for Hazel and George or do you find fault with how they respond to events?

7. Do you think the Handicapper General”s response to Harrison’s defiance was correct in order to preserve the society of equality or was harsh and will just lead to more rebellious attempts from other citizens? Explain your response.

8. Why do you think this society views individuality as a dangerous weapon that needs to be controlled and diffused?

9. Do you think true individualism is promoted and/or accepted at Strongsville High School? Are people that outwardly display their creative expression judged, categorized, or truly accepted? Explain your answers.

10. The Greek goddess Diana is associated with the moon, which in turn is associated with virginity, coldness, and sterility. How does this tie into the name and character of Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General?

11. What is the significance of the last words of the Bergerons, “that one was a doozy”?

12. Do you think the events depicted in the story could happen (or have happened) in your country today? Back up your response with specific details or real-life examples.


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