Sample Offer Letter to a Rehired or New Exempt or ...

Sample Offer Letter to a Rehired or New Exempt or Nonexempt Employee

(Insert Date)

(Insert Name of Selected Applicant)

(Insert Address)

Dear (Insert Name):

I am pleased to offer you the position of (Insert Name of Title) in the (Insert Name of Unit) at a (hourly/monthly) rate of ($X.XX).

This letter is not a contractual agreement or a guarantee of continued employment. This offer of employment is contingent upon successful completion of a criminal background check and verification of degree(s)/licensure if applicable. (Insert Name of Supervisor) will be your immediate supervisor. Texas A&M University is an at-will employer which means that either you or the university is free to end the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause. This position (is/is not) eligible for overtime under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Your start date for this position is MM/DD/YYYY.

This position is eligible for a generous benefits package and participation in a retirement program. Upon employment, you may choose to immediately enroll in a Texas A&M University System sponsored insurance plan, provided you pay the full cost of premiums. You may also defer enrollment in a health plan until the first of the month following a 60-day waiting period from your date of hire. At this time the State of Texas will pay for a portion of the total health insurance premium amount. This position also participates in a retirement program effective on your date of hire. Since you will be making your benefit selections on or before your first day of work, you may want to familiarize yourself with the Employee Benefits Guide which can be found at 2023 - 2024 TAMUS Employee Benefits Guide.

A valid Texas A&M University parking permit is required for those needing to park a vehicle on Texas A&M University property. After onboarding, newly hired employees should contact their departmental parking representative (DPR) for additional information about how to purchase a parking permit. Budgeted faculty and staff employees who purchase a permit may be eligible for Automatic Payroll Deduction. Alternatively, paid visitor parking is available in garage and surface parking areas across campus.

We support the university’s goals to recruit and retain a quality workforce and encourage life-long learning practices. We will do our part to assist you in your new position and encourage you to take advantage of training and development opportunities that are available to help you be successful.

As an employee of the State of Texas, it is your responsibility to maintain accurate contact information to include your primary work and residence addresses in your employee file located in Workday.  State of Texas employees who are approved to work outside of the state of Texas, may be subject to state and local taxes of the locale in which the work is performed. Members of the Texas A&M University System must comply with those applicable state and local tax laws. In addition, the employee benefits offered with your position will be in accordance with and will not exceed those defined by Texas state law.

We are pleased that you will be working with our office and look forward to a positive working relationship. Please sign below indicating your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this offer and return.


(Insert Name of Supervisor)

I accept the terms and conditions of this offer.


(Insert Name of Selected Applicant) (Insert Date)

cc: Personnel File

Sample Offer Letter to a Transferred Exempt or Nonexempt Employee

(Insert Date)

(Insert Name of Selected Applicant)

(Insert Address)

Dear (Insert Name):

I am pleased to offer you the position of (Insert Name of Title) in the (Insert Name of Unit) at a (hourly/monthly) rate of ($X.XX).

This offer of employment is contingent upon successful completion of a criminal background check and verification of degree(s)/licensure if applicable. (Insert Name of Supervisor) will be your immediate supervisor. Texas A&M University is an at-will employer which means that either you or the university is free to end the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause. This position (is/is not) eligible for overtime under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Attached is a Position Description with more detailed information about the duties. Your start date for this position is MM/DD/YYYY.

Your vacation, sick leave and other benefits will remain the same as those in your current position.

We support the university’s goals to recruit and retain a quality workforce and encourage life-long learning practices. We will do our part to assist you in your new position and encourage you to take advantage of training and development opportunities that are available to help you be successful.

As an employee of the State of Texas, it is your responsibility to maintain accurate contact information to include your primary work and residence addresses in your employee file located in Workday.  State of Texas employees who are approved to work outside of the state of Texas, may be subject to state and local taxes of the locale in which the work is performed. Members of the Texas A&M University System must comply with those applicable state and local tax laws. In addition, the employee benefits offered with your position will be in accordance with and will not exceed those defined by Texas state law.

We are pleased that you will be working with our office and look forward to a positive working relationship. Please sign below indicating your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this offer and return.


(Insert Name of Supervisor)

I accept the terms and conditions of this offer.


(Insert Name of Selected Applicant) (Insert Date)

cc: Personnel File


There are certain circumstances where an offer letter may need to contain information from the following:

Position Hired with “soft money”, grant funded

Be sure to reflect the above status in the offer letter. Suggested language is:

Because all or a portion of your salary may be funded by grants or contracts, your continuing salary and overall employment is contingent upon availability of these funds in the future. 

Positions with a relocation allowance:

If a relocation allowance is part of the offer, the following is required for the offer letter:

In accordance with Standard Administrative Procedure 31.01.99.M0.03, a relocation allowance will be paid to you as a one-time payment of $x,xxx to cover the financial costs of moving and other considerations with your relocation. The relocation allowance will be paid to you as part of your first regular payroll cycle after your official start date. The payment cannot be grossed up and will be regarded by the U.S. government as taxable income. You may be able to deduct eligible moving expenses from your federal income tax. Please consult with a tax expert if you have questions or concerns. In the event you decide to decline the employment offer, the relocation allowance is null and voided.  You assume any and all risks associated with the relocation and indemnify the [department name] from any liability whatsoever associated with your relocation.


System Regulation 33.01.01 Compensation Administration

3.3 .1 Individuals who were employees of the State of Texas on August 31, 1995, became eligible for Benefit Replacement Pay (BRP). Those hired after August 31, 1995, are not eligible for BRP unless they were working for the state on August 31, 1995, and have not had a break in service of more than 12 months since that date.

3.3.2 BRP replaced a state benefit that paid 5.85% of the first $16,500 of income as a Social Security tax supplement. It was a one-time increase to base pay that occurred in January 1996. BRP is based on each employee’s October 31, 1995, pay and includes an additional amount to cover the increased Teacher Retirement or Optional Retirement program contribution required by the increased pay.

3.3.3 When a BRP-eligible employee is hired or promoted, the offer or promotion letter should state that the salary offered includes the employee’s BRP and the Payroll document should document that BRP is included on the salary.

3.3.4 For employees under a step program, each component should document in a rule whether BRP will be added to the minimum rate for eligible employees.

3.3.5 Forms 500 for new hires, transfers or promotions should state either that the salary includes BRP or that the employee is ineligible for BRP.

3.3.6 Once BRP has been added to an employee’s salary, it should not be deducted from the FTE rate as periods of appointment are extended or reduced. Likewise, terminal vacation pay calculations should be based on the FTE rate of pay, including BRP, in the last vacation-accruing position held by the employee.


FY 2022 - 2023  SAMPLE OFFER LETTER (Revised 11/15/23)

INSTRUCTIONS: Delete this text box and replace with unit letterhead

For Nonexempt employees use an hourly rate; for exempt employees a monthly rate. Remember to update items in red with the effective date.

Omit retirement language when hiring a working retiree. Omit benefits language when hiring a temp/casual.

******SEE PAGE FOR SPECIAL NOTES for Grants & Relocation*****

FY 2022 - 2023  SAMPLE OFFER LETTER (Revised 11/15/23)

INSTRUCTIONS: Delete this text box and replace with unit letterhead

For Nonexempt employees use an hourly rate; for exempt employees use a monthly rate. Remember to update items in red with the effective date.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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