American Literature

American Literature Name: _KEY TEACHER COPY_______

To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird

Notes and Questions

Chapter 1

1. To whom is the book dedicated?

Mr. Lee and Alice

2. What is the quote at the beginning of the book?

Lawyers, I suppose were children once

3. What did Harper Lee consider her book to be?

A simple love story

4. From what perspective is the book written? And from “when”?

-First person (Scout)

-From the future looking back

5. Based on the first paragraph, what is the story about?

Jem breaking his arm

6. What is the setting of the book (both time and place)?


Maycomb County Alabama

7. How is Maycomb described?

Sleepy, has-been, slow, tired, laid-back

8. How old is the narrator at the start of the story?

5 (almost 6)

9. What is the narrator/main character’s name?


10. What talent does Scout have?

-She could read at a very early age

11. How is Dill described? Based on the description, who does Dill represent?

-blond hair, small, avid story teller, jovial, excitable, bright eyes

-Truman Capote

12. What idea does Dill come up with? Do you think Dill’s idea is a good one?

-making Boo Radley come out

13. How is the Radley house described?

-creepy, overgrown, run-down, almost haunted

14. What was “unforgivable” in Maycomb?

-keeping to yourself

15. Briefly describe the history of Boo (Arthur) Radley.

18 got into little gang, got in a little bit of trouble, locked in house for 15 years, at 33 he stabbed his dad with sisters, spent some time locked up, went back home, no one has seen him since

16. According to Jem, what does Boo look like? Does this connect with question #13?

6.5 ft. tall, blood stained hands and face, jagged scar on face, bugged-out eyes, rotten yellow teeth

17. What argument do the kids have about turtles? How is the argument about turtles a discussion on empathy? How does this story resemble Huck’s comment on smoking in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

That turtles can’t feel pain, “Have you ever been a turtle?” It’s an argument of empathy

18. Why does Jem finally take the dare to touch the Radley house?

Scout sneers at him

19. What happens when Jem hits the house?

An inside shutter might have moved very briefly

20. Below are the characters that we have met so far. Briefly jot down some notes about them.

• Atticus Finch

-Their dad, a lawyer, his is caring, sensitive, loving, but a little detatched

• Jem Finch

-The brother, broke his arm, won’t turn down a dare, older,

• Scout Finch

-narrator, tom boy, can read, blunt

• Calpurnia

-she’s black, she’s the cook and nanny of the family, she’s tough on scout

• Uncle Jack Finch

-Atticu’s brother who is a doctor in Boston

• Aunt Alexandra

-Aunt Alexandra lives on Finch’s landing, her husband is a bore

• Dill

-small, excitable, adventurous, imaginative, curious – their summer friend

• Boo Radley

-mysterious character, real name Arthur (more on #15-16)

• Miss Rachel Haverford

-Finch’s neighbor, Dill’s aunt

• Miss Stephanie Crawford

-Neighborhood gossip, she likes to talk about everybody and everything

Chapter 2

1. How does Scout feel about the approaching school year?

Really looking forward to it

2. Who takes Scout to school on her first day? Why do you think Atticus doesn’t do it?

Jem – Probably too busy at work

3. What is the three ways that demonstrate that Miss Caroline is an outsider?

Appearance (dress) – Cunninghams have no money – Different ed. system

Union side of the war - Doesn’t understand dirtiness

4. What is Scout’s real name?

Jean Louise Finch

5. Why is Miss Caroline upset that Scout can read and write?

B/c her dad isn’t a teacher. She might have learned wrong.

There was a specific way she wanted to teach.

6. What does Scout compare reading to? Pg. 23 Is the comparison accurate?

Breathing some natural act

Chapter 3

1. What lesson about differences does Calpurnia give Scout on pages32-33?

Differences don’t imply that one is better than the other

People still need to be treated with respect despite differences

Don’t judge them for their differences

2. Who is the “filthiest human” Scout has ever seen?

Burris Ewell

Mr. Ewell is very contentious

3. Why would Burris Ewell be so adamant that he was leaving under his own will?

To try to save face. Redeem his own image of himself.

***(His dad is called contentious) What does contentious mean?

4. What important lesson does Atticus give Scout on the top of page 39? Write it out.

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his

point of view

5. How does Atticus describe the Ewells?

Disgrace of Maycomb – lived like animals – they don’t have to follow the rules

6. Harper Lee has a special talent in ending her chapters remarkably well. What is the last line of chapter three? How is that a fitting end to the chapter?

Atticus was right. Much of the chapter was about the wisdom of Atticus

Chapter 4

1. How does Scout describe school? (Pg. 44 top) Do you agree?

12 years of unrelieved boredom

2. Where does Scout get her Wrigley’s Double-Mint gum from? Why would she eat it?

A knot in the tree in front of the Radley yard

3. What year were the pennies that Jem and Scout found? Why ask this question?

1900 and 1906

4. Who is the “meanest old woman who ever lived”?

Mrs. Dubose

5. How does Scout end up near the Radley’s front steps? Pg. 49-50

Jem pushes her in the tire. He pushes her too hard b/c they’re arguing

6. What game do Dill, Jem and Scout take up to occupy their summer?

They play out the history of Boo Radley

7. What does Jem think happened to Boo? Does Scout agree?

Died and stuffed up a chimney - NO

8. What was the first (and real) reason that Scout didn’t want to play the game? Pg. 54

When she landed there in the tire she heard someone inside laughing

Chapter 5

1. How does Scout try to remind Dill of their engagement?

She beats him up twice.

2. What does Miss Maudie say about “nut grass” on page 56? What might this eman about the rest of the book?

That one blade can ruin the entire county

3. What’s Miss Maudie’s criticism of those who worry about “the next world?” Pg. 60 Is she right?

They never learn how to live justly in this one.

4. What are Dill and Jem planning? Pg. 62

To get a note to Boo

-Dill said Boo might feel better if he sat with them for a bit

5. What reasons does Dill give for getting Boo to come out? Pg. 65 How is this empathetic?

He might enjoy us. Friendship. Maybe b/c Dill grew up with little/no friends

6. Why does Atticus demand that the kids leave Boo alone? Pg. 65 How does this tie to empathy?

How would you like it? Argument of empathy

7. What is the distinction between trying to love your neighbor and merely annoying him?

Kids answer individually

Chapter 6

1. Why is Scout frustrated at the top of page 68? How has this frustration been building throughout that summer? Notice also Jem’s quote on the top of page 69.

She can’t pee standing up. The boys keep treating her like a girl and pushing her outside the group of guys.

2. Why did Jem and Dill wait until that particular night to try to look in the Radley’s window to see Boo?

So that if they died they would miss school and not summer vacation

3. What happens when Jem gets up on the back porch?

A shadow passes over him and then Nathan Radley shoots at them

4. What does Nathan Radley think he shoot at? Would that be more permissible to shoot?

A black man that he scared so bad he turned white

Must have gotten a fairly good look at the kids

5. What does Dill do that demonstrates his “engagement” to Scout? Pg. 74 How is this not a big deal to Scout? Notice Chap. 4 question 1.

He kisses her.

This is cool b/c this is Scout’s first kiss, but unlike other books about girls, this is not a huge deal in the book. Scout has other things going on than just boys.

6. Why would Jem go back for his pants? Pg. 75 Would you?

Chapters 7

1. What surprised Jem when he went to retrieve his pants? Why would that be so freaky?

They were waiting for him and were mended. Someone knew Jem enough to know that Jem would come back for them.

2. Who are the soap figures representations of?

Jem and Scout

3. What other items do the kids find? Pg. 80-81

Eliminate this question

4. How do the kids attempt to respond to the anonymous gift-giver?

They write him a letter and are going to put it in the tree

5. What happens to the hole in the tree? What reason does Nathan give?

Nathan Radley fills it with cement. He says the tree is sick. Really Nathan probably thinks that Boo is sick and that he ought to be cut off from the kids

6. Why was Jem crying? Pg. 84

Boo’s only means of communicating with the outside world just got cut off

Chapter 8

1. Who dies on page 85? Does this change anything about Boo?

Mrs. Radley

2. What do the kids experience for the first time?


3. What does Jem do with dirt and snow? Is this at all similar to the soap carvings?

Makes a snowman. He copies Boo in making a figure of someone. Almost like they are playing together

4. What happens to Miss Maudie’s house? Pg. 92

It burns down

5. Why does Atticus send Jem and Scout to the Radley place?

He thought they would be safe there. Maybe he thought Boo would watch over them

6. How do Scout and Jem get a blanket?

Boo sneaks up behind them and puts a blanket on Scout’s shoulder

7. Why doesn’t Jem want to return the blanket?

B/c he didn’t want Boo to get in trouble with Nathan for coming out

8. How does Scout get her words mixed up (causing Miss Maudie to laugh)?

She mixes up the word hermaphrodite and says morphodite when talking about

Their mixed gendered snowman/woman

Chapter 9

1. What does Cecil Jacobs say about Atticus? You don’t need to write the actual words.

He says he defends n*****s

2. What is Atticus’s response to Cecil Jacobs’s accusation? Pg. 99

Of course I do – Don’t say that word it’s inappropriate

3. How does Scout try to avoid school?

She fakes fainting, stomachaches, and tries to get ringworm. She also argues that school is where she learns those bad words

4. What are the main reasons Atticus gives for taking on Tom Robinson’s case?

If he didn’t –he couldn’t hold up his head in town –he couldn’t represent this county in the legislature –he couldn’t tell his kids not to do something again

5. How does Atticus expect Scout to “fight” from now on? Pg. 101

With her head. Think.

6. How does Atticus describe his chances of winning and reason for continuing?

Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win

7. What does Atticus say about who they are fighting? Pg. 101

Their friends and neighbors

8. What is Scout’s opinion of Aunt Alexandra, her husband, and their grandson?

She can’t stand them. Aunt Alexandra offends her. Her husband ignores her. Her grandson is the opposite and boring.

9. What do the kids get for Christmas? How does Atticus feel about their presents? pg 105

Air rifles. He merely bowed to the inevitable. He threatens to take them away from the kids

10. How does Scout describe talking to Francis? How is this good writing on Lee’s part?

Talking to Francis gave me the sensation of settling slowly to the bottom of the ocean

11. How does Aunt Alexandra hurt Scout’s feelings? Pg. 108

Aunt A. says that Scout is disappointing her father by not acting girlie and wearing skirts.

12. What does Francis say about Atticus?

He says Atticus is a n*******-lover who is ruining the family’s reputation

13. Why does Scout lie about what happened? Pg. 112

She doesn’t want Atticus to know that she was fighting about what he told her not to fight about.

14. Why does Scout say Uncle Jack doesn’t understand children? Connect this with empathy.

He doesn’t stop to hear her side of the story. Kids need EMPATHY

15. What does Atticus want Scout to hear? (especially note middle of 117)

It will get tough. Hopes that Scout and Jem will trust him and come to him for their answers.

Chapter 10

1. How old is Atticus? How is he feeling?

50 - feeble

2. How does Scout describe her father’s occupation? Pg. 118

Didn’t do anything

3. What does Calpurnia warn the neighbors about?

A rabid dog

4. What does Scout say is the deadliest thing? Pg. 125

Empty, waiting street

5. What is the only thing Atticus ever called a sin? Why?

Killing a mockingbird - All they do is sing.

6. What does Atticus do that shocks Jem and Scout?

Shoots the dog. They are shocked that he is such an amazing shot.

7. According to Miss Maudie, why doesn’t Atticus shoot anymore?

He has an unfair advantage over living things. He is too good.

8. What lesson does Miss Maudie give the kids on page 130?

People in their right minds do not take pride in their talents.

9. Why does Jem NOT want Scout to tell the kids about what happened?

B/c Atticus is a gentleman and wouldn’t take pride in it.

Chapter 11

1. What were previous encounters between the Finch kids and Mrs. Dubose like?

She was really mean and angry

2. Why did Scout think her father was brave? Pg. 134

He acts the same right in front of Mrs. Dubose and treats her with respect

3. What does Jem do with and to Scout’s baton? Why?

He chops down Mrs. Dubose’s flowers then snaps the baton in half. She insulted his father and mother.

4. What makes Scout say she hates Atticus?

He calmly sends Jem to Mrs. Dubose to apologize

5. What does Atticus say to “comfort” Scout? Bottom of Pg. 104

That one day she might look back on this and understand. That is exactly what the narrator is doing as she “writes” the book

6. What’s the one thing that doesn’t “abide by majority rule?”

One’s conscience.

7. What is Jem’s punishment?

He has to read to Mrs. Dubose.

8. What is Atticus’s response when Scout asks if he is a n*****-lover?

I certainly am. I try to love everybody.

9. What has Mrs. Dubose been doing with the alarm clock? Why?

Setting it later and later. She is trying to break her morphine addiction.

10. What might have been the cause of Mrs. Dubose’s sharp rant that caused Jem to snap?

Morphine withdrawl

11. Why did Atticus want Jem to meet Mrs. Dubose?

To see what real courage is.

12. According to Atticus, what is bravery?

When you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes, you do.

13. Why end Part One on that note?

B/c it is so relevant to the case.

Chapter 12

1. How old is Jem? How has he been changing?

12 – Difficult to live with. He’s acting like he’s an adult.

2. What letter does Scout get from Dill?

A love letter that says that he’s not coming that summer.

3. What prank had Scout and Jem pulled on Eunice Ann Simpson before? Pg. 155-156

They tied her up in the church’s furnace room in church to play Shadrach.

4. According to Scout, what “handicap” does Jem have? Pg. 157

He’s colorblind

5. What building does Calpurnia use for church? How is it used during the week?

First purchase – it was the first purchase of freed slaves

White men use it to gamble during the week

6. How does Calpurnia answer Lula’s objections? Pg. 158

It’s the same God ain’t it?

7. What had Scout been “confronted” with before? Pg. 162

The Impurity of Women doctrine

8. How does Rev. Sykes take collection?

People come forward to put their money in

Locks them in until he gets the money he needs

9. What has Tom Robinson been accused of? Pg. 164

Raping a white woman – compare that to Emmett Till

10. What is Jem’s guess on why Calpurnia might look younger than her age? Pg. 166

Black people can’t read so they have less stress

11. What surprises and impresses Scout about Calpurnia? Pg. 167

She leads a double life of being the Finch’s cook, and an independent black woman.

Chapter 13

1. Who has come to live with the Finches? Why?

Aunt Alexandra – To be a feminine influence

2. What does Scout believe about lying? Pg. 171

Sometimes it’s okay, but it’s always okay if you can’t do anything about it.

3. What annoys Jem about Aunt Alexandra? How is she so different from Atticus in that way?

Aunt Alexandra looks for the worst in people. Atticus always looks for the best in people.

4. What did Scout used to think Fine People were like? How does Alexandra disagree? Pg. 173

-She thought that Fine People did the best they could with the sense they had

-Aunt A. people think that the longer people have lived on a plot of land the finer they are

5. What makes Scout start crying on page 178?

Atticus speaks harshly to her b/c of Aunt Alexandra

Chapter 14

1. How does Atticus define rape?

The carnal knowledge of a female by force without consent

2. How does Aunt Alexandra react to hearing that the kids went to church with Calpurnia?

She is very upset and wants to fire Calpurnia

3. What does Jem say that makes Scout beat him up?

He says he’ll spank her.

4. Who was hiding under Scout’s bed? How did he get there?

Dill. Stole money from his mom, took the train, then rode on the back of a wagon

5. What does Jem do to break “the last remaining code of… childhood?”

Tells on Dill

6. According to Dill, why has Boo Radley never ran away?

Maybe he has nowhere to run off to…

Chapters 15

1. What is Dill’s new “foolproof” plan to get Boo to come out?

Leave a trail of lemondrop candies

2. Why do Heck Tate and the men come to talk to Atticus?

They are moving Tom Robinson to the town jail, and they are worried he might get lynched.

3. What will Tom Robinson’s punishment if found guilty? Atticus hints at it on page 195.

Execution by electric chair

4. What is Atticus’s “dangerous question”? What might he be attempting in asking that question? Do you really think so? Causing them stop and think again about what they’re doing

5. What does Atticus say Maycomb doesn’t have? Pg. 196

Ku Klux Klan or gangs

6. Why does Jem lie about the phone ringing?

He was worried that the men would harm Atticus, so he wanted him to come inside.

7. What is Jem scared about? Pg. 197

Atticus getting hurt.

8. What are two things that Atticus does that the kids find very unusual on pages 198-199?

1. Takes the car – possibly for a getaway

2. Took an extension cord and book out late at night.

9. Where does Atticus go at night? Why?

He sits and reads in front of the jail. To protect Tom Robinson.

10. How is the jail described on pages 200-201? What is it apparently used for?

It’s has an classical façade like a church but is used to jail black people

Impressive on the outside injustice on the inside

11. What does Scout later realize to be a “sickeningly comic aspect of an unfunny situation”?

The whisper so as to not wake Tom Robinson.

12. What question does Atticus repeat again? Why does he use it this time?

Do you really think so? Try to get the men to think about their actions.

13. What kills Scout’s joy? Pg. 203

Atticus is terrified to see his kids there.

14. What makes Jem and Atticus look alike?

Mutual defiance

15. How does Scout disperse the mob?

She talks to Mr. Cunningham and shames the men. Makes them see things from Atticus’s perspective.

16. Who had Atticus “covered” the whole time? How so?

Mr. Underwood with a shotgun was leaning out his window.

17. Who volunteers to carry home Atticus’s chair? Why?

Dill. It’s the only thing he can do to help.

Chapter 16

1. Why does Scout start crying?

She realizes the situation and how dangerous it was.

2. What does Atticus’s encounter at the courthouse remind Scout of? How are these events similar? Atticus standing in the empty street facing the rabid dog. Atticus stands alone in front of danger to protect innocence.

3. What argument do Aunt Alexandra and Atticus have at the breakfast table? Pgs. 208-210

Talking about what they can and cannot say in front of Calpurnia. Aunt A. says that the black people are becoming disgruntled.

4. How is Atticus’s description of a mob very different than Col. Sherburn’s? Pg. 210

Atticus says that even an angry mob is made up of individuals whom we can respect.

Harper Lee and Mark Twain have opposite perspectives on people.

5. Who is Mr. Dolphus Raymond and why is he so unusual?

Town drunk. Has interracial children and hangs out with black people.

6. What does Jem say is so sad about interracial children? Pg. 215

They have nowhere to belong. The black people don’t accept them b/c they are part white; the white people won’t accept them b/c they are part black.

7. What is the response when Jem, Scout and Dill can’t find a seat in the courthouse?

Rev. Sykes finds them front row seats in black people only balcony.

Chapters 17

1. Why is it so important that Mayella was “bunged up” on the right side of her face?

She would have to been hit by a lefthanded man.

2. What was so bewildering about the Ewells’ property? Pg. 228

Really nice flowers amid the trash

3. How many kids do the Ewells have? Pg. 228

No one really knows - Seven

4. What is the only advantage Bob Ewell has over his neighbors? Pg. 229

If we cleaned himself up, his skin was white.

5. What did no one do during the entire “crime?” Why does Atticus emphasize this? Pg. 234

Call for a Dr. – They clearly don’t care about Mayella’s condition – no proof she was raped.

6. What is so important about how Bob Ewell writes his name?

He’s lefthanded

Chapter 18

1. What is different about Mayella and her father’s hygiene habits? How does that reflect their different personalities?

Mayella washes regularly. Her father does not. Mayella cares about being civilized.

2. How old is Mayella Ewell? Pg. 240


3. What does Mayella say her father kept yelling? How should that affect the case? Pg. 242

Who done it? Why would he ask if he knew who did it?

4. What type of life does Mayella lead? Pg. 244-245

Lonely, busy, difficult, dirty,

5. What was unusual about Tom Robinson?

He left arm was all torn up.

6. Through his questions, what is Atticus saying is what really happened to Mayella?

Bob Ewell beat up Mayella when he saw her with Tom Robinson

7. What does Atticus give Mayella one last opportunity to do? Pg. 251

Tell the truth

Chapter 19

1. What does Scout realize about Mayella Ewell? Pgs. 256-257 Notice the new connection to Jem’s statement about the interracial family on page 215.

She was the loneliest person in the world. She has no place to belong. White people find her disgusting and black people cannot fraternize with white people.

2. What did Maycomb give the Ewells? Pg. 257

Christmas baskets, welfare money, and the back of its hand.

3. What is Tom testimony about what happened?

Mayella had asked for help on numerous occasions. She sent the kids away and tried to seduce Tom and then hugged him and kissed him. Tom ran away when Mr. Ewell was upset.

4. What does Mayella say doesn’t count? Pg. 260

“What her father does to her.” She’s been sexually assaulted.

5. What huge mistake does Tom Robinson make? Pg. 264

He said he felt sorry for Mayella. A black man should not feel sorry for a white woman. It implies that he is in a better state than she.

6. Why does Dill start crying? Pgs. 265-266

He was really upset with how Gilmer treated Tom with disdain.

Chapter 20

1. What does Mr. Dolphus Raymond drink from his paper bag? Why does he pretend it’s something different? He drinks Coca Cola. If people think he’s a drunk, they won’t question his behavior. He tries to give them a reason to discredit his behavior. They could never understand that that is how Mr. Raymond wants to live.

2. What does Mr. Dolphus Raymond say is good to cry for? Pg. 269

Similarities to Huck Finn – Let Dill get older and society to mold him and he won’t cry at injustice

Cry about people are mistreated. Cry about the way white people mistreat black people.

3. What does Atticus do that Scout and Jem had never seen before or since? Pg. 270-271 What might be Atticus’s reason for doing that? Look also at the bottom of page 273.

He loosens his shirt and tie. He is incredibly personally invested and anxious. He is attempting to be very personal in his delivery. Heart -to-heart

4. How does Atticus describe the case on the top of page 271? What does he mean by that?

He says it is as simple as black and white. It’s an issue of race. Not evidence.

5. What does Atticus say Mayella broke and what is her punishment? Pg. 271-272

She has broken a rigid and time-honored code of society. Her punishment is to be ostracized from society. –Just like Dolphus Raymond, Huck Finn, etc.

6. What does Atticus say the Ewell’s are depending on? Pg. 273

The assumption that all negroes lie, are immoral, and cannot be trusted around women

7. What year is it at this point in the story?


8. What does Atticus think is a ridiculous application of “all men are created equal?” Pg. 274

That education promotes the stupid and idle along with the industrious.

9. Where does Atticus say is the only place where men are completely equal?

The court

Chapter 21

1. What does Atticus think will happen very quickly as opposed to what Jem assumes? Pg. 277

He thinks that they will convict him very quickly.

2. What does Jem keep assuming will happen?

Jem thinks they will acquit him.

3. What reminds Scout of the mad dog again? What’s the main difference this time? Pg. 282

The jury convicting Tom Robinson. His gun is empty. Atticus is again standing alone to defend innocence, but this time he has never even had a shot of winning to begin with.

4. What is the result of the trial?

Tom Robinson is found guilty.

5. How does Jem react to the verdict?

Like he was getting stabbed in the back.

6. How does the chapter end?

The black attendees all stand as Atticus walks up the aisle.

7. How would the book have been different if Tom Robinson had actually been guilty? How would it affect how you felt about the book and viewed the characters? Would that have changed what Atticus did?

Chapter 22

1. When Jem is crying, how is the crowd described? Pg. 284


2. What does Atticus mean by “It’s just as much Maycomb as missionary teas?” Pg. 285

The racist injustice

3. Why do only the children weep? Pg. 285

They haven’t been affected by society yet. They are innocent and pure.

4. What makes Atticus’s eyes fill with tears? Pg. 285-286

The black community gave him a bunch of food even though times were tough

5. What does Miss Maudie say people in Maycomb are rarely asked to be? Pg. 288

Christians… so are we.

6. Why did Atticus get Tom Robinson’s case according to Miss Maudie? Pg. 288-289

Judge Taylor wanted to make sure that Tom got a good defense.

7. What is the baby step that the county has taken? Pg. 289

They actually thought about acquitting Tom Robinson for a while.

8. Why does Dill decide he wants to be a clown?

The only thing he can do about people is laugh. It’s just sad otherwise.

9. What did Bob Ewell do to Atticus? Pg. 290

Spat in his face and threatened him.

Chapter 23

1. What does Atticus ask Jem to do regarding Bob Ewell? Pg. 292

Stand in Bob Ewell’s shoes a minute.

2. Who does Atticus call “trash?” Pg. 295-296 Remind you of anything?

White men who cheat black men and take advantage of their ignorance. Jim said the same thing about Huck when Huck pulled that prank on him.

3. Who was at least partly responsible for keeping the jury in deliberation for so long? Pg. 297

Mr. Cunningham wanted to acquit Tom because of what the Finch’s did at the jail.

4. What does Scout disagree with Jem on? Pg. 304

He says there are four types of people and therefore they cannot get along.

She says there is only one type of people.

5. Why does Jem think Boo is staying inside the house? Pg. 304

B/c he wants to stay inside.

Chapter 24

1. What does the missionary tea chatter consist of? Pg. 305-306

Talking about poor uncivilized tribes. Gossip and judgment

2. Who does Scout assume Mrs. Merriweather was speaking of when talks about “sin and squalor?” Who was Merriweather talking about? Pg. 309-310

The Ewells. The Robinsons.

3. What were the ladies complaining about? Pg. 310

That their servants were “sulky” and disgruntled

4. How do the ladies try to be a “Christian witness”?

By reminding their black servants that Jesus never complained.

5. Why does Aunt Alexandra thank Miss Maudie? Pg. 312-313

Miss Maudie stuck up for Atticus

6. Why does Mrs. Merriweather say Northerners are more sinful than Southerners? Pg. 313

At least the Southerners are hypocrites about it and say yes you’re equal but stay away.

7. What has happened to Tom Robinson? Pg. 315

He was shot while he tried to escape. He was hit 17 times.

8. What insight does Aunt Alexandra give about Atticus? Pg. 316

Atticus is torn up inside by all the events surrounding the trial

Chapter 25

1. Why does Jem demand that Scout not hurt the “roly-poly”? What scene does that resemble?

B/c it doesn’t bother anybody. Same reasons Atticus gave for not killing a mockingbird

2. How does Dill describe Helen’s reaction to the news about her husband? Pg. 322

Collapsed like a giant had stepped on her. That’s not too far off.

3. How does Maycomb react to the news of Tom Robinson’s death? Pg. 322

Interested for two days.

4. What is Mr. Underwood’s reaction to Tom Robinson’s death? Pg. 323

He said it was like killing a songbird.

5. When does Scout say Tom Robinson was a dead man?

The moment Mayella opened her mouth and screamed.

Chapter 26

1. What does Scout imagine her first encounter with Boo will be like? Pg. 325

Very natural. Them talking calmly about the weather.

2. What surprises Scout about her father on pages 325?

That he knew all the stuff the kids had been doing and didn’t believe their previous lies.

He knew about them sneaking into the Radley yard.

3. What bothers Scout about Miss Gates’s lecture on politics? Pg. 329-331

It’s hypocritical. They are denouncing Hilter’s prejudices, but have many of their own.

Chapter 27

1. What odd events are occurring in the town especially to those involved in the trial? Pgs. 332-333

1. Mr. Ewell gets and loses his job. He blames it on Atticus.

2. Someone breaks into Judge Taylor’s house.

3. Helen Robinson is harassed by Mr. Ewell

2. Why does Atticus think Bob Ewell is upset after the trial? Pg. 335

Ewell thought people would believe him. No one did. He came out looking like a fool.

They thought he would be a hero.

3. What does Mrs. Merriweather criticize the Mrunas for? Pg. 336 Why ask this question?

For being one big family and watching over other people’s children.

This is what Boo will do later in watching out for the Finch children.

4. What is the last line of chapter 27? How is that appropriate?

Thus began our longest journey together. Scout and Jem are about to undergo the most

traumatic experience of their lives. They will grow up together.

Chapter 28

1. How does Lee use description to set the mood of the scene on page 341?

There was no moon. Wind blowing. Halloween. Shadows on the street.

A lone mockingbird singing in the tree

2. How does Scout ruin the pageant? Pg. 346-347

Falls asleep. Runs in at the wrong time.

3. How does Jem sound throughout the situation? Pg. 350 Does that remind you of anyone?

Calm, even voice. Reminds you of Atticus. Jem is growing up to be Atticus.

4. Write out the basic outline of the scene as described on pages 351-352.

Scout and Jem are walking home from the pageant. It’s dark. Start hearing something.

They think it’s Cecil Jacobs. They hear someone running up behind them. Someone grabs her costume and Scout gets stabbed. Jem tries to get her to run. He gets jerked down and his arm is broken. Mr. Ewell grabs Scout and tries to suffocate her. Then Mr. Ewell gets dragged to the ground by someone else.

5. What did Aunt Alexandra bring Scout to put on? Pg. 354

Her overalls 3rd

Chapter 29 5th

1. What happened to Bob Ewell? What is Atticus’s reaction? Pg. 358

He’s dead. He got stabbed. He suddenly looked really old.

2. How did Scout’s costume save her life? Pg. 360

The wire mesh stopped the knife.

3. How is Boo Radley described?

Tall, thin, really, really pale.

4. How does Scout introduce herself to Boo Radley? Pg. 362 Best two words in the book.

“Hey, Boo”

Chapter 30

1. How can we know that everyone (but Scout) knew who the rescuer was? Pg. 356, 363

Dr. Reynolds – walks in and says, “Hi Arthur”

Atticus doesn’t get Boo a chair

Heck Tate – nods at him

2. Where does Scout sit on the porch? Pg. 364

She sits next to Boo

3. Why is Heck Tate adamant that Bob Ewell fell on his knife? What is the evidence that he is lying?

B/c he doesn’t want to put Boo into the spotlight.

-It doesn’t match what Scout heard. Heck Tate has Bob Ewell’s knife.

4. What does Heck Tate say is a sin? Pg. 369-370

Dragging a shy man like Boo into the limelight.

5. How does Scout show she understands the claim that Ewell fell on his knife? Pg. 370

She says, “It would be like killing a mockingbird”

She realizes that it would be damaging innocence to put Boo in the spotlight

6. What does Atticus say to Boo at the end of the chapter?

Thank you for my children, Arthur

Chapter 31


1. What does Boo say to Scout? Pg. 372

Will you take me home?

2. How is Boo’s voice described?

In the voice of a child afraid of the dark

3. Does Scout ever see Boo again?


4. What does Scout notice when she takes Boo Radley home? 373-374

That from his front window, you could see the entire TKaM story from a different angle

Boo had been watching the story unfold this whole time

5. How are the last two seasons described (the last summer and autumn)? Pg. 374

Summer and he watched HIS children heart break

Autumn again and Boo’s children needed him

6. How was Atticus right (again)? Pg. 374

Scout knew Boo more now that she had seen things from his perspective

7. Why does Scout say “there wasn’t much else for [them] to learn”?

She learned so much about reality, racism, cruelty, justice and injustice, courage, friendship, empathy, maturity, growing up/maturity, respect, tragedy

8. What is Atticus’s last line in the book?

Most people are [real nice] when you finally see them


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