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ELL Academic Vocabulary ListWord: Definition: Analyzeto separate into parts for close study; examine and explainArrangeto put in an orderCalculateto add, subtract, multiply, or divide in order to find an answer to a number questionCausesomething that makes a thing happenClassifyto put in groups according to things that are similarCombineto bring or join together into a wholeCompareto say or note how something is similar to or different from something elseComposeto create or writeConcludeto bring to an end; finish or completeto think about something and form an opinionConstructto build; put togetherContrastto compare in order to show differencesDefendto speak, write, or act in support ofDescribeto tell or write about; create a picture of in wordsDesignto draw plans for the form or structure of somethingDistinguishto tell apart by seeing differencesEffectsomething that happens because of something elseExamineto look at in a close, thorough wayExplainto give information so that another person can understand somethingGeneralize to come to a broad idea or rule about something after considering particular factsIdentifyto figure out or show who someone is or what something isInferto make a guess based on facts and observationsInvestigateto look at closely so as to get information and learn the factsLabelto write or attach a name to somethingModifyto change in some way; alterOutlinea short, written plan of the main ideas of a book, speech, or reportPredictto say ahead of time that something will happenRelateto see or find connections between; linkto tell the story ofSelectto choose; pickSequencethe order in which things follow one anotherSubstituteto put or use in place of another person or thingSummarizeto restate in a concise formSupportto provide proof or evidence for ................

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