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RELATIONSHIP SCALES QUESTIONNAIRE PERSONALITY STUDIES – STUDY: ScreeningMeasurement Label: RSQMeasurement ID: 54Filename: Screening_RSQ_final.savValid Case SummaryTIMEPOINTEVALUATORLABEL# OF CASESIntakeParticipant LA1336mthParticipantLC108VariablesSERIAL NUMBERQUESTIONPOSSIBLE VALUES29900 Description A: I tend to depend too much on other people. I will look to others for advice and guidance. I sometimes let other people take charge because they seem to know how to handle things better than I do. I probably would not pursue a personal goal if it meant that others would not like or support me. Sometimes I worry that someone I care about will turn on me or leave me, and I feel bad when relationships end. I tend to feel upset or unimportant when other people don’t like me. 0 = Not at all1 = To a minor extent2 = To a moderate extent3 = To a considerable extent4 = To a marked extent29901Description B: I usually have very strong feelings about things – either I really something or I can’t stand it. I often wish others would take care of me. I dislike being denied the things I feel I deserve, and when I want something, I tend to want it right away. Sometimes I feel that life is not worth living, especially when people let me down. I also tend to have lots of “ups” and “downs” in my feelings for other people. As a result, I tend to shift from one friend to another a lot, rather than stay friends with the same people for a long time.29902Description C: I prefer to take care of people rather than have them take care of me. I feel a lot of sympathy for those who are disadvantaged; as a result, I am friendly with a lot of people whom others would probably not be friends with. I feel hurt when I want to help someone and they refuse me help. Sometimes I feel like others don’t appreciate all I do for them and that I give more than I get in return. It seems that my major role in life has been to care for other people.29903Description D: I am precise in my thinking and have an eye for detail. In general, I’m not very emotional and I try to deal with problems rationally. Talking about how I feel usually doesn’t seem to be very helpful for me. I am a hard worker and am determined to complete an assignment even in the face of disappointments or frustrations. I have certain ways of doing things that I don’t like to change and certain values that I would not compromise. 29904Description E: Being independent is important to me – I don’t like it when others tell me what I can and cannot do. I like to feel that I can take care of myself and that I’m not too dependent on others. I don’t really want to have to worry about how someone else is doing and don’t want someone else to have to worry about me. I try to avoid situations in which I feel “stuck” or unable to do what I need to do for myself. Often I don’t like to commit to people or relationships because then I won’t be able to change my mind. 29905Description F: I don’t usually get upset about what others think of me. In fact, I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about what others are thinking or feeling in general. I dislike it when my actions are blocked by rules or other obstacles. I usually don’t feel bad about what I have done; sometimes you just have to take the bad with the food. If something is important to me, I don’t worry too much about how I need to go about getting it – I just try to find a way to do it. 29906Description G: I don’t usually find it difficult to depend on others and to have others depend on me. I feel I have a pretty solid sense of who I am; at the same time, it doesn’t bother me much when others are different from me. I have some good relationships that don’t threaten my sense of who I am. In general, my relationships with others do not leave me feeling bad or nervous; in fact, they usually give me some pleasure and I would feel bad if I did not have at least a few close friends. I usually feel sure that others will be there for me when I need them, and in general, I am optimistic about relationships. Now we would like you to rank the descriptions in order from “most like you” to “least like you.”29907Rank 11 = Description A2 = Description B3 = Description C4 = Description D5 = Description E6 = Description F7 = Description G29908Rank 229909Rank 329910Rank 429911Rank 529912Rank 629913Rank 7 ................

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